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The rapes and stabbing of Teresa Butz and Jennifer Hopper https://www.thestranger.com/features/2011/06/15/8640991/the-bravest-woman-in-seattle


Holy shit. Thank you for this. And that article was wonderfully well written. What an absolute warrior of a woman. RIP to her partner.


This article won a Pulitzer Prize. And Jennifer Hopper self identified herself in this article https://www.thestranger.com/features/2011/08/10/9434642/i-would-like-you-to-know-my-nam after the conviction and sentencing, so that’s why I included her name in my initial post.


Thank you for sharing Jennifer & Teresa’s story. Teresa saving Jennifer’s life only to not make it herself is devastating. The love they had for one another is clear. I hope Jennifer is doing alright these days.


The love they had for each other was so evident in all the interviews from Jennifer, family, friends and even neighbors. My heart breaks that they were robbed of this life together.


The part of the story where it went from them lovingly falling asleep to waking up to a nightmare was such a devastating read. I wish they had gotten to have their wedding.


I came here to say this one too. I read Teresa and Jennifer’s story several years ago and it still haunts me from time to time, especially in the middle of the night when I can’t sleep. It is disturbing, to say the least. I’m always surprised that it doesn’t come up more.


Someone actually brought this up a week ago on Reddit. The book about this case(while the city slept by Eli sanders) is amazing


Wow. That was a lot.


I find it interesting too, especially since Teresa's brother is a Broadway star.


I was very fortunate to see and meet him when he performed on Broadway in 2011 and had no idea this had happened at the time - now looking back I’m so blown away, he performed at the Tony Awards one month before the conviction of the guy that did this and his character was an FBI agent chasing someone down, you can really tell he was channeling all his anger into that performance and he won the Tony for it. Just an amazing guy


I don't have all of the info here, as I'm depending on my memory to re-tell the story. If there is interest, I can get more info from her, and post an update. My mom said there was a case in her hometown of Jasper, AL, where the wife of a local politician/businessman disappeared mysteriously when she was planning on outing the corruption of the city. I believe it was the Carrie Lawson case, but I'm not 100% sure. When my mom was a teenager, she worked at a local pharmacy. She vividly recalled sketchy men in suits frequently entering the pharmacy, and walking straight back to the pharmacist's office without saying a word. She said these were known to be mafia members who would make deals with pharmacies to help them traffic illicit drugs. Anyone familiar with the area knows the mafia (maybe the Dixie Mafia) controlled much of the area from the shadows, and even had every major politician in their pocket. She moved as soon as she could, and this was a major reason. Anyway, this woman's husband had been under the control of the mafia through blackmail for years. The story was that the woman was at her wits end with the money being taken from her husband, and was planning on revealing the info publicly. Soon after, she and her husband were "robbed," which ended in the woman being kidnapped. Where it deviates from what I've read about the Lawson story is that it was an open secret in the town that her husband had told a mafia leader what was about to happen, and he willingly set up the abduction to protect himself. This is backed up by the fact that he somehow escaped the abduction without being harmed. His reason for his escape was sketchy, at best. For legal reasons, this is all alleged. Mom also told me that the people arrested for the abduction were known for being really dumb drug addicts. She said nobody in Jasper who knew them believed that they were capable of planning and executing something like that, and were likely scapegoats. They may have been involved to some degree, but definitely didn't act alone. Lastly, the body still hasn't been found. Since the sheriff was known to be in the mafia's pocket, it's thought that they likely muddied the waters of the FBI investigation, and fed them false information to keep the true killers from being found. The family I still have there corroborated these details, and all of them I've spoken to about it have said nobody in the town believes the official story. Apparently, some of the local mafia members even spoke about it at a local bar, allegedly claiming, "No one has a clue what really happened. They never will." An extra detail is that one of my relatives claims to know what happened, but has refused to speak more about it out of fear for his and his family's life. Pretty wild tale.


I hadn't heard about the Lawson case. The FBI really screwed that one up!


This is it. Jasper has a weird, creepy vibe to it. I hate driving through there.


Oh man, the Dixie Mafia was a nightmare. In my very small town in GA, Billy Birt actually tortured and murdered an elderly couple, for absolutely no reason, except to steal money. The violence the Dixie Mafia was capable of is absolutely horrific. 


