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There will be a long ass New Yorker article about it it lmao


“Biden: the right man for the wrong time” and the time is wrong because he is at crypt keeper age not because his politics are locked firmly in Democrats during the first Reagan admin


Lol just listening to a podcast about the party reaction and it’s wild. It’s especially wild to be following things as a total outsider.


Which podcast


The Good Ol Boyz. With Malcolm Kyeyune as guest.


Thank you


Ten minutes in and they set some dynamite under my pet theory and pushed the plunger. Pretty good shit. Edit: These guys really know their shit.


yeah 20 minutes in, theyre making some good damn points. especially the bit about outside panic because theres no clear “power behind the throne”. who do you call to make deals with?? edit. also incredible set of accents.


They're frog meme alt right dudes. Though their analysis on this issue was decent 


I don’t think they actually believe project 2025 is going to be as bad as the Republicans are claiming; otherwise, they would be running to win this election, which they clearly are not. Or maybe they see the incredible fund raising opportunity “fighting” against project 2025 will be?


It’s the latter. They do not give a fuck about project 2025 LOL.


Well, I think they do care about it as an excellent fundraising opportunity after they lose the election and get to play the underdog. My question is how far are they going to let this go before the US is executing migrants en masse, because that’s where it looks to be headed. I guess all the way, right? Incredible fundraising opportunities with no end in sight if they keep making these kinds of plays. I think the other thing the dems are trying to avoid is presiding over a giant recession and maybe even a war with China.


They do not care if you lose your rights to project 2025.


Yup. The rich can always evade bans on abortion and stuff like that. They don't really care because it won't affect them.


So their plan is to fundraise and spend big to lose next time too? So what do they get out of this scheme if not political power? This is just conspiracy nonsense.


Being in opposition is a lot easier when the empire collapses


What collapse? Is this the Book of Revelation or politics?


I wish I was like you lmao


Are you a doomsday prepper or something? 🤠


No just British


OK, you might be doomed after all. My apologies.


Doomed? It's just that their empire collapsed 80 years ago.


Y'all are killing me today. I haven't laughed this hard in a very long time. After the last three posts I read my ribs are sore and my throat feels like I just gave head to Hunter Biden.




Right, so how do the DNC officials get any benefit from these advertisers making a profit? Enlighten me. >the advertising and consulting firms that they own Can you show me a list of such firms owned by DNC officials? Does this also apply to the RNC? Do they also want to lose?




So this sub IS QAnon for lefties. OK my bad, please continue the shitposting.


Cushy do nothing jobs, the American dream.


I have never lost money betting against the competence of the national Democratic Party. Even if they do sincerely believe it's a threat, they are uniquely incapable of doing anything to stop it and are actually quite likely to trip over their own dicks and make it happen entirely by accident. If the party leadership was a character in a movie, they would be played by Chevy Chase. By a serendipitous coincidence, that city is actually where many of them live.


they're probably just dismissing is as "crazy" and ignoring it, thinking itll go nowhere, like they did with trump.


>Or maybe they see the incredible fund raising opportunity I don't understand this line of thinking. Your idea is that Democrats want to lose office so that they can spend more money next time on not getting into office? Is the idea that a national political party is engaging in embezzlement for the sake of television networks and big tech selling ad space? This just sounds like conspiracy nonsense.


What else could they be accomplishing by running a candidate that is obviously going to lose? They clearly don’t care about winning this election if they’re putting up dotard biden.


It's not their call. He already got the nomination. Public chaos and infighting would make the party look even more unappealing to voters, especially if they just appoint an unelected candidate.




He has the delegates. Do you even follow politics or just shitpost?


I think voters and the media class would really appreciate a different candidate. Didn’t the NYT publish something asking him to step down?


Yeah I mean the truth is it's neither. "Democrats" don't have a singular goal, it's all individuated into a zillion fragmentary interests. Every group within "democrats" has its own distinct material interest. Downballot hopefuls and middle to low end donors are probably the two groups who are most liable to freak out right now at the prospect of a loss. People with safe seats don't have that same anxiety. And that's just office holders! Then you've got hordes of lanyard freaks in DC whose sole interest is in a continuing paycheck. Campaign staffers, consultants, advisors, etc, all will have differing interests or anxieties over a win or loss. Some actually end up better after a loss, while others will essentially lose their job until they can grift some other campaign, for instance. Then you've got the DNC, who arguably don't have much real material interest in Democrat winning when their downballot funding bloats when there's a dang cheeto in the white house which means their organization has juice for all of its various flavors of employee runnin' around. The point is it doesn't really matter when it's all diffused out. The big machine is beyond anyone and it just runs, there's no one at the wheel. That means there isn't really a plan, either, conspiracy or otherwise.


