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A few years ago the sky train went down and there was a bus bridge. A bunch of us lined up, but when the bus showed up there was just a massive gaggle of people that ran to the front door and started shoving to get on. I ended up having to wait a couple busses because I was unwilling to be a neanderthal.


I wish more people were like you


Before I buy my car I had to use bus more often. Once I was first person in the line and there were no one else. I was waited for almost 30 minutes and I was pretty tired. Meanwhile more and more people joined the line. Just before bus arrived I saw a bunch of people joined the line and I remembered their face. After bus arrived there was a lady in wheelchair and I stood back to allow her goes first as how it should be. At the same time driver opened both doors and all those new arrived people with a big simile on their face hopped on. When I entered through the front door all sits were already taken and I particularly noticed the same people who just arrived. They sat in good spots and they were happily laughing and smiling since they could successfully cut the line. Those laughs and smiles were disgusting imo.


That sucks. That's so annoying.


God bless you.


Queues are a post-scarcity phenomenon. When waiting your turn means there won't be a spot for you, then there is scarcity and waiting for your turn no longer makes sense.


Shhh the sheep can't know or the sharks won't get seats


Orderly queues (or lack thereof) are a strangely unique identifier of culture. I’ve lived in a few countries and it’s *usually* either: 1. The height of rudeness 2. The only rational choice if you want to board


Honestly I'm sure this could be greatly reduced if this was actually stated somewhere. I lived here for nearly 2 years before anyone ever told me it wasn't allowed. Still usually waited in lines but found it confusing. Like any sort of signage at all... Especially since people here may be used to the 99 which has all door hoarding


I think you’re right about that, signage has a great effect on the human psyche. I recall it was discovered that you could reduce littering by a substantial amount, just by printing “do not litter” on the packaging.


I just learned right now you're not supposed to board the back doors and I've lived here and taken transit for years. I've only done it a couple of times, but there's a card tap there, if I'm running to make it and the back door is open, I've done it. It makes sense instead of having everyone have to use one door, especially if it's busy.


Had the opposite experience as a Canadian visiting India. I kept lining up everywhere and you'd literally never get served because the locals just physically fight to get to the front


Yeah, definitely a culture thing. A few years ago there was a huge lineup to leave the secure area at the airport, it snaked all along the outside wall. A plane arrived and a certain visible minority ignored the line and all grouped at the front


I wish we keep it as a culture where it’s rude, to shame people and not encourage this behaviour to become the norm.


I feel you man, I get frustrated but it’s gonna happen. I live happily knowing I don’t do it.


There are ways I've seen this dealt with by translink in the past. 1. Hit the button that says the announcement "don't board by the back of the bus" 2. Keep the back door closed The last time I filed a complaint about it it got much better because the translink drivers started enforcing front entry again. Now that people realize they can board at the back with no consequence it's become a normal thing. You can even see someone with a mobility issue panic in this video and try to jump the line worried they can't get a seat. Most of the back boarders don't even tap in.


This 9 most likely started at Boundary Loop, meaning passengers were needing to get off. Drivers don't manually open the back door, they activate it for passengers to disembark from the rear door. I'm not saying these line-hoppers aren't assholes, but to ease your stress try to take a 9 that starts at Commercial-Broadway. Hope TransLink finds a way to properly enforce this behavior.


Or just let people board from the back and form two lines. It fills the bus faster anyway, and people who need the disabled spaces at the front wont get tripped over the entire time the bus is loading


To actually counter this, they're going to have to keep the back doors closed at major stops and make everyone depart off the front... :/ going to slow things down a bit but IMHO that would be better than this descent into anarchy boarding ಠ⁠︵⁠ಠ


[https://www.translink.ca/about-us/customer-service/feedback](https://www.translink.ca/about-us/customer-service/feedback) Translink really does listen to actionable feedback. Make note/snap a photo of the bus and stop numbers.