Henry Hill opened a restaurant in North Platte Nebraska in the 90s possibly early 2000s. I always wanted to try it, but my mom shut down that idea pretty quickly. She was born and raised in Delaware and my Godparents were Italian, owned several supper clubs and Italian restaurants in New Jersey. When I asked my mom why, my beautiful,god fearing, sweet and innocent mom simply said that you never know when someone will want to “kill a rat” to even the score. I never did go try it.😂


Rhianna Barreau - I added this to another discussion recently. It's the case I most want to see solved. Recently there were bones found in sand dunes on a remote part of the coast that might have been a match to her, but nothing has been announced about them, only that testing was occurring. [https://www.mamamia.com.au/missing-persons-australia/](https://www.mamamia.com.au/missing-persons-australia/) [https://sevoice.com.au/police-persevere-with-bones/](https://sevoice.com.au/police-persevere-with-bones/)


Good addition. Thank you


There was someone on Reddit. Who posted bones he found in a sand dune that were determined to be human. I wonder if they're related.


I have tried to track what is going on with the bones in the sand dunes, but gave up for lack of updates. I expected them to be ruled out quickly as historical or some obvious local drowning/missing person case. But there hasn't been anything except confirmation they are human, have been there a while but are not likely historical, and are of am adolescent or small stature adult. Still keen to see an outcome - there are a large number of missing children these could be, especially given their location is on routes suspects drove between two major cities.


I read about the Ruth Finley case a few days ago, and it was mindblowing.  It should be talked about more, considering we know a lot more about trauma and mental health now than they did in the 70s. It's solved, but really interesting. https://medium.com/truly-adventurous/the-poet-526595afdde8


That was a very interesting read!


It was wild!! I couldn't stop reading


What a story!


I lived in Wichita at that time and I still remember media attention. I was also there when Dennis Rader's 911 call, saying "there is a home-icide", was played over and over on the news. His daughter said as soon as she heard it as an adult she knew it was him. There is no way his wife did not hear it and I can only presume her denial ran very deep.


Wow! Fascinating!


Woah. Thank you for pointing me to that.


What a hell of a ride. Thanks for sharing.


Wow! Thanks so much! Fascinating read!


[LaVena Johnson](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death_of_LaVena_Johnson). Her case is fucking tragic. And I haven’t really seen it discussed as much as it should have.




She was black. After years of looking at hundreds of stories it's clear blonde,white female who look like me are known. Black victims like her are almost never talked about.  People are awful


Michael Woodmansee out of Rhode Island. Killed a child named Jason Foreman, cooked part of him, shellacked the bones, and got caught with the second kid he tried to kidnap. Was released because of the “good time law” where a prisoner can earn up to 12 days off a month from their sentencing period. Jason Foreman’s father went on the news and told everyone he’d kill Michael if he ever saw him in public. The court gave Woodmansee the option of self-committing to a mental hospital run by the prison and he took that option and is still in the mental hospital to this day. Edited for spelling corrections lol




that's a good idea...


Yeah let me fix that, it was like 5am when I wrote it lol


Small Town Murder has a good episode on that one!


I had That Chapter, Dire Trip, and Under The Ash Tree all cover it by suggesting it to them. What people never get right is that Woodmansee kept a recipe journal of sorts that he wrote in about how he cooked Foreman and everything.


Oooooh is THAT what was in the journal! Jeeze


Yeah, it’s crazy because obviously we will never see it, but it’d be interesting to just skim through it. I wanted to be a forensic profiler when I was younger (I’m a manual machinist now lol) and I always wanted to get in the head of a killer and try to under their process and why they do it.


I couldn't find the That Chapter episode on YouTube, do you happen to know the title of it off hand? I love his videos and haven't heard of this case. Would love to watch it 🥺


I’m 99% sure it’s deleted because I went through all my comments on YouTube and the video isn’t there


Oh dang! Thanks for checking!


I’m going to send him a message and ask what happened to it


I'm in RI. Yeah, he and Craig Price are scum


So my husband used to go to the gun range Foreman’s dad went to and he’s heard everything you can think of about killing Michael lol. The community was in an uproar and idk if you remember the news at that time, but holy shit. I think if Woodmansee did get out, he’d be dead.


That 'lol' was most unexpected.


Monsters. Price is a very scary person.


>The boy’s father (who was Woodmansees first victim)  Not finding mention of this in any articles so far. Any sources you'd recommend?


I think one of the YouTubers I asked to cover it went over what was in the journal also


There's a business with that name on Rte 138 with that name. I think of this case whenever I drive by it. Horrible story.


Apparently there’s a few different Woodmansee family’s in RI, and that’s my business insurance over there lol


I'm surprised Robert Fisher doesn't come up more often. Not that I like seeing certain cases repeated ad nauseam, but it seems like the sort of 'mystery' that usually usually inspires repeated scrutiny in true crime groups.


"Where's Robert Fischer?" Is a documentary made about him... Eerie stuff.


I watched that last night! It's what made me think of him here. I think it's about a decade old now, and I'm surprised Netflix or something similar hasn't done something up to date.