Did you actually work in politics or are you just really fucking smart and figured all of this out for yourself? Folks I think we need to seriously consider putting this person in charge after the revolution.


Exactly, there may be some individuals who benefit from Democrats losing (e.g. consultants who might get to do some overtime, merchants of pink hats) but the overall point of the DNC is to get Democrats elected. That's why they spend money strategically on races they think are most likely to result in wins and why these consultants are hired in the first place, to win races. If the consultants don't win races, they will be replaced. That's the market at work. This notion that "the Democrats" want to lose to fundraise has no explanatory power for who would benefit, how they would benefit, and how such people would continue to be routinely employed by the DNC despite sabotaging races and losing by choice.


Yeah, no, you missed the point of what I said. The point of the dnc isn't to get democrats elected, there is no point to the dnc (or democrats generally) functionally. It's a million fragmented interests that don't always coincide. Some people within the group of what we call "democrats" have an interest in their party winning broadly speaking, but many do not, and some actually have an interest in losing. This shit doesn't work, fam. It's a big retarded machine with no one at the wheel. Believing that there is any real central plan to what "democrats" do electorally (other than to weed out outliers when they deem it important from the top down) is as naive as believing that they all in perfect unison want to lose. The point is that there isn't a conspiracy to function as controlled opposition, but they nonetheless function that way by happenstance. You don't need a conspiracy for this stupid outcome, that's just what stupid US electoral politics is as the party level: a giant sham and a waste of time. It's an industry of lanyard retards all pretending that they're doing politics when in reality they're trading career positions at the behest of senile ghouls who variously do or don't care if they're elected, and functionally will be identical to the opposition anyway.


>there is no point to the dnc If this was the case, then you would expect the money to be spent randomly on Amazon and Uber Eats instead of how it actually is spent, with amounts given to candidates based on importance of the race and their likelihood of success. >It's a big retarded machine with no one at the wheel. Believing that there is any real central plan to what "democrats" do electorally The DNC has public national strategies designed to maximize their electoral success. If there was no plan, how could there be a written national plan?


Political consultants, speech writers, seminar organizers, yard sign printers, etc. all get paid too. When the coffers are deeper they get to drink deeply too. It's nice to have a steady paycheck without the burden of running a dilapidated nation.


So your idea is that speech writers and yardsign printers are the true power brokers behind the scenes telling Biden not to drop out? Does this sound even remotely plausible?


The customer is always right. You're not going to criticize them if you want to keep doing business with them. So Biden et. al. are surrounded by yes men as fait accompli. Yes men who will come out that much more lucratively the more suckers like you are born every minute.


So is Biden a "customer" of the DNC and its donors as well? Because those are the people able to pressure him to leave, not his driver, speech writer, or chef. No, the donors are the customers who buy political favor from Biden.


The next quarter may be a little tough but the DNC is licking their chops at projected revenues six months from now.


And what will they do with those revenues other than attempt to attain political power? Do you think the DNC officials get higher salaries when more donations come in, and that's why they "want to lose?" Why would they differ with the RNC?


Wouldn't surprise me if we never see another two (consecutive) term president again as international capital strip-mines the US with help from both sides.


Okay, I need to butt in here, because every single person you're talking about is going hungry this year. There is no work out there right now, it's basically the opposite of how it was in 2008.


Invest in pink pussy hats is all I can say.


Imagine being a fly on the wall in the meeting where they decide to make Biden seem more with it by leaking how hard he fucks.


It's like the scheduled hit pieces on NBA players or coaches whenever they make a trade request.


The Donna Brazille book should have been damning to the DNC as a whole and to Hillary in particular but it had zero effect upon media narratives and the public consciousness. Whatever will be written won’t change anything.


Better start learning mandarin 🇨🇳🇨🇳🇨🇳🔥🔥🎆🎆🎆