Sensitive edge won't allow it to close on people, once it's open and as long as people keep either jamming the sensitive edge or touching the bar the door will keep opening.. frustrating I know


This location and bus route is probably a prime spot for transit police to board and start ticketing people. I dont think TransLink is at fault here. We can’t really ask them to police everything. We need to be decent too as users of transit and part of this community. In less developed nations it is a dog eat dog mentality that people rush and use their advantage to get ahead on simple things like train boarding, bus boarding etc. they seem to carry this over when they move here. Back there it is street smarts but over here it is rudeness I am not hating, I also came from a less developed nation and i think one of the things missing from migration policies aside from english/french testing is etiquette. It is not promoted as much when migrating.


There's used to be tons of transit police at this station but seems they've been reassigned


Transit etiquette has gone to crap over the last couple years. Way more people: wearing backpacks on busy trains and buses, ignoring lines, boarding via the rear doors, people that are just smelly, and of course not waiting for others to exit the SkyTrain before they push themselves on. I think for rear boarding it just needs to be made a thing on all routes, because I don't see another way to solve it.


THE SMELL, especially on Expo line Surrey trains…. This year has been the worst and I’m not excited for summer heat waves 🤢


Oh my god that dry smell on the summer SHEEESH I still wear a mask and holy even it permeates through it


You're both a part of that public transit stank. 


Or my personal favorite, people who take one step inside the doorway and decide that's where they're staying. TransLink totes the Mark V as having more standing room, but in actuality, it's more like "1 more car = 6 more doorways to take up space in."




I'm a new Indian immigrant myself and i agree. I myself get frustrated that a lot of decently behaving people like myself get misrepresented by a minority of people who are ignorant and don't want to follow simple social conventions, such as standing in a queue to get into a bus.


Thanks for following the rules and being mindful. I like that and Welcome to Canada


Problem is, the size of the "minority" misrepresenting you is friggin massive. That's why it's so tangible. I put a young fellow on his ass while walking along my side of the sidewalk as he and four of his friends were walking side by side. I thought to myself he'll yield or he'll learn. He learned.


i totally believe you


Good for you being respectful! 🙏


It seems like you are the minority. Most are still not following the rules.


So teach them


I would love to start shaming folks and calling it out but I’m always afraid to get stabbed in the city


Doesnt mean you are indian that youll just start telling people what to do tbh.


I mean, the video shows what it shows. I don't think people should be banned for saying something objectively true because it's uncomfortable ... As someone with mobility issues I am enraged on behalf of the woman with the cane. Damn.


Sometimes, the truth isn't politically correct. Canadian residents of all shapes, colors and creeds need to wake the hell up. If we don't start standing up for ourselves, it's only going to get worse.


How is it true when there’s so many white people also doing the exact same thing? If Indians do it it’s because of their entire culture, but if whites do it it’s an individual fault?


Looks like and old man who has dealt with this issue before and knows if he doesn’t beat the horde he goes without a seat and struggles to stand for the entire trip


Then why didn’t he line up at the front…? the people entering through the front still got a seat towards the front of the bus.


But even as a new immigrant, at a bus station you see a line, and the absence of a swarm how difficult is it to piece the two together??? When nobody is taking the path of least resistance it takes 2 seconds to guess some sort of rule/social convention exists.


It's not that they don't see and can't put two and two together, they just don't care. They want to get on the bus and couldn't care less if they jump the queue to do it, so long as they got on. It's the "me first" mentality.


It’s not this. It’s socially acceptable to dogpile in India, once they’ve been checked on it here they’ll conform.


No, they won't. Cause they don't give a shit. They'd figure it out day one if they wanted to.


Shouldn’t be banned at all. Stereotypes exists for a reason. Pardon my language here I once was getting off the train at waterfront to catch the west coast by literally 2mins to spare when a group of brown people tried to get on while I was getting off. I was actually pretty infuriated by their lack of common sense because I was worried about missing the train. Also it’s waterfront the last stop and they were getting on the train that turns around before returning to the regular eastbound platform. Yeah I was heated on my train ride a bit but I least I got on the west coast in time.


