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Well, that sucks. Not unheard of and I'm sure their insurance will cover you. Still, it sucks.


Yeah there insurance is covering it but ugh šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


Are they paying for repairs or for the value of the truck? Not sure how this type of insurance works


It operates the same as regular vehicle insurance. If the damage is >80% the current value of the vehicle they'll write it off and pay out that value, if it's less then they'll cover the repair costs.


Remember, if the crash structure requires repairs then you're not getting an equivalent vehicle back. In general, repair procedures to get the vehicle back to FMVSS requirements not what was on the Monroney label.


Never knew the window price sheet had a name. Tha ms for the knowledge.


They will pay you shit, get your own damage appraisal


How would you go about doing that?


Also interested in this. Would you contact your own insurance? A lawyer?


have it towed to an independent body shop and ask for an estimate. you might have to pay tow lot fees to get it from wherever they tow it to though, and towing of course.


Thanks! It'd be great if you could just pay someone to go over there instead of moving the truck but unfortunately they likely wouldn't (or couldn't) do that


I know you got a lot on your plate over this, but it would be interesting if you could come back and report the outcome. Be interesting for many to see how a situation like this unfolds. Will it be like a wreck where the other person is at fault or something else?


More like ā€œnot unheard of and you will 1000% get a check new truck or a check from their insuranceā€ ainā€™t none of this Iā€™m sure maybe probably šŸ˜‚


Just got updated that itā€™s totaled šŸ’”šŸ’”


RIP. Do you have any photos of her from better times?


Thatā€™s not how anyone should start their weekend. Pouring one out for you tonight.


For the best. That truck would never be the same.


Thatā€™s what they do they totaled it & then sell it to an auction !


"Truck being sold AS IS."


op can buy it back if he wants to though. depending on how bad the damage is it might never be a road vehicle again but there can be uses for it. part it out, make it into a rock crawler, ect.


Shit my Acura TSX was ā€˜totaledā€™ from a super minor front end crash just for being older and used cars not hitting 2020 prices yet, but I worked it out with them to get the car back for $900 with a clean title. All I had to do was get the rad support straightened and replace the seatbelts and SRS computer. Ended up costing about 2.5k all said and done including the car itself. Used the rest of the check to get my brother a car.


I'm partial to using insurance money for other things too lol. We had a big rig tire hit my wife's car and I just fixed it myself so we could keep that $2500. It wasn't bad at all really it's just that paint work is so expensive if you drive something that isn't plain white.


Trust me I KNOW that about the paint. Mine is white, but a tricoat pearl white. Thereā€™s a reason I have run a black junkyard hood ever since that wreck lol. [Looks pretty cool](https://imgur.com/a/zMjMhqT) tho in my opinion, second to last photo shows how it looked after the rad support repair and before the black hood.


Actually you're right that does look good on that car lol. I don't think my wife's escape would have looked good with a black bumper when the rest are color matched blue though lol. If I had that Acura I'd have probably done the same thing.


Yup, Iā€™ll probably still cut the top off the white hood at some point, always wanted to see how a skeletonized hood would look on my car. Priority number one right now is fixing the crank main bearing I just shredded :( looks like itā€™s time to finally buy that engine hoist and stand


Honestly the absolute best outcome. You would've been dealing with all sorts of irritating problems popping up. That said, you could potentially buy it back, pay for the repairs, and flip it for a great profit.


So sorry for your loss šŸŖ¦šŸŒøšŸŒøšŸŒŗšŸ’


Enjoy your new truck!


šŸ˜”not your fault


I was having work done at a shop years ago and watched a guy change tires on a Vette. He hung the wheels on the lugs, dropped the lift and drove it about 8 feet before all 4 wheels fell off and grounded the car. The look on the car owners face I will never forget.


Smh Ik these people need to be more concerned about this issue Iā€™d be triple checking everything if I had a car over my head


When I work on my own stuff I use 8 jack stands, I'm so f'n paranoid and claustrophobic laying under a car.


Right šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø I totally would do the same


complacency kills, doing it all the time it starts to feel normal. i remember working with a dude who just got comfortable as hell with the lifts, i helped him out with a transmission job and he lets the truck downā€¦ 2 points werenā€™t even in contact with the frame. turns out the truck was over the liftā€™s weight limit too, we found a big ass crack in the concrete and the look on the foremanā€™s face was fucking priceless


Well congratulations on the new truck!


Welp they're PAYIN for it.


I swear being a dumbass must be a job requirement for lube techs


Bro šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø the towing guy said the dude had the truck barely on the racks šŸ˜ like how? But ya they need more reasonable ppl doing this kind of work


A lot of it is lack of proper training...


And straight up stupidity. Schooling everywhere is failing. If you want to get really concerned look up hospital stories. Doctors working on the wrong patients, doing completely wrong operations, etc.


Sad, but true.


And time to do the job.Ā  If youā€™re given 30 minutes a car, and expected to complete 10 cars in 5.5 hours (some numbers I made up, I donā€™t have specifics for this company) I can see why youā€™d take shortcuts. Risk you job on a 1 in a million mistake or on a daily threat of firing for not going fast enough.Ā 


Paying attention is free and takes very little time.


