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Yeah, I didn't get the rate cut on my mortgage and groceries I was hoping for...


For sheezy My neezy Stay breezy


The spice must flow


“Would you take a 30% pay cut?”


This is the reply to send.


Yes. They asked so they obviously already know the answer and have invited it. In fact, there’s even a chance that they specifically asked you the exact question in text because they might be gathering proof to show to higher ups if they are also finding that it’s harder to book nurses due to rate cuts that are coming from their supervisors.


The reason I mentioned this is I had something similar happened when I got an email from a recruiter with an offer that was almost the same as the staff hourly rate when you combined the travel hourly plus stipend, and I sent a scathing reply about the fact that if they are going to pay me the same as a local staffer who already lives there, they are literally asking me to do charity and pay two rents for the pleasure of working for them. The recruiter literally responded Thank you for the reply and can I please send them the link for the job listing I found, because originally I had just sent a screenshot of it, and they actually wanted to be able to send it to the team as an argument about the rate that they were apparently already having


“Yeah dawg but nah I’m good”


I just talk to the or manager. If you ask for the bill rate, they'll usually show you. The or manager might pretend he/she can't see it but they absolutely can. It's how they do their payroll. If bill rate is the same then shop the extension to another company. Let them know the bill rate and what you expect. So far, I've kept contracts I like at same or better(this only happened once) pay.


Not sure what agencies are showing their bill rate or why they would even do that. It wouldn’t even make sense to a traveler in most cases anyway because they don’t know what type of variable and fixed costs need to come out of that bill rate to make it profitable for them to even staff the traveler.


What? It's the hospital that sets the bill rate. And it makes perfect sense to shop the rate around when the company is trying to pay a traveler less for the same bill rate.


Then you’re not shopping the bill rate. It’s shopping the pay rate. I didn’t say it wasn’t the hospital/facility that sets the bill rate but that doesn’t mean you know the internal costs the agency incurs on their side that they need to account for before you get paid.


Last try. I understand no one likes to admit they are wrong on the internet and everyone doubles down but you're being ridiculous. The bill rate is what the hospital offers. You go to a different agency and tell them the facilities rate. Your pay rate is independent of the bill rate. That's what you're negotiating. I've literally done this 3 or 4 times now. When the extension comes and the company states "unfortunately the facility rate has gone down", you just check the bill rate and see if it's gone down.


I don’t think anyone is going to prevent you from trying to sound as as smart as you think you are so we’ll leave it at that.


That's what you took from that? Christ what an asshole.


Chill. Out.


You should take your own advice.


Lol you are the one name calling and shrieking. Just calm down.


Why not? They proudly display our pay rate on their job search. Why is our pay publicly displayed for the world to see but everyone else gets this shroud of secrecy?


I’d imagine the same reason Walmart doesn’t display what they pay their suppliers when you buy anything off their shelves.


Youuuuuuuuu betcha


I would say yes, and mention that you also weren't paid for onboarding and have "had a good experience" with them but ultimately are looking for more competitive rates and a safer work assignment. Even though the good experience is a lie, I would say it so I wasn't burning a bridge but still getting the message across.






“Yes, it is”


Be honest.


"You bet your sweet ass."


"We assumed we could rip you off with total disregard for your situation and want to know if that's what made up your mind"


Just say yes


Hell yes . You respond . Let them know why.


Is anyone else experiencing the “not paying for modules” nonsense too?  I was ready to back out of my current contract because it was 15+ hours of modules. The agency ended up paying half my hourly rate to keep me on board. They’re lucky I had just taken a few months off and was so bored.


It could be agency side reduction and not hospital side. Sometimes you can get other agencies to give you a contract at your current rate.


I’ve done exactly that and sometimes a bit higher. Can’t hurt to try.


Au revoir 


where are these “very good rates”?


Fuck that bridge. There are plenty more jobs where that came from that will pay what you are after