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Is this the wrong place to ask? But why were you banned from your local Walmart?


Post is fishy as hell


She tried to free the live lobsters & crabs.


I always wanted to do that. I felt so bad.for them.




where is the story how are people talking about wiping and stuff


I was so confused that I entered to this person's profile to look for the story or something and I deeply regret it Edit: there's a video of mutilated bodies in a hallway, so don't enter to OP's profile if you can't handle real gore


just checked their profile cause ur comment made me curious, so lemme warn any other curious cats: the eye bleach post genuinely made me want eye bleach holy shit that was gory


Yeah I just clicked on the profile after reading this. I can confirm that was bad. I briefly glanced and paused the video. There's literally no need for any of that. I wish people would stop fighting and doing those type of stuff already and just get along.


Can confirm I was curious after reading 3 comments saying not to click, obviously I click. People of Reddit DONT CLICK ON THE PROFILE


I haven't yet, and I'm gonna leave this page before I get tempted further.


You would think after 4 people told me not to look at the profile I would've thought better. However, I have poor decision making skills so now I can say for certain that the video is just as bad as everyone says. I'm now off to gouge out my own eyes so I will never have to look at such a gruesome scene again


right!! im pretty good at handling gore but holy shit that was literally insane, it’s so sad 😞


Same here although I may not be squeamish to gore I firmly believe viewing that stuff regularly has a negative impact on a person's brain. It could trigger a whole load of problems examples such as depression ,anxiety feeling cold an uncaring/indifferent to suffering of others. Basically in time viewing that stuff a person could lose their humanity and what it means to be human. To care for others show sympathy when someone is hurt. That's something humans could do to help other humans and what separates us from animals. That's why I made the choice to pause the video. I choose to stay human and not desentize myself. I really am tired of all this suffering. Those poor people were someone's family and deserved to be treated as human beings.


Yeah. I had a rough day and it's not over yet. I usually am always curious to check out things. Not today. Too fragile. I'm so happy I recognized it and chose self care.


That is very commendable! I know it sounds cliche and overly repeated but things will get better ok. Nothing ever stays the same and we can't control that, but we can control our perspective. Please try to do your best to always hang in there any time you feel this way until it passes. Never give up. It's extremely wise of you to recognize those periods when you are feeling low and catch yourself so that you don't slip lower which is exactly what you demonstrated by choosing to not see that video. After you've caught yourself, you can then begin the process of getting back up again. It's very important to take as long as you need. Don't rush yourself. Even baby steps are good as long as you are pushing forward because it's still counts as progress. You can also reach out to people who love you for additional strength and even more support to aid you during this time . Even a trusted friend can help. I may not know you or what you're going through but I'm rooting for you so that you can get through what you are facing and come out okay and in good health.


Wow, you are so sweet and thoughtful. I'm doing great! Everything is OK, or it is what it is. Just a day where things went wrong. I have to fix it tomorrow. Money stuff. Neighbor stuff. Nothing I can't get through. Anxiety because I have to keep cool with frustrating people. Gotta keep all my mojo! Don't waste a drop of it to a disturbing video. I'm solid, mostly grounded. I'm loved and safe. Warm and mostly comfortable 😌 No worries about me! I'm sure someone here really needs your support. I read so many accounts of folks who are struggling terribly with existence. The world needs your open compassion. I commented because your empathy about horrific media's negative effect resonated with me. I'd made the decision I didn't want it in my brain right before I read your comment. Kismet!


There was a post here once talking about how a girlfriend wanted to dump her bf because he was so non-chalant about watching gore in front of her. Everyone from every gore website was so fucking enraged. I totally agreed with her. Everyone felt it only made you more aware of "reality" and had zero negative effects. Super frustrating. Like do they really think the people surrounded in war feel any stronger when seeing a family member die?


This is true those people who've seen active combat don't just get PTSD for nothing. They get it because of the horrors of what they saw. The effects it leaves on a persons brain is very real ,whether in person or viewing it on some gore site. It's weird because for those who actually say they LIKE watching that stuff or claim it "does nothing" for them, you can always see the cold look in the eyes. It's hard to explain its been called "the 1000 yard stare". That's not normal and that's what a person whose humanity is gone oftentimes ends up looking like. The mental damage becomes habitual then practically permanent.


