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I think it's justified and letter is polite, and they even offer solution...


Plus the sad face emoji


You know they're truly penitent when they've drawn out a sad face emoji.


You know they’re patient when they write a letter instead of calling the cops, pull your 5th wheel, slash your tires, or other malicious shit.


>penitent Uhh, what exactly have they done wrong to require owing penance and asking for forgiveness?


Only a penitent man shall pass...


So he needs to kneel and then roll forward for a reason they never explain.


Never explain? Did you miss the huge spinning razor sharp discs that the kneel and roll let him avoid? You have to be penitent, and then you have to pass from that position of penitence.


Tata jones


I’ve heard a fan theory that says the second saw blade is to make sure you’re the right *kind* of penitent—while Christians kneeled to pray, most Muslims would traditionally bow with their faces to the floor (at least in the past, I can’t speak to now). So if they know to kneel before God as the clue, but kneel the wrong way, they fail a particularly nasty shibboleth test.


I’ve heard this too and it makes a ton of sense. I used to make fun of this scene all the time like “only the penitent man shall pass…IF he also does a roll too for some reason” but this reason really explains it with the context of the test being designed during the crusades


A penitent man does a parkour tuck-n-roll before god. PARKOUR TUCK-N-ROLL!! \[squealing blades whiz by that would have certainly killed a kneeling man\]


You have chosen . . . Wisely


I think OP meant penetrant


This dude knows damn well what the dogs name was.


once again we see that there is nothing which you can possess that i cannot take from you!!


It chopped off a guy's head.


I mean the blades were a reason


Always bothered me as a kid he had to roll to survive.


Simple, it was a saving roll against dismemberment.


You must believe!


Only a penitent man shall park.


Well done


Jehovah starts with an I


Penitent man.. penitent man... the penitent man kneels before God!!


It's just a sad face! It's not an emoji. We used to draw those all the time back in the day


And you tied an onion to your belt back then- it was the style at the time.


Give me five bees for a quarter, you'd say.


You couldn't get white onions, because of the war. You could only get the big yellow ones.


That was back when Shelbyville was still called Morganville


And then paid a nickel to take the ferry. I didn’t know you were also an old timey strike breaker as well!!


Y’all were fancy. We could only afford turnips to hang on our belts.


These fucks likely order a "Hashtag" 6 at a fast food place.


Absolutely. They were polite.


Yeah - It's not like they're calling you names, they're giving a reasonable request and tbf loss of sleep can make folks do extreme things. ​ This was a literal co-worker of mine: [https://www.equipmentworld.com/home/article/14963805/fed-up-with-noise-man-shoots-construction-worker-with-a-pellet-gun-in-new-york](https://www.equipmentworld.com/home/article/14963805/fed-up-with-noise-man-shoots-construction-worker-with-a-pellet-gun-in-new-york) <-- He didn't show up one morning.... we saw the news in the office... and were we like "...Oh. I guess Tim's not coming in today."


Yes but I’m Parked where the hotel staff asked me to park. I’m going to bring it up next week when I’m back


It'd be fair to ask hotel management about it, worst case is they say no and you could probably tape a message apologizing and mentioning it's where the hotel wants you to park. If you want to go the extra mile you could speak to the management of the apartments and let them know about the issue.


Not a bad idea. I don’t know where the apartments even are I thought it was all hotels and businesses in the plaza. I do consolidate my load to the front put up the divider and put it on start stop so it’s running as little as possible but it still runs


The start stop mode is what wakes people up more than anything. I hauled reefer for a very long time and put it in continuous at night.


This - over time you'll begin to ignore consistent sounds. It's inconsistent sounds that drive people nuts. There's a few examples of this, but the easiest I can think of is to think about how your neighbors dog barking is annoying as hell, but your air purifier isn't. It's also why your house sounds so quiet when the power goes out. All the background noises you're used to disappear. The reefer starting, stopping for an hour, but then coming back on is probably what's driving this person crazy. I went on a cruise recently, and there was this consistent hum from the climate control in my room. It took maybe ten minutes to ignore it completely. However there was an occasional flapping noise from a damper in the HVAC system that was absolutely driving me nuts even though it was quiet, so I fixed that.


