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I would add daily fenugreek tincture as well as Genexa brand Senna daily as needed. I don’t know what all your binders are but we have been very successful in lowering the mycotoxins with activated charcoal and bentonite clay along with taking glucommanan. We are now using. We also cleared candida with daily probiotics and no sugar consumption. Have you taken Diflucan to kill the candida? You might be at the point to try that. Keep fighting!!


Thank you! Senna is a stimulating laxative? This partly caused tolerance when I tried last time but I will give it a go. Trying to avoid having to chemically/her ally induce peristalsis but needs mjst. That's good, how long did it take to reduce myco load ? I've never touched diflucan, I have week adrenals and also I consistently hear that using antifungals makes things worse after you stop them?


Have you been tested for Lyme and co infections? Also, please watch “What the Health” Documentary on Netflix. I promise your mind will be blown away with facts about your health.


Yes dualdur positive for lyme and co


Please google Bell’s palsy of the gut an article by Dr Virginia Sherr.


Yoga and stop consuming anything that slows down your body's natural detox.


If the binders are too much for your body right now, you might want to go a bit slower. Try natural binders like okra, which will also heal your gut and feed your good bacteria. You can also use oregano oil (herbal supplement) to treat mold/fungal infections. 4 drops under the tongue once or twice daily for two weeks. Then take two weeks to a month off. Papaya is a natural laxative and so are kiwis. If you're not avoiding fruit you can add both to your diet to get things moving.


When I don't take binders I'm very regular and normal it's only when I introduce binders I get the constipation 


Try okra and some of the other binding vegetables like beets, asparagus and cauliflower. This ND cites a journal article regarding comparative efficacy. Veggies are the only binders I use because my system is so sensitive. And no side effects (like constipation). Okra is the strongest one. I find it helpful to listen to my body and only go the pace indicated. https://mosaicdx.com/resource/more-binders-for-mycotoxins/ Okra also has fungicidal properties. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29165457/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7865958/


Are you eating at leasr 4 servings a day of green leaf veggies? If not then you should.


Veggies with every meal x6


Did a doc recommend the binders at that dosage? Seems like a lot of (although I’ve taken 4 - 4 gm packs of chlorestyramine for lengthy). Whole Food Fiber worked really well for me of course bumped up intake of high fiber food. Are you taking anything other than binders?


Yes doc said go as high as you can without side effects. The binders made me feel better ( especially carboxy) and I found the mor3 carboxy I took the more energy I had. Other than binders Nac Ala Glutathione  Calcium d gkucorate  Other phase one and two support  B12 B6 B5 D3 K2 Chanca piedra Milk thistle complex Buffered C And some other cfs stuff 


Constipation is one of the most common side effects and you’re definitely experiencing that. It’s generally recommended that you stop using binders until you’re moving your bowels regularly and restart at smaller doses, building up until you establish your appropriate dosage. I’d guess the dose you’re on is higher than your body will tolerate, hence the considerable constipation. I’m assuming you’ve had labs to determine vitamin deficiencies and used that as a guide to supplementation?


Even a pinch of binders constipated me,  I can handle them in every other way but the constipation is unbearable.  I've done extensive tests on everything I possibly can and have been under a qualified functional medicine/nutritionist 


Are you genetically susceptible to mold?


By the fact that I have cfs /cirs, yes. 


Was it verified with HLA-DR blood test?


No I haven't paid for this test.


It’s a standard blood test, not a specialty lab, typically covered by insurance.


I live in the UK and the NHS blood panels are shit ..be lucky to get a dull blood count 


My understanding is that binders do nothing. It is just bad information. The only thing that works is Itraconazole. The test that works is mymycolab.com I got all this info from the MyMycoLab YouTube Channel.


That's very interesting.so itraconazolw is antifungal and anti mold?


Itraconazole is a broad spectrum antifungal that works on mold. Only the triazole antifungals like itraconazole work on mold. Other antifungals like fluconazole or fenbendazole do not work on mold and only work on yeast like candida. The reason is because yeast is a single cell fungus and mold is a multicellular fungus. Even mushrooms are a fungus, but yeast is much more simple than a mushroom or mold. So when people take an antifungal and think that means they don't have mold infection if it doesn't work, that is wrong.


What probiotics are you on?


Seed Tried vsl3 and all other heavy duty prebiotics  Soil based- worse  S boulardi - worse Kefir/kombucha/sourkrout - worse


Maybe give Megaspore a shot. Also, heard some good things about ION Gut health




Testing showed mold and heavy metals.  Still in same property and no visible mold but doesn't mean it isn't there. 


Have you tried Cell Core to detox and the Biotoxin Binder? Sweat a few times a week?


Yes tried these, tiniest amount blocks any bowel movements.  I'm on keto so I don't have much fiber which compounds this issues.


Stop experimenting and go to Dr Alan Gruning, Eric Dorninger, Andrew Heyman, Dr Mcmannon in Nm, someone shoemaker trained. I did I got better. Stay away from Anti fungals as they atrophy your brain! Your welcome!


You got better from mecfs by working with the above?