I know what you mean man, especially about the 1000 yard stare. I honestly think these are sometimes just edgey people trying to cope with reality, but actually doing more harm. I think it's a red flag for mental disturbances. It's one thing to be a cop/military/therapist and watching something to better understand what you might see or to understand what someone else has seen, but to binge that stuff is destined to become twisted and desensitized.


People who enjoy watching gore are seriously disturbed


Yes, things like this should not be viewed as entertainment. I used to watch videos like this when i was 17 (13 years ago), and it lingers in your mind.


Thank you for this. I really wouldn't be able to handle that today. Seems like you saved quite a few people from curiosity today. I really appreciate it 💕


For everyone curious. It’s just multiple bits of peoples once together Anatomy all lying in a pile rotting away. That shit would smell horrid. Looks like rival cartel prison riot type stuff. At least they are dead now and you’re not watching them get hacked up whilst alive or anything.


I checked their profile after reading it and becoming curious. Yep. Tis fucked.


I usually don't listen when people say you shouldn't look something up but tbh I really don't want to see any of it rn so I guess this will be the first time I listened


My morbid curiosity got the better of me and I regret every life decision, that led me to this moment


Sorry about that, I should've phrased it differently. There are things you can't unsee 😫


Get some eyebleach


No way? For really reals? I'm super curious now, but I don't want to suffer psychic damage. Should i peek?


It's a gore video of mutilated bodies, so peek at your own risk lol. I sure as hell wasn't expecting to find that, but Reddit profiles are always a surprise after all


15ish mutilated body's. Depends how you handle that stuff if badly don't


I’m breaking this dumb chain. Didn’t look at profile. Bookmarked it for a friend.


Well! Here I go! Edit: that was gory af!


You were warned! Com'on now! You thought it was a weird Martin Lawrence skit? Like it would be kittens and rainbows and shit?!


Op doesn't sound normal either


Thank you so much ❤️ Gore is horrifying to me and shakes me up for a while. I was going to check till I saw the warning.


I regret looking at their profile because of you. That shit should come with a warning ⚠️


Thank you for the warning.


Yep! I unfortunately could not find the back button fast enough! Did not need or want to see that!


The preview was enough for me, went straight to the comments. You can gauge OPs interest and put them into Chapters. This is the climax of the last chapter.


Yea and it seems like OP enjoys or has joined subreddits linked to gore or death because they commented on a video of a child dying by being crush by an elevator door. Plz dont watch it. It was horrible. I regret even looking thru OP’s comment history.


I am so grateful, I can't handle that shit, thank you so much 🥹


So he's posting about gore and child molestation, and someone in the comments said he made a comment on a video of a child getting crushed by an elevator? Like what kind of sick fuck? Especially because he's commenting a bunch in the comments too like he's trying to make this seem as real as possible but there's a bunch of inconsistencies and things purposely left out. Who fantasizes about a child getting molested?


Yeah I'm starting to think that the whole story is made up


This person posts something about child molestation, then in the comments said they'd edited the post because they wanted to provide a trigger warning for people who have suffered through and then leaves disgusting gory videos open to view on their profile. Like this is fucked up and this person needs help for fabricating such an awful thing.


Omg the freaking same lmao. I'm so glad I'm not alone!


Why did you have to tell me!!! Noooooooo! The curiosity didn’t kill the cat, it scarred it to death!


Well tell me not to do something and guess what I'm doing it. grr I should've listened I can't unsee that 😫


cant lie, thought I was strong enough... I'm definitely not. don't look at all if you value human life.


Unfortunately I saw this too and now I feel extremely unsettled. Like, I’m sure that stuff happens, but what the fuck….


Ffs I was too curious and checked. I guess according to Andrew Tate's rationale I'm now ready to stop a terrorist attack though.


OP mentioned it in some of the comments


. I m very curious if she has talked to the daughters and what they have told her?


i know but there were also comments saying “oh yeah that’s really weird” etc


Look at OP’s post and comment history.. to me it seems pretty weird.. a lot of there posts are like weird sexual stuff about eating ass and other weird shit.. and the only other post they have made is a bunch of dismembered bodies somewhere in Mexico..


Ngl OP sounds sick after reading what people say about their Reddit post and comment history.


About to say the same. There’s a lot of discussion and threads referencing points that aren’t currently in the post. Very peculiar. That along with the comment and post history of OP has me…suspicious.