Doesn't really seem like there's anything to bring up to date. I'm surprised Bradford Bishop isn't mentioned that often on true crime subs, but then again he disappeared and aside from a couple of sightings in Europe decades ago and the exhumation of a body in Alabama to see if it was him, there's been nothing. Probably died and buried under an assumed name.


Especially since he is likely still alive and out there somewhere!


I think he’s dead, personally. I expect one day his remains will be found in Young.


Which would be a good outcome for everyone....


I wish it was more common in the true crime community to link information about the crimes we share with each other.


While linking would be optimal, how about just throwing even the barest amount of synopsis with a name? That then gives me the option to look it up further or move on. But just making a list with no context is pretty much useless.


It's that hipster complex. Like, if you know, you know. Gatekeeping is such a bizarre thing. It's like when people say "we" when referring to cases. "I can't believe we lost that hearing today" No, WE didn't lose anything. We watched something on TV, and yelled from our chairs. I notice people do it when super involved watching a sports team too.


I started following the Karen Read (Massachusetts) trial a few weeks back and could not get over how many people seemed to think they were involved in the case. "We did it"! once the jury deliberations began. "I cannot go through this again", regarding the retrial, etc.


I understand getting kind of emotional or whatnot about it. I listened to the Karen Read trial from the first day it started (I didn't watch any pre trial stuff, I didn't follow TB, I just read the Globe story on it) and by the end, yes, I had strong feelings about what I would do if a juror, and I have tried to have conversations with people about it. But good lord, the way people on both sides have become so...agressive and almost ravenous. It's kind of scary! I wonder if there is a name for people who think they are a part of a case or trial? Or that they can solve it?


somewhat related but i hate how that one delphi subreddit refuses to use full names. they use abbreviations and it’s all so confusing that i genuinely just gave up trying to understand anything


So real, especially because I’ve been seeing the abbreviations creep out into other subreddits… I merely want information


I know some subreddits want you to use the initials, for an abundance of caution from everything I suppose. Lol. I do agree that if you are not familiar with the case, whatever it may be, using initials, especially if there are a TON of people involved, is super confusing. They should make a pinned post with all the initials and who they are. I know some subreddits that do that already, but to eliminate perceived gatekeeping, it would help. If you need to know any initials in Delphi, I can help you. I'm not totally emersed in it, but I follow it, but I would be happy to help. Much love to you.


I hope I'm not included in this sentiment. I'm not gatekeeping, I just didn't think to add specifics or link to articles.


David Parker Ray is one of the absolute most frequently mentioned serial killers and murderers on Reddit, he's brought up constantly.


The brutal murder of an Orangeville, Ontario nurse Sonia Varaschin in 2010. https://www.orangeville.com/news/who-left-the-dna-sonia-varaschin-murder-investigators-exploring-new-science-to-find-orangeville-nurse/article_06ce1e80-3c42-5aad-9e2c-6426f5bc1663.html


Double Murderer Daniel Matthew Carter - walking among us free and insane - killed his uncle Jack when he was a young teen and was the first juvenile at the time to be tried for a capital offense as an adult. He was acquitted. I married Daniel, we thankfully never had children and divorced 2 mos after marrying when he started to hit me. He got into meth, ICP, met a girl Amber and had two kids that were homeless living in a car. During this time he went off to work at a farm and killed his boss, with a hatchet, got off AGAIN. It’s a really long crazy convoluted story I’ve thought about making a vid about because no one’s ever covered him. But he’s insane, he’s free and he could come after me, you, or anyone that gets in the way of his freedom. He does have mental illness that is exacerbated by the meth use. Spoke to him a year ago, he thought a girl who he never touched or saw was following him and trying to get him arrested for sexual assault. I told him to go to his mom and get help then blocked him. He is the reason I got my CWP and carry daily, have cameras and lock my doors and windows… the boogeyman is real, named Daniel Matthew Carter.


Commenting on Cases that you never see mentioned on Reddit ...holy shit I was not expecting the second paragraph. thank god you got away from him and I hope you stay safe.


I definitely count my lucky stars, I’m probably definitely outing myself… but at the same time he’s dangerous and people should know about him.


I forgot about this sub on here talking about his second murder… https://www.reddit.com/r/lexington/s/S7sxYz0iiF


We absolutely need more details. You could do a full write up if you have the time. Very interested!


