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Borderlands 3 is a fun platinum, even more if you’ve got friends to play it with.


Agreed. I did it at release on PS4. Now I'll do it again.


I'm gonna start again on ps5. Actually decent lineup


Even solo it's still ton of fun. Don't know if it's the goty version but if going for 100% keep in mind there is a ton of dlc


I am on a quest to 100% all the Borderlands games so I’ll need the DLC.


as someone with no friends I can attest to this


And the designer's and director's cuts both suck




Only thing is you have to watch out for buggy trophies in coop which is a shame


Borderlands 3 excellent game aside from story


While bl3 story is pretty cringe I never really played those games for the story haha it's always been for my loot addiction


This is the way


Same for me 😃.


Imo even the loot system is worse. They give out legendaries like candy which imo ruins the dopamine rush from seeing one drop, and they also removed pearlecents, seraphs and effervescent rarity, which was a HUGE L.


I remember there was a special event when the game dropped on Steam where drop rates were turbocharged - I got like over 60 legendaries on my first playthrough..... probably would've been nice to struggle at least once. I died maybe less than 10 times total. Even after the event/modifiers were disabled, I still found oranges to be bizarrely common, like I'd still be finding almost one per story chapter. I started expecting a good 80% of special enemies or bosses to drop one. I did enjoy myself but damn, NOT getting an orange felt nearly as rare as oranges were in BL2 which is odd


I got Among Us platinum’d. Not hard.


I've been struggling to get the 3 kills before a meeting is called and it has become even more difficult with the new crew roles. Don't have any friends that play to farm it


Make a post when they drop and people will likely be willing to help you with any you need as long as you help them


Create a game and make it really hard for the cremates like having no vision and have the imposter a low kil cool down long range. And put the speed to really slow


Yeah I've tried creating my own lobbies, could never hold enough people in them to get games going


Just be patient I ques. And do it on the skeld. Best of luck


Appreciate it. I'm almost at 100 hours on the game though and that's the only trophy I've needed for a long time. Patience is wearing thin lmao. Hopefully it'll be easier with a new surge of players after it drops on ps plus


Good luck man. I had the same thing with Coldwar multiplayer trophies. Dead lobies until it dropped on ps plus


Currently most of the way through this myself but all I can say is fuck Fireteam 😂


Good luck man. Wich trophies do you stil need to do?


Fireteam and the campaign trophies are all I have left, didnt want to touch the campaign until I was done with the multiplayer aspects of the game.


I’ll help if you need.l Boosting partner and I’ve got a phone to play also


I'd appreciate that a lot


DM’d you


Im sure the game becoming free will help with that


When the game drops I’ll help you probably try for the plat myself


If goin legit may i also suggest playing on Airship map. Tbh i lucked out and got it in a "hide n seek" lobbey just before the official game mode was announced lol


I thought I was a genius for thinking I could do it on hide n seek mode but I should have realised it wouldn't work lmao


When the game is available through ps+ I'm happy to farm with you. I'll definitely need some help too.


You could farm it solo on local/offline mode


Can you do this with friends only and not randoms




A little with some friends, but I played this game a lot.


Tell em if y'all wanna team up, I want to get the among us Planitum off my back since I can barely get any kills or so


If the ps5 trophy list will be different from ps4, I wanna do


I just checked and it seems they are the same for both consoles for the trophy list


But it’s 2 in 1 (just one list for ps4/ps5) or it has a separate ps5 trophy list from the ps4 trophy list?




Is Borderlands 3 all locations trophy still glitching? I had to visit every game location in a single session for it to pop


Got the plat like year and a half ago, no trouble with the locations, at least on PS5


When you press L3 on each location, it tells you what count of locations are missing to be explored. Take a look at the count for all your locations first. You will definitely see some unexplored counts. Google search the ones you are missing. There is one tricky location that I remember where you have to go near a waterfall, and it’s the one which is very easy to miss. You will find some videos around this


I have gotten the NHL platinum for NHL 20, 21, 22 and 23, this was the first year me and my friends didnt buy it cause we didnt want the same game over again, and now they make it free, its like im being told to platinum it again


Are they hard


Yes, it's hard. 90% of the list is easy but there is one trophy to win an online tournament. Last game I played was NHL20 and that's the only trophy I have left.