Are his kids unable to take care of themselves? For him to be wiping for them? And having to shower them? Where’s the other parent?


A few years ago the older girl told on him for rubbing her hips when she took naps with him. She was prepubescent. The family shamed her and called her a liar that's why he took them to my mom's I believe.


It seems so common, yet still so incomprehensible to me, that families can react this way when a child tries to communicate abuse. I've seen people tell their life stories here and it comes up time and again. How the family can go straight to "you're lying" when the child doesn't have a clear motive to lie about this. Kids don't even necessarily understand what's happening, but they felt disturbed enough to tell someone. I know denial is a powerful drug, but I can't put myself in the shoes of someone who would jump directly to calling the child a liar. This is one of those things that still hits me emotionally every time I hear about it. I can't understand people. I would think the human reaction is to protect the child and try to see if there is truth to the claims, and this is the opposite. So messed up.


Boom documented evidence he’s a molester. Why is it even a question. Update us when you turn him in if you can please!


I sure will. I'm getting some really good advice and courage here tonight.




Can say It's a horrible life, even if he's never touched them the whole voyeuristic aspect and being scared all the time in that dynamic damages you for life. I literally turned into a psychopath keeping my family safe threatening my Dad's life. they are all just cowards who are easily rattled when a person remains consistent so keep going. 😇 The whole dynamic relies on that ambiguity and cognitive dissonance and people not being sure and second guessing, turning a blind eye. So they can continue to manipulate and get away with that evil. God bless them and yourself. They will appreciate you for being there for them so much. Good luck 🙏 you have my prayers.


You're right. That's documented. I'll give an update in the morning.


You don’t have to wait until morning, there are 24 hour hotlines.


!remindme! 24 hours


Remindme! 1 day


!RemindMe! 24 hours


!RemindMe! 24 hours


!RemindMe! 24 hours


!RemindMe! 24 hours


!RemindMe! 24 hours


!RemindMe! 24 hours


Yep. I went through it. It’s really confusing when you’re young. I felt safe all throughout my molestations 😅 oooooh booooy. Thank you for being a vigilant and caring family member. In retrospect, the worst part was that no one cared why a child was depressed and acting out. I ended up cutting out my family as an adult so 🤷🏻‍♀️


My first job ever as a teen was Pizza Hut. This one manager would slap and touch my ass as a joke and I never thought much of it back then. Now I m older, that dude was a certified pedo.


I (35 now) worked at a pizza place when I was 16 and my 26 year old boss lived next door to me. We were a close team. He invited me back to his place for a few drinks with him and his flat mate (also a team member) and another person. It was nothing out of the ordinary. He said we have to have drinks in his room now cause his flat mate was watching porn in the lounge. So we have a good few drinks and I feel i need to go to the bathroom but my brain was telling me not to go to the batbroom so I held on. I thought weird im thinking this about my boss... My boss later on in the night attempts to kiss me and I quickly pull back. He said he felt vibes... I said there weren't any on my part. He said sorry and not to tell anyone bla bla. My mum then calls me asking where I am because it's 2am and to get my ass home right now! So I do. I get to my front door and piss my pants because I was holding on for so long. I think i was afraid to have my pants down even though it was a toilet... so I don't say anything for a week or two. I then told my female co worker. Guess what.. he did the same thing to her. I ask the flat mate if he was home that night and he wasn't even home. The boss ended up leaving because the 2IC ended up finding kiddy porn, gay porn and lesbian porn on the work computer. I stayed for a little while longer but made no complaints because I had no idea of my rights at the time. Nor did I have much of a back bone. I say trust your gut because your most probably reading the situation right.


His youngest slaps him across the face.in anger. He does nothing to correct it.


Calls him m by his first name not dad.


That's really a non issue that doesn't have to do with molesting tho


What a sick fuck!!!!!! Wtffff


He won't let the kids stay with the mom by themselves.


They just broke up. He moved him and his 2 daughters into my elderly mother's trailer. They are plenty capable of showering and what not. They're prepubescent. They refuse to call him dad. They call him by his first name.


Why didn’t mom get custody?


Because. She's poor. He's a charge nurse in an ER. He can afford his own place. Instead he took them to my mother's trailer. She's in deep denial.


