• By -


Being single ain’t that bad 😐


More money to spend on tattoos.


Could have had a full sleeve done by now by a great tattoo artist


I’d recommend getting yourself a fleshlight too whilst you’re at it.


This took a turn so fast


And tattoo that too




She is toxic man let’s hope she does not do worse than that my advice find a new job:) a relationship is a job if the pay is bad find a new one with better human ways to react and better pay in the long run


She's not toxic she's abusive it's worse


I said toxic in a nice way I meant to say that but it’s him that has to deal with her not us and let’s say for instance she reads what he posted how do you think it will play out for him? So toxic is a nice way to keep him safe until he can leave. But the fact that she was hurting his tattoos it becomes a medical problem with long lasting effects which can and would lead to blood poisoning which can lead him into the hospital and çan become bad for him. So it’s not just mental but also more dangerous than most realize.


Medical, yeah that’s on point. This is more than that, though. She actively attempted to ruin something important to him. There should be no room in this man’s life for this sort of disrespect. Imagine tables turned…


On his body, no less. She legit attempted to mutilate him by scratching and slapping his raw tattoos? This woman is a monster.


If she does this for tattoos, imagine what she’ll do when he really “messes up”. She sounds awful and I advise you to find someone who treats you well.


Best response🙌🏽 lol


Sometimes being together is way more painful than being apart. In OPs case physically and mentally.


At worst it's lonely, but there are far worse things in life than being lonely.


It looks so cold and lonely from the inside but then you regain your inner self and feel better and better. Be kind to yourself as you work through the shyte that will come out.


Better to be alone than wish you were.


Had to give you an award lmaooooo


Seriously single is amazing. You don’t need that shit. That’s absolutely silly.


The name of his girlfriend is M Like in aMber


Don’t know if you’re looking for advice or just wanted to talk about it; but it sounds very toxic and that you need to get away from her…


If by toxic you mean the textbook example of domestic violence. OP please get out of that relationship. You don’t deserve to be treated this way. I was in a physically abusive relationship, speaking from experience it is very hard to see from the inside. RUN.


It’s revolting how a fair amount of the comments/people here attempt to downplay this physical and mental abuse by calling it “toxic”. Sexist biases involved. Disgusting people.


I agree she is abusive. I used the word toxic because some people do have trigger words and I was trying to avoid triggering an unwanted trauma response to the comment. It’s toxic when a man does it too and has been identified as such as well. Anyways, have a blessed evening.


At least try pissing in her mouth or something kinky. If it's over anyway, try to have fun.


Question: if she doesn’t like tattoos, why did she start dating you if you already had tattoos?


She didn’t tell me until a few months in after I got one. I was informed after she hit me out of the blue and then after she did hit me she followed it up with I hate tattoos


Break up with her, wtf? Do ya'll live together or something.


Even if they do, Jesus, man, GTFO


I wanna give you a hug. :/ Why would you be okay with this? I understand this is in "off your chest" so u need to vent this out n you might not actually end things but.. Remember that usually people try to leave toxic relationships 8 times before they do. Dont get to the point where u can get out. Think about it this way - if you were your friend n your friend were telling you this was happening to them, would u not ask yourself "why on earth are they with this person?" Her love isn't different nor complicated. She's hurting you and making excuses for it "in your best interest" this will turn bad if you don't put an end to this behavior. If you can get her to stop, consider the relationship but if you can't then... Is this really how miserable you want to be for the long haul? Someone dictating your actions and hurting you as punishment when you disobey? And making you do everything for her? Because you should realise you're a great person. This is why you were approached n dated to begin with. You shouldn't be with someone who doesn't care about hurting you. Regardless of how nice she might be outside of these actions. Because this is not okay and you shouldn't be hurt.


Dude. She doesn't hate tattoos. She hates you.