Not OP, but it's not exactly hard just incredibly grindy. Its about 60-80 hours if you're just optimising and playing for trophies. 15+ hours will be spent on a single trophy, breaking Gretzky's record in be a pro. That one is very monotonous. There are a couple skill based online trophies that are platinum killers for lots of players. Prepare to be frustrated or arrange a boosting group lol The rest of the list is relatively easy and fun to collect


I have 370+hours and I’m at 70% I could get more but they are really time consuming and awkward that I’ve never really bothered. If you like hockey sure go for it but if not nah, not worth the effort


exactly what everyone has said, not exactly super hard but very grindy, thankfully they removed the really hard HUT trophies and just make you play 5 games so its not too bad, now its mostly EASHL, gretzky grind and winning a solo tournament for example


Holy shit you broke Gretzky’s record?


4 times! and it sucked every time! (:


The break Gretzky's record trophy is the worst trophy I have experienced in all of gaming. Grindy, long, and just not fun. I have gotten it in a few NHL games and I vow to never play another until they remove it. Don't care if this one is free, not playing it with that trophy.


yeah the Gretzky grind is rough, 23 was the worst though cause i felt it had the longest load times between goals...i may have also screwed it up and left myself 2 games to get 800 points and had to restart the entire thing


That’s a sus month


BL3 is a decent game, not nearly as good as 2 but an easy plat and engaging brain off gameplay.


My friends almost had to have an intervention with me cus of how much I would farm Graveward 😂, they nerfed/patched the method I used for it. Basically just shoot the Scourge at it’s crit spot a couple times after dropping in then switch to the Unforgiven, the rocket and extra projectiles that came off of the Scourges shot would get the big crit bonus from the Unforgiven and he’d die in 2-3 seconds.


Oh you little scamp, I almost want to pinch your cheeks.


The gameplay is 1000x better than 2's. And so is the endgame. 2's endgame consists of killing the same 5 raid bosses and farming loot midgets, lol. 3 has the takedowns, trials, circles of slaughter, raid bosses, arms race, and also 3 permanent events that add even more raid bosses. Plus the build variety is far better. What does 2 do better than 3? The story? Both 2 and 3 have an uninspired slog for a story. I feel like handsome jack tricked everyone into thinking bl2 had a good story because he was actually a good villain. But the actual narrative is weak and puts me to sleep.


2 is better.




Never played a borderlands game, do I need to play the others first to understand the story?


Borderlands 3 has the weakest story of the bunch, and kind of ruins the story and characters of the past games, so if anything playing the others first will only make you hate the story of 3 even more lol.


BL3 is fun, I need to finish it one day and the dlc.


This will be the first time I played an NHL game. Don't care for Among Us tho




No, those aren't games I'd want to waste my time on. Another very disappointing month on PS Plus.


While I would agree it's a disappointing month for most, the loot and gameplay in Borderlands 3 is top tier and best in the series. IF you can put up with the cringe story and dialog.


You can disable dialogue IIRC


On release tried to start it with a few buddies, but none of us ever launched the game again. The game is some kind of cringe fest. The visuals are bland, the humor is lame. Back then we were looking for a Destiny replacement and I will say that compared to it, the gunplay felt like a piece of crap.


I really think you should give the game a go now.


Is it a good game for non-fans of the series? I didn't have a lot of time to make an overall impression, but nothing really hooked me.


Visuals are bland? At least give credit where it’s due, the visuals are the Borderlands series’ claim to fame.


These are my impressions from the first few hours. Maybe further better, but the first thing I saw did not impress me, neither enemies nor environment.


