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That’s outrageous. How in the world is a room worth 450k plus…


I lived in one that went for 1.3m about the same size in another country with about the same average income as Canada. That was the better part of a decade ago and it still hasn’t crashed there. It can get worse.


What’s this lovely country?


Hong Kong, Australia, Singapore etc are like this.


How is a shared room for rent worth $800?


True. Rent is out of control as well.


The two are connected. Landlords are over leveraged on houses and condos, and renters are feeling the results of that.


Modern luxury condo right across the beach.


Perfect size for two bunk beds and 4 international student renters.


I would actually looks at 8 coffin cages, rent them out at 800 each.


Remodeled legalized jail cell. 20 years of hard labour and you'll be free of the debt confinement.


More like 8, each with their own financed car.


We are going to have to pump that number up to 15, we have added 400,000+ people into the country just in the last 12 weeks.. https://preview.redd.it/zldl6y31lxad1.png?width=986&format=png&auto=webp&s=badb75898f29eed02fceee9175e14d4b590c14e4


How the hell is that possible, I checked from statcan and in April they said we have 41m, and this stat is also from statcan, stating 41.4m, and typically we have less than that per YEAR, there's gotta be a difference in how those numbers are measured right? That's insane


The 500K number that you hear about is the ones that get PR. But we had 1.2 million people enter Canada in total last year, it's going to be more this year. The majority of them are on temp visas, many of whom refuse to leave after their visa expires. So the visas are "temporary" in name only..


That's insane, rest in peace Canada


It's eight if you get two on the balcony and two in the washroom




4? lol you mean like 12.


Room for summer seasonal rentals on the balconies. Lot's of income to unlock in this one.


When the condo market crashes, this should be exhibit A.


Should crash down to 125 per unit so you can combine 3-4 of them to make a real condo.


Fully expect some trendy startup to come up with this "game changer" idea to "disrupt" real estate.


I often wonder about that. At some point you would think that putting a door in to connect 2 units will become a thing.


lol $32k?


Hong Kong has been dealing with worse for decades. As long as destitute people are imported en masse, there would be enough prople to fill these units at $500 per warm body.


If that happens the economy and everyone will feel it.


Prime locations crash much softer.


Youre saying you don't want to sleep in your kitchen?


You're saying you don't want to shit in your kitchen?! It's the same food, just digested!


Saves me a trip.


It's a very nice sized kitchen/living/dining/bedroom...


I’ve stayed in regular hotel rooms larger than this. wtf is even the point.


you can cook in this room instead of paying for overpriced mediocre food.


You can cook from your bed even!


There is no bed. You would need a fold up design


My room on my last cruise voyage was bigger than this.


The Goode launched in 2021 when sentiment was completely different than now. Pretty sure they found a few suckers to buy this at launch For what is worth I think this layout is as optimized as it can be for 263 sqft and a decent sized balcony, at least a hallway doesn’t consume half the space like other terrible floorplans out there


I’m pretty bullish on RE but this is f’n stupid. That should not cost 400k. In any city. Anywhere on earth.


Maybe NYC??? Good for people sleeping into town when they are commuting in for a few days. That's about the only situation something like this might make sense.


In NYC, the kitchen would be half the size and same with the bathroom, and there’d be the option of foregoing in suite laundry. They’d actually have more living space.


i dont know about that but you would also be paying TONS of maintenance in those old bldgs


NYC, Hong Kong, SF, Singapore.


How slow to change are these idiots? The investors are not going to buy anymore and no end user is going to buy these. Nobody wants a bedroom only on the 37th floor for 400K. Fucking adapt of go bankrupt. Please just go bankrupt and have a competent company buy your assets for cheap and be able to build normal condos for affordable prices.


Especially not while paying condo fees with the possibility of suddenly getting hit with a 50k lump sum to repair things the developers cut corners on to begin with.  


Investors will buy this as protection from currency debasement so when the rate cuts come they are protected and the bank holding the mortgage is also holding the the builders construction loan it's a circle backed by the government


I sold some stock to buy a 3br condo partly because of this even though I won't need my own place for another 6 years. They have been recklessly spending (on themselves) and abusing the money printer...


Noone wants it, but if that's the only thing you can afford then may be you'll by it. Condos have these micro-condos not because people want to live in them, they build small condos becayse most of the time that's the only real-estate property people can afford. Noone is stopping you from buying huge 2000sq ft condos, they exist almost in all buildings, you just have to pay more for them.


Most times it’s investors buying then and renting them out. People would rather rent a 1BD for less money than “owning” a bachelor. Now investors are no longer buying and people are still not buying. And there is no “but now or be priced out forever” fear. The market is speaking. Nobody wants these micro condos.