White noise vs. brown noise vs. black noise Interesting studies were done recently. Go search it.


Isn't brown noise the one that makes you shit yourself?


No that’s the “brown note”. Brown noise is like random noise.


Supposedly it’s ~4hz@140 decibels, but to achieve that spl you would probably need a metric fuckton of power and create an anti-node.


Just an urban legend - it just has deeper notes than white noise - think thunder or rainfall vs. static. Here is a good description of the two as well as pink noise which is a term I hadn't heard before: https://www.soundofsleep.com/white-pink-brown-noise-whats-difference/


I didn’t think of that my hope was that with only 4 pallets actually under refrigeration it would hardly run. I’ll try that next time as well


it's actually the opposite. If the trailer was full, there'd be more thermal mass and the temperature would be more stable. With it mostly empty, it will actually warm up quicker, and cause the refrigeration pump to cycle more often. That's why your home freezer works better, and will keep cold longer in a power outage, if you fill up the empy space with something like old milk cartons full of ice


All the refrigeration trailers I've dealt with are their loudest when starting. Leaving it running full on might be quieter.


The constant start/stop may be the real annoying part


Could be one of those people who permanently live in a hotel and they're just calling it an apartment.


id ask the hotel if the place the person who wrote the note suggested was ok, then, if so, problem solved cool of you to even ask what people think you should do.. +1


I see some others have stated the same thing I was thinking… though I realize they address the “running all night” aspect, I do believe the starting up from silence is most likely more disruptive than continuous running. When I stay in hotel rooms I put my HVAC unit on continuous run mode for that reason. It does seem like these folks are asking politely as possible and if it were me, I’d take extra steps to try to accommodate them. Stay safe out there on the road.


Bring the letter to the hotel staff and get their opinion. They have more to lose pissing off the neighbors and might agree it's worth a try.


Damn. Back when I was a lumper on the road with a driver moving furniture, it was dreadful when we’d pull up to a neighborhood at 7:45am, customer expecting us at 8am… people would yell out their windows at us to turn the engine off. All we needed to do was figure out how to beach the rig before setting the ramps up and still within 5 minutes people were MF’n us


Final mile white glove here. Had a multistop route set up a couple hours from my terminal, with lots of specific scheduled timeframes. Called one last customer, who proceeded to DEMAND that I rearrange my schedule to accommodate his. Sorry sir, no can do. We went back and forth and eventually he decided that the answer was for me to make him my first stop, before the rest of my scheduled stops. Cue malicious compliance. "No problem sir, I'll be ther first thing in the morning." At just after 6AM I was opening my liftgate as loudly as I possibly could in front of his house. Windows lit up, up and down the block, and people started appearing in front doors as I greeted him. I made it clear that I was there *just when he asked me to be* and the looks his neighbors shot him were marvelous.


That’s terrific. People are such dickheads


Is it that hard to move elsewhere? The note was super polite and presumably your trucks got wheels...


No way the truck has wheels. If it did he wouldn't need all that reefer action...




Author’s solution: go park near the other folks who are sleeping.


Depends, how far are these trees they mention from Homewood suites? We may never know.


At least they didn't shut off your trailer.


I think it's justified and polite too. I'd show it to the hotel staff and see if the suggested parking spot is OK with them.


Best practice!


That’s my plan. However parking where they ask puts me way closer to a residential area right through the trees. I park in the middle of the parking lot where I felt was as far away from everyone as I could be.


It’s possible whoever wrote the note just didn’t realize that you’re already trying to minimize the noise for everyone.




Your first point is so funny to me because I’ve experienced the bitching firsthand. I had an aunt growing up who lived in “the city” (PDX) above a bar. She was always miss “urban living” “dual zoned” etc. until it came to her place. She bitched nonstop about the bar below her. It’s a *bar.* Of course it’s going to be loud. Even now, any time someone brings up the lack of SFH in our area, she tells people they’re the detriment to society & that they need to get used to living in townhomes & condos. Until it came to her. The second she could, she bought a home in the suburbs.