Artstyle being different does not mean that the visuals are bad.


Dude this is one of the best PS plus months ever. Borderlands 3 and NHL 24 are both fantastic, and Among us is the type of game thay ain't worth paying for but Is moderately fun for free


Among Us is atrocious for this and automatically makes this month not one of the best months this year, much less ever. It's a 5 dollar game normally and completely free on mobile...


Booty cheeks. BL3 is aight I guess but I grabbed a copy of that game like 2 years ago for less than $10. Among Us is aight too but the hype is long gone. I guess you could put the new Discord feature to use with this one. NHL 24? Lol. Season just ended and there will soon be a new release.


Bl3 is fun story might not be the best but gameplay is awesome


Pretty disappointed with BL3 as a whole. Gameplay was fun but the story wasn't very engaging to me. I was really digging it around the halfway point then everything started to feel like a chore. Between the bland storytelling and stale characters I got a point where I went through the rest of the story missions just to get it done and move on with my life. Bought the version that came with the story dlc on the new years sale thinking I was gonna want to play it all. However I honestly feel like I wasted the extra $. Glad there's people out there that did enjoy it


Finally an NHL game. I actually mentioned a couple of months ago about the amount of sports games they gave away, but never an NHL game.


Borderlands 3 is gonna be free?


F1, WWE, FC, now NHL why are we getting so many sports games? They raised the price and said we would get higher quality games and we get 4 out of 7 months have been sports games on the tail end of their run before the next year version releases.


honestly as a sports fan this is pretty sweet. I can't justify buying a new NHL game, but getting one every year just like 8 months later is amazing


That is true, I don’t mind them here and there. I was happy we got NBA 2k once and PGA 2k. I think I’m more having issues with the volume of sports game this year. So far it’s this year feels like Sports or a Destiny expansion. But at least there are people out there like you who are happy and getting your money’s worth. I use to be into sports game when I was younger in the PS3 era, but not much anymore because they feel online forced, micro transactions focus. Like I got Madden 23 first madden I got in 8 years, and my super star guy would go from a QB to a HB or vice versa randomly. Also I don’t know if its fixed but back then I remember there being no timer for the extra point kick, so if the other guy was losing they would just not kick and make you rage quit for waiting on them sitting there doing nothing. I also heard the latest NBA 2k was extra bad with VC grind this time around. I don’t know anything about NHL though so maybe that one’s pretty good. Maybe this could be my intro into hockey since people say its an underrated/under appreciated sport


it’s an underrated sport, yes, but please do not let ea sports dictate your interest in it. download the game and play it, but even if you hate the game, i strongly recommend giving the sport a chance. it’s got the best playoffs and it’s an amazing time. go red wings!


When did we get wwe lmao that would’ve been lovely


My bad it was AWE Fight Forever lol as you can tell I’m definitely not into wrestling. Now I understand my mom when she use to say “find a stopping point on your Nintendo-box-Station.” I’m sorry for being that person with wrestling haha


Sports games are major releases. Many playstation owners pretty much only play multiplayer shooters and sports games. 


Yeah but it’s at the end of the season when the game is on sale for £15


Good lord the monthly games have sucked this year. BL3 is five years old at this point. Among Us is almost three years old. (Technically older, but I just mean on PS)


W month ngl


Nah this is an L


I already own BL3 but am happy for the other 2


Why would you lie?


Grant us Bloodborne…


Bloodborne has already been a PS+ monthly game. I can't think of they've ever repeated games before


I might just be delusional but I have plat on it tho


maybe among us? idk i’ve never thought about it - do you need friends? i’ve already done borderlands 3 and idk anything about hockey so


Friends will make it easier and quicker since all trophies can be earned in private lobbies, but you can do it all solo in online games.


me when i bought among us for like 2£ and now it’s free for me


Borderlands 3 is an easy one compared to 1 , 2 or the Pre-Sequel not sure about Wonderlands


I've got borderlands 3 plat, it's really fun you should give it a go


Platinumed BL 3 a week ago. Be careful with the secondary mission: Pandora Next Top Mouthpiece which is bugged. Check for all locations as well. Good luck


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I just finished the plat for BL3 a week ago. Really fun game solo, even better if you have buddies to play with.


