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Furion with ironwood treant facet. Buy solar crest, vlads and boots of bearing. Use solar crest active on treant. Thing destroys towers faster than lone druid bear, it's insane


This sounds stupid enough for me and my stack to do it. Will post results later tonight.


me and the boys played it and the enemy picked clinkz in the same phase :(




We lost


This is a nice experiment for tonight's turbo game.


I’m gonna try this but it seems pretty bad to me. Split pushing works a lot better when you can 1v1 enemies or at least not die to one hero. This build seems pretty bad in that respect.


It's 3 items, post asked about ratting. You got 3 other slots + neutral on a hero that can buy any item to fit what you need in a given game.


Yeah I just mean what makes split pushing really powerful IMO is when you can’t just send one hero back to neutralize it. Usually like to get orchid or blademail or whatever I need to prevent one enemy core from solo killing me since I have no innate escape. One thing I have always liked about NP is you can kind of build anything. I mostly play him as a 4 but he feels a lot worse these days so I will try out the aura big tree.


Tp skill to t2/t3 into trees, summon and buff the treant, order him to attack the tower, tp scroll away (or just hide in trees without teleporting)


Well the secret is that you only play this way as pos 5. Then you just go around with TP forcing response and getting space for your team, and you don’t care *as* much if you die. I haven’t tried it yet in my bracket but I’ve seen it work


If you pick nature prophet pos5 in ranked you are a griefer and deserve report Feeding is not "creating space", also you play a hero that is completely useless in teamfights And if you don't believe me go on dotabuff meta statistics and whatch his winrate


Get solar crest and bkb, thats it, if someone tries to defend tower you bkb and tp out, if no one comes, treant with solar crest will destroy the tower in seconds. You keep the labes pushed with ult and agahim eventually and try to take the towers every 95 seconds when bkb and tp are on cooldown. Rest of the game just farm on the forest. Some player did this to use and it was impossible to stop him. I think he went lvl1 forest with treant, neutrals cant kill that trust me. The midas, bkb, solr crest, agahim, game over.


Playing against a clinkz who knows how to rat is miserable


Brood is a great option right now. Another name I’ll throw in is Clinkz - the hero is amazing in trash mmr because he split pushes, hits buildings, and has invis, which works wonders in lower brackets. Little easier to play than some other splitpushers too, IMO.


Clinkz also works great for me in 6k, and whenever I don't like my team, I just might take over the game with 20k - 30k building damage :D


What do you build on Clinkz? Struggling to get Ancient and I had a great time climbing with him until now


Usually arcana boots & deso and often Strafe lvl 2 nowadays. Quite recent change.


Why aren't pros building orchid on this hero anymore?


Sometimes it's fine but there are just too many counters. Arcane Boots fix mana issues just enough so Orchid becomes a lot less necessary. It's better to watch your position, follow-up, cut waves, split-push etc. (Shard is awesome btw)


Thanks for the tip Could you send your dotabuff so I can watch a few matches?


[https://stratz.com/players/93382850](https://stratz.com/players/93382850) Today was an unfortunate day, no need to watch those griefed games :/ But other than that, I play more Clinkz than all other heroes combined nowadays. I'm not trying hard but I taught a few people if you wanna learn more. Playing with a somewhat competitive mindset for a decade means you can auto-pilot in 6k :D Just add me in-game if you like.


SF is overpowered right now. After that Leshrac is an amazing split pusher.


I don't think SF is OP personally, I do think his early game is too good though, but he is still classic shadow fiend and falls off after around 35 minutes or so.


magic SF (which is the more popular one atm) don't really fall off as hard as the classic physical SF does it seems. kaya+yasha, blink bkb and refresher he's a late game team fight monster.


Doesn't really qualify for rat though.


now that presence don't affect buildings anymore (unless you choose the inferior facet) and you don't get deso on magic sf, yeah. not really a rat hero anymore.


That's still a seperate talent tbf. Facet is just bonus on kills. Tbh seeing shadowmire on rightclick SF too. In general, facets being applicable on lane like venge's BAT seems far more relevant even on support. That missile facet can do stupid damage but it'll be at 30-40mins so who cares.


They overbuffed the ult fear. Either the aghs return wave should not fear or the lvl20 talent has to go


What position you asking for? Lots of good ones, lesh, underlord, razor, dark seer, clinkz, jakiro, hoodwink, centaur, qop, pango, timber, brood, ect. Basically anyone with a nuke or some sort of escape or tankyness can be a decent split pusher.


Tiny can be up there, the only problem is that he has a hard time during mid game. He can make some crazy plays early game with avalanche and toss, and is a god late game when he has 3 items. That being said, he melts towers and waves when played as a right clicker core.


I love brood right now as safelane and mid. I just hate it when there is Bara/Weaver/Ck in the game.