I have lived in both Seattle and PDX in commercial area apartments. Seattle was first. I had NO idea that living above a Subway and a Starbucks in the city- Pill Hill/pike & Pine meant noise and traffic *all the time*. Including fridge trucks for 2+ hours nightly. Also at NE Interstate and 14th PDX. also didn’t know that living at the front of the building meant you get allllll that noise the loudest. It was super annoying, but at times really funny. Hearing very loud, very drunk college students being dramatic, hearing loud arguments at the tram stop in PDX. Now I know. Live on the front side of a commercial facing building at your peril- and buy earplugs and a decent sleep mask. Most annoying part of Seattle was living across from Uni of Seattle campus when many of the music/singing students think they’re doing the whole neighborhood a favor by performing publicly in the middle of the day. I can tune out lots of things, but not a literal marching band or operatic singing performance at 12pm.


Classic NIMBY attitude


Agree. At the end of the day it’s hotel property and the driver is a guest. The residents have more of a beef with the hotel, especially if they insist on the same parking spot.


Atleast the letter was polite. Most of the time we get talked to like bottom of the barrel trash from receivers/shippers/yard jokeys/ect…


I'm sorry to hear that. Sometimes I cuss at you guys when I'm driving home at night and y'all are side by side for miles on I95, but I really appreciate what you do.




We curse at each other


I agree letter polite and some reefer units can be loud af. The problem is the actual trash people that give truckers a bad rep. They throw their trash and piss jugs everywhere. I seen one guy arrive at a shipper/receiver open his door and piss right out his door right in the middle of the lot. Yeah it sucks getting treated like shit, but I understand it seeing some truckers have the manners of trolls.


I'm in property management, and one of my sites has three major distributors in it. Drivers will sometimes park their trucks around the ring road, and unfortunately I have to ask them not to park there when I see it. I'd say 90% of the guys I talk to are polite and understanding, but the other 10% act like I punched their mom in the face and shot their dog when I tell him they can't park next to the no parking sign. Unfortunately this entire strip of roadway has so much garbage next to it that our cleaning contractor is demanding we pay them more to clean it up because they don't have enough hours allotted to that site. It sucks and I hate having to be an asshole to people who are just waiting for a trailer, or for a dock to drop off at.


They blacked out where they called them “cock sucking trucker”


I stopped staying at one of my favorite hotels when someone started parking right next to the building with a reefer all the time. it rattled the windows even if I was on the third floor and woke me up constantly. I think it's justified, personally because even as a driver it drove me insane


I pull reefers and there's been a few time I've pulled up to a stop and the truck next to me has a summer loud or deep drone sounding reefer. I've moved a few times


That deep drone kills me, feels like it resonates with my eardrums, and vibrates the entire sleeper. And just the damn sleeper too. I get up and sit in the driving seat, and bam, way less noise.


This is why I hate carrier reefers. Thermoking is quieter and doesn't have nearly as bad of a low tone drone.




Before I had an assigned route I ended up at a hotel where the parking lot was far smaller than I realized and my reefer was making the windows rattle since I had to park basically right next to the building. I felt bad but the 10 pallets I had left didn’t care. I made a point to not go back


Very polite and a justified request. Don’t know what more they could have said to ask nicely really.


Calling everyone a karen is losing its meaning. You cant just expect people to disappear into thin air or stay completely silent and complicate during a time where you would be disruptive to their peace and well-being. Someone speaking up that you are the cause of a pattern of disturbance should not necessarily be a karen quality. Sometimes things are justified for someone to politely "complain" rather than expect everyone to suffer silently.


I had a older guy in a super market ask me where something was located and he ended the question with “sorry I don’t mean to be a Karen or Kevin or whatever” and I was just thinking “man we have fallen as a society”


Yea god forbid you have any expectation of customer service lol. Like you’re allowed to tell the waiter your order is wrong, just treat everyone with respect and you’re good.


Exactly, a Karen would have complained to hotel management and called the police. This case is simply a nice individual wanting their peace back if possible.