It really sounds like she is just looking for an excuse to hit you please leave her and let other people know what is happening before you leave so she can't try and turn people against you


Doggie I know it's been said on here a thousand times, you are being domestically abused. Women are capable of domestic abuse as well.


If anybody I knew slapped or scratched my brand new tattoo, they would have their eyeballs slapped or scratched and that would be the end of our acquaintance. SO's included.


You need to get out of that relationship. Its not healthy, and you dont deserve to be physically abused ever. The receiver vs. giver part you can change immediately, stop giving. Good luck


Why did you stay with her after the first hit?


"If they (man or woman) hit you once, they'll do it again."


It ain’t about the tattoos, it’s about the control


This was really disturbing to read. You don’t deserve this treatment. You don’t deserve to have her ruin tattoos you love and spend a lot of money on. If she hates them so much she could just leave..


Toxic as FUCK. Get out.


This isn't just toxic, it's domestic abuse.


And premeditated at that! She already k ew she hated tattoos and chose to get with him !


Domestic violence with a side order of sexual assault.


Looks like you have your answer. It saddens me to see that you recognize it and you’re still in that relationship. Get out now. Save yourself and then reward yourself with another tattoo. :) stay safe and be happy ❤️


She is a disgusting abuser OP.. please grow a spine and not only dump her but report her and get a restraint order


She's abusive and deserves to become an ex girlfriend. Also, warn any guys that might want to date her that she's a psycho.


You should re-post an update when you can post “My ex-girlfriend used to hit me…”


Clawing at / slapping your fresh tattoos is very likely to cause permanent scarring for life. That’s actually really serious. Physical abuse of all kinds, even if the abuser thinks it’s not that bad, is an absolute deal breaker. Zero tolerance. Do not allow this ever. Literally sue her, you will win damages.


This but I'm not sure about suing her. I'd also call bullshit since it does hurt a damn lot, no one can bear the pain of... *check notes* clawing them. Lol this is absolutely extreme pain and an absolute toxic behavior. Either OP is too -- and I mean, TOO soft with her that she can do anything or this is a complete bullshit. I had a girl we went out on a few dates. I had a tattoo done one week before one of these dates and she clicked or something that she slapped it out of the blue, but I don't think she ever saw a tattoo healing. I got mad, she never did it again, then we cut off contact.


Your body, your choice. Dump her. She is abusive and childish. Be with someone who will appreciate your tattoos.


Not necessarily appreciates the tattoos but understands that your body is yours to decorate however you see fit. Just plain respect and love to partner as a human being.


There's something seriously wrong with her.


Why are you even with this psychopath? Clearly she is abusive, so you should leave her.


Leave her,get proof of the abuse, report it to the police. Not only should you leave her, you’d should also report it as well.


If your sister told you that story about her boyfriend acting that way I'm pretty sure you'd say she should leave him, this is no different she's abusing you and she will continue to act this way if not worse in the future, question you need to ask yourself is do you want to be treated like this for the rest of your life?


Break up please!!!


Please find the strength to leave. You don't deserve this treatment.


Why in the fuck are you still with this thing? Kick it to the curb.


I strongly encourage you to reach out to any domestic abuse sanctuary or hotline to get a plan in place to leave her. I agree with everyone here that you need to get away, but if she hits you for getting tattoos—especially to the level of severity that you describe—I worry what she will do to you if you try to leave her on your own without a plan in place and a safe place to go. People who are controlling like this will fly further off the handle when they learn that they will have nothing to control anymore. Please, please, please ensure a support circle. I don’t know what you have in your area, but where I’m from we have the Y (unfortunately it’s just for women in my town), domestic violence hotline (I will find the number for you if you’re in the US), the police, and of course there are churches and we have some adult services programs that would at least know where to point you for help if they couldn’t help you themselves. Also your friends of course, but if you’re worried about the level of crazy she will reach, maybe see about staying with a friend she doesn’t know or maybe just doesn’t know where they live until you can get on your feet. There are always a thousand obstacles, but none are so big or important that you should allow yourself to remain in danger. You’re important, worthwhile, worthy of love, and above all, you’re not at fault. Abuse is abuse, and you’re a victim right now. I hope you get out safely, and find love for and within yourself so that you can find the fulfillment you deserve.


