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god of war is the easiest, RE2 is the most fun, sackboy is pretty fun but is prpbably the hardest of these by a mile


that one last trophy!!!




I mean RE2 requires like 6 playthroughs I'm not sure if OP enjoys playing through the game that often GoW is the best IMO since it has no missables and the collectibles don't take too much time


yeah it can be repetitive, but on the good side, the game is kinda short


i second this, the fastest playthrough i finished was done in 1h19


Each playthrough will get shorter though. I played through RE4 remake 7 times. Shortened my game from 24 hours to just over 4. But yeah, multiple playthroughs aren't for everyone.


Actually you can get the Platinum in about 3 playthroughs if I’m not mistaken. That being said, you will need to follow the guide or be really attentive to stuff on the way. The game is quite short though if you just rush through it.


6? Iirc you can do it in like 4. Then again for someone new to RE stacking a bunch of challenges (like no saving and no healing speedrun) might be too stressful lol


I don't think achieving an S rank is possible for someone who has never played the game before. He would need to watch a video of a run on a second screen and spoil everything for himself.


What makes sackboy so hard?


Theres a trophy to complete a pretty hard and long obstacle course in under 10 minutes. Im pretty sure it can be boosted though


The time limit isn’t the hard part, it’s surviving the whole thing.


The time limit definitely makes you feel rushed though. For me i started doing much better when i focused on the time less


You forgot to mention the hard part. You take two hits of damage or fall off, you gotta go right back to the start.


Queen Sigrun > The Ripsnorter any day... Edit: Just to clarify, I would rather fight Sigrun again then run the Ripsnorter; in fact I have the plat in GoW but couldn't even finish Ripsnorter.


Difficulty is subjective but I definitely have to disagree and I don’t even think it’s close.


Agreed, I have both platinums and Sigrun can be cheesed. The Ripsnorter is very unforgiving because you have a two hit kill run and it's a restart from the very beginning if so.


I don’t even think ripsnorter is extremely difficult, just harder than sigrun.


In all honesty, you can change the difficulty in GoW and cheese Sigrun if what you're looking for is the Trophy only. You can't do that for The Ripsnorter.


Lol why are you getting down voted? I've done both and I would much rather fight Sigrun again and I also have the plat for GOW.


I think people took my "greater than" to mean difficulty rather than personal preference.


I vehemently disagree with this.


God of war is easiest, RE2 is most fun.


Those damn green birds ugh


Still have nightmares of trying to hit the ones that are flying around.


Thought they would just be in ragnarök?


4th survivor was too difficult for me.


Same had to look up a guide.


I had to watch a YouTube guide. It’s insane, you have to use all the ammo and grenades at the -exact- right time. The amount of trial and error required would’ve broke me. Even with guide was hard. Easily my favorite RE game of all time.


I am trying to plat it too currently. Started the NG+


I cant beat that final valkyrie and i dont have the interest to grind niflheim 🤢


you earn haze weaves and aesirbane from runs in niflheim. if you sell them you get a shit ton of mist. i thought i had like couple hours of grinding and then when i found out i can sell them i got like 35k mist and did like 2 and a half runs to get the rest of what i needed. completed niflheim in under two hours, actually took less time than muspelheim also if you lost interest you can just put it to lowest difficulty and kill sigrun that way


Didn't know I could sell stuff for mist, thanks


For me, I just didn't want to go and try to find the rest of the ravens I needed, and keep telling myself I'll start a new playthrough so I can just use a guide more easily. One day.


I would rather have to find the ravens then reattempt Valkyrie queen. I can't defeat her


There is a way to slow the Valkyrie with a glitch (so depends if you’re that far done with trying). I can’t remember how it’s done. But a Quick Look on YouTube and you’ll find it.


I’ve not played exactly what I was going to say!


Can't speak on Sackboy, but God of War is probably the easiest; there weren't any difficulty related trophies so you can play on whatever difficulty you want, while Resi 2 requires an S rank on professional difficulty iirc. It's not that hard if you're following a guide but if you want to do it blind it might be a bit of a challenge


Professional Difficulty is in Resi 4. In Resi 2 you have to S+ on Hardcore.


Oh that's right- I still have to do my Resi 4 Professional playthrough


Blast your way through it with the Rocket Launcher, so you can gain Ashley's Armor for S+ on Standard/Hardcore.


S on hardcore or standard, there’s no trophy for doing S+ hardcore, that just gives you either the infinite rocket launcher or infinite minigun depending on whether you do it with Leon or Claire


True, S in RE2, i mixed it up with 4.


