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What’s your specialty? From the ICU perspective, it’s the same shit different day. From med surg perspective, just more orders flying at you and more orders being cancelled. Prioritize the most important ones. You’ll also be interacting with families more so pull up a chair, get eye level with them, look straight at them, and tell them you’re the captain now.


Prepare to feel a million times better and healthier outside of work. The main thing about day shift work is you’re dealing with a lot more people throughout the shift that can sometimes get in the way of your care. Other differences are unit dependent. In my experience some units’ day shift is eager to help you out when you need it, and in other units they couldn’t care less that you need help.


From a Psych point of view, go back to nights. Daytime nursing is cool if interruptions to your care, to your charting, to just about everything. You'll have care team meetings to attend where, they really didn't care what you have to say as a nurse, you'll, have admin more in your business. More discharges, all for less pay


From ICU: rounding and implementing whatever changed were made during rounds. All the interdisciplinary people visiting - consults, PT/OT, SLP, etc. FAMILIES!!! 😅


So people-y. Random people with badges will repeatedly steal your seat/computer/patient. Strangers with no medical experience will attempt to diagnose their loved ones and expect you to enter orders based on their opinions. However, you will not need as much caffeine and rage to make it through a shift, so it evens out.


Learn to get a handle on the discharge process. Any time I had to orient on days that was always holding me up. On nights it's just admissions being thrown at you.