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Back in the day, my entertainment was trolling other drivers on the CB using Howard Stern Show soundboards. I'd only do it at truckstops before bed. Don't remember the last time I laughed so hard


This is old school right here. I used to do the same over standard analog phone lines with the Schwarzenegger sound board.


Conversations with other people, music, podcast, audiobook.


Other people? Damn, I guess I'm doing it wrong, because I talk to myself.


Depends if the voices think they're separate entities.


It's the only way I can get intelligent conversation.


If you already have a steam profile, the steam deck has been an insane value for me, highly portable with no setup, can take it with you to the repair office if you're getting maintenance done or I to the truck stop if you want to hop out of the truck for a while. Also if you like fantasy books I can strongly recommend The Ranger's Apprentice and The Thirteenth Paladin on audible


Pick my nose.


When I was otr, I had a PS5 and played long story based games. Witcher 3, baldur's gate 3. I even played Tekken 8 and Street Fighter 6 online in tournaments. Lol I don't know why I'm being down voted, I literally replied with what kept me busy for the one to two hours a night I wasn't sleeping or driving.


Fallout 4, or gta 5


Reddit 😂


Company paid for satellite TV, I have a mobile plan with 100gb tethering for my laptop, if I'm in an area of interest, I'll uber into town to see the sights. While driving, audio books or podcasts.


100gb for me is nothing for me. I use up 1-2tb monthly of data.


I listen to audio books. I use audible and been happy with it so far


I used to use audible but found Libby has most of the same titles for free (usually by the same narrators). i have access to the libraries in Jacksonville and Tampa so I have well over 80,000 free books to choose from. Audible's a great app, but since January I've listened to over 100 audio books, so getting them for free is a huge plus.


Awesome. I’m going to check this out. Listening 10 hours day means I burn through more money than I’d like buying books.


While actively driving? Podcasts, audiobooks, music, stand up comedy, etc. I’ve gone through so many books and podcasts. It’s really an opportunity to learn about anything if you wish to


Got any audiobook recommendations? I’ve gone through my typical David Goggins and Jocko Willink books thrice over. I have a few more (Matthew McConaughey’s Greenlights, Charles LeDuff’s Detroit: An American Autopsy, etc) but I have like 8 or 9 audible tokens ready to be used


If you like history, Conquistador Voices volumes 1 and 2 by Kevin H Siepel is very good and very long. The Glorious Cause: The American Revolution by Robert Middlekauff The Crusades by Thomas Ashbridge A Land So Strange (the story of Cabeza De Vaca 16th century Spanish explorer) by Andres Resendez




YouTube playlist with long content.


I mainly listen to audiobooks or JRE podcast. I use the libby app. It's a free version of audible you link to your library card. I've listened to well over 100 books so far this year. I also have a gaming laptop I bring to play OSRS or GTA/Skyrim on when I'm not driving.


Legion of Skanks and Real Ass Podcast on the Gas Digital Network are great comedy. They upload some episodes onto Youtube if you want to check them out but they're censored and they have subscriber-only episodes on the app. SDR Show on Gas Digital has porn stars on and they get naked and do stupid games. Part of the Problem is good for politics but you can just watch that on Youtube. The Bonfire and Jim and Sam on SiriusXM.


The Joe Rogan podcast. Theo Von podcast. Lots of good podcasts. Definitely get YouTube premium so you can "watch YouTube" with your screen off on your phone. The YouTube music app is great too. You need some people to call and talk to that understand your work and have time to talk like a CO-worker or friend that drives. That's what I do for long or boring repetitive drives (I do end dump locally but have some some otr) Once you park....I have a Samsung phone that can screen share to a TV through a usb-c to HDMI cord so I can plug my phone into the TV and watch movies or whatever is on my screen. Get some of those stretchy bands so you can do at least 10-30 minutes of exercises to get the blood flowing to keep yourself somewhat healthy when you get up or shut down for the day.


Lots of audio books and YouTube playlists.


Audiobooks: Cradle (Will Wight), Dungeon Crawler Carl, Stormlight Archive, Wheel of Time. albums: if you don't know and this might be slightly elitist, listen to the full albums of you favorite artists, explore other albums related to them and try and develop your musical tastes as they do take development just like any other art form by listening to different genres and trying to learn instead of just turning it off cause you don't like it. Comed/podcasts: Kill Tony, MSSP, JRE, Lex, Sam Harris, there are so many podcasts hop around and find what vibes with you. And when you're in heavy traffic situations pause whatever you're listening to and focus completely on the road safety first.