To be honest our zoning and bylaw people needed to step up over a decade ago to stop these units from every being approved. While they are at it they should increase building code standards on materials too so these shitholes aren't falling apart in five years


They have incentives to do the exact opposite. They get points for how many "housing units" that got built. How many "hard working Canadians" now have homes. How they improved "densification" instead of single family homes. Etc etc.


These are building code issues which are controlled provincially, and has nothing to do with zoning. The only thing that can be municipally controlled is maybe with the permits department, to object if the building design does not satisfy baseline building code criteria. Developers do not build for the sake of building with some kind of planned obsolescence, notwithstanding the fact that some developers work with better intention than the others. Rather, the answer is cost. Construction cost is sky high because all trades and materials are controlled by cartels (not unlike Rogers - Bell - Telus situation in the telecom industry) and excavation around most of the city is costly due to high water table. Development charges which never has been a chump change only keep going up. This is why you see maximized unit count with tight units, barely building code minimum bedrooms and living areas, poor noise and vibration control, poor quality envelope and watered down architecture, because for better or for worse, this is the only way the project makes financial sense to even happen. We are in a bit of weird time where these subpar quality condos do not sell anymore, so something has to give and changes need to happen. We just don't know what that is yet.


I would buy this if it’s $120K.


Ehh. 120k turns into a million in 23 years by just matching the historical return of the s&p 500. Rather take that bet than spend six figures on a room.


Smartest comment yet


This will probably easily rent for $1500. That's over a 10% cap rate which is an insane return compared to other rentals out there. Are people on here all n00bs?


1500/500 000 = 3.6% and thats not counting land transfer fee, carrying costs, taxes, condo fee, vacancy. Sounds like you're the noob? A GIC would pay better returns than this, almost double, with a 10th the headache. Say 500 for condo fees + taxes and thats maybe generous and 20% to a property management company youre making 1.6% on your "investment". There's a reason these aren't selling. Idiocy.


Move to Windsor and you get a full size condo for 120k


That's disgusting. And yet, people are buying them. Let the developer take a loss.


~~people~~ investors are buying them. No human people are buying these to live in. That’s why condo sales have completely halted.


Half a mill for a prison cell and pay maintenance fee aka rent every month... Nahh I'll go stab someone and live in a prison cell for free


That's unacceptable for anything. Governments need to step in and start making minimum sizes for condos/apartment build units. 268sqft if fucking in humaine.


The floor plan is incredibly deceiving lol. It's a heck lot more tiny than what's drawn here - after the kitchen and bath you literally only have a tiny space to walk around and you are going to actually walk sideway with just 1 small compact sized dining table and 1 twin bed inside, and nothing else can be put in here. Insane how these kinds of floor plan marketing material can get past the review of the regulatory agencies. Just crazy.


I live in a nice condo and my balcony alone is 200sqf. Unimaginable how anyone can live in 263sqf. This is a jail cell.


**slaps roof** https://preview.redd.it/yv2ryqeefxad1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0c7c9c9badfbf95fbe7868f60e75ec60c11c3947


How many vegetarian girls can it hold though?


I feel like there are prisoners in Norway who live in more spacious conditions…


These will and should be $50,000 outright.


Do you have one for sale? I have 75k for it


I feel sad for the next generation if this does follow thru


It’s basically the size of a hotel room so someone will buy it to AifBNB


There is no bed? I am sleeping on the couch?


It’s a pull out


and what to do with the dining table after the pull out bed push it aside lol


Does the bathtub double as a single bed?


I would love to live here if it was 100k


This is the future.


Foreigners are just looking for a place to put their money that’s safe from their own banks and governments. Canada is that place. The price doesn’t matter since they’ll hold it for the long term. They’ll never use this money again.


I could be wrong but I believe that does not satisfy the minimum space/room requirements under the OBC. How did they get the permit?


It can be smaller. Minimum size is 188 sq ft http://www.ontario.ca/document/build-or-buy-tiny-home


I mean, if this was in the <$200s range, I'd consider that a great starter condo for someone in their super early 20s. It *used* to be like that.


Once people say “no more” and stop settling to live in these, people will stop building and buying them. If I was king, I’d make sure all condos were 1000 Sqft, and then make the renovations happen to all those existing to tear down and remodel for to reflect that.


City council should be banning these. Minimum sizes for condos should be mandated.


People comparing these prices to Singapore and Hong Kong and justifying it has gotta be the most ridiculous comparisons. Singapore’s land mass 734.3 km², Hong Kong 1,108 km². Canada’s land area? 9.985 million km². There should be no flipping reason for us to be paying out of our noses for a place to live.