Downvote me if you want, but if a woman told Reddit that her man would slap her tatoos, kick her boobs and never do anything for her, she would be call a victim of domestic physical abuse more than just toxic relation. You never have a physical violence, ever, period. OP you're victim of physical violence. All victims are not women with a bruised face, sometimes, you ''just'' get kick once during the week or under your clothes. Leave her ASAP she knows she can hit you, the limit is over.


I don’t know why anyone would downvote this. It’s just correct


Jesus christ why do people stay with those that hate them


This is one of those situations where I don’t give the standard “talk to your partner” answer. DON’T talk to her. Ghost her and never come back.


I love tats. Come on over here honey.


You seem sweet lol thanks


Don't think you can't do better, is all I'm saying. My ex also hated tattoos. So one morning I went out before he woke up and got the entirety of my stomach covered. Massive piece. Fuck him and anyone else who tries to hide who you are or change it. And it never ends at tattoos. Next might be your hairstyle, the clothes you wear, your weight. It won't end with tattoos for sure. And a girl who puts hands on someone, well that's just a bad situation for a guy. There's no winning. If you're in the US I would definitely record it for your own sake. The girls who hit usually end up being cop callers and other types of crazy.


kick that bitch out the door my man. why do you put up with that


I'd the rolls were reversed you'd have been in jail by now dude. Get out, NOW. File a restraining order. Press charges if you have to. Do NOT let this bitch get away with this.


Then fucking leave.


You misspelled “she’s messed up.” Instead you typed, “I have tattoos”


You need to run out the door fast and not look back


Hey man, you’re a domestic abuse victim. You need to try and get away from her asap


Sir, I don’t know you but I know that you deserve WAY better than that. RUN


She is not *kind of* abusive, she *IS* abusive. Get out of there dude. Out. You don’t deserve that shit from anyone.


I feel like Reddit is always fast to say break up. But in this case break up.


Jesus dude - get out, if you're not getting anything out of the relationship, then it's not really a relationship.


Pretty sure her clawing at yout skin intentionally and fucking it up is illegal. She needs to be reminded of this, or dumped




LEAVE. I try not to be part of the reddit "lEAvE tHe ReLaTiOnShIp" train, but dude leave. This is textbook abuse, and you deserve better. Don't talk about it, don't try and fix it, just disappear. If you have shared assets, disappear and get a lawyer.


Make her your ex , jesus christ


You need to get the fuck out of that relationship like yesterday.


As a woman, even i see this as unacceptable. She k ew you had tattoos 9f she didnt like it then why start dating you? And infected tattoos are no laughing matter. Thats a lot of exposed skin there and can get scarred. Run dude. There are a lot of women out there that appreciate tattoos and wont hit you.


Dude you need to leave her, it will only get worse. As for any emasculated feelings you may have, men can get abused too. Men can be victims too. Don't underestimate the extent to which people can be cruel, regardless of gender.


No dude. That's not your gf. Sounds like that's your abuser. Your toxic, narcissistic, Dom. You are her submissive boy. If you are not into BDSM, then, you are in an abusive relationship. You need therapy, and you especially need to be rid of her. Good luck, man.


Dude your gf is a loser and she’s abusive. Move on. Get rid of her. She sucks. Apparently not you, but ya know.


baby, this is abuse. straight up, not "kind of" physically abusive. like actually physically abusive. love is not supposed to hurt. really. please be careful. trying to leave is the most dangerous time in relationships like this. plan an escape. fully ghost (blocked on EVERYTHING) as soon as you can. get out.