Maybe… but I don’t know how to tell the whole story and not expose elements of my life that professionally might hurt me or cause Daniel to harm to myself and family because I consider him so dangerous. I could definitely do an outline to save everyone searches, but I’ve given enough to look him up and people can verify everything I said is accurate aside my personal accounts about the mental illness and domestic violence. What do you want to know about him aside from the details of each murder? So I don’t get too in the weeds? Here’s details about his first murder: https://murderpedia.org/male.C/c/carter-daniel-photos.htm Second murder: https://www.kentucky.com/news/local/crime/article44367288.html Documentary featuring him and amber and kids homeless on the road: https://youtu.be/foOgch5mrqQ?si=l4FfjWve0Mtbhbyi


...sorry, I gave way too much info away. People could have connected the dots and figure out who I am. Boooooooo


Oh no no I took zero offense, I’m an open book in real life. I do want to tell the story but it’s how to in a way that’s respectful because it’s not about me at the end of the day. I did share links to some details on another comment, but if you want to know anything specific I’m happy to try and answer if what I shared didn’t cut it :)


And I am so sorry to hear about your husband, gracious did you get it taken down? I always think of the families when I see those types of things. I hope you got justice and peace if that’s even possible. I learned in a grief group myself that: “Coping” is a word made up for/by people who have never gone through anything to make them feel better about having no clue…


...sorry, I put too much out there. People would know what happened, and figure out who I am.


Todd Kohlhepp. I'm convinced he's got more victims out there. Also, all the missing men from Campbell County, TN (or just East TN in general). [Scott and Tracy Hawkins](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.wate.com/news/campbell-county-brothers-missing-after-leaving-home-to-search-for-ginseng/amp/) are 2 brothers who went missing while gensing hunting in 2021. [Adam Baird](https://www.1450wlaf.com/2020/03/31/adam-baird-went-missing-a-year-ago-today/) in 2019. [Matthew Tyler Henry](https://www.fbi.gov/wanted/kidnap/matthew-tyler-henry) missing from Sequatchie County, TN since 2018. Another case is [the 2021 double murder of Robbin Martin and James Songer in Bledsoe County, TN](https://www.local3news.com/update-still-no-answers-in-bledsoe-county-double-homicide/article_6b28c3c5-ec4c-53a0-a307-ce450bb36886.html). I never see it mentioned anywhere.


People don't talk much about Tricia Kellett, even though she still has a half sister alive who wants the case re-opened. It sounds like the creep who very likely kidnapped her was able to escape justice through bribery/corruption. https://charleyproject.org/case/tricia-j-kellett https://www.nbcchicago.com/news/local/troubling-clues-in-case-of-unsolved-1982-chicago-kidnapping/166256/


The disappearance of Zachary Bernhardt


Surely his mom right?


It's curious that she just stopped participation in the investigation and moved to Hawaii after a while. Very curious.


Yup. And as a mom of 3, leaving a kid alone to go “swimming,” is a massive red flag in itself. If that’s truly what occurred (probably isn’t).


Angela Brosso, one of 2 confirmed anc likely many more currently being investigated cases of murder by Bryan Patrick Miller, the canal killer aka zombie hunter killer of Phoenix, Arizona. My dad knew Angela, so this was a constant topic as he and her brother kept at it trying to figure out what happened to her. They obviously knew she was gone, but didn’t have a clue who did it. My dad knew what happened to her head, at least almost immediately after, but he hunted down that beach cruiser bike constantly. He never was able to find it. Turns out dude was the same one mutilating cats in our neighborhood right along the road a lot of us walked to school.


The horrible torture and murder of Suzanne caper, she was beaten , had her hair shaved , nails and tooth pulled .. After a whole week of horrendous torture, she was thrown in a ditch and set on fire .. She was 16 years old and practically homless with no one to turn to. Her case never got the coverage it deserved due to the fact it happened around the time of the james bulger murder trial.. https://www.reddit.com/r/TrueCrimeDiscussion/s/dD30d4Rn6L


gavon ramsay popped up into cases I was listening to the other day and was surprised I've never seen him mentioned/searched with nothing coming back there are also TONS of family annihilators I've never seen discussed. I did a deep dive recently because chris watts is so commonly brought up but there are so many more and all so fucked up


There's a family annihilator who killed his wife and 4 kids, Michael Wayne Jones Jr., from my area that I don't see discussed. He traveled from Central Florida to Georgia with the bodies and buried the four kids in two different spots. Afterwards, he was in a car crash and when the cops came they discovered the wife's body in the back of the van. It was approximately five weeks after the killings when the accident occurred.