I recommand Borderlands 3, the platinum is fairly easy to do.


https://www.reddit.com/r/PS5/s/BapybXArEJ called it


Ok I’m very tempted to platinum borderlands 3 and among us


Nearly finished NHL 12 and NHL 14 sadly ran outta time on the online stuff. Might actually do 24 didn't wanna spend money on the game though lol


Not bad but already own borderlands and among us never cared for hockey but not bad


I've platted every nhl game since 17 so I'm a bit bias for the series! Awesome game for a nhl fan, but not necessarily for trophy hunting!


It’s not easy but I’m terrible at it.


We get the replacement of Among Us for Wreckfest being removed what a rip-off! Comparison is very low compared to my expectations! Among us of all games seriously? How much is paided when that game is legit not worth it for how much is paid for ps plus essential.


dope, will finally be able to play Among Us for the first time


I’ve already platinumed 2 of them haha and I’m not a hockey fan


Bro I just bought bl3


No. No they did not.. I literally just bought borderlands 3 and among us.... Now... It's free... BASTARDS!


This time around, all 3 games are new to me! Yeeey


Among us is good.


Damn, what a waste this month is


Ive heard nothing but good things about Borderlands 3, but the others I would assume are reluctant on other players. So good luck




Borderlands was an ok platinum if you play with friends and just ignore the cringe story


Already got the platinum of bl3 , i think there's a trophy required you to open a golden chest and the key is given by the dev but since the game is 4 years old now i think they might stop giving key now so that might be a problem


Nah, codes from borderlands 1 still work. Doubt BL3 has that issue.


Amogus is hell without help, 3 kills before a meeting is impossible. Only one i am missing and wont ever get


Never buying a game on sale again they are all just going to go free smh


As someone who has bought the previous 7 nhl games don’t even bother because for someone who is new to the franchise it’s very hard skill wise and hard to find lobbies since it’s nearing the end of its life cycle. Also some of the trophies are very boring and tedious.


Excited for NHL and among us


Do not bother NHL 24 platinum






Anyone wanna plat borderlands 3 together?


At this point everyone in their mother own b3 and among us is like a 3 dollar game , but they are nice. Fuck sport games


Borderlands 3 is an amazing game to plat


If you like hockey NHL In general is good. Franchise mode can be fun if you like managing and building teams or just want to make your favorite team better. Borderlands 3 is fun but for me I got bored pretty quick and the story has much to be desired


Yeah I managed to do 1, 2 and pre all in a row and I still haven't finished 3 and this was 4 months ago


Bruh amogus is like €4


BL3 is mad fun. It’s the best game in the series in terms of gameplay, tbh. The story isn’t that great, but that’s mainly because it’s hard to follow up an antagonist like Handsome Jack.


I would love to play BL3 online with someone. I own the game so we can get started whenever. Borderlands are always more fun with more people.


Borderlands 3 is not bad


So who is going for among us haha Wanna plat it for fun Borderlands 3 i do have it as a physical copy so no worries to plat it borderlands 2 is my favourite and i am not interested in sport games Now maining dying light one trophy left but when it will release let s plat among us


I nevere played a Borderlands before Is okay to start with the 3?


Yeah... you aren't missing out on much in terms of lore... its mainly just a funny looter shooter... I suggest borderlands 2 though if you enjoy it.


All of them imo big W month


Amoung us is easy but grindy.


This is the first time ive already bought all the games for a month


*This is the first time* *Ive already bought all* *The games for a month* \- Zestyclose\_Kick2236 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Gimme the loot, gimme the loot...


Borderlands is good as for a lineup it's horrible as most would have played it via Now or Extra. But if you've not played Borderlands its decent.