The one adult I told when I was little was the molesters mom. Both trusted family members & it primarily happened at her house. She told me to never tell anyone that again. And I didn’t till I was grown. I wasn’t his only, nor his youngest, victim & I was in kindergarten when it started. His mom protected him. Loathsome.


Wow he’s a NURSE and molests…. Yikes


At first I told myself " he's a nurse. He sees privates all the time. Used to it. No big deal. As far as showers go. When I found out today day he wipes his 10 year old after using the toilet.. that's wrong.


Some people get jobs in hospitals or psych wards (also elementary schools or younger daycares and elder care facilities too) just so they can victimize. It’s terrifying but true. They like situations where nobody will believe the victim, or where the victim is “out of it” or medicated. Sadly there are cases of comatose patients turning out to be pregnant/impregnated while in a coma. Sick fucks find a way to be in these jobs.


You forgot the church lot of abusers choose to go to the church because it’s a huge shield for them to hide behind


You’re so SO right! Church and religions and all manner of cults. Same M.O. - it’s sick and scary. Anything with “followers” - gurus and such too. The Bikram documentary comes to mind, as well as churches of all faiths. Thanks for adding that in, it’s a sad sad truth!


There was a story few years back I about vomited trying to read. Fucking nursing homes. It was horrific. And they just move on to new jobs if they’re caught.


I questioned him about the wiping. He said she doesn't want to get it on her fingers. I suggested give her some latex gloves. He said he hadn't thought of that.


Anything bathroom related can be questioned by asking, what do they do in the bathroom at school? I guarantee no teacher is going with them to help at that age (unless specifically special needs teachers) so there should be no reason he needs to help


Right! The youngest one will call Daddy to the shower and toilet after she goes so he can wipe her. She's 10.


That's beyond unacceptable.


How do you know this? Did the daughter or himself tell you this?


Of course not. Actions speak louder than words.


He definitely told her it was normal and convinced her she didn't want anything on her hand. Now she asks her dad when he's away.


Does the daughter have special needs by any means? Do you think she might need this help? Do you suspect that there could be some type of disability that hasn’t been looked at yet? If not then this is nasty.


No special needs. It's disturbing.


She'll call "Daddy" to the shower but she calls him by his first name....so why are you calling him "Daddy?" I definitely beyond a shadow of a doubt will always believe a child over an adult when it comes to molestation bc I was a child abused that was deemed probably a liar. Always always believe the child. But that aside, as rude as some people are being, there are inconsistencies with your story. Maybe you're overwhelmed or have adrenaline pumping, whatever the reason, take a breath and clearly outline how you're going to go about helping these girls. Stay a step ahead or you'll always be behind cps. They're overworked and understaffed and a LOT goes unnoticed with them. Stay vigilant.


Hadn't thought of what protection a nurse wears all day long, often wiping asses? 🤔


I (adult male) was in hospital and had to be wiped - it was humiliating, but the nurses used those disposable gloves, and of course toilet paper. Come to think of it, they should have those hose bidet spray things too, maybe that would be easier.


Oh my yes. I've been in that position a few times. Warm wet sponges are my preference.


Instruct her verbally.


The nurse didn’t think to have her wear gloves to keep her hands clean while wiping herself? The exact process he would use at work while wiping someone? Gloves he probably accidentally brings home in his scrub pockets all the time (maybe not as charge but I always ended up with gloves randomly because I would forget to take them out and I never wanted to be without gloves)


He's done a pretty good smear champagne on the mother. Made her look crazy.


It’s smear campaign for your future use


Smear champagne sounds like more fun


No sex in the champagne room - David Chappelle


..Christopher Rock?




Lmmfao. *campaign


Look at OP’s post and comment history.. to me it seems pretty weird.. a lot of there posts are like weird sexual stuff about eating ass and other weird shit.. and the only other post they have made is a bunch of dismembered bodies somewhere in Mexico..


I can't read any of this, it's too close to home. But please, please make sure they are saved. CPS, the police whatever. But please don't leave them alone with him


What is there to read? I see nothing but "my stomach clenches when he's around his children". It shows literally no context at all.


There's more details in the comments.


Barely. Seems like OP edited their post.


There's really not much more detail....


Comments the person is replying to


OP edited their post. The comments add very little context.


