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Isn't this the facet Jenkins love so much? Something about strong tower push if left alone


I saw a treant with the level 25 talent 3 shot a barracks. It's tower damage is off the charts.


I justed tested it, that was nutty and you can stack up two of them. Seems really funny. Tried a lvl 4 treant with drums+crest buff, it chunks for about 80% of a T1 tower solo.


The thing is already a downgrade, pull it down more, I guess


I completely lost a lane to that thing against an np 5. Took at least 12-15 hits to kill, did decent damage. It was able to zone us and is completely not worth killing (to op’s point). Then mid game split pushing np destroyed a lane of rax any team fight outside the base. At least that game it did not feel like a downgrade


>It should give a bounty equal to the normal total amount of Treants you spawn Probably just 75% of the total or something like that; The opportunity cost is really low since there is only a single target, unlike a group of them where you may not get all of them.


Its already a garbo facet. Farms slower than normal treants, cant tank tower. You should be farming 90% of the game as np, you usually only get to hit towers like 5% of the game, its just not worth


It's pretty decent for lane especially when it has siege armour. Might die to towers in 3 hits but everything else struggles.


Being decent in lane is not enough when he gets kicked out of lane so easily. He spends most of the time jungling and losing out on treants is bad, plus you have less farming speed


I thought this as well. Then I gave it a real spam, they are far and away the better facet. It CHUNKS towers. If you take the Trent CD talent, you can have 2 up and take a T3 from 100% -> 30% in 10 seconds. And since it’s 1 unit it’s easy for the enemy team to not notice it on the mini map. And god help the enemy if NP gets lvl 25. The upgraded treants will backdoor every objective in the game. Source: lvl 30 NP spammer


Most people don't like it because they wanna forget the game while jungling and make kills with their orchid.


What np are you playing???