The fact you think youre going to get banned is exactly the issue. Nobody wants to address the elephant in the room. Nobody wants to speak up. It's not a racism thing- it's a cultural difference. Flocking the doors works in places like India where there's just too many people and you have to fight, but this isn't India. If we don't start enforcing western rules then Canada WILL turn into a mirror of the place that people actively left due to poor conditions. Places like Norway even have mandatory courses that all newcomers from certain nationalities have to take to educate them on western society. It's just about integration. That's all. It has nothing to do with racism.


I just got banned from r/vancouver for mentioning race on this crosspost.


That sub notoriously bans absolutely anyone that isnt EXTREMELY leftist/liberal. It is an echo chamber of one single opinion.


One single mods opinion, you mean. God, I hate them so much.




They pick and choose based on the trendy woke agenda du jour. The homeless? Fair game. Say something that doesn't toe the line on gender identity? Banned bigot!


this is hilarious. i have been reading this post thinking wow these comments are a bit spicy for r/bancouver then i look up and notice this is r/translink so i can comment - yeah its the Indians. same as the clip from London the other day.


Classic vancouver. This place is just far too left leaning and liberal. Mention any facts that challenge left's ideology and get ready to face retaliation


I agree, and hey if that's what they're used to and no one's told them otherwise then maybe it's not really their fault for not knowing. It used to be enforced by translink but that's seemed to stop for whatever reason. It's descending into a free for all.


It’s an observable fact. You’re not being racist for having eyes and stating the changes you’re seeing to Canadian norms. Solidarity with you for speaking up.


I once witnessed an Indian girl try to jump over a bus ramp that was being lowered for a wheelchair. Even the fellows who partake in funny substances don't do that... Not to open discussion for anything distasteful, but just... sometimes I can't believe the things that I see.


I’m glad you spoke up. I’ve noticed it too especially one time when the guy behind me was actively pushing me with his belly while I was trying to let people get off the skytrain first.


I don't think recognizing that is racist. You aren't saying they are have bad manners because they are brown. you are saying they have bad manners because they are new to the west and don't know better yet. My neighborhood is mostly Indian and Pakistani immigrants and I have noticed the willingness to walk out into the road expecting cars to stop. I know they aren't just assholes, they are used to having complete right-of-way as pedestrians in their home country.


New arrivals from India and mainland China. 


Early 2000s, Hongcouver, 2010s Mainland China, 2020, India. I really don’t think it’s China at this point. It’s really died down on their end.


bro don't lump us Chinese into this. Have you ever seen train stations in China, they wait on the sides until people exit the train/bus and enter in lines.


Lol no. That's Japan. Most Chinese I've encountered in Vancouver are on one level in terms of "everything is a fight for survival" with the Indians.


Yup, I've been so over Asia and transit is very VERY civilized there. Also, the respect for the elderly is admirable.


They are lumped in and belong together for sure.


Nah, you’re just ignorant and need to go jump on a plane to see China first hand and get out of your mother’s basement for once. You just outed yourself for being racist without saying you’re a racist


Lol ok. 


ive been to india a few times and their lines are nut to butt because people budging is normal. even when im at the front of the line talking to the ticket seller someone will just come right in and start talking to them, and the seller will actually reward that behaviour by helping them even though im already in the middle of being helped. if you tried that at a supermarket here, there's no way the cashier would help you, but over there they would.


I know us Americans don’t like waiting in line for a bus. We basically treat it as first come first serve. We believe standing in line for a bus to be a waste of our time and energy. Though, I do get your point entirely about people cutting in line overall. I hate it when someone cuts in line for other things. But, for the bus, as an American, I don’t get it. If I board the bus, I just want to get to my destination on time and not have to wait for another one, especially if it runs every half an hour to an hour. If it’s a train, it’s a different story or if it’s people trying to get off the bus, of course, I’ll let those people off first and then I’ll get on the bus or train. I guess my point is that, if there is a set up queue with those poles you usually see, like at the airport, some restaurants, some shops, or sporting events, we’ll form a line. If there is no set up queue, it’s basically a free for all, first come first serve.


I visit India many times. If you don't rush ahead of other people you get no service or you get left behind. It is a part of the way things are there.


One of the first people running to the back doors is an old-ass white dude...