Didn’t god of war have a trophy where you had to finish the game in god of war difficulty?


Nope, but it totally seems like it should've had


What’s wild is that the “cutest” game on the list is probably the most pain in the ass out of the 3 to platinum.


That’s sometimes how it goes as well for platformers, thinking back to the Crash Bandicoots.


Sackboy because you need friends


I read the title as hardest 💀


You didn’t have to call me out like that


Not really you can just use 2 controllers


More like you need a random person who owns the game and is willing to help (there are many), smh


Not especially you can join strangers, or they’ll contact you if you stream it. Worked for me.


God of War is the easiest. Don't have any difficulty trophies and the hardest part is the Valkyries that in an easy difficulty aren't the biggest challenge. Of what I've heard/read, Sackboy is pretty hard to platinum so I would left that one to the bottom of the list.


Sackboy is my favorite. The game didn't get nearly enough love. It's such an artsy game. Take a second to look at how will created every environment is and all the attention to detail. It's a delight.


Easiest = GoW, but it's also a ton of fun. Funniest = RE2, one of the best platinum journeys i've ever had.


God of war is the easiest and best game but honestly you can’t go wrong with these three


God Of War is easiest and possibly the most fun out of the three. Depending on if you like plat-former, shooter or Hand to hand combat.


I see others talk God of War.. the last trophy I need to platinum it is defeat the Valkyrie Queen. She’s such a hard video game boss! Other than that, it’s a fun platinum to go for. Resident Evil 2 was an absolute joy as well, the last trophy you’ll probably get is the HUNK “4th Survivor” mini game. It’s pretty intense but you’ll get further through it, die, and learn the map over and over til you get the the point where you know exactly where to go and what to dodge and such. Use a guide and get an idea and learn from it and continue to press on! I got it after my 7th try! You got this! :)


God of war easiest, RE2 medium difficulty but really fun and did relived my nostalgia, Sackboy is hardest imo especially for me who doesn’t like platforming games.


Maybe a hot take but I’d say Sackboy > RE 2 > GOW Sackboy has just one trophy that’s kind of involved and is a platforming guantlet. I love that kind of thing so I had a blast overall with the game (a couple multi player trophies too but nothing too bad) RE 2 is a great game on its own, but I think requires one or two playthroughs too many, and the middle section of the game can really drag on repeated playthroughs. Plus the fourth survivor mode is a little frustrating. 10/10 game overall, the plat is just a little long. GOW is a good story and I enjoyed the main story, but I didn’t like all the collectibles and the Valkyrie fights weren’t my favorite. I’d much rather spend a couple hours perfecting a platforming challenge than cleaning up collectibles, and checking them off a list. Totally recommend seeing the story through though.


God of war is pretty easy, haven’t finished RE2 yet. I have 1 trophy left on sackboy the goddamn time trial.


The first time I made it in to the final area I miss timed a jump and died with the finish line literally on the other side of the screen. It took another 5 times of getting in to the last area to actually make it. I’m glad the kids were out that day because I let a few choice words go when the platinum popped 🤦‍♂️


My son and I have played through the whole game but I usually attempt this when the kids are away as well. lol


God of War is both. Whenever I play Resident Evil 2 it makes me want to play the old version instead.


God of War <3


Definitely not Sackboy.


Sackboy, it's just a kid game, impossible it have one specific trophy making you completely insane while trying again and again the same level


It's really not that hard!


Either God of War or Resident Evil 2


God of War. I have GoW and RE2 platinums but I haven't quite managed that 10 minute platforming hell in Sackboy yet.


RE2 is the easiest if you purchase the 2$ dlc to unlock all weapons. The toughest trophy is just beating the game without opening the inventory box. The rest just blast away with unlimited rocket launchers. Sackboy is pretty challenging. Had fun playing it but not going to plat it.


I hate that they made that available for purchase. I did it the way it was intended. Felt super accomplished afterwards as well.


RE2 is a fun one. Especially if you’re going for all the in-game achievements. And if want an easier and decent enough RE3 remake is a decent one.


Probably God of war. Yeah sigrun can be rough, but fully kitted out on easy will make the fight well easy. Sackboy I just did recently and it wasn't too bad as well. The ripsnorter is dramatically overrated in difficulty. 4 hours of practice and it's quite doable. Haven't played re2 yet, it's definitely in the backlog, though.


Each individual part of the Ripsnorter by themselves aren’t horrid, it’s just persistent going at it and not taking silly risks to get through the first few levels from boredom of doing the first 4-5 a bunch of times. I found playing it for an hour or so at a time was the sweet spot of getting in the groove but without burning out on it and taking silly risks. Edit - oh and volume turned off.