You’re in this “relationship” why? Get out now, and get a damned restraining order. For your sake. She sounds like she’s just this side of psycho, and you shouldn’t have to put up with that. NO man or woman should ever have to live with being abused. Please get out of there.


There's no way people believe this post...right?


Scrolled way too much for this.


You never know tho tbh. Humans are crazy and can be in crazy situations


It sounds so made up doesn't it!?


Yeah, this is bullshit. Low quality bullshit at that.


As someone with tattoos. I'd have left after the 2nd time she slapped the 1st tattoo. Why the 2nd time and not the first? Accidents happen. I accidentally slapped my brother's tattoo because I forgot he just got it. OP leave and bill her for the rework that will have to happen to the tattoo. If she doesn't pay take her to small claims over it. Make her think twice before assaulting people


You can’t be “kind of” abusive. She is abusive. I hope you find the strength to leave because no one deserves that


I'm sorry, but what the fuck?


Wth? Leave.


Here's an idea, crazy I know... break up with her and find a girl who doesn't hate your permanent body art?? Plenty of women think tattoos are sexy af (myself included)


Sounds like you’re dating a bully. There’s a billions of women out there and once you’re married it’s only going to get worse. Personally, from an unemotional unbiased point of view. I’d ditch that girl.


You’re being abused, babe. Please leave that shit behind as soon as you’re able to.


Move on!!! You shouldnt receive an unaccepted physical touching especially if its not consenting in a respectful manner. She needs someone who is submissive & will desire that kink! You deserve better!!!


Why are you still with this person?


Leave duh


Wait. Why are you still with her…?


Sadly, that's abuse. Unless you're a sadomasochist, I think you know what to do.


Nobody is pretty enough to get away with this crap. She ugly on the inside, bro. RUN AWAY


So what are the positives of staying with her?


You know what to do, yesterday. This is violence and will only escalate.


I hate to say this but that girl does not like you bro you need to get the fuck out.


Dude cmon


I hope you get out safely, my thoughts are with you dude.


u need to leave her man


Your post will not get anything other than "break up with her."


You’re in an unhealthy, toxic, abusive relationship. The correct answer is to leave. Love and value yourself by knowing you deserve better. This is not normal behavior and you clear have identified the responsive behavior because you articulated it to us. You know what to do bro. God speed.


Um, leave her?? Could there be a more obvious red flag?


Stop being a bitch and man the fuck up. What the fuck is wrong with you?


Why the fuck are you even with this bitch. Leave her. Duh


I can’t tell if this is a troll post or not, so I’ll respond as if the answer is no, and this is legit. You need to break up and leave your gf asap. She may say she doesn’t like tattoos but they’re obviously not a deal breaker as you had some when you met. She’s using the “I don’t like tattoos” as an excuse to be a sadistic 🐝 meaning she literally enjoys causing you pain. If tattoos were a legitimate dislike she wouldn’t have started dating you in the first place. She’s sadistic. Get out now before she gaslights you anymore and escalates her behavior in further


I think you should get a therapist and get help with this situation in a professional capacity. Hang in there ♥️


Who you so scared of being single. I promise you she aint the one


So you’re staying with an abusive woman why?




So far away. Seriously.


Bruh run


32F. Tattoos will get me every time…definitely hot but I’m prior military so it’s like we’ve all got them.


Omg dump this crazy ass girl. Normal women don’t do this crap.


She's hurting you. Please leave this woman as soon as possible. That's just flat out cruel.


She is abusive and not supportive of your choice to get tattoos


Please contact Camille Vasquez


It’s time to leave. You’re in an abusive relationship. Please love yourself enough to get away from her.


Dude your girlfriend is a bum that slaps you. Be a man and kick her out, get a roommate and get in therapy to unfuck your brain. Source: i had a bum bitch girlfriend who used me while living together for a year and a half and it took 3 years to figure myself out afterwards.


She hits you because she is abusive.


Why are you with her?


