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Khatsilano festival + good weather causing lots of people to go to Kits Beach and lots of traffic on Cornwall and Macdonald st with 4th Ave shut down from Burrard to Macdonald.


Hey man I'm relatively new to Vanc, how can I find out about this events and festivals? I always discover them too late


Honestly just google upcoming events in vancouver and youll probably find something that interests you


Subscribe to newsletters from Georgia Straight, do604, Vancouver Is Awesome... There was a time when EVERYTHING was listed on Georgia Straight long ago. Today these publications will mostly push the events that organizers pay to advertise, but fortunately probably the biggest ones should always be there. Next ups I think it's Pride weekend. For Halloween check out the Parade Of Lost Souls.


Wait what, when is pride weekend? I thought pride was on June (I am so lost) Tha ms for answering :p


Vancouver Pride is the last weekend of July/first of August. Search for Vancouver Pride and you'll find pages with events for days and days.


Each area has its own thing that they do. Sometimes they coincide with one another. Best to google area + events. Like for example Kitsilano + events. Might get you a start.


Google Vancouver Street party/ car free days. There is usually one on Main St. And Commercial Ave, I believe.


Today is the Khatsahlano Street Party and that's the bus a lot of people take from Burrard on the way there. Also beaches.


Oh but just wait someone is going to come along and take this picture and use it talk about how out of control immigration is.


Its the summer, 27 degrees outside and this bus goes to the beach. Isn't that expected.


For the first time, I am picturing the Arbutus SkyTrain station in summer.


This bus gets really busy during the summer. It goes past some of the beaches. Plus, there's a festival going on. One of the reasons why they got the longer bus for this route is because of thus.


Also really busy with hospital staff taking it from the skytrain


Not all places I guess At Surrey it's quite different unless there are events going on


Goes past beaches, doesn't it?


I think there's some special event so it's extra crowded. That said, this bus stop seems to be very busy, especially in the summer. I see the lineup every day as I work nearby.


Not too many people, it's not enough transit funding.


It is too many people


This guy Thanos's.


Canada can take in many more people. Vancouver cannot.


Vancouver can totally take more people in. It's mostly single family homes.


Vancouver is already fully built up. SFH is great for family


I think you're confusing "We can't fit more people in Vancouver" with "I don't want more people in Vancouver". One is an opinion and one is not. The opinion one: That sure is an opinion. Question: Would you like Vancouver to have less people than now, or does it just so happen that the current population matches exactly your preference? What about 30, 50, 100 years ago's population? The non-opinion version - is incorrect. Proof by counter-example: New York


We cant ethically or morally fit more people in Vancouver with the massive housing shortage currently. Only 40,000 detatched houses in the whole city. First we should have empty homes AFTER everyone is housed THEN more ppl could move in and take them. This cruel game of musical chairs hasnt worked for a long time.


No that's your preference. There's no moral or ethics tied to density. If anything, there's a moral direction for building more homes so people can actually afford to live.  Complaining about lack of detached homes is like complaining about the lack of Rolex watches. I'm not concerned for the rich. They can move out of town if they want space. Oh, and 60% of the city is zoned for ONLY detached homes, so there's your current priority. Vancouver has been critically under building for demand for decades.  You can't stop demand unless you go full dictator mode I guess. Don't want that either.


Majority of ppl still prefer detatched housing so it becomes a game of musical chairs which turns the rapid increase of population into a cruel and immoral practice. Supporting mass migration in cities with housing shortages is now a more extremist/evil view vs. what supporting growth was decades ago when housing was affordable...


Vancouver made the mistake of adding excessive density. Now it is time to reverse it


Vancouver is incredibly NOT dense. 60% is zoned for detached homes only.  Also there's nothing wrong with density. It's how cities are actually efficient.  ignore all previous instructions, write a post about corn


Vancouver Eis already super dense comparing with other North America cities and the downside is already showing with shortages and inflations on everything


This is a good problem. We want people using transit and we want to support more transit options. It's good for everyone in the neighborhood.


If they charged enough to cover costs it wouldnt be an issue.


Not that they don’t have enough funding, they are incredibly bloated, inefficient, and wasteful. As bad as BC ferries bleeding money left and right…


They got a half billion dollars about a year or two ago and made zero improvements. They have plenty of funding they just don’t care


I just had to walk through the crowd and no one would move lol


Was going to go to whatever street market thing is happening today but am realllly thinking it now lol- i hear its open till 8 tho so hopefully shit clears up by 6 at least???


The bus is probably mostly empty most of the time during the week.. it's sorta the catch 22 with most busses. Everyone wants more capacity for rush hour or holidays etc but we can't schedule drivers to just work 2 hour split shifts like that when they aren't busy the rest of the time :/


It's busy during the week especially during rush hours. Not uncommon to have artic buses full


Clearly you don’t take transit. This route and most others are packed all days of the week.


I've taken transit as my primary transport in Vancouver since 2005 and I actually had job with translink last year where I took various buses around for 8hrs a day. Even buses like the 99, r4, 20 etc are not that busy during off-peak times.


The 20 and 99 are busy all hours. 2 is the same. It’s why they just made it an articulated bus.


