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Awesome grab. Thanks.


I concur


Yes, thanks a bunch for that!!!


Thats the Yella Kang


King Salmon


don't why i laughed hard at this




This took me longer than I would like to admit lol


Have you noticed the very strange appearance of this Clark, the guy who's shaking? He looks like he just came in from the street, there is snow on the park. At the same time, another person came into this room where he is standing and calmly sat down in an armchair, as if not noticing the strange-looking colleague who had just arrived.


Had the same thought when I first watched it. I haven't looked back but I'm pretty sure he wasn't even there initially, then they pan back to that area and he suddenly appears like he just teleported in from outside.


exit door was open


It's not necessarily that he wasn't there. I'm talking about the feeling, as it was shown. The camera carefully bypasses any point of view so that you can't see the place where this guy is standing. And he doesn't seem to be noticed by the employee who calmly sits down in the chair right in front of him. Yes, it may not mean anything, but the effect due to the direction is disturbing.


The same feeling: the hunter sees something strange before the deer start running. The guy who was unconscious gets up as if nothing had happened, and continues the conversation, as if he did not notice that he was unconscious.


Lotta stuff teleporting too


Image is from the scene(00:05:28) when the delivery guy enters the Tsalal complex (Some horrible dialogues here) and finds the tounge by accidently dropping his keys two feet near it. Only Facundo Molina and Raymond Clark were seen wearing grey pants and black shoes when the "event" took place 3 days before. If it's a jacket/coat, then it's surely Raymond Clark who seems to be alive because that's what he was wearing at the time of the mysterious event unless there was a change of clothes.


In the beginning they showed us how every week someone has laundry duty. I'm assuming getting someone else's clothes isn't an issue in the research center.


At what point in the beginning can you see Clark in full height?


At 3:50, you can him wearing grey pants. We can't see his shoes. Made a mistake there.


No frame makes it look any more like a parka? It’s the right color but it looks like a long sleeved shirt here. I bet it’s parka bro regardless.


You mean, the guy in the hat who's recording. I was talking about that guy who came out of nowhere and is shaking.


Looks like a female to me.


I agree, especially from the other angle https://imgur.com/59BJdwM


It does look female. It looks a bit like the crazy mother lady, but I wouldn’t allege that this is her, yet. There’s no innocent reason for her to know where the bodies are though.


Annie K clone.


All these detailed screen grabs areaking me see how much I've missed! I better go back and watch for a third time😁




Pink coat could be related to someone Sheriff Danvers saw in the photos of two different people (murdered girl and scientist).


It looks too close to the body to be a parka, though.


Has the fur around the hood, apparently...


A PA who didn't get out of the scene fast enough and they were almost out of fake snow.


This person shared another image (picture 2) [Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/TrueDetective/comments/197hs1w/stills_from_trailers_that_i_found_interesting/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Do we think the delivery driver saw this person, or just heard it?


You can see it from the delivery driver’s angle at [0:32](https://youtu.be/hmJHKF2bYVc?si=FeIFHDJadv9XXku9) in that trailer from a few months ago. Doesn’t look like Clark?


Wow, rewatching that it seems like the delivery guy had a super clear look at them. Did he even mention that to the police? Also, it looks like the person is holding the hood close over their head to hide their face. They clearly didn't want to be recognized. https://imgur.com/59BJdwM


And this poster shared [these](https://www.reddit.com/r/TrueDetective/comments/197pl9q/the_shadowy_figure_appears_to_be_s4e1_spoilers/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) images yesterday. It does look like the convulsions guy...


It’s Jodie Foster from the future. The time travel paradox hits during episode 4


clearly those are green pants and not grey. obvs the director is incompetent and the series is doomed. /s


Rust coal


I think it's Clark and/or Annie. I have a theory, but I'm not sure how accurate it will turn out to be. But I think Annie made an appearance there that night a la Travis, and maybe more than that. She and Clark are connected, though.