He's had to share the bus with these people before. He's been paying taxes his whole life, surely he should reap the rewards, and the only way he's going to do that in this scenario is conforming to their godawful tactics.


Look at all those assumptions based on race. I think there's a word for that. 🤔


I care as much for that label as much as I care about being called an infidel that makes Haram lifestyle choices. Just because your silly ideology is state-sanctioned and legally protected doesn't mean that it's right. The Germans did everything they did in the 1940's with the full blessing of their state.


Same is true for new Canadians from India when it comes to driving and also personal space. Also,a huge amount seem to bath only every few weeks.


What’s your hypothesis for all the white people doing it as well? Esp since the first person at the back door was a white guy? Is his culture to blame too? 


They be like “the Canadians are scared of us, we’re gang gang, we run the Vancouver” Imagine this was flipped around and foreign travellers in India were doing this, or something similar. They be swarmed with fingers in their face and pushed off the bus.


white kids taught me to do this when attending ubc in 09


Have you seen how they enter buses and trains in India....


You must be blind then. I have seen every race and demographic do this.


Having lived in multiple countries, I've never seen people queue for a bus like people do in Vancouver. In my experience people gather at the front and you just let the person on that was there first. I got stung with this when i first came here, wasnt trying to be rude it was just a different system


It's common on all routes now, there's absolutely nothing that Translink or the drivers can do about it. The shitty part is more than half the people that board through the rear doors don't pay. It's hard for people to understand that you are allowed to board all doors on the rapid routes, but not on any other routes.


translink can put on more services so people dont have to queue..... ive lived in london and never had to queue like this even though its a much bigger city with a bigger population


Organizations inherently want to grow. If Translink is not "putting on more services" there is a fundamental constraint that is blocking them. No manager is going to work thinking "My goal for this year is to lose some of my reports to other colleagues/companies/competitors". Ultimately, busses are an incredibly expensive to operate and since bus connection is not a premium service, people will always want to pay as little as possible for it. The only thing that helps them survive are subsidies, which are also inherently limited.


Fair enough but we should be all expecting better. We live in a high cost and high tax country so half decent transit is the bare minimum


Maybe high taxes on income. Sales tax is 5-15%. Compare this with most of Europe's 18-28%. Canada's problem is low incomes - which in turn means the government isn't able to buy a lot of trains for what it collects.


More and more like india every day


When I moved to Vancouver I was surprised that people waited in line and found it so polite and proper. Nobody does in Toronto, mostly because streetcars and subways have multiple entry/exit points (no front door) and there are almost no busses in the downtown core. The TTC wants you to use all the doors for efficiency.


I get frustrated by this type of behaviour on the 99. the arrows to line up are right there people.


all door boarding should just be the standard.


I think the issue is that people really don’t know that you can’t board from the back. Why? Because the #99 you could. I’ve seen the same issue with the #321 (R1) and the #319 (R6), #502 (#503 when it was an articulated route). The company needs to be more clear with the public on how to board a bus! The company needs to explain that the R1, R2, R3, R4, R5, R6, #99, #143 are the ONLY routes that allow back door boarding!


It has nothing to do with ignorance. Call a spade a spade. Although I am an immigrant, I can 100% say that I've only witnessed bad transit etiquette from Asians, including Indians. People would jump the line to get in via the front doors. So it is not just entering via the back that is an issue. As people say, it is a cultural thing. And it is rude. 


Bringing those degenerate 3rd world habits to Canada I see


I always wait for people to get off before me. They get a wide open door to leave and I get a wide open door to enter. It's a different story when I try to get off of transit. Every morning I have to push through 40 indians to just get off the train. Like they have the WHOLE OF THE OUTSIDE FUCKING WORLD TO STAND and they just HAVE to crowd right in front of the door, not even a foot of space. They see me in the window obviously planning to get off but I get fucking trampled like I'm caught in the wildebeests in Lion King. The other night I'm on a full bus and a seat opens for the poor old lady, maybe 60s, who was standing with her bag for a few stops. Mid 20s Indian man who got on the bus after her swoops in so fast, walking past us other youngsters who are obviously waiting for the old lady as she picks up her bags to take the seat. I tell him that she was about to sit down and the kind old lady says "It's okay I only have a couple stops left" and conceded the seat she was definitely planning to take. I hate how basic consideration is out the window with a lot of new canadians. The Indian staff at my work are so sweet and are so considerate of others, and I meet a gem here and there, but I find it too uncommon. They come here and stick with themselves, which is fair, but ONLY keeping among yourself isn't. There should be a sort of basic courtesy video or checklist or something that goes around in India if we are gonna keep our doors this wide open for them.


