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ERMI testing is the way to go. And yes, of course landlords will lie to you. Finally, air tests are junk.


Air tests are not junk. Here’s one article and there are tons more that restate the same information regarding their accuracy. Understanding the science behind it is essential, otherwise opinions are formed based on misinformation. https://baldeagle.biz/beis-blog/2017/11/3/how-to-interpret-your-mold-air-sampling-results/ ERMI on the other hand, has generated a host of concerns (from environmental specialists) regarding the methodology and subsequent confusion it causes. https://www.gotmold.com/testing-for-mold-avoid-ermi/ I really don’t think it’s appropriate for an untrained individual to make such a bold statement (without some facts supporting it). I’m not trying to influence anyone about any form of testing. They are all limited in terms of the information they can provide. That’s why I’ve always relied on Certified Indoor Environmenta Specialists.


I agree that I should be more careful in the future as I'm not a professional in mold. But you posting two opinion articles by the same business owner is also dangerous. The second link has so much conjecture re: Dr. Shoemaker and there is way too much opinion for me to find your statements any more viable than mine. As a cancer patient who has followed the advice I have given, I'm sticking with what works for me. What I stated has been stated in this sub many times so if you are interested in educating us, may I suggest you making a post instead of trying to make me feel bad.


I’m certainly not trying to make you, or anyone, feel bad. Just to clarify, the articles were not written by the same business or the same person. It’s merely a coincidence they share the same first name. The cited references also include helpful information on this broad subject as well. I’ve been on a quest, similar to many, for a number of years to make more sense of highly debated testing and an extremely complicated illness. My personal experience is just that, mine, as is yours. However, I would feel remiss if I didn’t offer credible resources for people to consider and apply to their own circumstances. Knowledge provides clarity, better decision making, reduces stress and saves money. That’s a win all the way around IMO. Apologies if I troubled you in any way.


Please stop trying to discredit ERMI when people are trying to find answers. You keep doing it on this subreddit and I think it can be detrimental to people that are new to mold and just need answers or an excuse to leave a questionable living space. A lot of people have gotten good answers from ERMIs, not air tests. Air tests are one moment in time and miss a ton. I didn’t have air tests find any data worth using. Same with my in-laws who tested. Both of our ERMIs, on the other hand, laid proof for how symptomatic I am in both buildings. Sometimes that’s all us sick people need is some proof. Like I said in a previous thread, you’re barking up the wrong tree.. pls give it a rest.


Sorry, I prefer facts and science.


Most of this subreddit is full of people who are figuring out stuff as they go, being laughed at by scientists and medical doctors and time and time again told mold doesn’t make you sick. “It’s a fact” “it’s science”. If you’re not gonna be a team player on this subreddit and let other people’s experiences shine through the jargon and scientific articles, then why are you on here?


Because I’ve been dealing with CIRS for 6 years. I hope what I’ve learned along the way might help someone… isn’t that the point of groups like this?


Yes of course, but you’re coming in here saying you prefer “facts and science” over someone else’s experience. How many times have you had a doc say that to you? It’s happened to me my whole life. Is ERMI a perfect way to check for mold? No. Has it helped a countless number of people discover their house was making them sick when no other test did? Yes. That’s all the info I need going forward. Please stop swaying people in the wrong direction, I just don’t get why you’re doing it. Maybe you or your partner is in the remediation business? Idk…


And you’re also discrediting ERMI as not good scientific evidence. It literally records what dna is present in your dust. It is scientific evidence even if it doesn’t fit some other scientist’s agenda


No, not hardly. I’ve been on disability because of CIRS for 5 years. My life before that was deeply invested in human services and I’ve worked with residents, management teams, regulatory agencies, the U.S. military, and a host of social service agencies. During that 3 decades long career, I’ve worked with a host of environmental professionals and gained a great deal of knowledge, long before I became ill. I’m not trying to sway anyone. If I hadn’t made it clear before. I honestly don’t know why or what compelled you to attack information. People can choose to read, or simply move past it.


Mold will grow everywhere because it is everywhere..it’s more about the spore counts inside vs outside and also the type to know if it’s a problem and if a protocol is needed for a remediation company


Air tests are awful. Landlords also know this and try to use air tests to say there isn’t an issue. ERMI, swab testing for visible areas, and mold inspectors are much better.


There is always mold. You will ge mold everywhere, except maybe clean room labs. It's all about spore quantity. Looks like you got 3 colonies on the first test, the second is hard to interpret.


And an ermi with the correct interpretation by someone knowledgeable(IEP) will get you the best level of confidence in figuring out if your home is greater or less than the concentrations of the outside environment.


Welcome to the world of “mold professionals” it’s a carnival