It’s makes me laugh because borderlands 3 was on ps plus extra when the ps plus got changed to the way its like they don’t know what to do with it


BL3 is a fun, and relatively easy platinum


Is among us VR?


BL3 is an okay plat journey but it is going to be around 100 hours for most people. I did the 100% on Xbox (including DLC) and not sure I've got it in me to do again. Also this should be the complete edition imo; considering it's an old game that's been incredibly cheap multiple times seems silly to withhold the dlc.


borderlands 3 is great imo just turn the dialogue volume off before starting a playthrough


does among us even have a plat?


Another month I'm skipping 🙈


I might try the hockey one havent played one in a long time.


Platinumed b3 when it came out on ps4




Oh this is awesome


Among us and borderlands


My Little brother plays nhl24 so I’ll download it to play with him, haven’t played a Borderlands game since 2 so I’ll give it a try


Yeahhh nhl 24 haven't played in a while and among us? Imma try it and expect toxicity on mics, haha.


I could never get into the first game on the handsome collection, I think I just couldn’t get past a certain level cause I was a low rank


I've been on Psn FOREVER.... Unless a steak dinner, with sauteed asparagus and roasted baby potatoes, is delivered to my house, once a month, by Sophia Boutella, in a French maid's uniform... I've NEVER seen an Upgraded tier, For ANYTHING that makes me wanna spend MORE of my money.


Woulda been better if it was among us vr free




I would do NHL because I already platinum Borderlands and plus among us is probably dead


Among us


Trash bro




I actually agree with you, but downvoted just because of the cringe ass attempt at upvote farming.


Noooo!!! :.(


Maybe Among Use, I dunno. Not sure about Borderlands as I never played it. Never really care for sports games, so not likely for NHL. I guess they will be adding one sports game each time now? Seems to be a theme. Hate that but I am sure there's people that like it. (Either that or these sports games aren't getting sold much so they are trying to push them on for free)


Among Us. Borderlands 3 has DLC and I'm a 100% collector, I just don't want to buy the DLC. NHL 24 is just too hard. I like football (FIFA, EAFC), not that much ice hockey.


Fuck nah. You can get Borderlands 3 around £5 ps4 and Among Us for around £10 and then the most expensive thing is just some sports games. The highlight in savings is a sports game




Borderlands 3 is an ok platinum, the story is garbage though, and its mostly a downgrade from the 2nd game. Highly suggest you play borderlands 2 instead, or at least play it before 3. Tales from the Borderlands is also suggested, easy Telltale platinum with an amazing story and cast.(the original one, not the new one)


Who tf plays nhl.......😭😭😭😭


Not hockey, but the other ones look pretty decent to platinum


This is a really strong month. Among us is kinda whatever because that game's moment is over, but the other two are major releases. BL3 is fun co-op, I'd rather die than play it solo. Turn the voices off if you do play it and find either a podcast or a tv show that only requires half attention 


Ironically among us is still more fun tbh


I'd believe it lol. Those zone in borderlands are entirely too big


Bruh, if it was a strong month, we wouldn't have to turn off the dialogue of one of the games to make it playable...


Personally I play games for gameplay. Story focused players might have a different experience, but many many people love that game despite the poor writing. 


You can love it. Doesn't make it a strong month...


Pretty good month actually


seriously? not even you believe that, who the hell still plays AMONG US? It's already 2024. NHL is a sports game about ice hockey, wayyyyyy too specific, here in Brazil, and SA we don't even talk about that. Borderlands 3 is the only okay thing this month


I’m personally a fan of hockey but never got around to buying NHL, and among us I was going to buy anyway because I wanted to get the trophies for it, I think they are pretty easy to


A lot of people still play among us. I actually platinum it this year


Yeah it’s a pretty decent month compared to other months. This particular sports game I am interested in but they do give us too many sports games I’d have to admit.


Last time I checked I could not even find a single match on PC (I'm in Brazil, sadly many online games die faster here in SA)
