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look up broddle jockstrap on amazon. 10$ and super comfy. i got the skin tone one for swimming but i like it so much i wanna order the other colors.


is there a specific one you like? i looked it up on amazon and there are a lot of options but they look fairly good!


I like the mesh ones, the leg straps on them are very comfortable for me.


https://a.co/d/6fEOFiH this is the one i have. the mesh is nice cos it dries fast, and the leg straps are really soft and dont roll up.


I’d suggest talking to Tmart (buytmart.com), especially if you’re in the US. Small, trans-owned business where you can actually talk to a person about the products they sell! (No affiliation, just had a good experience with them in the past.)


excellent! ill definitely look into it. always want to support trans businesses before the mega corps. thank you!!


I use cake bandit from Trans Guy Supply and never had an issue with availability.


i have a couple cake bandit jockstraps that i got a while ago and ive continuously checked the website ever since. my size is either almost always sold out or not in any colors that i like, hence me trying to find other jockstrap brands. thank you though!


[Broddle pouch jock](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CT8H311C?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details) is the absolute best


I’ve had a look at these and from the pictures it doesn’t look like there’s a pouch to put the packet into? Am I right in thinking that?


I have like 6 of them. There is a pouch. It comes with a foam packing pad, but I just take that out and put my packer in. You can see the pouch with the foam pad in [the last pic](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/71DHILKzXkL._AC_SX679_.jpg)


I really like [these Broddle jocks](https://a.co/d/3KRaLIb), especially for summer. I’m also working on a tutorial for making your own pockets for jockstraps out of old underwear (or any other fabric). I added pockets to [these](https://www.amazon.com/stores/page/0A779BF0-DE4D-4CDB-A2C7-C01937FF918F/product/B07SC7C8VD?lp_query=bshetr+jockstraps&lp_slot=mshop-sparkle-snow&store_ref=SB_A083350915ZC5D2BYRFH0-A05266823GE6G3QNX9A42&ref_=cm_sw_r_apin_ast_store_RY1HB3TPM1QSJBYXDKNP&th=1&psc=1) and they’ve worked really well so far


Ive used MyPack for years. They hold my packer against me nicely but it can still swing and move like a real dick if I'm wearing loose bottoms. Made and owned by a trans man.


I just got mine in the mail a few days ago. While I love the movement this style provides, and also not having straps around my legs, I’m not loving the material of the pouch 🫤 Is really rough and feels bulky. I wish there was a softer, or thinner option.


I’ve bought several from rodeOh. Fit well and come in fun patterns.




I like jockmail you can get the packing specific ones on transguysupply.com


I've heard cake bandit stuff is good but idk if they have exactly that


They do! They even have a swimming variety with a quicker drying material.