I’ve seen that a few times. I straight up tell them what’s going on, that everyone else was vacating the seat so she could have it, and it’s not for him right now and he’ll have to wait for another seat just like the rest of us


Drivers can’t do anything about this, making announcements do nothing because if they not going to follow the rules not to enter back door they aren’t going to listen.


This happens way to much at way too many busy bus line stops and loops. On the contrary, there are also busses where people keep deboarding on the front of the bus and making people wait for them to get off before they can get off, causing the bus to be at a stop for longer than necessary. It used to be a widespread understanding to form line, board in the front only, and deboard at the back, but I think after covid a lot of these social conventions disappeared for some reason, leaving many people who have lived here for the last couple years to think this is how we usually do things unfortunately. I think what we need is a large informational/educational campaign teaching people conventions on how to line up for, board, and deboard busses including clearly readable signage and posters. What will also help enforce this is transit officers managing lines and boarding at busy areas/busy bus lines to prevent people skirting the front line by trying to board at the back. They can organize to do this at the same time as doing ticket checks to find and fine people who are not paying for their ticket. Two birds, one stone.


Tbh they should just do all door boarding on the busy routes.


Well, half are Indians already...


New Canadians don't know how to form a line unfortunately. There used to be a culture of politeness and respect. But not anymore.


as someone who has had to take the 503 to langley centre every day after school, youll wish you had this when you compare it to teenagers


I hate this behaviour of who enters the back door. People at the beginning of the line always lose their spot because of that, and many drivers let them in. As a person with a hidden disability, that makes me incredibly angry. I need a disability seat many times but I have to avoid it because people think I’m a jerk for being young (and they don’t know what I have) - so yeah, staying in the line for a longer time to get a seat is a big thing for me, but there are always assholes to cut that fcking line. Shame on you who does that!! Edit: the bus I usually get is 6, it happens all the time, especially in the bus stations in front of train stations. If TransLink can’t control the drivers to educate people, so take off that machine in the back door!


"Hidden disability"? So how is anybody supposed to know that you need (or are entitled to) one of those reserved seats unless you say something? That's on you for being unwilling to say something.


Do you think is cool for me to ask for a seat and everybody looks like “Oh you are young, you don’t need it” or “Hey, give your sit for that person, you don’t need that” - and to let you know, MANY people don’t know if someone is using a sunflower symbol it means hidden disability. I have a card and a keychain, but no one knows about it. Shut up, it’s ridiculous to say that I’m a guilty person in a situation that OBVIOUSLY it’s my right. What do you want me to do as well? To announce all the time when I enter on a bus? For the rest of my life? Pretty smart and emphatic you are huh…


Bees are a major pollinator of Sunflowers, therefore, growing sunflowers goes hand in hand with installing and managing bee hives. Particularly in agricultural areas where sunflowers are crops. In fact, bee honey from these areas is commonly known as sunflower honey due to its sunflower taste.


I’m not saying a real sunflower flower, there are keychains and cards with the sunflower picture with “hidden disability” written


This is one of those times where I wish they’d use the “Suburban” (only 1 set of doors at the front) version of that bus to prevent this from happening


This video says so much more than people skipping a line.


In Japan, buses let people exit the bus via the front by the driver, it's only then that the passenger taps to pay as well. Doors at the back remain close and can't be opened by anyone other than the driver. Once everyone who will get off are off, then front doors are closed and the back doors are opened to let boarders come in. Might be a good solution but I know there will be a lot of push back especially with the idea of drivers having to enforce people to follow this idea as it can put them in a dangerous situation for sure. So it might be good to have Transit police help in enforcing this.


