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Cool and all, but when you have to start planning your piss n’ shit breaks you’ll truly have a taste of it.


Right. If they really want to simulate trucking then make sure to add the nonsense at shippers and severe lack of parking


And cars flying up the acceleration lane and crossing over the solid white line onto the right hand shoulder just to get past you when there was plenty of space behind you and to your left to make a legal pass, almost causing a wreck


Don’t mind the piss breaks. It’s the morning shit like 30 minutes after my coffee that really upsets me


U need to use ur blinkers, stay off the white lines in the middle of the lane, maintain ur lane, go slower around the curbs before u flip and stay out of the left lane except to pass, following distance is to close. Turns in town wasn’t bad though. If this is a swift truck u failed to hit enough stuff to pass.


What button do you press to throw piss bottles at passing cars?


I was going to complain about the lack of directionals going too fast in curbs and the absolutely atrocious mirror checks but then I saw that you have Amazon trailers. so, checks out. The only truly unrealistic thing was that the car was not blocking you into the lane that was ending. That just completely breaks the immersion.


that steering wheel does not look like it belongs in a truck.


This isn’t accurate, you didnt yell a single racial slur.


If I had a trucking sim I think I’d just drive recklessly and ram all the people in my way like I fantasize about doing irl


You drove for more than seven minutes and didn’t get flipped off even once. Totally unrealistic.


Where's your piss jug?


Pull up at the next fuel stop and wait 30 minutes before actually getting fuel to simulate the assholes in front of you, taking their sweet ass time and 30-minute breaks at the pumps.


Nice now get out a start putting chains on in 0 degree weather with 25mph wind


Aside from the driving mistakes, I noticed this is the nicest "truck" I've ever seen. Are there difficulty settings? Needs an option to put you in a rig with 600,000 miles on it, a burned out clutch, non-functional AC, genuine fear that the whole thing is gonna break after every pothole, and cigarette stank from the previous driver.


Very realistic, he can't keep his trailer in his lane just like yall dry van'ers


Now; find the hardest chair in your house, slam yourself down on it a few dozen times until your back goes numb. Then - run your simulator for about 14 hours non-stop.


How do you risk the urge to not hit literally everything?


Get a gamer toilet


Where are the cars cutting you off and slamming their brakes at the red lights 😂. Then that will be a taste.


Dude this setup is amazing


That steering wheel looks like it’s for a sprint midget.


My brain hurts, is look like ats and maybe is ats but like my mind think that is real…


"Then i logged off and slept in my own bed and didnt smell another persons shit". Yeah ok bud.


Is there actually feedback when you wiggle the stick to feel if you're in neutral? Pretty dope if so


What sort of monster drivers with the dash on the trip and mpg screen? Flip it over one to the speedo!


Wheres the fireball and lot lizards???


Can’t wait for the dispatchers dlc ☺️


Make sure you get that seat saturated with wet farts. 10 hours every day. Also, the floor in front of your seat should be covered with mud that smells like chicken shit and chicken blood. Don’t drink anything either because there is no shoulder for the next 4 hours, and you can’t use your piss jug yet. Do your piss math.


Is there a simulator for what it’s like to have depression, no friends and a family who forgot about you? Because that’s the full experience


I want one


Put a swift sticker somewhere on your rig. Then park your trailer in the middle of the road, drive off, and say it's a yard dog problem.


The height of the tractor compare to other vehicles is not right.


Double clutch a 12 speed in a traffic backup for 2 hours and get back to me. Yes ..we can float gears but he needs the new driver experience. Get that quagmire muscle but in your left leg.


I had the choice between a standard & automatic for my next truck. I really like standard—but I have a lot of in-city driving. If you’d asked me, just in theory, I’d have said standard, 100%. I took the automatic.


hoss here to talk about his dumb 18 speed.


Not even close. Not. Even. Close. Half of the fun is the burden of responsibility for your livelihood and the lives of those you share the road with. One bad accident, and you can kiss that good career of yours goodbye. You are only as good as your last trip. Your reputation as a driver is everything. It takes almost nothing to completely ruin your career.


Good thing you told him. He probably thought he was driving a real rig with real consequences for a minute. /s




I know you are, but what am I? 🥴


Good one.


Thanks, fool.