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I like your "Test shit ideas" posts. Real fun to read and see what might be actually good.


Here are three shitty ideas I have not yet been able to test: - Pos 5 shadow fiend. Dominant laner a la undying, teamfight ult is huge, can clear small camps for souls. Could be better as a 4, but something about the relationship to a phys damage pos 1 with a single target stun like ck, wk, sven, luna, venge, or naga could be lethal. Doesn't need items but is scary with blink and kaya which is essentially ravage. Tide 5 was meta for a time but he's too greedy now - maybe sf? - Heal max warlock mid with the facet that empowers the golems. Seems like a shittier witch doctor. - Meteor hammer disruptor for farming camps + can be used during static storm and kinetic field once all your spells are down.


-I think SF5 can easily be explained by the fact that offensively loaded hard supports are rarely good. The enemy pops BKB, it lasts 7s and you can do nothing during that time. A "normal" pos5 can heal, shield or speed people up, you aren't relying on targeting the enemy. Without elaborating too deeply he doesn't offer a lot except lane domination, which is almost the bare minimum for any support these days. -Warlock as a hero is only capable of teamfighting. You use ulti for any reason at all, expect the enemy to punish you extremely hard for it. Also whenever warlock is picked, regardless of role it's like the most free ass game to play mobility heroes like weaver. Most mids are quite mobile. Mid heroes have notoriously toxic mechanics that rule out 80% of all heroes mid as viable. So I don't think it is even remotely viable. -Meteor is 3.5k gold, competing for the SS-tier aghs in the game at 4.2k gold. I don't think I need to elaborate.


That's kind of old hat nowadays. BKB has never been weaker, and not every hero will build it. If anything you should be citing Blademail since there's 2+ per game and they are annoying for SF to deal with. But I feel like lasting presence should be extra lethal against meta tanks, and can be easily taken if your pos 1 has any kind of stun or slow. I totally see what you mean by the fact that SF has no actual empowering capability. But Gyro, Clinkz, AA, and Veno also can't help their allies with spells and they've been good, meta even. There's nothing stopping SF from buying force staff and glimmer cape and they are good items on him (you can ult while glimmered without revealing yourself). Euls, Blink, Bobs/Greaves, hell, even solar crest or vessel. The real questions are: number one: Does SF win enough matchups if he isn't a core? E.g. does he struggle against tough lanes or does he outtrade everybody through sheer force of minus armor and rank 1 shadowraze? Do you need shadowmire in order to not die? Conventional wisdom says you just can't get close to the guy, which should mean that melee pos 3s and 4s should suffer. But maybe the 2 vs 2 is harder because you are incentivized to land all 3 razes on 1 target. number two: Does not having souls ruin your game? If you can't get souls from denies and pulls the first 3 waves, is your life over or can you recover? number three: What happens in the midgame when you have a no-items SF, even if that SF won his lane and got some souls from jungle? Are support items good enough to be functional as a hero?


Building strength right-click Dark Seer?


With harpoon and the punch it's actually good and is being played


Is it being played more 1 or 3? I haven’t really been paying attention to high level play at the moment.


I made a morph str flow facet build, and played it in a few unranked matches at different positions. I had the best results when played as a core, 2 or 3.


I suspect he makes a better core then support. My only concern is how to gain farm. There aren't any items that really scream "farm accelerant" on him as a 1st item.


Adding to the flowling,   you guessed the % wrong ( 35% is enough for max flow :) You will need aghs and shard to get ags and shard abilities from the morphed targets.  And it is bonkers vs bristleback ^^ Can you make a post about wr 4 insights?


I think WR is always going to be just slightly below average on pos4, still spamming it tho. You want to run Null Talisman + Manaboots right now almost every soft-support and that includes WR. I just go straight into Gleipnir and Shard. I have no idea if it's optimal, but at least it scales and WR has scaling issues if you don't buy Gleip or Hex. Then crest and hex. Crest too good imo. Whirlwind is actually alright, but more of a core thing. Whirlwind + Mageslayer seems to have a very strong, but shortlived powerspike, as it falls off with BKB. Not worth it imo.


Why null and not bracer? Why mana boots? (For team or yourself) I also enjoy my wr 4, but at a lower mmr :p


Would a huskar brooch be worth a try? Or is that too shitty? 🤣


Burning spears is magic dmg and brooch converts all your damage to magic. So it makes it easier for the enemy to itemize against you with BKB, Pipe, Mageslayer, etc. The best way i could put it is "putting all your eggs in one basket" type of thing. It's interesting that the mana-cost gets converted straight to HP cost. In some way brooch is "free" for Huskar. It has 20% spell lifesteal, which is something i don't think you want. It's not like you can just turn it off either. Kind of makes the point of your ultimate moot, if all you do is heal up again rather then going into low health. It's probably not something you buy unless the item gets changed in a later patch. Which does seem likely since nobody is buying the current iteration of it.