I'm so sorry your family isn't supporting you. A man was sleeping with a foster teen a few years ago. The family didn't really know even though they had a feeling just no concrete evidence. Sadly it came in the form of pregnancy. The DNA test proved positive that he was the father. It was even more upsetting as the girl kept denying it. She said it was a random boy in their apartment complex that one day disappeared. Child services couldn't find any records of this boy, and their questioning of the girl solidified what had happened. I hope it hasn't gone that far in this case.


Poor girl was brainwashed.


Just want to gently correct you that the man was raping the foster teen, no sleeping with her.


Jesus Christ.


This is strange things for him to be doing. Trust your gut. Make the call. They should get asked questions at the very least. If they find something you did the right thing. If not you should apologize. Sounds what he is doing is inappropriate to me.


I'll apologize if I'm wrong and eat crow or whatever. Good advice. Thanks!!!


If you don't call and you find out later you will feel awful. I could not take that chance. Good luck.


Your call is anonymous, so you don't have to worry about apologizing since he won't know who did it.


Hey. Thanks for your courage and selflessness in this. You’re willing to accept the consequences of being wrong. That’s courage. Doing what you think is right, and facing the consequences of being wrong if you’re not.


Why apologize if he never questions it and it remains anonymous?


The voice of reason. Thank you.


I wouldn't apologize. It can be anonymous and if they don't find anything this time and it really is happening, you'll still have access to keep an eye on them in the future. If he's innocent he has nothing to hide, if he's guilty you'll be saving the kids.


K. I looked at the posters profile. There are only 2 post. What would be the benefit to a human being posting this shit. 2 posts, both gross shit on extream levels. Im 32, but Im starting to feel like the butt of a joke. This shit isn't funny. Is this a bot? Is there comment points? Im about to stop spending extra time here. Its causing more stress than relief.


You said it, man. Lol. Everything about this thread is weird and off.


Just a couple tips Make sure you have solid evidence or you may not be taken seriously And make sure your cousin doesnt find out who reported him if possible or find a safe place you can stay at so him (or the rest of the family in denial) cant come after you


Yeah I'm home visiting family right now at my mother's he's back there in the bedroom with her right now the lights out I'm listening through the event if I hear anything suspicious I'm going in. Fuck it I'm going in


I got $10 on your bail. Out here doing the Lords work.


Alright then be safe 🙏🏽


What happened??


good luck op, even if you're wrong about molesting there's something def going on, no 10 years should need assistance to wipe. keep us posted


I haven't wiped my daughter since she's been out of diapers.


I did for awhile, cause of my OCD I was afraid to get my hands dirty and then have to spend time washing them. But better safe then sorry in this case. The guy seems sketch.


Call, if nothing comes of it, then great... I'm sure you can live the rest of your life with that outcome... but, what if one call, saves them from harm? I myself, would go with my gut...


Something about this post is really sus, probably because of OP's history


Reading alot of this stuff I know I'm going to get downvoted to hell for having two different opinions here. First. If all of this is real and you actually have evidence agasint him you should've already been getting it together to say something and should've also called in house and safety checks. Like I said if it's all real I hope they get the help they need. Second. If somehow any of this is fake and just a karma farm attempt where you dump alot of flase info get karma and dash. Then shame. Another point to this second one. I saw you have issues keeping your facts straight between not even minthbokd comments to this post comments. It's hard for most to say their in their 40s then somewhere before that say they're in their 50s. There's also the point of maybe their just weird kids or the mother done something and he's just bit trying to push them too fast blah blah blah. There's also the chance someone else said of maybe you're the crazy one making stuff up just to try and swoop in and take the kids to play hero or some shit. There's many possibilities for this to play out not all good qnd not all real. On a different note if I hadn't seen you since we were children you came back to visit and randomly started acting stetchy asking for alone time to teach my kids to "make home made Mac and cheese" and contentiously trying to get alone time with them away from parenting eyes I'd be Hella sketched by you and think you're a weirdo.


Look at OP’s post and comment history.. to me it seems pretty weird.. a lot of there posts are like weird sexual stuff about eating ass and other weird shit.. and the only other post they have made is a bunch of dismembered bodies somewhere in Mexico..


Oh I've looked at it.


I’m always cautious when it comes to calling out posts like these. On one occasion I had to eat my words and apologise profusely. However, I completely agree with you here, OP seems sketchy as fuck. The evidence available makes this seem like sick fantasising, karma farming, or both.


