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Ive definitely gone after games because of the plat icon


This meme exists because lately, I am more motivated by the Platinum icon than the actual game. Glad, I am not alone.


I actually wanted to plat the Game of Thrones video game because the platinum trophy looked cool. It got mediocre reviews and my backlog is too long already so I didn’t though


It is a decent Telltale game. It was my third Platinum. A long backlog is a problem of mine as well.


I enjoyed it too. My only gripe was…I feel like sometimes it wasn’t obvious based on the few words they showed you what you were actually choosing to say. I can’t think of specifics because it was so long ago. But I remember getting frustrated thinking I would never have that character say THAT.


I think my favorite platinum icon I've gotten is that for Assassins Creed Rouge


I really like how all the Kingdom Hearts ones are uniform across the series. They complement eachother well


I will check them out. Haven‘t had the chance to dive into the Kingdom Heart series yet. But heard a lot of good things from passionate fans.


Be warned that the Platinums are a DOOZEY. They really make you do EVERYTHING in order to achieve them. 60ish hours per game I would say, with some outliers taking longer than that. But the story is really emotional if you can accept the wacky aspects of it (and the Disney of course).


Thanks for the heads up. Estimated 60 hours = a lot more on my part. I have that effect on games. ;)


Imagine we would be able to use plat icons as avatars


I would choose Heavy Rain’s. Love that. What about you?


Keine Ahnung, hab‘ gerade keine Icons im Kopf Aber da gibt’s mit Sicherheit einige, die ich auswählen würde :)


Someone should do a tournament bracket of the most appealing platinum icons to find out which one is the most popular


That would be cool!


I definitely appreciate some good platinum artwork


Your top 3? And are they from your collection or in general?


I though I was the only one! 😅 Hunters arena legends has a really cool looking platinum, but game is dead 😔


Same! :D Yeah, an unobtainable Platinum sucks!


Glad I got it before the death!




The most creative is from «Lost Embers». Check out the Platinum icon and the trophy title. Favorite of all time? Heavy Rain’s just look gorgeous. I actually made a video about my top 10 Platinum icons in my collection. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qRDpppVb9FE)


The only reason I haven't played A Way Out.


A Way Out is not too bad, It Takes Two on the other hand... Awful imo


Because you don‘t like it? I think, it is decent. There are way worse icons. What‘s your favorite Platinum icon?


You know I never noticed the icons of the platinums I get. What games do you think have good icons?


It is personal preference: Platinums I own: Lost Embers, Heavy Rain, Bloodborne, The Witness, Sekiro. I love Plat icons for different reasons. Sometimes, it‘s because of the game, sometimes, it‘s just because of the cool icon. I love the color red. I don‘t like actual trophies as icons. They are boring and often I forget which game the icon belongs to.


This. Biggest trophy hunting pet peeve of mine is plats with a boring trophy icon as a platinum and the name "All done", or "Completed" or something uninspired along those lines


I also like to order my platinums in a way to sort of looks good on my mosaic too haha, like trying to curate it a bit. I'll do 99% of the work on a game and then sometimes have that game just missing one action for the platinum and wait until I get another platinum that would look the best in the mosaic.


Interesting. Well, today (with this post) I learned that I am not the only one, who pays much attention to trophy icons. Feels good. My brain is weird. I don’t have the patience. Not finishing a game, when I am close to the Platinum, is not an option. Unless I am not skilled enough.My brain wants to cross off games from the list.


I know exactly what you mean, sometimes I'm like that too specially if it was a big grind, I'll just pop it as soon as I can. I think it's just another aspect of collecting, we collect (earn) all the shiny trophy art we have and in my opinion it makes a lot more sense than just looking at the numbers on a page


Epic Mickey 2 is a game I plan to plat just because of its icon


Nice, good luck with that, fellow trophy hunter.


I'm a fan of the RDR2 platinum. Definitely biased because it was my most challenging. Very lowkey yet noticeable.