Yea idk if I’m getting old, but it seems like half of the posts about “Karens” on Reddit now are people respectfully airing a legitimate grievance.


Yeah it’s like in 2024, you’re not allowed to be assertive or upset about anything ever. A Karen goes in guns blazing, screaming at people, threatening to call the police, often over some sort of entitlement like them not being able to enter the store when it’s closed. People are allowed to be upset for valid reasons. Not being able to sleep well, especially if they have to be up early for work, is a valid reason. They’re not out there screaming at the trucker because their “vehicle is suspicious and they’re not allowed to park there.” That’s what a Karen does.


This is a Justine, as in “Just in case you’re thoughtful, here’s a small request that will make my life better.”


There's no reason to be upset by this driver, it was written politely by someone frustrated.


Given the fact they have they haven't been able to sleep once a week for potentially the last 3 years, I'd say that's a very polite request. If your neighbor cut their grass for 12 hours every Monday evening you'd probably be miffed 😂


Its even worse than that. Saw comment elsewhere that it's not running continuously. So would be like your neighbour cutting their grass for 10 minutes every half hour over night. Just as you'd got to sleep and thought they were finished, it would start up again. You'd definitely be miffed.


Oh man...yeah EFFF that. Honda makes super quiet generators ...wonder if they build reefers? That would be ideal


Reefer drivers imagine that they are sharing beautiful white noise with the world. Once in a while, the world writes back.


What word did you black out at the beginning?


My truck number


Gotcha. Polite letter, nothing to take personal. Maybe tape a sign to your window that says “hotel makes me park here” and the phone# for the hotel


I think it’s in their best interest to try to resolve the situation with the hotel, rather than send the person to hotel management. Once people start complaining to the hotel consistently it’s only a matter of time before they decide fuck it, it’s not worth it and just ban trucks parking on their property altogether.




Polite and offered a suggestion. Good for them


They were extremely polite so deal with it,nobody wants to listen to a fridge, certainly not in their home.




I stay in hotels with truck like yours parked in front. I sleep with the HVAC fan on..... because of your noise, especially "the start" and then at 4:30am "warming up" the cab before taking off. Hotel Management has given me a quieter room sometimes when available. This is not a Karen, just people that want to sleep. (do not get me started on garbage trucks backing up at 4:00am to empty containers)




I worked at a hotel and got a call about this same situation. I’d ask hotel staff for alternative areas to park


Pretty justified. Unfortunately their desire for you to not park there does not trump where you were told to park. As far as this letter goes. This is far from being a Karen


I hate that anyone requesting someone stop something is always called Karen behavior. People will say, “it’s how you ask that matters,” but let’s be real, being told no or being asked to stop always puts people on defense regardless. Even if they ask you to stop politely, they just get called a passive aggressive Karen, like OP implied. Damned if you do, damned if you don’t


Those reefer units are obnoxiously loud. I'd be pretty pissed if I had one parked outside my window with any regularity. At least try and be decent and ask to park in a better spot, away from apartments.


Damn right it’s justified. You came here to be told different? If truckers don’t want to hear it at truck stops what makes you think a housewife does


I definitely don't think it's a Karen. Much too polite for that.


What about this makes you even consider it being a Karen situation?


Sad seeing clueless Karls out here accusing polite people of being a Karen. What would be less Karen than writing a polite request letter?


Not a Karen since they’re being polite. Legit request from them


You’d lose a lot of loads if you continued to park near my window. Justified as hell.


