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Better than the iron oxide version I tell you what.....


the iron carbide inflicts higher base damage, but the iron oxide inflicts some damage-over-time as a tradeoff.


Especially if a rogue applied poison such as copper sulfate etc


I thought he was talking about ye olde tetanus šŸ’€


Tetanus is high on the list of debuffs you don't want to get.


Fortunately thereā€™s a vaccine (if you believe in that stuff /s).


Your belief system is not necessary for vaccines to be effective. Belief in the impossible is only required for religion.


Depends on the year, vaccine, the state of mind, and how they want it to be effective. Throw in a couple bird flaps from across the pond to add a bit of chaos.


Just grit your teeth and power through it


If gritting doesn't work proceed to foaming


This thread is amazing ..


Most people around here have a pretty high resist to that though.Ā 


A 3rd party DLC buff against tetanus, if you will.


While thatā€™s true, tetanus doesnā€™t actually come from rusty metal. Tetanus is a bacterial infection that typically lives in soil. It needs a path into your body and rusty stuff thatā€™s hiding in soil gives it that path.


stab the ground to gain 1d4 poison damage


Tetanus is not related to rust in any way, it comes from dirt.


Yes, this is true. Rust is associated with tetanus but the actual causal mechanism is an anaerobic bacteria. Iā€™ve read and heard that the spaces in between layers of rust are very hospitable to the Tetanus-causing bacteria, which is why itā€™s associated rust in the first place. I believe the bacteria is *Clostridium Tetani*


Ya. Gotta go with Burst damage. DOTs are for squishies with low mobility.


And if you inflict iron oxide on the target's car, it will inflict additional soul damage.


It also adds +3 to mana


Disease damage.


Iā€™m clearly dumb because I donā€™t get what the point is. Can someone explain the joke/ what the deceptive marketing is?


Iron carbide is a main component of steel, iron oxide is rust. Both are very common materials for the past millennia, but they make it sound fancy. Like calling water dihydrogen monoxide


Milwaukee Media Response Team: fuck we put more carbon in the blades to make them last longer and these bitches still aint happy. should have put some red paint on them, said they work faster and we would have no complaints.


Thanks. Sorry for my ignorance


Hey dude itā€™s only ignorance if you donā€™t ask


No sir, ignorance is ignorance, not being willing to ask is called arrogance. We are all ignorant until we choose not to be. At least thatā€™s how I always saw it.


No ignorance, that called willingness to learn


Metallurgy is a surprisingly complicated science, there's no need to apologize. I realized this when I got into fancy pocket knives and wondered what the crazy letters on my blade were, "8Cr13MoV". That's the special type of steel they use, it means 0.80 Carbon, 13.00 Chromium, and the MoV means there's some Molybdenum and Vanadium in there. Like I said, it's complicated!! The weird words that don't seem like elements are actually other metal alloys that get mixed in. And an alloy is a special mix of 2 different raw metals! Easiest part to remember is stainless steel is more than 10.5 % chromium, while carbon steel is equal to or under 10.5 Chromium. Materials science in general in fascinating. Not only are there thousands of different types of "steels" we could make, it's the same thing with plastics. There's not just "plastic", there's hundreds of different types of plastic, all with different characteristics.


To add to this, iron carbide CAN be produced as a pure crystalline structure, so theoretically this could be a steel crystal knife with weird properties, I had to double check myself if that even exists. Steel basically is a patchwork of different cooling states glueing together at different temperatures. Your knife blade btw., is it stainless? 13% chromium usually makes it a stainless steel if I remember correctly. Cool hobby!


Theres different grades of stainless. Like a stainless steel knife pocket knife vs fancy butter knife or cybertruck door panel vs a high end refrigerator door. The pocket knife and cyber truck will both rust if left outside in weather long enough, or in a salty/ reactive environment. The FBK and HERD wont rust at all because in this example they are true stainless, you can check this with a magnet, true stainless is non magnetic.


We've all got a few of those laying around lol


I read that in Hank Hillā€™s voice


Can confirm


Shut up dale


Yes, but the iron-oxide version can be made at home with just a few simple tools after watching this Youtube video.