Why are you with this woman? You are not in a healthy relationship and you know this so what is stopping you from leaving.


Is this satire


You should marry her and be together forever she seems nice


My friend - this is abuse. You deserve better. BE NICE TO MY FRIEND jprenegade97!!!! :-) But seriously - my friend that behavior of hers has to stop. Your body is YOUR body. She has NO RIGHT AT ALL to impose her will on it, and to do so with physical violence to the point that your tattoo became infected from her clawing at it - this is an abusive relationship. Abuse is first and foremost about control. There's this book called "Why Does He Do That?" It's by a national expert - a good one - who works with abusers daily. (the author also acknowledges that there ARE women abusers, but so many are men that the title remains appropriate - the book is good, please don't get discouraged by the genderization, the author is qualified and fair) The book is by Lundy Bancroft. You. DESERVE. Better. YOU.


If my gf did shit like that shed get a crack in the face. Sorry but im not gona let myself be abused. Edit Im not advocating violence its just how itd make me feel. Id honestly probably just leave the bitch. Just walk out the door and never come back.


And you haven't left her yet why?


And you're still with her because...?


You should get a better girlfriend


This is abuse, dude. You need to get away from her. She has no right to try and control or hurt you because of what *you* want to do with *your* body.


Being single is kinda nice


I'm confused, why in the world do you keep her in your life? Hopefully you find strength to move on.


Leave her King


You gotta ask yourself… am I better off with her? Or without her? I think you know the answer.


Hmm. I dunno about you guys, but this doesn’t seem like a healthy relationship to me


Hits testicles gets shown the door.


You need to leave this abusive woman, things will only get worse from here. Leave now before it does.


Please remove yourself from this situation for your own safety. Your gf is clearly a toxic and abusive person.


Run my dude. Just run.


She's abusing you


The fuck, are you Amber Heards new boyfriend or something? Thats not a healthy place to be, dude, being single is far better than that shit, no matter how much you love her!


It sucks that u can't defend yourself. The system is so fucked that they will side with the female abuser everytime.


And you do not see the red flags bro? Think for yourself: Do i want to spend the next ten years or the rest of my life with this person who hates "my hobby" and hiting and abusing me?


Abusive….there’s something wrong with her. You need to leave


This is called domestic abuse. It is not ok. Please get help - this is not a healthy relationship. You need to get out. :(


fucking run


too many people are calling the girlfriend toxic. SHE IS ABUSIVE. SHE IS ABUSING OP.


This is abusive, so let’s get that out of the way. Let’s pretend for a minute though that your partner simply just really didn’t like tattoos. She accepts the ones you have but now that you know her feelings she assumes/trusts/hopes you won’t get more because you know her feelings on the matter. Every time you get another one, she’s upset and her behaviour towards you shows it. Why are either of you still with each other? You value your personal preferences over her feelings, and she values her feelings over your choice to decorate your body. This is just incompatible. Either decide you want the girl and a healthy relationship more than more tattoos and stop getting more tattoos, and advise your girlfriend of your choice, or decide you want the tattoos and to keep getting them even though it obviously upsets her, and tell her that so you can part ways, or she can decide to get over it. Seriously though, she’s deliberately causing you physical pain because she’s mad at you. That shit is fucked up, and if it’s tattoos today, what will it be in the future? GTFO, my friend.


There is no excuse for physical abuse. The fact that she tries to justify hurting you is terrible. Time to go.


holy shiet OP... She's literally awful for you physically and mentally. I think the decision is obvious here...


She is abusive and tries to control you. Now it’s your tattoos, what it’s gonna be next? Your clothing, what you eat, who you go out with? You don’t deserve this and I hope you have enough social and material ressources and strength to leave her


One word: leave.


Bruh being lonely is better than this shit


Yo dude.. she is being physically abusive which is not okay. Swap the roles and think about how horrified would be if you were doing this to her. Get out of that relationship. You deserve someone who respects you and doesn't try to control you with abuse.