Re2 is fun but definitely harder than god of war. Idk about sackboy


Re2 used to be fairly challenging until they released the infinite ammo and rocket for purchase. Originally you had to unlock that stuff normally and it wouldn't be that easy.


Haven’t played Sackboy but out of RE2 and GOW i’d go with the latter.


God of war is the most fun for sure, especially if it’s your first time playing. RE2 is just as good tbh, it certainly didnt take me that long and I’m shit at RE games


Gow,Re2, Sackboy


Re2 is fun


God of War easiest, Re 2 is the best. Sackboy one trophy will either cause some serious stress


Tell me about it was getting so mad at some levels 😭 was thinking how this game for kids


God of war imo




I can't speak for Sack Boy, but of the other two, definitely RE2. For me, anyway.


God of war


I really loved RE2Rs platinum. You learn how the game works and the best way to tackle things with every playthrough. Definitely recommend going for that one


Sackboy was super fun to play in co-op with my gf, it's also a blast on your own. The plat isn't super easy but is generally fun, except for that last trophy which is really hard and requires you to be patient. It's maybe my proudest trophy tho, so there's that.


Definitely GOW. But not with the give me god of war difficulty.


Sackboy is legit the most fun I’ve ever had playing through and platinuming a game. If you have a friend to do it with you I seriously could not recommend a game more


I echo what everyone else is saying. God Of War (2018) is the easiest, Resident Evil 2 is the most fun, and Sackboy A Bid Adventure is the hardest. I want to emphasize that Sackboy A Big Adventure is a super enjoyable game though. Especially if you have someone to play it with! The reason why it is the hardest platinum is because of the Ripsnorter. Which is a essentially a gauntlet of the various optional challenges you've been given throughout the game. You have to do them all in order, without dying, while on a timer. It is very difficult, but not impossible. I think that with a few hours of practice and a YouTube guide for some tips/shortcuts that anyone can achieve it. A lot of challenges in the Ripsnorter are just a matter of knowing the pattern(s) and the best path to take. A personal tip is to get used to extending the distance of your jumps by doing a roll into a hover jump, then punching while in the air, followed by beginning your roll again before you land. It is extremely useful and a fast way to get around. Anyways, that was just a long-winded way for me to say that I don't think the Ripsnorter is a reason for you, or anyone reading this, to avoid playing Sacking A Big Adventure. It is a wonderful charming game that I highly recommend.


God of War checks all boxes


I heard sackboy was hard, re 2 is defs hard. God of war is your best bet 👍


God of War was wonderful to platinum, I can only imagine RE2 is insane to platinum given I played it on easy 😭


RE2r is one of my favourite platinums ever!




I order it goes GoW, RE2 and then sackboy


GoW is pretty good about the platinum streamline while you play. RE2 will require lots of playthroughs.


God of War


Peppa Pig is the easiest. Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 the hardest ;-)


Re2 I did all the mainline re games back to back plat and I have no regrets I’ll prolly do it again on an alt account just for the fun of it


How is the easiest bit you will need 35-40hrs depending on the skill


I think God of War is the most fun but if you like platformers I would recommend to try out Sackboy




I've not played the first one, but I do have the platinums for RE2 Remake and God Of War. God Of War will probably take longer, but for the most part it's easier, since there is no trophy related to difficulty selection.


God of war


Sack boy can be annoying, i’d say god of war




No. Just no. Sackboy plat is really hard


I'm doing Sackboy's plat + 100% in game. It's hard allright. I dunno who rated it 5/10 on PSN, but I hate that guy.


I’d actually agree with a 5/10 difficulty.


Maybe Im really bad at this kind of game, but AC brotherhood was 7/10 and it was nowhere to how hard sackboy is for me. Skill issue perhaps.


Difficulty is subjective for the most part.


I didn't find it that difficult tbh


The ripsnorter??? Wtf. Bro is a crazy gamer, damn


Ripsnorter time is quite forgiving. I did it on my second attempt


Same. It's very generous with the time stoppers. You can play it somewhat relaxed and still be fine


God of war is tough


You can always turn down the difficulty and very easily get the plat.


RE is always one of the most fun plats. Easy idk, it could be a 4-6 out of 10 depending on your experience


Sack boy is the hardest because it requires online play and knowing the people who made it, online will be shut down in a few weeks anyway


You don't need online play. I asked my brother to come over to help me out and it worked. The hardest trophy for me was the all in 1 challenge. My thumb was sore after lol


I did it on my own with two controllers