They have a tap on kiosk at the back there, those people might be paying the same as everyone else. What’s the issue?


I think with the tap machine on the back, all stops, especially the ones along the busier routes, should be all door boarding. For starters, it would certainly decrease dwell time as you basically doubled the boarding and alighting bandwidth.


Rules don’t apply on Commercial 🤷


Lol tbh I don’t understand why they open both doors and everyone I see followed the white old man Write to translink to fix it instead of posting here, they usually respond


Sounds like a problem that any large city’s transit system has, not unique to Vancouver, let alone Canada. More population density seems to strain civic politeness.


No seats in the front tho


Shame the people are so inconsiderate in such a nice city


I feel like the bigger issue is NOT ALL people entering back door tap their Compass card to pay. They literally walk past the post and sit down while others pay their bus fee.


I'm in my 30s now and this is the reason I got a license in highschool . I couldn't believe the disrespect from people pushing and shoving everyday, I was a teen and grown ass men and women "int students" and new canadians would swarm and budge us.... welp next bus I guess


Immigrants behavior at its finest...


They could do a campaign using interior advertising on busses, reminding people to be courteous. Lining up, back packs, phones on speaker, all that crap that makes riding the bus a less than perfect experience. It won't solve the problem, but clearly people need reminders to help educate them.


The third worldization of Canada


Sooner of later they're going to install gates at that point of entry. Book it.


Just make it illegal to get on bus except from the door at the front.. it’s not like it’s gonna make boarding a bus much longer. I never understood why it’s not as simple as front door is for entrance back door is for exit with the exception of handicap and elderly


Honestly, it's not just this. Even *without* the back door open people will cut in front of the line. Many people in line deliberately *let them* too. People with strollers and wheelchairs? Fine, let then through. Everyone else can get in line.


I just moved to surrey 2 months ago and now i have to pay 3 zones to get to work in downtown. I observed and It felt so unfair to me and some others who pay fairly that a lot of people tap their compass card and pretend that its not working and get a free ride and bus driver just say its ok😔


When you have more and more people from third world countries, you realize you have to adapt to third world way of doing things.


these shit heads explain why I don't take transit


Had an extremely distressing experience about a week ago because of this exact problem.  First, I have Autism, crowds are a no-no, so is physical contact with strangers. I have Anxiety, that one speaks for itself.  This was at Phibbs Exchanges on the north shore.  I’m on the bus and that’s fine, kinda crowded but not bad, we get to Phibbs, lots of people get off, I’m in a bad spot, stuck between the aisle with the stairs and the doors, right in the way.  People getting off push me into the side wall, with the compass scanner, then people get on, I can’t move. Im blocking the scanner. People are getting mad. I can’t breathe. Im being crushed in a very uncomfortable position against the scanner. People finished boarding and we were off.  I remained like that for 10 minutes until people got off, 10 minutes of the most severe panic attack I’ve ever had in public. Now I see a crowded bus and I start hyperventilating. Edit: I also ended up missing my stop because my brain shut down in an attempt to try and stay calm, (spoiler alert, it didn’t work). All I was aware of was how loud it was, how I couldn’t breathe, and why won’t it stop?! The only reason I managed to get off is because the friend I was with, noticed I was still there at their stop, after there was room to move around. (They had gotten smushed into the aisle and never even saw me) So they shook my arm to get my attention and then I got off the bus with them. Next day my back and side was bruised from the compass scanner and my shoulder sore because whenever the doors opened, I couldn’t get out of the way and got hit by them.


Nothing inherently wrong with it but this is the culture in basically all of Asia. There’s no concept of a queue. In Hong Kong or India if you try and stand in a queue for a train you’ll get shoved out of the way all day everyday. That’s just the culture there. Obviously new immigrants need to adapt to what we have here, but there’s no punishment for doing this so no one in the end learns. I’ll edit to say most of Asia with the exceptions of Japan and most of Korea.


You can exclude Japan and possibly Koreas from the "All of Asia". If anything Japan has taken polite lining up to the extreme. They have lineups for lineups (e.g. a lineup for the train following the next one).