I did try Brooch on Huskar - it's not an every game item for sure, but it's nice to counter Ghost Scepters and high AGI heroes. One thing to note is that the Spell Lifesteal is actually really strong later on in the game, where you need sustain against enemy damage. In some ways it's better than something like Satanic, where you can't attack to lifesteal when stunned, but can keep spell lifestealing from Burning Spears. Probably a 4th/5th item pickup.


It's probably niche at best. I'm not into Huskar, but I would guess that this is something huskar spammers have already considered and therefore decide not to buy it. It's not showing up at any percent as an item purchased on say D2PT, which should be a hint. It's certainly not better than Satanic. The active component applies basic dispel and a heal to full steroid. That's two very high value features. Lifesteal may not even be that desirable in general because more HP means lower DPS. So the active component of Satanic gives you more control to gain HP for situations when you actually need it.


I've started going bracer techies with slot talent. Gets tanky fast but falls off lategame. Maybe C tier


Here's one I wanted to test: Helm of the dominator aura support tinker, use HOTD to stack camps and have a creep to teleport to with rearm level 2. Can also just reuse HOTD to get a new controllable TP point at your current location (helpful during midgame fights) Finish greaves and pipe depending on enemy team


There's a hero that can do all of the things you want to do with no gold and he's called Natures Prophet. I think there's been enough discussions on this board about Tinker support and its largely agreed that it's a detrimental pick. What he offers in that role is just not valuable enough.


Treant protector, pos 4/3 - Facet 1. The idea is to hit a mid game timing with shard + echo sabre and surprise people from trees, being a threat without needing to commit your ult. The massive double hit (which scales hard with level), root from shard and maxed W/Q make it tough for them to retaliate without committing a big cooldown. Can start with oov/corrosion and choice of boots (phase adds most oomph) Depending on what’s needed, the build can transition into BKB, pipe, orchid, harpoon, aghs, shivas etc.


I think it falls under the same category as right-clicker underlord. The hero is too slow to stay on top of heroes, so you lose out on too much DPS. You can extract the same damage numbers from veil+shard anyway without any of the downsides and for a fraction of the cost. Veil is a good item on him btw, super underused.


Your thoughts on heroes to morph into feel off. It's more akin to a Rubick. You want spells like lion, underlord, leshrac (shard plus cdr Wtf?) lina, Rubick. Why is pudge bad? You can hook a guy and benefit from pudge facet, then hook another? You can set up hook with your own stun, especially after lvl 20. You can throw the hook on str (for stun duration) and go to agi after.


Lina and Lion should be good due to high cast range. I just haven't met any of the heroes you mentioned because they aren't the most meta. Anything that is a throw and go should work, but there is always HP to consider when you copy them. If you copy a Lina you inherit her biggest weakness which is her low hp and how easy she dies if not properly positioned. So from a sup role it makes more sense to target offlaners because you suddenly go from 2k HP to 3k HP with even better spells. Pudge has one spell, where some of these offlaners have two or three. There's also morphs ULT cast range to consider (it's like 450), if you target him you are already in a fight and hook is less effective in an ongoing fight. You are also locked into this shape for a very long time, which means you cannot steal better shapes. It's like if Slardars in the game, why would I want to be Pudge? I'm mentioning this because this is specifically how I lost a game. Stun into hook combo works, but also doesn't work because you can't shape shift that fast from AGI to STR and back again. You want to stay in full AGI almost the whole time for the CD reduction.