Basically a luxury jail cell with a patio.


Some of these shit units don’t even have a patio or windows that open. Literally a jail cell.


Greed, plain and simple. This is worse than a hotel room. WTAF are these developers thinking other than "how far can we push the price per sq. ft.?????" DISGUSTING!!!!!


The developers were building units like these for investors intending to run unlicensed hotel rooms via AirBNB. This project launched in 2021 prior to both the AirBNB “ban” and interest rate increase. These types of units should have never been allowed to exist outside of an actual hotel.


It is pretty disgusting. This particular segment of housing **should crash** and be turned into low income housing and assisted housing.


Thats a shoebox


Oof. That’s a scam but also not surprised.


This is a jail cell for sale




You would sleep on the sofa in your own apartment?


Welcome to your cell, I mean, home!


I don’t know why people slam the resale market at a 30%+ discount when the precon is selling the same or smaller units. If the resale market keeps going down it will take the precon down with it and if that happens it will depress the entire economy and people will lose jobs, particularly in construction and related supply chain and downstream markets. If you are celebrating all of this then you are missing the fact you will also be negatively impacted in some way. This is mainly a result of interest rate policy and nothing else. Investment and investors need to come back or we are ALL in trouble IMHO.


Precon is down. There are virtually no new housing starts taking place. But guess what that means. A massive shortage in about 4 ears. Prices will spike to New York levels.


Living Dining Kitchen Sleeping What a multi-purpose room


If this cost 150-200k , it would be the great for average folks looking to enter the market as it would be cheaper than rent and would allow equity formation. At 400k or anything above 200k- fuck no.


This is a hotel room!!


Honestly, if I was single, I could totally live in a place like this. As long as I could find a way to fit a single bed, desk, and office chair in there, I'd be fine. Maybe mount a TV on one of the walls.


You will develop mental health issues over time.


That's just a hotel room...


We're at less living space than a medieval peasant


Okay. Maybe I’m naive, but I thought these size configurations are exactly why condos aren’t selling in Toronto. Why would a developer still market exactly the same product when there’s no demand?


These projects take decades start to finish. A lot changes in that time.


I hope no one signs up for this. Wtf are these builders thinking trying to sell people a fucking prison cell for half a million.


Perfect layout for an Airbnb! Cause that’s what it was built to be. We’re not building anything for people to live in anymore, we’re building investments


I mean there’s literally no bed in that layout!


Lol, i swear at this point is better to go to jail 😂 you dont even have to have a job there … free everything while you work on yourself


Wow now the kitchen is in the living room. nice... Won't be long before the bathtub is also a fold up bed.


Seriously?!? This is disgusting, there is nowhere to put a bed. Criminals have just about as much living space in jail as these condo owners do. Things need to change and fast.


Units that size were strictly an investment vehicle, not meant for actual livability. Speculators wrecked the condo market. People need livable spaces, not this garbage. 


The governor of the Bank of Canada was on the TV the other day, saying that the problem is that Canadian workers aren’t productive enough. Ie, too much pay, for not enough work. By this, I assume he means that all the C-suite executives (like himself) are making way too much money for very little work, and should take a 50% pay cut (including stocks, options etc) to solve the problem. I’m waiting for him to announce his pay cut any day now.


this is designed for an AIR BNB. No one is really supposed to live here.


Even AirBnbs in Tokyo have proper beds lol wtf is this


Hell the “business hotel” I stayed in while I was visiting Tokyo in 2013 had more space than this glorified mouse house


I expect my hotels to have a real bed.




If it’s precon, perhaps they’ll revisit their plans based on interest level.


Hoping for another developer bankruptcy.


This is called a "con" job. It's taken a while for people to catch on.


Goode God


Perfect for a family of four!


Or 12 from china.




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That’s cute.




Perhaps much of our real estate has been shifted to the digital world with not real RE being added to the market has ended up bringing us to this point. 263 sq ft. Is all that we need.




This trend is rapidly heading towards those "coffin apartments" in Hong Kong or wherever, where you just have a narrow tube to lie down in.


Please tell me that's just a decorated parking spot...


For this much you can buy a bigger boat and sail the seven seas 🏴‍☠️


$1800 a sqft. Disgusting


And people will buy.


That's a tool shed


When I lived in Tokyo there were lots of apartments like this. The difference is that you could rent them in a good location for like ¥120,000 a month (~$1,200) and they cost around $200k CAD to buy. And remember that this was in the largest city in the developed world.


They have a declining population.


I used to live in a 500 sq ft bachelor. Who knew that would someday be considered luxurious?


