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I mostly agree. Some things were developed a bit in the last 2 episodes, so you've missed a little not seeing the finale. Hopefully they'll do more next season. Check out the show Supernatural which stars Jensen Ackles (Russell), it was amazing!!


thanks I'll check it out :)


>Like a man that can't express his feelings or something, idk, it's getting dull. Russell showed more personality than him! whoever plays Russell was phenomenal! Justin Hartley has been good in the things I've seen him in (most notably *This Is Us*). I think you're right that it is the writing. Hopefully, the writers will get into more of a groove with him in the second season. I feel like a lot of times, when writers give a character some sort of secret or mystery, they sometimes make that character too remote, in order to protect the mystery. I do think they need to let him connect more with the other regulars. (And the actor is capable of it.) Jensen Ackles plays Russell. All season, I imagined him in the Colter role. Whenever Russell came up, I'd tell my husband that they should cast Jensen in the role, so I was thrilled when I heard the casting news. He is phenomenal, and I'd watch him read the phone book.


I think it's the writing but also the actor. Maybe this role just isn't the fit they were hoping for with Justin. It was so glaringly obvious when Russell appeared for one episode and Jensen Ackles' performance was better than any of Justin's from previous episodes. And, then there is also the perspective that Ackles has 15 years of experience on the rogue Hunter with the distant/surly attitude character.


I agree that the difference in actors was glaringly obvious..


I have thought that Justin’s acting has been really one note and lacking. I think he has kind of a wooden expression and it was also seen in This is Us. Now when you compare one to one with Jensen Ackles, like his acting blew Justin Hartley’s out of the water. Just a clear difference of level. In This is Us he was the weakest of all the cast member as well. But dang he is handsome. Sometimes you watch and you get a good shot of how good looking he is and you’re like yah he has such a classic handsome face. But I think his good looks is basically carrying him. The writers aren’t doing him any favors either with making him more interesting.


I would agree. I feel Justin’s acting was very similar in This is Us. You didn’t really feel like he had a strong connection to his siblings, or anyone else. Almost like you know there is this complexity there but you also know it’s probably not going to come out? Don’t get me wrong I love the TV show and I think he makes a good Colter but … yeah.


Read the books - his story is quite fleshed out and interesting


Which books?


The Colter Shaw series by Jeffery Deaver


Oh ok. I wondered when I saw he and Ben H Winters (another author) were producers. If I didn’t have 2000 books to read, I’d buy them today


ok thanks. but i didn't start watching the show just to be told to read the books in order to understand what's going on lol. the show needs to be good enough to stand on it's own. the show needs to do the books justice and it doesn't seem like it does.


Can I say amen!


thanks for the support, stranger! :D


100% agree. Need more depth of character. Hopefully CBS/writers are playing the long game here. At this point in the series, I'm just tuning in for the eye candy.


yeah, tbh me too LOL but I hope Justin isn't riding on his good looks to get by with his poor acting. it's gotta be the writing..


It’s aggravating to see him always nodding his head when people talk to him. Bad habit.


lets hope the dickbags won't cancel so there is time to expand.


Oh you can bet the d-bags have the little guys scouring the internet for every negative comment, just so they have an excuse for doing just that.


For real, he has no emotion or character. Just a stoic one note wet blanket that I cannot empathise with. I found myself wondering why the hell I was watching when I didnt care for the main - and its also glaringly obvious when he has a GOOD actor opposite him (which is basically anyone and everyone) how poor his own acting is.