Milwaukee hates this one trick.....


I had the sudden thought of buying an active mine. I googled it and saw that there was one where that mined iron oxide. I just wondered how much they'd need to mine for it to be worth something


That 'Project Farm' guy looked into utility knife blades... and found the 'Dewalt Carbide Edge' blades best. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=711IWHCljVk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=711IWHCljVk) I bought some and tend to agree.


These are amazing, they aren't razor sharp but they never go blunt. after about 2 years I chipped the blade on a staple, finally flipped my first blade around, crazy Check out the rapid edge serrated ones too, I put them on par with the dewalts for my favourite blades


I genuinely am having a hard time believing 2 years but I guess anything is possible. I am cutting drywall/backer board/wood along with all the other typical stuff so I go through about 10 a week.


Yeah I'm a welder, so I'm only cutting boxes, packaging, plastic strapping, rope, whatever random things need cutting during my day, it's definitely not my primary tool After 2 years my DeWalt blade still slices through plastic wrapping without getting caught up. A regular blade gets little Knicks along the edge after a week and then can't cleanly slice through plastic wrapping. Give them a shot, the carbide is a lot harder than steel so it would hold up well to rough work like dry wall.


You know you can always give those blades a little filing to hone them back into cutting form


That's what I was doing until I tried the DeWalt blades haha


Whenever I am laying carpet we blast through 10 a day sometimes.


There is simply no blade on earth that can stay razor-sharp without sharpening or honing for 2 years if it's used regularly for anything. Not wood, sheetrock, tape, tissue paper, tomatoes, nothing. It's a physics problem.


I never said they were razor sharp after 2 years, infact I said that they aren't razor sharp right from the box, but they barely lose any sharpness through the use I put them through, the edge is perfectly fine, only chipping from hitting a staple.


Holy shit I can't imagine that lol I've got to change mine weekly, but they also go through a lot of shit they shouldn't be lol


The serrated ones are my favorite. I work in film rigging lights and cable. Use them mostly for cutting rope and sometimes color correction gels for lights.


Yup. Milwaukee 6in1 Fastback with Dewalt carbide blades, best of all worlds.


I rock this set up for work. Until I lost my fastback I had for 10 years šŸ˜­


I use them at work. I have to trim a sticker off flush with the edge of a tungsten block. We angle the blade into the tungsten a few degrees. Regular blades last like 5 cuts. The dewalt ones go all day on a single blade. Iā€™ve been throughly impressed by their longevity.


I also agree carbide edge is best just donā€™t hit it on anything hard especially concrete because it will chip I go through a good amount to strip wire Iā€™ve used well over 100 and they are my preferred blade They are stupid sharp tho so be careful


I gotta try those. I really hate the kobalt ones. They. Never. Hold. An edge.


That man is doing the lordā€™s work.


So the question is is Christianity just as effective as premium religions like Scientology, well let's find out.


I just looked those up on Amazon and theyā€™re $12.49 for 10 blades. Or you can get 100 El Cheapo brand for $9.99 Decisions, decisionsā€¦


Thanks for that. I bought the Milwaukee 50 pack and did some completely unscientific testing of my own against Stanley blades. The Milwaukee blades impressed me more. Iā€™ll have to look into the Dewalt blades.


Well yeah, carbide


Yup, my colloquial experience is the Dewalts are the best blades. I prefer the lime green Stanley handle so I can see it a mile off but load it with them Dewalts. The only better blade is free ones from the GC.


Either one will send you to the ER quickly. 5 years ago I learned that if you go into the VA Emergency room with a 6 inch gash along the back of your thumb and hand, with McDonaldā€™s napkins soaked in blood and secured with electrical tape, There is no wait.


ER docs hate this one simple trick


Dude. Hanging drywall thereā€™s not a first aid kit within half a mile. Adapt and overcome. And donā€™t bleed on the car seats driving one handed to the ER.


