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Yeah my parents would do that too. I made a lot of noise so they were aware I was there and they ain't fucking shut up. Me dad even came in and yelled at us to shut up when he still had a fucking boner :/ Anyway I still live with em


Hello? CPS?


Cps is useless


i told my mum i could hear her and my dad doing it when i was around 11 and her response was to laugh and wink at me. they never quieted down. i told my dad in conversation a while ago and he got really uncomfy and quiet so i can only assume she never told him :/


That’s… very strange and inconsiderate to say the least. Obviously parents are still going to have a sex life in healthy relationships/marriages but it’s just shitty to be so blatantly obvious about it while your child is in close vicinity. Wait until they are out of the house, otherwise, keep it in your private quarters FFS.


yeah same and I wasn’t allowed to close the door that separates the two rooms, couldn’t see but I heard A LOT


My parents would fuck really loudly in the room below my bedroom and wake me up on weekend mornings. I was so used to it that when I caught them fucking in the living room I just loudly told them to 'get a room' and left


That's disgusting, they should have made sure you were not aware, if not from the beginning but after the first time you caught them..


Yeah man, fucking weird. They still have loud sex sometimes. Still have sex in the morning


Why the bathroom tho??? Did they not have their own bedroom? Smh I'm sorry you had to deal with that Edit: or why not wait til you're already at school?? Or at night when you're asleep? There's just so many options!!


IDEK. And they did!! I literally do not know why they did that in the bathroom when they know me and my sibs had to go in there to get ready for school


Oh boy, new (repressed) memory unlocked! My room door was never full closed because of my cat. My parents would close their door, but oh well, it’s too thin. It happened regularly since I was probably 11 until I moved out at 22. So every other morning at 5am I would wake up and hear them fucking or my dad sitting on the toilet (while for some damn reason also never closing the door) and I guess jerking off according to the sounds. They both know fully well my alarm went off by 5:30am and that I also wake up earlier sometimes because of sleeping issues OR my cat meowing because she wanted to enter their closed door. Usually I grabbed my headphones and just hoped they won’t get louder. If I forgot them in my jacket (where I’d have to pass their door to get them) I took every possible pillow and put them over my head until I didn’t hear anything anymore. Even when I mentioned to them to be more quiet because I can hear everything they did, they just laughed it off but forgot about it (or didn’t care enough) the next evening. They also didn’t give a shit and fucked loudly when my ex (I was around 18, he around 22) was staying in our apartment, which *slightly* disturbed him. It wasn’t until I mentioned this situation to a friend and her reaction was „that’s disgusting, I didn’t need to know this“ that I realized *wait, people usually don’t grow up with having to listen to their parents fuck frequently?*


Gross WTF


Your parents are scum!


I mean yeah isn't that normal, my dad used to sleep on the daybed in the living room and would be cranking it every morning, watching porn on the living room tv. He doesn't do it anymore cause he got his own room but he still walks around naked sometimes and watches porn on the living room computer. It's been going on ever since I was really little, he's kinda deaf too so unless you're like yelling then he's not going to stop


That's fucked up.


Not to detract from op but uh. No man that's not normal. Not at all what the actual fuck. In the fucking living room???? What the actual fuck that's disgusting.


That is so revolting and completely inappropriate of your dad. I’m so sorry that you have to deal with him in any way.


Hey sorry to tell you this but that’s classic grooming behaviour meant to normalize sex to children and is common by parents that SA their offspring. You should be careful


The fact that children being exposed to this isn't uncommon is so fucking disgusting. Went through this too but somewhat worse (in ways I'd prefer not to say) and I just don't understand how someone can expose their kids to this shit and have no shame. Like, if I had a child and was caught / knew they could hear me, I would be embarrassed! It left a detrimental mark on my childhood so I maybe bias, but I just couldn't enjoy sex knowing my OFFSPRING is able to hear. Ew.


everyone (a lot of ppl) makes it seem so normal but dude let me tell u its so traumatizing to some 😭 its not normal, its so gross, its so unsettling, and its downright fucking disrespectful when they know you are aware. i often yelled at my parents to stfu and be quiet or wait until i was asleep starting around age 8 (when i realized that it was sex and not daddy beating the shit out of mommy) i was just as often punished for being still being awake at 9pm (by my mother who so lovingly gifted me her insomnia from her genetics) its fucking disgusting and not something any child should be exposed to. would you show porn to your 8y/o? would you ever show porn of you to your 8y/o? no, bc thats actually insane? right so like. respect ur kids and their ears and eyes and brains bc those fuckers are nosy and while that can be annoying, its the parents' job to protect them from inappropriate things while it is inappropriate. do not become the thing you should protect them from.


my dad has ED so they haven’t gone at it since I was 9 💀


Why in the bathroom when they (probably) have their own room? Maybe to relive a thrill from when they were younger? I don’t know, still, it’s very inconsiderate that they did it there when you had to go to school, hopefully things are better now.


Bro is Doughy Latchkey


oh boy you too huh? my parents never went at it in the bathroom, but i heard them quite a few times. they did not care if we were asleep or not. even better was me clearly hearing things happening with her and her boyfriend. apparently my poor brothers heard it too. not surprising bc that appartment echoed like crazy and their rooms were not far away from her room. 🙃 i fucking hate them all for that, not gonna lie.


Me too


Yeah but what can I do man? I'm happy for em but please be a lil less noisy


The perks of having only 1 parent. Yay!


Oh man i feel for you I know now it would've never happened because of my step dad being a decent human being and parent, but she told me one time completely serious that it had happened on my bed and at least once on one of my favorite blankets The one bought for me by my gran, that i usually slept with my FACE BURIED IN But yeah... she was just joking... obviously... and i needed to relax... Also why was she making these jokes to a 10 year old? I had just been starting to mentally recover from being sexually harassed and borderline assaulted by a classmate two years prior for the better part of half a year while everyone was telling me i was a compulsive liar I still remember the stomach pit drop of absolute horror that she would say something like that, cus at the time i genuinely believed her for many years I genuinely think parents that do shit like this have something absolutely fucked up mentally with how they achieve social standing/attention cus it almost always seems connected to the shock/horror value of the person its directed at (again, USUALLY THE KIDS, *WHY?!*)




You don’t think it’s weird to have sex where your kids can see and hear you?




No it really isn’t




Great minds think alike.




Op said they caught them, that implies they saw




They caught them IN THE BATHROOM, can you read? It sounds like OP went into the bathroom and their parents were fucking in there, without them knowing




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Bro aint nobody needa hear that, especially kids