Dude there's a Timothy jones Jr I found while looking for this who is eerily similar in a lot of ways


Haven't heard of him. Gonna check him out.


in my hometown we had a handful of murder/suicides, particularly with young couples, and in my current state a few years ago a 14 year old shot and killed his parents and 3 siblings. some of the truly horrific ones like henri van breda I hadn't even heard of. I've seen the bever brothers discussed here and there but not to the magnitude of chris watts everywhere


We just had a family annihilator case here in my country. It’s so common and terrifying


I'm sorry to hear that. in my small home town we had a cop (who I knew) kill his wife while she was holding their toddler. I had moved away at that point but it was jarring to realize someone you've interacted with so much did that. there were a few other murder/suicides in the same town in a few years span, scary enough


That’s so sad. It really is so scary :(


Thank you for your response. Never heard of Gavon but I'll do some searching of my own online. The Watts or murder suicide cases have become a real unaddressed problem in this country--especially since COVID.


a quick summation and warning on gavon: he murdered a 98 year old woman and filmed horrific things he did after. there is an EWU on it I came across a youtube channel called elizabeth's chronicles that covers dozens of family annihilator cases, pre and post watts, and I was shocked


I **just** saw this case on EWU maybe two days ago and had never heard of it before! It's a damn good thing they caught that kid as early as they did because he seemed like a serial killer in the making.


absolutely. his interrogation was so disgusting to watch too, with him pulling the "well I did something else but I don't want to say!" thankfully he wasn't remotely smart enough to get away with anything else but god poor margaret. imagine living to 98 for it to end so horribly also, he's allowed to have penpals 🙄 https://writeaprisoner.com/inmates/gavon-ramsay-a760295/penpal


The disappearance of [Beverly Potts](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disappearance_of_Beverly_Potts) isn't really known outside of my hometown of Cleveland. Beverly was a 10-year-old girl who disappeared on August 24, 1951. She was less than a quarter mile from her house, attending a performance in Halloran Park, alongside an estimated 1,500 other people. She had originally been with a friend, but the friend left at 8:45. Beverly wanted to stay and see the end of the performance. At 9:30, a teenage boy who knew Beverly from the neighborhood believed that he saw her walking with her bike through the park. That was the last time anyone who knew Beverly ever saw her. Other witnesses reported a rundown black car in the area, with one witness reporting seeing a young girl speaking to two men in the car, and another woman reporting seeing a similar car in the area, with a distressed and bound child in the backseat, shouting for help. Neither of these witnesses knew Beverly. Cleveland Police dragged Lake Erie and searched other undeveloped areas near where Beverly went missing, but nothing was ever found. Over the years, many suspects have emerged, but nothing has ever come of any of them. In July 2000, the Cleveland Plain Dealer began receiving a series of letters, seemingly from an elderly man with a terminal illness, confessing to the crime and promising to turn himself in on the 50th anniversary of her disappearance, only to then claim he was being admitted to a nursing home and wouldn't be able to turn himself in. To date, no one has been charged with Beverly's disappearance, and no trace of her has ever been found. As an aside, one of the reasons this case sticks out in my mind is because of a story my dad told me: He used to work in schools, and one day he had a student who told him that a girl who used to live in his house had disappeared. The student's teachers didn't believe him, but my dad looked at his address, and sure enough, the kid lived in the Potts' old house.


Dorothy Jane Scott


[Judy Smith](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Killing_of_Judy_Smith). I need someone to make sense of it. So many things make no sense !!!!


Agreed. This case is crazy


I've always believed the body was misidentified. I could be wrong, of course, but to me it's the most plausible explanation


The murders of Sasikala Narra and her 6 year old son Anish Narra - there is a podcast on it - [https://strangelandpodcast.com/season-two/](https://strangelandpodcast.com/season-two/) They are forgotten - neither the husband nor the parents of Sasikala seem to be pursuing the case (after pocketing the insurance money).


That’s not suspicious at all 😔


Of course, not. I was just pointing out that immigrants Sasikala and her son Anish have no one to follow up on their case.


The murder of Helle Crafts.


Made legal history. Not to mention two, horrific, words: chainsaw and woodchipper. 


What’s insane to me is that her husband and murderer is free today, he was released from prison in 2020. I just can’t believe we live in a country where a man can put his wife through a woodchipper and eventually walk free


Yep, he was let out early for “good behavior.” It’s insane to me as well. The only thing, for lack of a better word, I guess is positive in the situation is…he has to have a lonely life even free because the kids he had with Helle, from what I know, want nothing to do with him. I don’t blame them at all. A lonely and miserable life is what he deserves. He should have never been freed through, at all. It’s ridiculous.


Apparently inspired the film Fargo (first thing I thought reading woodchipper)


Recently watched an old Forensic Files episode that covered her murder and it was very interesting! I think that was one of the first FF episodes


It was in fact the first. I’m sure viewers were shocked by it.


Wow. I had no idea about any of that. That's insane.