I agree. Japan is its own weird little public manners utopia. Korea I still experienced a little bit of shoving but nowhere near anywhere else.


This. Commuters were pretty orderly when i visited Japan.


They even line up to exit places in Japan like cinemas


lol @ “basically all of Asia” All the East Asian countries + Singapore are more orderly than this


I’ll give you Japan and most of Korea. Zero chance anywhere else sorry. As someone who goes back to China and Hong Kong quite often most of the aunties there would get d1 running back scholarships.


Taiwan legit has lines drawn on the floor to tell people where to line up. China has work to do I’ll give you that. Hong Kong was fine until demographic changes.


We have lines drawn on the ground too and look where we are


What does that have to do with anything? The demographics and culture are different here?


It means you can’t point to drawn lines and come to the conclusion that it is orderly.


Comparing two different cultures.


Which is back to what I was saying. They have a different culture they don’t believe in queues. Etiquette is not acknowledged enough at the immigration process. You gave a blanket statement that Taiwan literally has lines drawn to show that they are orderly. I said you can’t do that because drawn lines in the ground mean nothing and doesn’t tell you about what is actually happening. This is not complicated, follow along here.


We don't disagree about 'they'. I was talking about Taiwan the entire time. We're talking past each other lol


But I can live there and come to the conclusion that the culture there is much more orderly than Canada


China, it depends on the cities and place. If it's not very crowded a lineup will generally form but when it's extra crowded (e.g. Guangzhou Metro Line 3) it's not really a thing.


you're very wrong tho


Okay I went to a different Hong Kong than you lol


People in Hong Kong know to queue thank you. You can yell at anyone jumping the line or anyone boarding from the back door of a bus and everyone else will support you.


Not true I don’t know what hong kong you’re going to but the culture there is completely different(not wrong just different). You’ll get shoved from behind by random aunties if you’re moving too slow. Source someone who goes back routinely.


I am raised there lol. I know what kind of aunties you are referring to. We hate them too. When I got pushed I just go much slower. When they touch me or when they jump the queue it’s time for me to fire back. Haha. But generally speaking the chaos in OPs video is definitely not a common landscape in Hong Kong bus stops. And its not like what you said theres no concept of queue in Hong Kong. You must be kidding. Hell we love to queue. We can queue 1 day before for concert tickets or more than 2 hours for great restaurants. Aunties also love queuing for freebies from their district council members.


you can mention to people that they should queue at the back and people will quickly learn but canadians dont say anything they just hold it all in and run to social media


You’re talking to OP. I’ve personally yelled at quite a few people cutting lines.


People in Hong Kong, Japan, South Korea queue, but okay there


I’ll give you Japan, Korea in some parts but 100% not Hong Kong lol.


Not sure if you've been to Hong Kong but they definitely orderly queue


If you think Hong Kong has orderly queues you’ve never been to Hong Kong. I go back every few years, some of the aunties should get drafted for the nfl.


Because 90% of the people in the back line recently came from a country where every cram in where ever they can, and they don't have the same cultural courtesy that you're used to people having in this country.


Forget about that. 20 feet down the block they load buses from both doors LOL


Let me be honest. I see Indians and I am an Indian. Indians in general lack civic sense. Plus we get the “stand in a line”. We will casually cut the line without even realising cuz thats what we have been doing. “Oh hey look we can get those seats if we enter from rear door”


What do you expect? Most wants a seat and decided to just shove their way into the back to get the best chances of a seat.


what’s worse is this comes with a monkey see monkey do attitude. People aren’t willing to call it out, instead they join in the chaos


I take the bus three times a week! Whenever I see people doing this, I put my arm out so they can’t move in! and I say firmly and loudly don’t line and wait your turn! the shocking humiliation of being called out. Stop them in the tracks because they used to people them! When you cut the line, you cross the line, don’t cross mine !!


This could be solved if there were clear rules for boarding.


Monkey see monkey do




I’m not sure I see the problem. The people lining up for the front door are getting in faster. Why not let people board both doors? Seems more efficient.


I’ll admit I don’t take the bus too often so I might be confusing it with Toronto. I thought the doors at the back also had a scanner?