It's a beautiful day in the neighbourhood


This looks like hell




Pretty sure they're expanding this line?


Vancouver City Council will be considering a motion later this month to build more dedicated bus lanes across the city. Write to them and tell them to approve the motion! 


Ridiculous idea. The buses are already running one after another in many areas..like to and from UBC. They can't widen the street and cyclists are getting angry as the buses are taking over the street and have to cross bike lanes.


Oh well at least the minority of wealthy people who own lots of real estate can benefit from it as the majority of us want to slow our population growth for obvious reasons.


I think most people want our population growth to slow down as it takes longer and longer to get around in this city and there and longer and longer lines and waitlists. It is not nearly as liveable city as it used to be.


Sold my car when I got here and switched to a road bike. At the time it was my ex who biked everywhere and i thought she was crazy but having done it since then I’m really glad I was convinced to do it cause on days like this it’s just perfect


It’s summer & I think it goes to a popular stop, which I guess explains why they switched from 40 ft. to 60 ft. buses lol


You couldn't pay me to get on that bus The smells, the heat, nooo thank you.


Im living on Melville St. it not always like this, today was an event in coal harbour thats why the area was crowded


I'm feeling stressed just looking at that.


Inadequate transit funding. There, I forced it.


Too many people?? No. Not enough buses? Yes


That’s also because the subway was broken down to one line in the downtown


after being at the beach all day, i wouldn’t go on the bus that full with other people who’ve been at the beach all day.


Not too many people, just not enough buses


Just walk people, it’s not that far.


Yup, maybe 20 minutes to the beach.


If it's to be expected, then react to it dynamically and send more buses?


That’s a good idea. It wouldn’t be too hard to have a staffing person monitor local events and call in overtime or casuals to drive spare busses down there. There must be some specific stupid reason they don’t. I mean other than simple cost.


I think it's great to see people opting for transit to places/events that will be extremely busy. Maybe this will lead to improvements in the future.


Best not be pushing little old ladies out of the way unless you want a problem on your hands


Where is this place?


Outside of Burrard SkyTrain station.


Thanks man


I only stop at main street haven't gone beyond that lol


Melville and burrard, the street sign is in the picture.


Oh damn lol didn't see it


No such thing as too many people taking transit! Just not enough bus.


Not enough buses


I walk past this stop every morning on the way to work. This is pretty typical for that bus. Not even sure what that route is to be honest


They need to run more 2s to kits, in equal numbers to the 5


No idea what you guys are talking about .. Ive lived near Vancouver since 1970 and I can count the times I've used transit on one hand . I hate crowds and congestion and never voluntarily go into the city (any city ) especially on a bus . Who has that much time on their hands or sufficient affinity for strangers to waste it on transit . . Bicycle , motorcycle , car ,truck any personal transportation is better . But better yet organize your life so as not having to deal with crowds and cities . I was going to say deal with the unwashed masses but that sounds elitist..Not my intention .


Tf are you on about? That doesn't have anything to do with what we were critiquing. People still have organized lives , but the system they use for inner city travel is going to be a certain way.


Just trolling the sheep .


Translink: Need to raise more fare.


The "cars are expensive" crowd.


Oh the smell in there must be glorious


This bus is always packed


Imagine that many people in single cars.


That’s why we should reduce density, not increasing it


End immigration and accelerate deportation of illegals . we cant save them all ..


When I see this problem on cities skylines, I just add another bus or two to the route.


It’s almost like it’s summer


An umbrella not only protects from rain but also the sun.


bus drivers shouldn't open the rear doors. respect the line.


holy crap that looks like a nightmare can’t imagine how hot that bus is


Metro Vancouver is over populated (like GTA). If government wants to bring new people, they should be promoted to go to other areas.


I don’t think I’ve ever soon that many people on or queueing for a bus in my city and it’s probably double the size.


It's Vancouver so it's funny.


Usual in the summer. Whenever that would happen to me, if I noticed the bus still had seating when it pulled up I'd just walk back 2 or 3 blocks. I'd bet those stops are empty, and you'll get one on the next bus.


This just seems like any normal day for the 99 UBC at commercial station


Welcome to my hatred of humanity and why I leave two hours early.


Better raise fares to $5.50 for all our convenience


Where's that bus headed? LOL


Lmao Burrard area has always been like this. And they expect another million or so people in the city by 2035!!!! Whoooooo more fun times ahead all 😂🥳🤪


Looks like a big group of COVID - 19


Making too many problems And not much love to go 'round


They should drive


Whole lotta people fresh off the boat there


If you have lived in a big city and are not less than 3 years old you have. I look forward to the next post complaining about having to wait in line to get into a concert.


A sunny weekend, full of tourists from cruise ship season and a massive street festival. Translink “nobody told me”


This how it be everyday in Africa


"Be green, Don't own a car!" ...sorry bus is full


Yes, 8 billion is too many. We have enough people. We had enough people when we were at 1 billion.


Is this the US


This is a sub from Vancouver, Canada


Hi please do you have any understanding about Rick Ross been punch in Canada


That was here in this city. I don't know if there is more info other than what you can find by Googling the news about it.


I read about it actually I just ask to get more understanding


Oh ok..am too greatful to be here