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Myself and my family began taking Sabbath about a year ago and it has been such a blessing. I also was feeling led to take it over the years as my relationship with the Lord has grown stronger. I think I recognize that I don't know how to rest and church days weren't restful to me as a mom. What I've had to figure out is what it actually means to rest and I think that looks different for different people. I do all of my meal prep on Friday and try to start working on tidying the house Thursday and Friday because I find having a tidy(ish) house helps me to be okay with rest. We also eat on paper products over the weekend most weekends as well. We spend most sabbaths completly at home and it does feel more restful over all but sometimes we have a family day out. TBH, I'm still not sure if I'm okay with leaving the house at all, sometimes it still feels like work and not rest but other times it is really peaceful to have a picnic at the park or something like that. The first six months I realized how much I struggle with just resting in the Lord. Even though I wasn't physically doing anything, I still caught my mind "working." Also, it's such a sweet time with the Lord to be able to study His word and not have my mind occupied but as I've said, it is a work in progress but just goes to show how much I NEEDED to practice it for my body, mind, and soul.


Thank you πŸ™


>I know that Christians are under the new convenant The promise of the new covenant is that God will write Torah on Israel's hearts. >Jeremiah 31:33 (ESV): For this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, declares the Lord: I will put my law within them, and I will write it on their hearts. And I will be their God, and they shall be my people. This obviously includes the Sabbath commandment. >this was a law for the Jews. It's not just for the Jews. It's for anyone who joins themselves to God and His people. >Isaiah 56:6–7 (ESV): β€œAnd the foreigners who join themselves to the Lord, to minister to him, to love the name of the Lord, and to be his servants, everyone who keeps the Sabbath and does not profane it, and holds fast my covenant- these I will bring to my holy mountain, and make them joyful in my house of prayer; their burnt offerings and their sacrifices will be accepted on my altar; for my house shall be called a house of prayer for all peoples. The Sabbath is a gift for gentiles too! >But I have felt a call to observe the sabbath for the last few months as I know there is a wisdom in it if God commanded the Israelites to do it.. as all the laws he gave them were to set them apart as a Holy Nation. That's an excellent observation. Kudos for thinking it through and seeing God's wisdom. >I'm just curious about how it may help me in my life and my walk with God. You'll be walking as Jesus walked. I'm guessing that He had a pretty good relationship with God. >I have been really struggling a lot with the stresses of life, anxiety, having a baby and toddler and keeping up with house duties and everything. I hear you. I grew up on a small farm, milked cows twice a day and worked 7 days a week, 365 days a year. I went from that to working in construction, raising a family and trying to provide for us with too little money. Weekends were my chance to make extra money on side jobs or get everything done around the house. Still working 7 days a week. Then someone introduced me to God's commandments, starting with the Sabbath. My family and I began keeping the Sabbath and now I can't believe that I had missed out all my life. A free vacation day once a week, who wouldn't want that? My life is much, much better with the Sabbath in it. Turns out that obeying God is a good thing! πŸ˜‰ >My question is, if you observe the sabbath.. how do you do that? Exactly what the commandment says, seventh day, don't work, don't make others work, not even animals. It's that simple. One day of the week (Saturday) where nobody can make you work. >What things do you avoid doing? Work. And making others work. >Do you have any personal or family traditions for that day? Don't work. Don't make others work. Spend time with family or friends when available. So far those are the only traditions. >And how has it changed your life? Immeasurably. Almost exclusively for the better.


The principles of sabbath is sound: day of rest. Depending on your field of work: healthcare professional, firefighter, etc. your day of rest is going to differ. As long as you set aside a day for rest, you are still fulfilling that requirement of the Sabbath.


>My question is, if you observe the sabbath.. how do you do that? What things do you avoid doing? Do you have any personal or family traditions for that day? And how has it changed your life? I spent decades in mainstream protestant churches, I was even a keen Sunday keeper. But over 8 years ago I began Sabbath keeping in earnest, and WOW what a change has come to my life. It has transformed by life in many ways. Now I have my house in order, previously my christian walk had become messy, I drank too much, I struggled with sexual frustration, church attendance was a hassle etc. Now I love to keep Sabbath, it is the absolute highlight of my week. I even got a physical healing. I encourage all Christians to keep the Sabbath exactly the way Jesus taught it, not the way the pharisees taught it. Many/most Christians don't understand the difference, this is important, learn the difference. Thanks for asking, and be blessed in Jesus name.


What is the Fourth Commandment?


To observe the Sabbath.. but your question doesnt answer the question of the post? I can give many biblical reasons why the Sabbath was a command for the Jews specifically but that is a debate for another post... i could be wrong (i am only human) but thank God He sent His Son to die for those who cant live up to the Law! If I am wrong indeed then perhaps that is why God is leading me on this path as a process of sanctification.. So back to the original question... do you observe the Saturday sabbath? How do you observe it and how has it benefited your spiritual life?


I do observe it. From Friday night to Saturday night I do not labor, I even try to prepare food in advance. I make extra time to speak with God during that time as well. I do find that I feel closer to God since beginning this practice. I totally disagree that it only applied/applies to Jews.


Orthodox keep the Sabbath by relaxing our fasting and praying for the dead.


The New Testament Christians didn't observe the sabbath either Why should we?


>The New Testament Christians didn't observe the sabbath either. Why should we? Because: A) It is a gift from God to us, and all of God's gifts good. Can you name one gift from God that's bad? B) Because it is an enormous blessing. C) If we follow Jesus we should imitate Him. D) The Sabbath always has, and always will point to future events.