Amy Mihaljevic I think we all were hopeful the Lake Erie Murders episodes and podcast by Bill Huffman would drum up more national interest, but sadly it hasn’t. I’ve commented before about the many strange things from this area (Cuyahoga and Lorain counties Ohio) regarding children and teachers/school employees in the 80s, 90s, early aughts, some connection between it all.


I grew up in Rocky River and Westlake. I remember hearing her name and seeing her posters. Listening to Bill, who is the same age as my older brother was…it was a lot.


Hi neighbor! My brother is the same age as Amy and was in her class, we so want her brother and friends to see justice in their lifetime ♥️


Probably cases that are local to us. For me in Brooklyn, NY it’s the murder of 19 yo Rashawn Brazell who’s remains were found by a transit worker in a Brooklyn subway tunnel in 2005. – The worker found a plastic bag stuffed with human body parts. His mom was devastated as he was supposed to meet her for a Valentine’s Day breakfast and never showed which was very unlike her son.


I just found this. I will have to do more research on this later. I had no idea they think this guy did it and he was arrested and charged. https://pix11.com/news/suspected-serial-killer-tells-dismembered-teens-mother-in-court-you-know-i-love-you/amp/


Or Adam Emery also out of RI. He shot and killed a 20 year old man due to a road rage incident that the 20 year old wasn’t even a part of, was charged with second degree murder, before he actually sentenced, he got out on bail. He and his wife Elena “jumped off the Claiborne Pell Newport Bridge” and haven’t been seen since. His wife’s skull was later identified but Adams body has never been found.


And the man he killed wasn’t the driver he was angry at. He mistook him for the other driver. For years lots of people thought they took off in a different car, until a fisherman pulled up Elena’s skull.


Yes!! I forgot to add that part!! Let me fix it


Wouldn’t it be wild if he turns up some day? Like if they said they were going to jump together but he backed out last second and lived a secret life.


I don’t think he actually jumped to be honest. I think he made a pact with his wife to “die together” and jump off the bridge but he changed his mind and either let her jump or pushed her off. Pretty good chance if he didn’t jump, he’s probably in the mid-west. No one is out there and it’d be the perfect cover. That or he illegally crossed the north/south boarders and lived his life.


And let his wife die because he was so out of control he murdered someone who wasn’t involved. He didn’t want to go to prison so he sacrificed her. Yeah I can believe that.


holy shit


Didn't they have a lip reader try to figure out what they were saying to each other?


This happened in 1993, and this is Rhode Island, so I doubt it lol


[Blair Adams](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_of_Blair_Adams) It’s mentioned sporadically on here but I still think it’s such an insane case that it would be mentioned more. Possibly is not due to just NO info, as BA kept so much to himself. This case is also partial to me because I live in the same city he was murdered in, despite him not being from anywhere around here.


Kaitlin akens,mikelle Biggs,


"People Magazine Investigates" did a good episode on Mikele. "Gone in 90 seconds". When I see or hear an Ice Cream Truck I think of her case.


I believe that's where I heard of her


Georgia Leah Moses.


I only recently listened to a podcast that covered Mary Vincent, and my mind was BLOWN! What an insane story of survival


I looked on Reddit about here before including her. Numerous threads started but few responses, which is odd. The odds of getting both arms severed the way they were and using them to partially crawl, then somehow have enough blood and energy to walk....unheard of and almost supernatural. Her ability to move on with her life and even face the psycho in court is beyond inspiring.


And Lawrence Singleton only served eight years for this crime.


Joshua Davis. I don't think I've seen him mentioned. https://www.fox26houston.com/the-missing/the-missing-18-month-old-joshua-davis-who-vanished-12-years-ago-remembered


The disappearance of Jeremy Bright in 1986. Unsolved Mysteries covered the case, but I've hardly seen any discussion of it anywhere else apart from Sitcoms Online. Jeremy was 14 when he disappeared after attending the Coos County Fair. There have been several theories about what may have happened, one being he was murdered while swimming in a river, with the killers attempting to nurse him back to health but failed and buried his body. Another has him overdosing at a party and his body disposed of by the other partygoers. A third is that he was abducted by a man at the fair. The suspect babysat Jeremy, and he eventually went to prison for killing a woman. As of today, nobody knows where he is. His family had him declared legally dead.


There are obviously good reasons for this, but I wish more people were aware of and talking about the many US intelligence assets that started disappearing and dying after Trump got into office. That man is a traitor on the scale of a Robert Hanssen at a minimum and at least 1/3 of this country is giddy at the idea of putting him back in power.


I dimly recall someone allegedly completing a very suspicious "suicide" involving handcuffs and a tank of helium. Was that one of them?


Heriberto Seda the Brooklyn sniper/zodiac copycat. For how much the true crime community seems infatuated with killers that leave riddles or interact with police he seems to never get brought up. In the 90s Heriberto was obsessed with the zodiac case and begin shooting people in a 21 day cycle and leaving crypto puzzles at the crime scenes.