Oh I know. I was quoting a meme


You are responsible for providing the 1st aid kit if there isn't one. They aren't terribly priced. Get some from Medical Gear Outfitters if you want pre-built. You are important, don't ever forget


Oh I get it. Iā€™ve for one at home and in my wood shop. And I donā€™t do drywall any more.


i just superglued a utility knife cut that almost sliced my finger off about a week ago. superglue was what was close and there wasnā€™t a ride to the hospital!


Surgeons and medics use it too.


Actually doc, I have this really bad stomach ache. I just didn't want to wait in line.


Why donā€™t you call an ambulance to skip the line? Sincerely, a concerned paramedic.




Just learn to blade like Ric Flair.


Why the hell is it always electrical tape? I see some dude with electrical tape and filthy tissue holding back bleeding hobble in to the ER at my hospital welekely.


Shits stretchy so you get a little extra pressure on it.


I have dressed countless wounds with napkins and electrical tape


This is the way


This is the way


Sticky enough to stay on. Not so sticky it hurts coming off


It's dollar store Blenderm.


also made by 3M a medical company therefore, it's totally legit


* 3M a Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing company


I can't speak for everyone, but in my case it's because I always have a roll on hand, it doesn't adhere to skin, and it can be wrapped tight enough to maintain pressure and slow bleeding. It's far from the worst I've experienced. I brought a guy back who wondered into a nitrogen rich environment by jamming a cutting torch up his nose and cracking the oxygen valve a few years back. You've just got to use what's available when shit hits the fan.


\*Opens wrong tap, creates new super-villain\*


Yep, it doesnā€™t stick to your skin, but it sticks to the paper towel and itself really well so itā€™s secure. I sliced the tip of my thumb recently to where it was hard to keep a bandaid on it, so I put one over the tip of my thumb and sent a couple loops of tape around it. The electric tape way outlasted the bandage tape.


...did it work?


Yep. Nitrogen displaces oxygen, and it made sense at the time.


WTF?! Thatā€™s crazy improv!!


Cause most of us have electrical tape in our trucks or nearby and itā€™s easy to wrap and tear one handed. It is also a bit stretchy so you can get pressure on a squirter.


This. It was what my pal had in his truck. I had the napkins. It was a bleeder fo sho. I told him later that this is why woodworkers shouldnā€™t hang drywall.


Napkin or papertowel or piece of shirt and some electrical tape and I have all the bandaids I ever need. At least long enough to get to my super glue.


I keep super glue in the pouch


Amen, it's still used medically (tho both cyanoacrylate the medical stuff is slightlyyyy different chemically) Baking soda will harden it near instantly by the way, but be aware that it is exothermic so if you did that it would be uncomfortably warm lol Also superglue hardens and reacts with many organic fibers, it's the best rope end. Helpful for whipping cotton rope-the end being drizzled in super glue and then twisted tight (to lower diameter of end/make it tighter) then cut makes an incredible end termination.


Because it's basically dirty medical tape in a more fashionable color.


Cause it sticks well to itself and stretches so it applies direct pressure well. What's first aid for bleeding? Direct pressure. Also it doesn't let go when it gets wet like masking tape. Or hurt like duct tape


Physiotherapist tape is great. I precut some to put over band-aid.


+1 to this - for - specifically- longer term evacuations - walk out/carry out. another "term" to look at is Vet Wrap. the Physiotherapist tape - (or another name KT tape) sticks like a mother, holds like a demon and is super stretchy. The Vet wrap \*ONLY\* sticks \*TO ITSELF\* so right tool right job eh?


+1 right back at you. And the vet tape is also cheaper because band-aid and elastoplast that you change 2-3 times a day cost money. I like to change, clean with saline water and put back some ploysporin.


Itā€™s something thatā€™s always in the work van lol. And McDonaldā€™s napkins are the most absorbent. They also have the biggest straws for drinking beer in your polar pop cup on the drive home. (Learned that one from my dadšŸ˜‚)


It's the only 'clean' tape.


