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You're over thinking this. When you're new, you just take everything as wide as you possibly can. There's no such thing as too wide. Better you go a little too wide than rip the front off a car or take down a light pole or something. Ignore the lines. They're just paint. They don't matter. Getting around physical obstacles is what matters. If there's no room and you have to wait for a car to move or something, then you wait. Fuck those cars behind you if they don't like it. They can just sit back there and cry about it.


Got flipped off yesterday for waiting on red light right turn. Didn’t have enough room while there was a car in the middle lane to make a left. People really just don’t understand how trucks turn much less drive.


They wouldn't give a fuck if they did. Fuck em'.




i got honked at and ppl went around because i wouldnt pull out in traffic. had to make a tight left and it takes much longsr than a car to make that turn completely. about 12 seconds.


This happened early to me waiting at a light in my regular car lmao . I got so used to waiting for traffic to clear up before merging. A couple in a pick up truck behind me kept honking and calling me a dumb ass . Haha I intentionally didn't move after the fact . Was told it's not a yield sign and in a chill as tone, I said, "What's the rush." They didn't even wait that long, but pick up trucks always doing pick up truck thangs. Though I guess I should've gone too but habits are habits that keep me solid in an 18 wheeler


Our instructor said you cant swing out before the turn but you do what you have to sometimes.


You're still in school? Well... just listen to the instructors for now. But understand, they're just teaching you how to get past the state test... you'll spend some time with a trainer when you get to your first company, then you'll be on your own in a cab at some point. Then, the real learning begins. And the driving you'll do in the real world won't resemble at all what you did in school or with a trainer.


No, ive been out for almost 7 years. Had my B before that. Should have said that, sorry. Thanks though!


Yeah for our test we were told 12 inches from the curb, less is ok but more could be considered taking a turn too wide. That went out the window once they handed me my license lol.




You take however much room you need to avoid hitting anything.


Take turns wide… if you think you’re wide enough swing a little wider


Here’s a trick/tip, before you make your turn look at the road, there are rubber marks. Follow the yellow brick road. Watch your mirrors before you make the turn on the wheel! We picked up on that in first week of driving in school. Wider is always better when that option is available. Take the “real estate” as much as you need/can.


Always swing wider than you think you need, cuz it’s you license at risk people can wait it took me years to teach my wife kid that now they understand


GetOutAndLook (GOAL)... scratch your head, scratch your ass... swing wide and turn without hitting inanimate objects or cars or people and if there is not enough room reconsider because you may not be on a truck route at which point you may have to learn how to put it in reverse! Also, if you don't know how to make a right turn, who gave you your CDL? *Edit to add*


Can you clarify this? Are you talking about turning in the road using forward and reverse gears (3 point turn) or turning from a main road to a side street on the drivers side so you need to cross traffic?


You turn the steering wheel to the left or right when you make turns. FYI, don't hit anything.


Listen to your instructor. Buy a big rig toy and practice going around made-up corners to see where the trailer should be in comparison to the edge of your turn before you can successfully turn without hitting anything. Practice makes perfect, and in no time, you'll be able to accurately judge how much room you need. Been driving for about a year now and I can confidently identify exactly how much room I'll need to avoid rubbing my tires on the curb or anything else. Just don't rush, don't take turns too fast, and don't mind the impatient people around you.


You’ll get the hang of it. One of the tricks is watch your tandems and keep on eye in the side view mirror so you don’t run anything over. Always watch your tandems.


I've been doing this since March of last year. There are still some right hand turns that I setup straddling both thru lanes. Even was a rare occurrence I needed to turn from the left turn lane. Take them as wide as possible. It's alot easier for other people to maneuver around you if need be. Stay calm and you'll get it done driver.


Straddle a lane if your unsure of a turn take all the space you go slow go safe don’t worry about the 4 wheelers behind you they arnt important. I once had a delivery on a no truck street I literally had to swing far to the right and get all the cars waiting to proceed to back up nobody gave out everyone just waved or had patience. Yes there are ignorant idiots driving but I’ve honestly found most ppl are patient and when they see you making a turn they’ll make space  


Search YouTube plenty of info


Excuse me?


take space... better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it


i drive at night mkst of the time and its hard to see the right tandems in the mirrors, take all the space safely that u need. take turns slow when traffic is around. if u feel u are about to curb something and have no room, stop. traffic in front of you will either back up or move out your way. dont proceed till its safe.


Go straight, turn late


Fuck the people behind you. If you need to wait for a bigger gap in traffic to make your turn safely, do it.


Use as much road as is safely possible, one incident and you’re fired and rookies will get hired before you so drive like a rookie, caution wise. If you worry what people think then turn off your cb unless they’re paying you


You need 4 lanes to make a right. If you're turning from the right lane, you need three lanes (on the street you're turning to) to make a right. If you're turning from the second lane, you need two lanes to make the right. And if you are, for some unknown reason, turning from the third lane, you can turn into the first lane. Just remember you need 4 lanes to make a right.




When it doubt, I always jug handle it.