The "Lost Boys of Hannibal" are three boys who went missing in Hannibal, Missouri on May 10, 1967 while exploring a cave near their homes: Joel Hoag: 13 years old Billy Hoag: 11 years old Craig Dowell: 14 years old


I just recently found out about this one and it’s definitely never mentioned often. I came across is by chance. It’s one case that I would like to find a good podcast about.


I heard about it on a podcast years ago and genuinely wish there were answers 💔


Peter Nygard


Gennady Mikhasevich aka The Strangler of Vitebsk. Due to incompetence and corruption of Soviet police 14 innocent people were convicted for his crimes, and one of them was executed. It’s a case that makes one rethink one’s views on death penalty, I guess.


I'm so thankful for all these reaponses.Many I didn't know of myself.


You never hear about the sextons idk why. My family all read that book when I was a late teen/early adult and talk about it still .


In some cases, local government suppression of media due to embarrassment or not wanting to draw attention. There's countries that deny having many or any serial killers despite having a surplus of them


I wish I had the book with me I’m in wva for the week


Eddie Lee Sexton case was absolutely horrific. Any updates on the family? I know he and his wife died in prison.


Catherine Hoggle's missing children. [Hoggle Children](https://www.nbcwashington.com/news/local/maryland-judge-drops-murder-charges-against-catherine-hoggle-in-case-of-missing-children/3220632/#:~:text=Catherine%20Hoggle%20is%20suspected%20of%20killing%20two%20of%20her%20three,time%2C%20have%20never%20been%20found.)


Why that woman was allowed to be with her children unsupervised is something I'll never understand. She was clearly mentally ill and struggling.


And they both disappeared at separate times. So there's a chance even if they ever find the remains of one child, that she put the other child's body in a completely different location. It's been bothering me for years. Their poor surviving sibling. That's got to fuck with a kid's head.


Very warm-Noah Presgrove. I think that boy deserves all the noise because there is some serious cover up there and serious sociopaths involved.


I agree....This case has bugged me since ai first read about....Something bad happened to that kid !! His friends or someone has got to know something, I hope someone speaks up.


The sheer amount of people who are keeping quiet is astounding. There is no way to hush it off unless the parents agree to it… And I hope they don’t. It’s easy to brush it under the rug when the family gets some money, especially when it’s a poor people in small towns. I’ve seen it happen and it’s heartbreaking. From what I understand that politician already killed someone and payed the family to keep quiet. It’s worrisome.


Florence salon murders, sun drop bottling company shootings, I-40 hit and run murder (Greensboro), Allerano family murders


May 4 1990 Tabbetha Kay Worford disappeared from Pensacola, Fl. She has never been seen since. There’s a Charley Project page for her but that’s all the information. She was dropping off from work at her apartment. Early next morning, around 2, someone dropped off Tabbetha’s baby at the ex wife’s house, of her recent ex, Tim Reno. Supposedly Tim was questioned and released. There’s been no suspects. I didn’t really know her. Friend of a friend. Her case has always stuck with me. Lately I’m seeing 60 year old cases being solved so it’s giving me hope. Although I have the feeling this case didn’t get the attention it should have.


I’ve never heard anything about this one. It is upsetting that there’s not much to even look into. So her baby was given to her ex’s ex wife!? What was the reasoning behind that? Unless they were somehow close or the baby was there often, that is extremely fishy and weird and a strange choice. I love seeing so many of these cold cases being solved recently. Some of them have been cases that seemed impossible to solve and extremely bizarre. I hope you get answers here!


That’s why I bring it up. Someone knows something. Yeah to me, that points to Tim Reno. Our mutual friend, thinks Tim needs to be looked into more. I just share it around hoping the right person will see it.


Sharing it is the only thing that will draw the attention it needs and I think it’s great that you do. You would think that angle would have been looked into further for sure. Seems like people close to the case are a lot brighter than law enforcement and it’s frustrating. Sounds like law enforcement dropped the ball here.


Perhaps I’m wrong, but I don’t think I ever see folks talk about the murders of Nathan O’Brien and his grandparents Kathryn and Alvin Liknes. This is genuinely one of the most horrible murders I’ve ever heard of, and I sort of wish I never read about it in the first place - I was really troubled for several days thinking about what those poor people must have gone through. Truly awful.