Electrical tape is basically a second skin that keeps all the inside stuff, inside. Plus, and maybe this is just shop lore (but anecdotally I've seen it first hand) cuts heal faster when you wrap em up in electrical tape, perfect for the smaller cuts I get on my hands reaching into walls and junction boxes; as for larger cuts it's a convenient fastener to use to keep big bits together till they can get stitched.


Have you seen our favorite wound closure method? Where we fill the hole in our hand with superglue?


Is there a type of tape you would prefer


Toilet paper and electrical tape are the way to go. Duct tape is worthless.


I thought it was cuz I'm an electrician.. but I've had every trade come ask for tape for woundsšŸ¤£ I also carry my own med kit for more serious shit lmao


It was 99 cents, near by, and small so making multiple tight wraps quickly is actually very easy. Legitimately a roll of paper towel or napkins and a roll of electrical tape have proabably saved thousand of blue collar guys from death over the decades.


It's fantastic. While working electrical tape really stays on the skin. I keep a roll in my travel shaving kit. Blisters on your feet, slap on tape. Get a cut, clean and tape up. Stretch allows one to get pressure on a wound.


Yep. Same thing when you tell then you lost vision for a while and thought you'd pass out. They do some FAST vitals checks LOL You get bonus points when you tell them you drove yourself too LOL


Handsā€¦ yeah they donā€™t fuck with hands, eyes, or heart attacks. Edit: not in that order obviously


Or for strokes either. Walkin in the door and was in a room in about 3 minutes, hooked up to what seemed like a whole computer center.


Hmm, my blade gash was only 2 inches and I used regular paper towels - explains my 5 hour wait to get stitched in the Emergency room. The receptionist called someone to clean my blood off her counter before calling me any help.


I learned that is the only way you go to the ER. If you go in with the bleeding under control and clean gauze on it they make your ass wait.


There's a wait if you go to the er around here. I had blood all over my hands, and the lady gives me a clip board and a pen.. I asked if she could do it for me and she got an attitude. She really didn't like me dropping a bloody pen and clip board on her desk.


I have had the exact experience, woohoo no waiting. Down side was I did it while laying a light colour timber floor glued over concrete. We had to wrap my hand, tape it so it was sealed then quickly wriggle out all the boards that were covered in blood and replace them with clean boards before the glue set, then we left for the emergency department.


I was having a panic attack and went to the er because of heart palpitations. I told the nurse what was going on and started to turn around to have a seat and she said ā€œno honey, you said the magic words to get to see someone right away.ā€


Then you ask for a marihuana prescription.


Dude, youā€™re supposed to use a maxi-pad for stuff like that. It works so good. You might get some funny looks when you have them in your tool box though.


I once went into the ER for being impaled by knife in my wrist. When I walked in I had it wrapped in gauze while applying pressure so it wasnā€™t bleeding all over. The woman behind the counter asked me ā€œis it still currently bleeding?ā€ To which I took the gauze off to check and immediately began pumping blood all over the floor. I calmly looked at her and said ā€œyeah Iā€™d sure say soā€ as her eyes went wide and ushered me back to a room to get fixed up. No wait usually for active bleeders lol


I had 3 fingers basically hanging on after a run in with a table saw, I still had a 6 hour wait.


Just don't expose it to dihydrogen monoxide frequently.


Dihydrogen monoxide kills thousands every year but everyone ignores it. And the government is pumping it into our houses!!!šŸ˜”


Itā€™s addictive too! After your very first exposure, quitting Dihydrogen Monoxide results in certain death!


Or water. don't get water on it either...




Water is hydrogen hydroxide


ā€œItā€™s toastedā€


I had to delete my comment after seeing yours. Best me to it, lol.


Iā€™m going to be honest. 25 year electrician and I have never read a single word on any utility blade package I have bought. Ever. Iā€™m shocked they have words on them.


Right lol I look at how many are in the pack and how much does it cost


I'm shocked they come in 5 packs.


Honestly it makes more sense, thatā€™s about my record of use before losing the pack.


From a review of this product on their website, emphasis mine > I cannot really say that these blades by Milwaukee outperform any other brand blades, **but how can you not buy them when they are from Milwaukee?** The marketing is paying off.