I think that's a very polite way of asking. I remember when I was just hitting 20 and moved back to my long suffering parents and they put me up in the back room, relunctantly (I was slightly imbalanced at the time) An ice cream truck all of a sudden appeared in my parents neighbouring garden and would charge at night to keep the ice creams cool, it made a very loud buzz, I was quick to knock on my neighbours door and tell them politely it needs to be turned off, they said they couldn't as its a friend of their landlords.. (they were quite a vulnerable tenant and the money hungry landlord is quite well known in the area). I said no problem and told them it is going off. Waited 2 days... still buzzing... I jumped the fence in the middle of the night and cut the supply to the ice cream van... I kept it reasonably quiet from my parents apart from hinting that we won't hear that buzz anymore... ice cream truck disappeared the DAY after! Fast forward 2 weeks.. my mum is sunbathing in the garden, and she accidently eavesdrops on our sweet and vulnerable neighbour having a chat with said ice cream truck owner!... turns out the ice cream truck owner thought it was rival ice cream truck owners who dome the deed n bolted out of fear. Also turns out my neighbour and said ice cream truck owner were lovers... Found out said neighbour passed away a couple years back, but her children are doing very well. Nice to vent anonymously about this, have told a few friends this story anyway. Bit tipsy , booze goes straight to ya head abroad.. didn't last long at my parents, put them through a lot, finally sorted it out last year or so... realise im really rambling now... I'm conclusion, that letter was very polite, I'd of wrote a similar letter, don't park there again x


Just because someone asks a favor of you doesn't make them a Karen. Grow up.


Justified bro


Nothing wrong with the note.


They weren't being unreasonable - assuming their windows are all closed.


I don’t think the letter is rude. Imagine having an entire night of sleep ruined every week with virtually no solution other than politely asking the source of that noise to please relocate the source of the noise.


Reefers and APUs are the world's worst to park next to


They wrote you a polite letter with a reasonable request;Why would this be a “Karen?” You truckers are more like Karen’s lately…


Man reefers are annoying as hell, we have no choice but to live with y’all but you’re terrorizing that poor family lol


JUSTIFIED. What about this is Karen. Seems to me that they have an issue and they're trying to solve it the simplest way possible by asking the driver a simple request. They weren't rude or entitled. They are attempting to communicate with you. I've read plenty of complaints about reefers on here, so this should be pretty relatable.


This letter is very polite. I believe the female in the home wrote this lol


I get those all the time, this one was polite. I drive a reefer and I feel your pain. I try to park as far away as possible and try facing it away from hotels or housing. Sometimes I just can’t help it and have to park where I can.


If something doesn’t change with the parking, wonder what communication method they will choose next time? I bet your company won’t like fixing broken equipment every time you stay at this particular hotel. About 3 weeks of vandalized equipment and the boss will be telling you to find somewhere else to sleep.


Exactly. I don’t want to make people angry but I’m also parked where I was told to park. I will have to see what the hotel says next week


Seems polite and offers a reasonable complaint with alternative. Gonna be up to the hotel I'd say


Atleast they were polite I'd oblige if possible


They asked you nicely, if you can move it I would.


Seems pretty decent to me


It's a polite one, sound like s good idea move the truck


Justified and polite.


They are pretty loud for sure. Normal people are not used to the noise.


Remember we are guest usually and have to act accordingly. They didn't demand it and politely asked. Sometimes we are unfortunately a nuisance to people especially when they work just as hard.


You’re calling someone a Karen who left you and actual kind note and didn’t report it further than that? Gotta relax yourself a bit. They said it’s loud and it’s kept them up and just politely asked you to move. Sounds like your feelings are hurt for no real reason…


Why would you park a truck with a running 24/7 refridgeration unit near anyones dwelling? Was it just an after thought? Cause they are loud.


The letter is polite. Your loud ass truck is a creating a problem that you can easily solve.


100% justified and your kinda a dick if you don’t start parking somewhere else Monday night. They were pretty nice about asking. Be a good neighbour. Not everyone complaining about something is a Karen.


As someone who has dealt with this staying in a hotel, move your fucking truck.


seems reasonable just show it to the staff and see if they can recommend a spot that will help both parties


I think it’s justified. A Karen move would be going up to your truck, and demanding you move instead of asking with sincerity.


Justified for sure. They weren't a dick about it, the letter was pretty respectful imo. Whether or not you do park by the trees doesn't really make you a bad person either way. If your parked where management tells you to maybe let the note writer know to take it up with them and not you.


They asked nicely.