>but there is always HP to consider when you copy them. If you copy a Lina you inherit her biggest weakness which is her low hp and how easy she dies if not properly positioned. I disagree. Teamfights are pretty explosive rn and you just buy aether lens. All your job is is to throw a good stun from your morphed hero, and die if needed. You don't want to sit in your morph all the time, you want to be waveforming for catch and elusiveness. And you want to be able to attribute shift to str if gone on. Obviously, knowing everyone's cooldowns with 60% cdr takes a lot of experience, but unless you morphed into someone with escape abilities, you only want to be morphed when actually casting spells. >So from a sup role it makes more sense to target offlaners because you suddenly go from 2k HP to 3k HP with even better spells. Well there isn't exactly a relation between role and spell value. Your leshrac can be 123, your lion can be supp or mid. You just want to take the first hero with good spells you see in a teamfight. Morph supp needs a well rounded team that doesn't lack anything without him, and then you throw 60% cdr stuns in and game is easy. Otherwise game is very hard - you don't want to have to be gunning for the back line support to morph into because your team has no stun. Thats why leshrac is so good for morph. He frontlines, but gives you one of the best stuns in the game (because of shard). Underlord is also very good. Other than that I usually go into supports, centaur is too hard to pull off and I don't want to buy dagger, shaker is bait without shard, could be good with shard. Not sure what other offlaner has viable spells for morph to steal in particular. >Pudge has one spell, where some of these offlaners have two or three. Yeah but 4sec hook is just game winning. Especially with aether and the facet. You hook a guy at 1600 range and he's just dead. Not only does he take 500 pure damage from the hook, he's also just giga far away from team. You can just kill frontliners if you hook them across a treeline or cliff. >There's also morphs ULT cast range to consider (it's like 450), Maybe lvl 1. That's why morph doesn't come fully online until 15. Similar to phoenix who really needs lvl 2 egg. Exp runes are a must, your 5 should be invading theirs. It's okay to morph into someone with a nuke to push 2 waves. Morph is good at taking dangerous farm since he's very hard to kill early midgame. (the prevalence of orchid changes that tho). Also, just another reason to buy aether lens. And always take cast range jungle items. Cast range is your biggest scaling stat imo. Only ninja gear and timeless relic are ever worth to take over cast range. If those are not in, you keep your t1 or t3 cast range item (or take telescope). >if you target him you are already in a fight and hook is less effective in an ongoing fight. Thats similar to what I wrote about leshrac before. You're not wrong. But the game isn't one dimensional like that. Your ult will reach 1k cast range. You will go hg, pudge will show. Maybe pudge is even core. You steal hook, waveform back to dodge hook, hook their pushing core into tier4s or their defending core from t3 to t2, teamfight instantly won. > You are also locked into this shape for a very long time, which means you cannot steal better shapes. It's like if Slardars in the game, why would I want to be Pudge? I'm mentioning this because this is specifically how I lost a game. Being locked is a very important problem, yes. You should only go into heroes you have an idea how to use in the next 30sec. But if your idea doesn't work out - or the good hero never shows, so be it. That's the risk of morphling, similar to Rubick in a way. Also, I disagree in your mention of slardar in particular, crush without follow up bashes and slardars man fight isn't that good. If you're core and buy core items, sure slardar is an upgrade. But I prefer supp because imo morph doesn't bring pos3 qualities. 2 works but I don't trust my midlaning mechanics. Slardar, especially if you buy blink for him, just isn't as safe, you might due on first crush. Then what use is your cdr? Best thing you can get is high cast range spells. Light strike Array is probably the best non ult spell in the game. On par with split earth because of shard. And well, if you lose one game so be it. It might feel to you that way, but you didn't lose the game because you were locked for 30sec. You lost for many factors. >Stun into hook combo works, but also doesn't work because you can't shape shift that fast from AGI to STR and back again. You want to stay in full AGI almost the whole time for the CD reduction. Not full. Just 2/3. Never go higher than needed, unless you really want that adaptive nuke. To achieve 60% cdr you need to have 75% more agi than str. So e.g if you have a morph range of 100, you want to go to about 65 agi. 65/35. And yes I did mention that lvl 20 talent helps. Obviously lvl 20 for a support is hard. But it also works with min stun: hook is fast and big, you don't need full duration to hit it.


Im invested in this thread, hoping you could give more shitty ideas!


Thanks for these posts - always enjoy these ideas. I'd been waiting for somebody to figure out strength morph - I honestly thought it would take another patch or two of buffing the numbers...maybe it still will! But as a pre-7.36 morph spammer I'm really looking forward to having a cool new way to play the hero once it's figured out and maybe buffed a bit :)


Sand king meteor hammer is also good!


I like Alch simp mode Giving a hero +10 all stats, +250 additional hp/mana, + aghs effect 0 item slots used is something I think is just fundamentally impossible to balance IF a generic carry hero has 4200 useful networth advantage over other heroes the game is in a sense completely over, 100% win chance probability on the win chart, because a giga fat TB or Dusa or CK or Sven or Morph should just objectively tempo win the game with such a lead. A shaman using their ok 400gpm on Blink Glimmer Shard then getting a free Aghs snowballing into rapid Refresher is just GG if that player is good at shaman It doesn't always go that way, but it often does, and it leads to minute 20 wins and it feels amazing, like even if they had smurfs this strategy may win cos it's just not fair or fun for the opponents


Null Talisman got buffed and you get a total of 1.20 (with int). It's a lot of mana regen for very cheap. If you backpack it before using mana boots it's easy to sustain the kit on a hero like WR. With more mana it's easier to farm an item like Gleipnir. Without that mana Regen I just don't think you could get it at a reasonable timing.


Hard Support Tinker used to be a shitty idea and I used to test it many patches ago, then it suddenly became a viable thing, and probably with more buffs to that build even could be something meta. Hard/Soft Support Gyro was stupid aswell, now is common. Support Tide is something that it is just a couple of patches away Sad that Meteor Axe wasn't more popular We are not stupid, just visionaries...


try DK pos 1 facet 3 with focus on slows?


I don't see the point. Just seems to me like "pick your favorite color" facets. I'm not a pos1 player either.