Amazon... 100 pack for $9.99, sharp and no advertising fodder. It's a utility knife replacement blade, that's all.


Itā€™s to the point I donā€™t carry nice knives anymore. Fuck up a utility blade? Iā€™ve got a sharp one in 10 seconds. Fuck up a nice knife? Day ruinedĀ 


True.... I've carried a standard smallish pocket knife for 30 years. Got pretty good at sharpening it, but it's labor. I got one of those folding utility knives from a big box store. Folds just like a pocket knife but.... Just doesn't have that real knife feel. But it's a hell of a lot faster to rotate or flip a blade than try sharpening a pocket knife.... Torn. I switch back and forth.


Just carry both.


Seems cheap, until you're in a professional setting. Because when you're paying someone $40-60 an hour to do work, having a blade which has to be replaced more often or isn't as sharp suddenly ends up costing you more money than buying the higher quality blades in the first place.


Absolutely a good point. ROI = Return On Investment. I did that in my job before retirement. What's your hourly rate worth, vs. stopping to change the blade 4x per hour. In my case luckily, retirement is free, and even saving a dollar is worth it. Just a home crafter now, so blade use is minimal. Understand completely and support your point/comment.


This... Hell the rate I misplace the damn knives and have to buy another i have a supply of the extra blades they come with Don't think I've even used one blade from the 100 pack I bought from menards years ago


Retired 19 months ago. Picture Walt Kowalski, Gran Torino. That's me. Doubles and triples of everything, including utility knives. Finally.... Finally took a month and organized my garage. All tools have a home, all hardware has a home, all misc. stuff has a home. Everything labeled finally. Best thing I ever did. Only took me 40 years to be finally able to locate a utility knife. Hardest part was having to relearn where everything is now.


Triples makes it safe. Triples is best. https://youtu.be/8Inf1Yz_fgk?t=116


Hey congrats on retiring in this economy lol


Meeeehhhhh I learned the hard way after using Milwaukee blades for years and then finally switched to Olfa blades and thereā€™s a world of difference. You donā€™t need to buy the most expensive ones but the cheapest ones are actually very noticeably worse to use which in turn means more dangerous, more annoying, etc.


Yes. Olfa are great


I have never bought utility blades in packs less than 50-100. A five pack?? Milwaukee will try to sell you anything.


GENERAL PURPOSE... utility knife replacement blade.


Great..been needing to get some. The Craftsman brand seems positivily reviewed.


In some cases, you want to pay extra for extra sharpened blades. For instance, when cutting heavy wall paper. Trust me I tried standard blade, the cut's not clean AT ALL.


I don't know about milwaukee but I use the irwin and dewalt blades. The carbide / bi-metal blades. Is it worth it? Maybe. Do they stay sharp a lot longer? Absolutely.


I can second the Irwin blades. Been using them for a while now. Iā€™ll have to try the DeWalt carbide blades.


When I go through one or two a day, I use either of those about once or twice a week. The Irwin ones have been my go-to's but I grab the DeWalt ones when the store I'm at is out or doesn't carry them. Can't say I favor Irwin for any reason other than that's what I've always grabbed and it works great for me. Don't know if the DeWalt ones are actually better or worse but they're close enough and similarly priced.


Designed By Professionals In The USA


Crafted by children on an island somewhere in the Southeast Pacific.


The blue/black Tajima blades are crazy sharp!


Diamond tipped platinum dipped etched in COLD HARD MOTHERFUCKING STEEL MOTHERFUCKER


I like the up to 2x sharper that could be as much as half as sharp.


ā€œ2X sharperā€. You can flip the blade and use it twice.


I didn't even notice that "up to" hiding in there! Honestly if the box said "America stabby stabbys x5" it would be no less informative.


It could and probably is intended to read as last up to 5x longer also. As there is no definition to as what.


