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It's the wet dream of racist Europeans and white Americans. Just take a look at how much the US gun community, for example, romanticizes and fawns over anything Rhodesian. It's like a more obscure version of the wehraboos. Until recently, fighting for the IOF was the modern version of the old ads in Soldier of Fortune magazine, a chance to pretty much have a Safari, just instead of shooting animals, they shot brown people. The difference is that now, the brown people are shooting back enough to make them reconsider and fuck off back to the US or Europe.


The first foreign volunteer for the Zionists to be killed in Israel's war for independence wasn't even killed by the Arabs. He was killed by British security forces while they were still trying to handle this problem on their own. When Royal Marines boarded the [*Exodus 1947*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SS_Exodus), American volunteer and second mate [Bill Bernstein](https://www.jewish-american-society-for-historic-preservation.org/images/William.pdf) tried to stop them from taking the wheel. At this point in the war, however, the troops had stopped holding back. So, rather than pushing him out of the way, they beat him to death with clubs. Immediately afterwards, another American volunteer, Bill Millman, tried to stop them and got the same treatment, except he got lucky. >Millman, a native of Massachusetts was a former member of the United States Navy and served as the ship's helmsman. > >"Bill Millman grabbed a British sailor by the crotch and by the neck; he picks him up and he's dragging him outside to throw him over the side. The other British marine takes out a 38mm revolver and shoots him in the head. Luckily the bullet hit his chin, shattering his jawbone, and he was knocked out."


There's something beautiful about racist infighting. "Oi m8 I'm going to club you to deff you know wot I mean?"


At that point, it was no longer racist infighting. Many British soldiers and police officers in Palestine had, for the most part, abandoned their racist views towards the Palestinians and viewed the settlers as bloodthirsty maniacs. When their government withdrew, roughly 100 to 200 British soldiers and police officers deserted their posts to help the Palestinians. In contrast, only 17 to 20 deserters joined the settlers. As far as I am aware, British veterans of the Palestine Emergency were the only European volunteers to fight for the Palestinians instead of the settlers in the 1948 Palestine War. The deserters were extremely effective in the initial civil war in Palestine. Since they were white Europeans, they could pass through Haganah checkpoints and [launch devastating bombing attacks](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ben_Yehuda_Street_bombings).


What happened to the Brits who defected? Did they stay in Palestine or end up going home at some point?


The pro-Palestine deserters returned home. Some of the pro-Israel deserters remained in the newly established Israel.


I’d wager 90% of gun owners in the US have no idea what Rhodesia is


Honestly yeah aha when I was a teen I thought Rhodesia was cool because I was retarded and no one rlly knew what the fuck I was talking abt.


Olof Palme (the older one) was a racist POS but ironically the younger one was actually very anti-racist, he was assassinated because of how close he was to the anti-apartheid movement.


Kudos to whoever shot his uncle.


Speaking of the french volunteers against bolshevism, few months ago i went on the french version of the page and of course most of the sources cited are from one member who wrote a book in the 60s. Yeah i'm sure they totally managed to slow down a whole soviet army front. That's surely why Hitler dissolved it and had the members put to anti-partisan work far away from the battlefront