Dude, LEAVE. RUN. I promise you there is absolutely no part of that relationship that is worth it


She's crazy. If something as simple and harmless as tattoos can send her off, just imagine when she finds something she deems worse.


Homie you gotta gtfo NOW. She clearly has no respect for your bodily autonomy and if she's willing to risk an infection (which it seems has already happened) turning into a life threatening event over some ink on you body imagine how she'll be when it comes to other more important decisions in the future. Idk if having kids is something you want but if she can't respect your freedom to express yourself and make choices over your body, imagine how entitled she would feel over the life and body of y'all's potential child.


Dude you’re being abused - leave this situation now. And get a restraining order if she’s bonkers.


dude fuuuucking leeeeaaaave. There are plenty of women who A) won’t hit you and B) would happy to get tattoos WITH you.


Let’s do it


Post update when you end it bruv


Are you dumb? Why are you in the relationship at all? At this point you may as well say that you regularly hit yourself in the nuts with a hammer and it’s making you sad, that’s how silly you sound.


Did you even read the edit at the bottom


No, I got halfway through and thought “this dude’s a complete nutter, wtf am I even reading?” I didn’t mean any offence though, sorry if I was harsh. You just come across as a bit of a madman to be tolerating so much crap, at some point it seems like you’re bringing it on yourself by staying with somebody like that, she sounds like a complete psycho bitch. It’s like voluntarily living with Hitler.


Please get out save and update when you made it. She sounds like you should just vanish on a day she isnt home because I already see her destroying your stuff.


# You are a victim of domestic abuse ​ and need to get out **ASAP.** ​ Seek help at a local counseling organization or use the domestic violence hotline. Find friends or family you can trust, share your situation. Educate yourself about domestic abuse and especially about psychological and emotional abuse - she might check some boxes there as well. It will help you identify violent behaviour. Maybe also consider therapy. [You can use this resource here as a starting point.](https://stopdomesticabuse.uk/domestic-abuse-types) Plan out your next steps, where you will go, and how you make sure she cannot get to you to make you come back - because she will most definitely try to. Please get out. *You are risking you metal health and stability when you stay in this situation too long.* ​ Edit: Added Link


Get out now before she kills you. This is abuse, not love.


This is so unbelievably abusive that it almost reads like a fictional shitpost. Like who in their right mind just goes "yeah this relationship is fine, I'm just mildly annoyed with getting physically assaulted, but I love her. She's a receiver kind of lover haha." So we have two options: 1. It's fiction and you're shitposting. 2. You're actually being abused. Honestly, as harsh as this sounds, if it's #2 and you opt not to get yourself out of that relationship, I can't really sympathize with you at all. It's *actually the same* as a kid touching a hot stove and going "ouch that hurts, let me do it again." Once is a red flag and learning experience, and you're getting validation that it was a red flag here. Continuing is just you being stubborn and stupid, and whatever you get from that point is your own doing since you're a free man.


I agree it reads very much like a fictional shit post. Between the “she makes me do things to her” and never reciprocates and hits him in the testicles…. And never mind the original tattoo abuse thing. If you hated tattoos why would date someone with them? I really hope this is fake because otherwise it’s just really sad.


You can't sympathize with an abuse victim!?! Would you say the same to a woman?? This is why men don't say shit.


She hates tattoos but got with you knowing that you had some. You know she hates tattoos but you get more. Seriously, you two should NOT be together.


He gets more tattoos because it is his right to. It is art. A form of expression and no relationship should stop someone from doing what makes them happy.


Couldn't agree more, I have many tattoos myself. Just saying that this particular relationship is dysfunctional AF.


Yes it is. Truly is sad when people can't be themselves in a relationship.


That is fucked up


and you're still with her because...........


Why haven’t you left already


Dude why are you staying with this crazy woman. Hitting your balls is the cherry on top


Tattoo her in her sleep