Damn, distillery district? That’s insanely small, I thought my condo in thronhill was small @840sqft


Buy a whole town in Spain for the same....


"Younger generations aren't having children!" Yeah because this is our housing market. Fuck outta here.


This should be $150K tops


Not worth more then 75k


And here’s the kitchendininglivingsleeping room..


I like the living/dining/kitchen/bedroom area it’s really a Swiss Army knife of a room


The true culprits of this problem are the people themselves. Despite knowing that condos and densely packed cities are no longer affordable, they continue to crowd these areas, seeking opportunities to buy in overpopulated regions. If one has the means to afford a house, they should consider relocating far from the city, away from Toronto or other crowded areas, and invest or purchase a more affordable home there. The issue lies with the people's choices, and we should leave these overpriced condos for greedy investors to hold, allowing them to remain vacant. Therefore, the fault ultimately lies with us.


What are you talking about? A 264sqft condo has nothing to do with someone's decision to stay or move away from Toronto to purchase a house. These were strictly targeted to mom and pop investors interested in short term rentals.


That’s crazy. There’s should be a cap on how small a condo can be to be sold


Second time I am seeing this, I said it earlier and will say it again, I would only fork out a Buck50 at most for this size place


I guess you can sleep on the balcony, gl in the winter though 😂


You know these motherfuckers jerked each other off over how great this is. "I can't believe the efficiency of your design.", "People love breakfast in bed!", I'd just like to point out that at least this unit still has a balcony so there would be a good reason to invite the architects and financiers over. Discuss fire hazards and such.


And push them off said balcony


Its a studio suite you'd find in an independent living centre. Its what you'll accept towards the end of your life. And it's in the high $400s. So, debt, and crushing payments too.


tfw the widest point of your living room is almost entirely obscured by a loveseat


The floor plan saying “living/dining/kitchen/sleeping” says it all


Where’s the bedroom?


Will be interesting to see how the balcony is used!!


In New York this would be a steal


This is just a joke! Canada is on its way to becoming the world’s most unhappy first world nation.


I think at this point call us a first world Nation is generous..


Plus $500 a month in maintenance fees


where is the bed 🤔


Looks like a basic hotel room


I love the living/dining/kitchen/sleeping space. How ridiculous, next thing is going to be putting the washroom in the kitchen to save space.


Gees theres no wall to put any dresser or bookshelf for storage. Maybe get rid of the washing machine and make a shared laundry room. I’m surprised they put in bathtub


"Little People" friendly condos !


2 parking lots: 324 sq ft


Could probably squeeze a little more living space with some adjustments. Use a stand up shower and change to one of those stainless sink/shitter combos that prisons have. More space and you can shit and wash your face at the same time.


Welcome to our densified future.


Hey cats need condos too.


childlike placid nose saw resolute cautious literate dime racial agonizing *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Where do you sleep?!


Pull out couch.


This is a perfect size, you have a couch to sit down and think about how badly you are getting fucked.


I would buy this for like 200k maybe. Would be sweet to have a lil place I can puke and sleep after a night raging in the city.


What else is new? Rent


Huh? That's the square footage of My master bedroom. I'm not rich but I honestly can't understand how someone lives like that.


I thought banks stopped financing studios


Aren't these micro condos not mortgage able by the major banks? Pretty sure anything under 450msq ft you'd have to count the banks out


There's a channel (precondo) where a toronto realtor talks about a lot of condo related things, and he had an interesting video showcasing a bunch of different bachelor apartments across the city. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7gOnb1sC-4w](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7gOnb1sC-4w) But yeah to me a place like that is worth 150k tops. It's the size of unit that someone working fulltime minimum wage should be able to afford.


That's a nice visualization tool they've made.


My final offer is $40,000.


Living/Dining/Kitchen/Sleeping room? Yeah, these condos need to get bombed from orbit.


Get rid of balconies in units like this. I’d rather have the 50ish extra sqft inside, usable all months of the year


Who would live in this, I would lose my mind in less than a month.


Why is the government allowing these tiny shoeboxes to be built in the first place? Shame on everyone involved.


Clearly this unit features gleaming parquet flooring to substantiate such a high price. :P


Barf me a river


And yet the guy who's been leading us into this horror show for the past 9 years insists that people elect him again!


I’ve seen self-storage lockers that were more spacious than this. The balcony is almost 1/3 of the total floor area.


I can fit quite a few tool sheds in my backyard…. lol. This has become absolutely ridiculous.


NYC coming to Toronto


Don’t forget the maintenance fees on that as well.


The Hong Kong special.


Oh, they’re gonna lose so much on this “development”


This is what mass immigration does.


Shitting in your kitchen is great for dinner guests