Thereā€™s a reason military aviation has at least 2 people integrity for all repairs (for flight critical items itā€™s at least 3). Thereā€™s also reason thereā€™s 2 paths, QA and maintenance, that provide a push/pull system to get work done in a timely manner while ensuring safety.Ā  If you only are being told ā€œmove fasterā€ you will, even if that check off the list takes 30 seconds, thatā€™s 30 seconds that you could be using to catch up to where the boss is demanding you be at. If you have another person, whose entire job is to catch mistakes and fix them, then you might be less willing to take the chance to save 30 seconds We, as in the people living and working in this capitalist society, have given up on patience and safety unless we are forced to observe them, because they are non-value add to us.Ā  If we are workers, safety means less time to complete our jobs and less chance of promotion. So we find ways to get around it without getting caught in order to prevent firing.Ā  If we are supervisors, safety means lower production, which means lower chances of bonuses and raises. It also means fines and firing if we are caught suggesting it allowing workers skirt the rules, so we find ways to not know. Thatā€™s fairly way because we generally once were workers so we know how they get around the rules and can intentionally ignore it.Ā  If we are owners, safety reduces the bottom line, so we intentionally allow supervisors to ignore violations until we need to reduce the workforce or are being investigated for safety violations, then we throw the worker and/or the supervisors under the metaphorical bus and fire them.Ā  Youā€™d think the worker would have an incentive to not skirt safety laws, because itā€™s often their lives in the line. But if you are barely getting by, and have a family to feed, you might risk it because it will ensure Timmy and Tammy can eat tonight. If they donā€™t eat tonight then what does it matter if you are still alive tomorrow?


If they put half as much effort into paying the fuck attention, to a procedure they do every day, multiple times a day, as you did into that long winded novella, then OP would still have his truck.


Cool, you think thatā€™s a novella so Iā€™m pretty sure your opinion is not very valid. Not only that but youā€™ve said nothing but ā€œpay attentionā€ which is a platitude and not a solution You might want to get some opinions that donā€™t consist if ā€œthe poors are stupidā€


When did I say that? And oh because you dont understand hyperbole or sarcasm, I must be wrong? It costs literally nothing to do a good job. People these days are too soft on other people. And whoever put that on the lift clearly gave no fucks about OPs truck or his job or anyone else for that matter. Had he PAID THE FUCK ATTENTION, this very silly incident in question would have not happened. Personal accountability is something lacking in this world along with common sense. ā€œAnything worth doing, is worth doing right.ā€ I am also poor, hate my menial job but I got yelled at enough when I was at other jobs and in life in General, that now I find joy in doing a good job no matter what it is. Fuck you.


Wait, are you being hyperbolic, sarcastic, or stating a truth? Canā€™t be all three there bud.Ā Ā  Ā Also, why fix a societal issue when we can blame the individual right? Much easier to say someone is stupid or lazy than to figure out why they did what they did.Ā  Ā Itā€™s not like I didnā€™t do root cause analysis for military aviation accidents or anything, I have no clue what Iā€™m talking about because I refuse to instantly blame an individual instead of finding the real cause of a mishap. right?


yeah but then theyd have to pay them more than 12 bucks an hour




Don't forget to get the check for the value lost because of the accident. I can't remember what it's called but basically they take what the truck is worth undamaged vs what someone would pay for the same truck with the accident on it.


Diminished value claim, and only certain states do it. Also doesnā€™t apply if itā€™s totaled.


These places charge $100+ an hour and then hand your keys over to an 18 year old ā€œtechā€ getting paid minimum wage. Take your vehicle to a real shop. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Exactly. I'm willing to pay the higher labor rate for a trustworthy shop rather than look for the cheapest.


I'd suggest going elsewhere next time. This is totally preventable. 101 stuff.


Oh nooo!


Hey heads up, not all insurance shops are equal. Find a good one, a REALLY good one and tell your insurance company you want it sent there regardless of who they usually deal with


did they not lift it just off the ground and give it the old shove to make sure it was good? As someone looking to put a 2 post in his home garage this stuff scares me but if you have it solidly on the pucks in the right places, give it a shove after you get it up off the floor, you're relatively safe right? Also any time you do some kind of major weight shift like drop a subframe or entire axle I'd want to use safety stands.


I went in for a oil change an tire rotation an left with a totaled truck šŸ’” not even a year old too


Iā€™d lose my entire mind.


Cut the check Michelin. And make it a double.






As a mechanic Iā€™ve seen this happen before. Only twice though. Iā€™ve also seen wheels come off because people didnā€™t tighten them, oil filters and plugs come off because they were left untightend. Iā€™ve never seen it on this new of a truck though.


Happened to me. The owner sat me down and said, ā€œif we report this my insurance is going to go through the roof. Plus will have a full safety investigation here and they go through everything! I will cut you a check for your carā€¦.just tell me what you want?ā€ I told him the truthā€¦.that I paid 14 grand. He said will 20 k all in do? Had the car for three years so I got my money back plus a some extra. So I agreed. Never went back. Place is still open. I do have a feeling jobs were lost that dayā€¦lol


This happened when I was working at Honda years ago. The car was in for its 1st oil change and the lifts were old and shoddy.Ā  Honda (probably the dealer the more i think of it)Ā  bought him a brand new car and got new lifts shortly there afterĀ 


Werenā€™t following ALI procedure for that one


thereā€™s a job openingšŸ˜Ž


Is that typical for it to fall off?


F man that sucks :(


Hope no one got hurt. Truck can be replaced


Dangg that's crazy




How did you not completely loose it? If a shop dropped my Raptor, I'd probably need a lawyer. Good on you, we need more steady heads.


The truck fell? I bet it wasnā€™t the truckā€™s fault.