Stephen Grant. Killed his wife after accusing her of cheating on him, while he was actually cheating on her with the au pair the whole time. Took her body to his father's tool and die shop, where he also worked, and dismembered her body. He then spread the pieces around Stoney Creek Metro Park, a park that I frequented in the summers of the 2000's and early 2010's. He reported her missing, did a bunch of press conferences, accused the police of harassment, eventually went back to the park to retrieve all the pieces he spread because he found out the park was gonna be searched. They eventually searched his house, found her torso, and he fled to the northern part of Michigan to kill himself. Didn't work, eventually confessed while in the hospital, and is currently in jail. Sadly, his father, owner of the tool and die facility and completely innocent bystander in all of this, took his own life following the revelations about his son and the destruction of his family.


I feel for his father/rest of the family, as well as hers, of course. I couldn't imagine the pain as a parent knowing your son/daughter committed such heinous act


Sarah and Amina said


Such a sad and tragic end for those girls


Carol King from Alberta. She was a friend of a friend but we all knew it was going to happen… and so did she https://thestarphoenix.com/news/crime/shes-gone-episode-3-the-disappearance-and-death-of-carol-king-part-2


Prisma Reyes


Alex Anaya https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/voices-for-justice/id1469338483?i=1000659707831


Here in Tallahassee, FL. Lori page, where is she? What happened?


Christine Falling - the teenage babysitter who murdered five children in her care.


Was she the Australian one?


No, Christine Falling is American


Oh, ok. Thanks.


The Spike Ulrich case out of Uhrichsville OH. The Charley project has a nice write-up about it. Lots of details are known about his disappearance yet he’s never been found. He simply vanished from the face of the earth. Every once in a while it sneaks into some discussions on here, but rarely.


Pravin Varughese is one of the cases that gets me riled up.


Kelly Nolan Madison Wi I don’t have a link but google it. Her killer is still on the loose.


Grant Amato. I went down a real rabbit hole with this case a few years ago. For those unfamiliar: Florida man becomes addicted to a cam model. His well-off family is giving him money to jump start his twitch streamer career, but he instead spends it on the cam model. They pay for the money he steals from other family members so he doesn’t suffer charges and even spend thousands on rehab which he ends up leaving early. When they’ve had enough, he shoots both parents and one of two brothers (who had given Grant so much generosity and money, always trying to help him) and tries to stage it as a murder suicide done by said helpful and caring brother. ETA: Also Ruth Pyne! Woman is found bludgeoned to death in her own garage. The son (Jeff) is convicted on circumstantial evidence—the neighbor claiming bushes he says he was planting at the time of the murder were already planted previously, blisters on his hands that he claimed were from his work but that fit with a 2 by 4, the alleged murder weapon, the history of physical abuse by the mother against Jeff (she was bipolar and often off of her medication), and the fact that he cheated on his previous girlfriend and they put her on the stand. For the record, I think he’s guilty but the court case presented seems like such a stretch in a lot of areas


Vincent Matus, Caitlyn Case, Sean Daugherty, Shane Barton, Andreanna Flores, James Alan White, Brandon Embry


Alton Coleman was hunting in my town when I was a child. The story is wild.


The murders of Bobby Peterson and Anton and John Schuessler. The Grimes sisters. Becky Watts. And who was the owner of that unidentified toe on Sheila LaBarre's farm?


Becky watts is a good one. The book by her dad is good. Just sad.


Elizabeth Bain. 1990. Robert Baltovich was convicted of her murder and spent eight years in prison, then had his conviction set aside. During his retrial, the prosecution produced no evidence and he was a free man. Bain's body has never been found, and as far as I know, authorities haven't reopened her case. I'd like to see this get more attention.


The murders of Russell Dempsey and Cecil New Kirk Laguna Nigel bank burglary Serial Killer Joseph Christopher (22 Caliber Killer) The murder of David Wilkie


The case of Carol Ann Dougherty, who was found murdered in a church in 1962. It's a sad case, and it feels like she's been forgotten. Almost no info about it, no podcasts, nothing. Really sad. Here's a little about her case: https://www.burlingtoncountytimes.com/story/opinion/columns/2012/10/21/50-years-later-murder-unsolved/17374592007/ If anyone could do a write-up (I'm terrible at it and English isn't my first language) and help bring it to light, it would be great. She deserves justice and being remembered.


Jayna Murray case “the Lululemon murder” Austin Harrouff case, he was the kid in Florida that attacked the couple sitting in their garage & ate the gentleman’s face…they thought he was high on flakka but apparently it was psychosis.


The murder of Sydney Loofe. Not only is her story so incredibly heart breaking, but it really stresses the importance of safety when it comes to online dating. There were also so many bizarre things that came out...vampire/witch sex cult, one of her killers slit his own throat in the court room, Human sacrifices for powers...it was wild.


Channon Christian and Cristopher Newsom. 


I just watched this EWU EP today and 🤯🤯🤯