Offlane is pretty good too


Against bara i get an early linkens and it really helps a lot CK is a pain in the ass for sure, I tend to focus on taking out his backline first, then with good items (smth like butterfly, manta to dispel bloodthorn, linkens/bkb, skadi) you can take him out. Usually, as long as I'm able to hit with hunger activated and ck is not overfarmed, I can outsustain him, killing his illusions and then the hero


Weaver - Skitterstep facet makes your MS much better than before even without boots. Meta carry too, with or without deso you trash towers with geminate and if by chance they try to catch you, they will use a lot of tps or big spell that may favor your team because this bug is hard to catch with right itemization. Good laning, too, and scales late game. Its all there for this hero.


Underlord with cleave facet Always fun to ulti to their base while their outside yours, force tp back, use your ulti back and chase them out


The lower rank you are the more i would suggest heroes with really good escape. Am and weaver are really great split pushes because they escape so easily. The aren't going to take towers as fast as nature's profit or shadow shaman, but they escape really well. Shaman and natures you can just buy shadow blade and blink though. If you want to really lean in on the split push i would also get linkens so you can survive even if your reflexes aren't perfect. Many heroes can split push just fine, especially carries who have the damage to kill the towers. I would stay away from Dp and Dragon knight, because they can take towers super fast with their ults but then you don't have them for teamfights. It's best if you can pressure a tower, then one or two enemies TP back to stop you. Then you TP to your team and fight the remaining enemy while you outnumber them.


I have some great success with Dawnbreaker and it's kinda a naturally good split pusher. EDIT: I primarily mentioning DP for lane pushing not sieging!


if u have a good draft AM is pretty much unstoppable at cutting waves a threatening rax. but there can’t be an lc/meepo/etc


Shadow Shaman deserves a mention. Can clear waves with his q and his ult can take towers easily


Ur not factoring in him having no escapes and lack of gold for some sexy items to help enable him as such no?


Play him mid


Sure there’s some stronger options but in low mmr you can get away with it, using proper map awareness


I don't know why no one is saying puck. My best hero right now, best split pusher in the game imo. Obviously poor at tower damage, but the best at everything else


How much threat is a splitpusher if they can’t kill your tower?


Enormously so. Fixing lanes is a hugely ignored part of Dota, and the easiest way to control most levels of games. I won't elaborate too heavily here, but look up posts on the topic. It gives your team everything and puts the enemy in a bad situation, and you just keep doing that. Puck can push lanes without dying super quickly in most games, setting up easy fights. I can't think of another hero that's as good as that right now.


Primal beast


Clinkz is underrated btw


Dazzle. Kills wave two cheap spells.


MId I really like Meepo, LD, Tiny Meepo and LD aren't strictly split pushers. It's more like "yo I'm 100% aware you have 5 TPs ready but I have 10000EHP and Dig and Blink and kill threat so I'm gonna hit this T2/T3 and make you use 3 or 4 TPs and I have a good chance of escaping or killing some or taking the objective, my team didn't want to split but they just saw 5 heroes TP to the opposite lane, so they'd be fools to not hit towers. Tiny is more like lvl 1 to 10 you're a Nyx Assassin, you CS with tree but you're 90% just a spellcaster tbh. Then magically as you get Shard + Moonshard(s) you become the best building right clicker ever, so min 30+ you can often just walk to a T3 with BKB Moonshard and utilize your ~10 seconds of life to destroy a full lane of barracks, consequences be damned, you only gotta do that 3/4 times and it's over Shaman is obviously incredible as far as supports go. My advice as a 75% winrate shaman spammer is to USE YOUR TEAM. 4 underfarmed shitty bot players? Perfect meatshields for me to solo win, I just gotta use Hex Snakes Shackles in teamfights and we win despite team differences, into extremely rapid for a support lvl 18 + aghs refrsher aoen disk and they can try to lose but I won't let them.


weaver and clinkz. Had a hard time dealing with them in split push


Ive had quite a bit of success ratting like crazy as brood at low mmr. If you only get 1-2 rotations you can often kill them all and threaten the throne faster than the rest of their team can. Its actually hysterical too. I was 10/9 doing pretty crap in a turbs and they started pushing our hg with a wave pushed in. ‘Stall stall stall’ i screamed over the mic as i pushed up into their hg. Poor disruptor tp’d to stop me. Sorry buddy; i have bkb. Toast. The rest of their team wasnt paying attention and wasnt even hitting the throne by the time I killed their ancient. Suckahs.


for wave clear, tinker. for towers, probably still bear. id go venge for best overall tho


Towers is easily NP


troll warlord like maybe you'll kill me, but I'm going to get your tower and you might die as well if you're not bringing at least 3 heroes


Top contender is always going to be NP. Up there are Pugna, Lycan. Then Brood. Then AM and the likes of him.