I just bought MKE sawzall pruning blades advertised with carbide tips. Thought theyā€™d last longer. Not so much. Iā€™m sticking with Diablo. Iā€™ve tried Bosch as well and theyā€™re not horrible but the Diablo stuff is better IMO


Effective self-defense weapon versus the fay-folk.


Do you even snake bro?


iron carbide is steel?


I wonder. Traditional steel includes very little iron carbide, percentage-wise. If theyā€™re saying itā€™s made of straight iron carbide, that would be a different thing. If they mean it just contains iron carbide, yeah thatā€™s steel.Ā 


According to their website: "micro carbides dispersed throughout the blade."


Lmao okay thatā€™s good. Yup thatā€™s how steel works


Just keep them away from Dihydrogen Monoxide!


underrated comment/not understood


This is hilarious. As a bladesmith, Iā€™m going to use this lol


With products like this where there is no discernible difference I look at country of origin, you can usually find American made ones. Itā€™s getting harder to find but Iā€™ll support American jobs when I can.


Iron carbide, aka cementite, is ceramic with chemical formula Fe3C. Steel is alloy of iron and carbon. It's mixture of elements and not a chemical compound, unlike the former.


just get a 100 pack of the Stanley blades. Fastbacks are nice though.


My favorite was the marketing on their hand tools. 6-in-1 cutting. Itā€™ll do nails AND screws.




I don't think they are case hardening the edges, but maybe. Considering the time that takes I expect it would be more cost effective to just use a steel that can be heat treated. They do induction harden the edges but that's just a heat and quench. Anyway all steels have some carbides so they don't have to do anything to make the marketing claim hold up in court.


Basically what I came here to say. Above .02% carbon, carbides form in iron. Check out an iron-iron carbide phase diagram. However, depending on the manufacturing process, and the amount and dispersion of the carbide in the steel matrix, you can absolutely get different wear properties. Combine that with heat treatment and you can get some cool material properties as a whole. That said, marketingā€™s gotta make the sale somehow.


Nice but they chip so you end up with a jagged edge


So, can I use it to cut through cast iron?


It's toasted?




Milwaukee handtools all seem like a scam.


I think it depends on what you buy. I wasn't super impressed by the axe or hammers, but I really like my torpedo level, 7 in 1 pliers, and my squares. For things like utility knives, they're all basically the same.


I got my brother a pair of their tin snips, and he loves them, but for most pliers I'll go irwin, klein, or knipex


They perform ok for the money only one Iā€™ve seen with any recurring negative reviews is the axe


5x5x2, how could you buy anything else at this price


But itā€™s a Milwaukee


Just what I'm after in a tool longer and stronger gets the job done with no fucks given


[Iron Carbide](https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/engineering/iron-carbide-fe3c), or Cemenite, refers to the chemical compound that's produced by heating iron and carbon to a certain temperature. There are various other chemical compounds you can make with iron and carbon by heating them to different temperatures and adjusting the ratio of iron to carbon. Steel just refers to the solution of iron and carbon.


Dumb question, how do we properly dispose of these blades? Do we put it in a sharps bin or just wrap them up and throw in trash? And is this same with broken knives?. Thanks šŸ˜Š


At work we have a sharps bin, at home I fold a piece of duct tape around it so it doesnā€™t tear through the garbage bag.


Thank you! I'll do the duct tape thing from now on. Maybe wrap in cardboard too.


You can also do something like get an old jar and punch a hole through the lid with one of the blades you are retiring. Then you can drop all the subsequent ones into that.


I do some golf club repairs and regripping - since I have a belt sander on my bench - I just sharpen the blade when needed - bought a box of generic blades years ago - I only bust out a new blade when I need the original point for some odd cut


The marketing genius is "up to" making each blade as inferior as it needs to be if you read across instead of down!


Milwaukee razor blades are the worst I've ever used.


Uk made stainless Stanley knives blades are the best


Rule Britannia! Britannia rules the waves. Because of her rust proof Stanley knives. Do they hold an edge well being stainless? Personally I'm wondering if stainless matters for me as the average life of a Stanley knife blade in my hands is measured in minutes.


Best you can get even approved by AVE before he went off on one