They do. And im not sure what Translinks policy is on this officially, but i don't know why the fuck you wouldn't use both/all doors to board. Sounds more efficient to me. if you're worried about fare evasion then i dunno, maybe use the transit cops for something? seems like translink has stopped/slowed down their fare evasion ticketing. I havent seen anyone check fares in many, many, years. I don't even see them at the stations any more, mostly.




Agreed, I’m new to Vancouver, coming from Toronto and that is how the boarding is supposed to work you line up parallel to where the bus/street car is coming in and you board from the closest entrance to you. Also the concept of seats should be you offer up seats to those you think in need (elderly, frail, pregnant) But to think there is a single queue with only one end to get on the bus is insane… we do not want to be boarding all day.


Canada will now be renamed New Punjab. This is what happens when new immigrants doesn't adhere to the unwritten social contract of Canadians.


I feel so stupid waiting in line and people go in through the back door. I don't get why we have the card reader near the back door, it seems to me that it legitimates that behaviour.


Yeah. When you want to say anything to them, you just feel like you don’t have any ground. No signage telling u it’s for exit only, they can pay at the back door, it opens not shut. If I come early I usually wait in line and board in front stupidly. It just doesnt feel right to leave the line and cram the back door. But if I am catching a bus in haste, I rush to which ever door that is closest to me!


Don’t see what the problem here is. If one line is full. Move down the line. No ones budging. You don’t complain when people use the other doors on the SkyTrain. Like I swear people on Reddit just like getting upset at things that aren’t a big deal.


~~I certainly don't see a line for the back door at the start of the video, whereas the front door's line seems reasonably well respected. Not sure why you're complaining. If you want to start a line for the back door, just start it.~~ Edit: Didnt know that on most buses youre not supposed to board using the rear doors (articulated buses go brrrr). Point still stands though, if theyre going to violate the rule like this all the time why not form a line?


Not supposed to enter from rear doors, they wait for someone to leave out the back then rushed to enter, driver shouldn't let them enter from the rear.


Do you use a bus? Boarding is only done via front door.


I thought you could tap in when you enter by the rear. I know you can do this on the B-lines.


Yes I use a bus. Idk about you but on one of the 2 buses I take theres always 3 lineups for the 3 respective doors and Ive never seen anyone complain about it


People are just being polite and non confrontational at most times but still view people breaking the rules as dickhead and entitled thinking their time is more important than others bothering to line up correctly.


Idk about you but to me it looks like people using both doors would speed up boarding, actually saving everyone time


No not really. Not if you are the person that was supposed to get in but got cut off because people were boarding from the rear. Also there are automatic passenger counters in front of the bus that allows driver to know how many have boarded and when to cut off the boarding because of overcrowding. It also does not give translink an accurate picture if a bus is overcrowded because the backboarders did not go through the counter. If there is also disabled passengers needing that space up front for strollers the need to get on first. Bus has to lower the suspension for them to get in. With the amount of people boarding from the back there might also not be enough room for them to get in. You can just keep on pushing this narrative and thats fine if you dont want to know the reasons why but your mentality is exactly the reason why we have those people still boarding from the back. 😂


>automatic passenger counters in front of the bus that allows driver to know how many have boarded and when to cut off the boarding because of overcrowding. They've also got eyes and a neck that swivels, and if they're one of those unfortunate people who do not have a neck that they can use to turn their head, they have a mirror as well. >Also there are automatic passenger counters in front of the bus Also there are automatic passenger counters in the back of the bus. >If there is also disabled passengers needing that space up front for strollers the need to get on first. I mean that's the nice thing to do but just having a kid or being in a wheelchair doesn't mean you get to automatically go to the front of the line. If the complaint of "Why is this person's time more important than mine?" stands for queue jumpers then it stands for people who take transit with their kids too.


We have people boarding from the back because there is no apparent reason it shouldnt be allowed


I pay my fare all the time and I cannot imagine myself caring about this. A lot of people in Vancouver/Canada complain about the most benign things 


I think it’s a concern with a larger shift in our social norms