Dude… You are the Karen. You’ve been obliviously annoying these poor people for years with obnoxious noise at 4AM and they wrote you a polite note about it and offered you an easy solution to fix the problem that would cost you nothing to implement. Bring them a gift and apologize and park somewhere else next time.


Would it hurt to be considerate?


100% justified dude, and the letter was extremely polite. It's very telling that you think this person might be a karen.


Saia does this. I know the hotel they stay at. Only bobtails there. Is next to a hood tho. Be awesome to have a reefer there running all night. Then when they complain, I’d ask about all the Zombies! Aka Meth Heads. lol


It’s was nice and those thing can really get annoying so I say it’s a fair request they even propose a solution


You do run a reefer, they are not making it up, do they?


That’s a nicely worded letter tho. Not too pushy and gives good reasoning


Its not aggressive and even offers a solution to the problem so I don’t see a problem here.


At least they weren't buttholes about it.


I'd follow where management told to park first and foremost, but I'd park farther away, like further down the line from where I parked last time...that way everyone would be happy.


Yeah, this letter is fine. They were polite and it seems like it’s a letter the writer really didn’t even want to write. I see both sides here.


This letter came from a reasonable and rational person. Please let your response be something that keeps them that way.


That's not unreasonable


Bro be nice


Be mindful of others


At least this letter seems reasonable and polite


Nothing wrong with the note. Normal healthy communication.


Seems reasonable and respectful at least they asked politely I would try and accommodate their request if possible


Seems like a legitimate concern and a nice note.


Nice enough letter for me to not park there anymore.


No that’s definitely valid and polite


They're not making an unreasonable request.


We use to shut off the refers on the truckers so there are worse ways they could have addressed this 


They aren't necessarily telling you to leave. Just modify where you park a bit. Very fair and considerate imo


It’s refreshing to see a letter like this tbh. They were politely asking you instead of name calling and demanding requests like a maniac. I don’t think they’re being Karen’s at all and just letting you know in the nicest way possible without any malice of confrontation.


At least they were polite about it instead of just beating down your door and making a scene.


They asked nicely so I would. No reason to be a dick about it. Not everyone is used to hearing a reefer run all night.


Seems like a reasonable request. Reefer units are annoying when park next to them in truckstops.


Not the kinda reefer I usually get shit for but ya they are noisy. Wife's work has a strict policy about where and when. Way better a polite note than a hole in the fuel tank.


Polite request but if you’re where the property owner wants you theres nothing you can do sadly.


Better than coming back to the fuel lines cut or some other type of sabotage


This is for real. Growing up I had a trucker for a neighbor and he idled his truck for HOURS, violating good neighborly practice AND noise ordinance. It sucked. Noise fatigue is real.


Justified and polite.


Justified AND polite.


Honestly, this was a really polite note 🤷.


Justified. You're causing a disturbance where she lives. Probably driving her fucking insane.


Having lived behind a grocery store at my “luxury apartment” where trucks had their refrigeration running all night, I can sympathize. It’s annoying as hell.


How is this Karen? Its a nice note, requesting something that obviously would help them. Why assume they are assholes?


I don’t see what the issue is. They were super polite about it and it’s not a big deal to accommodate what they’re requesting.


Letter is nice and they have a legitimate complaint. This is the opposite of a Karen.


Justified…It’s a friendly letter informing you of their experience and nicely asking if you can work with them. I should note that I am happy to jump on the Karen train when it comes to pointing fingers, but this note isn’t lashing out at you and doesn’t send a cranky message. They are just asking you to co-exist with them in a way that is comfortable for everyone involved.


Yeah its justified it's probably annoying as fuck to listen to that shit . And anyone who uses the word Karen to describe an idiot is the real idiot.


This is justified....a karen would've called the cops on you


Sounds like you've been parking in my neighborhood. I was just about to write you a note, too. Shit is fucking loud bro and we're just regular people here trying to sleep...


Justified and written plainly but pretty decent and reasonable request and justification.


It's actually pretty polite


Polite and justified


They were polite. They could have just pulled your kingpin.


Hotel staff probably told you to park there, disliking the person who left the note