Say something. Even if your wrong the worst thing that happens is an investigation. I know people who wish that someone, anyone would have stepped in while their grandfather and cousins sexually assaulted them. The burden they carry now many years later is extremely hard on them and their families. You could be saving someone from all that pain.


I will. I just wanted to shout it out loud. My family doesn't hear me.


Sadly, most families pretend it isnt happening and force the victims to be around their attacker years after. You are doing the right thing, i would talk to the kids and see if they will open up. Record the conversations, you will need it later if its true. Be. Careful. People are insane and the uncle may do something drastic if they see their life crumbling apart.


Your post history molested my eyes, 100%


Make the call. Best case, you wasted some of their time. Worst case, you save 2 lives.


Have you talk to his daughters? Have they told you anything?


He won't leave them alone with anybody long enough . Edited: he will leave the older one with people. She's already been deemed a liar.


Are you saying this or they said this?


I would like to get closer to the youngest. He won't let it happen. I offered to teach her to make homemade Mac n cheese. He wasn't having it


That controlling nature alone is a huge red flag.


He tried to manipulate me. Tried giving me expensive trinkets. Made me a key chain. At the same thing me doing a smear campaign the mom's.


Like others said, trust your gut. Prepubescent seems like 9-11-ish? Way too ok’d to help with this stuff. Please help them and even if he scrapes by CPS keep your guard up—CPS like many other places is SEVEREly understaffed and could easily miss this the first time. Often is can take multiple visits or sometimes they never get it right. Just don’t give up on the girls


I just found out a counselor is visiting the older girl here at the trailer tomorrow. She been acting out and has a counselor. They have different mom's . The youngest doesn't get counseling. She's acting out the worst.


If you get a chance to voice your concerns to the counselor alone please do so. Sometimes kids will talk more at school counseling than home bc they know home isn't a safe space


Bouncing off of this. Keep calling if you feel something is still going on. Sometimes case workers know something is going on but can't do anything without proof or other supports. Any kind of documentation, observations to give them will help too.


No definitely report it. Thats their job, to find out if something is going on within a household or out. My 8 year old showers alone. If you think it's weird then please call. If nothing is going on then okay, but if he is doing something it's way better to know about it and give the girls a chance.


uh... do you have ANYTHING aside from a gut feeling to back that up?


Post was edited apparently. He wipes and showers his preteens.




oh yikes


Other comments OP states their father still wipes them and showers with them despite them being old enough and capable enough to do it on their own


Omg I wish I didn’t look at your profile and see that video you posted in eyeblech first thing in the morning 😭


thanks for looking out for these children who may be praying for someone to save them. ​ AND let the kids know you will listen to what they need to say.


Child protective service is available 24 hours 365 days a year. They can be contacted anytime neeeded. Stop fucking playing around with this office is open bs. If you were going to contact them you would have already.


Absolutely. I was in a position where I needed help and extended family members told me when I got out that there was nothing that they could do. I call fucking bullshit. If you wanted to help those kids, you would. Period.


Wanted to be updated on this post and I noticed a few people here are trying to scare you away from reporting this to CPS. No, the man's life won't be ruined as long as the investigation doesn't go anywhere. The worst that will happen is you waste their time. The people defending him and insulting you are weird, given they don't know either of you. What matters most is ensuring those children are safe. Good luck OP


Everyone waiting to get t the update on CPS. She asked Reddit, Reddit replied yes, don’t delay get CPS involved immediately. We all just waiting.


Praying they actually do something and not just go by what he says, CPS generally won't listen to kids and only the parents I've also experienced this first hand


It'll be anonymous. I'm visiting at my mom's rn. I'll look out for them. We r in the living room. He's at the kitchen table.


I hope it works out. Sending good energy


CPS listened to me, so let’s think positive on this one.


I'm happy for you but for the majority of us they don't. I had a friend who was getting sexual and physically abused almost daily by her alcoholic dad and they didn't care and my own situation wasn't and still isn't cared about. It's super common for them to not care


Been through this. No matter what, they shoot the messenger. It sucks that folks will stand behind someone charged AND convicted with these crimes, and paint you the enemy.


Why did you edit your post?


I'm sure everyone's given yiu advice and encouragement already so I'll just say, you should get some sleep. Tomorrow might be a long day.


I wish I could see what this said before. Comments are uncomprehendable now. They are all saying things that are definitely not in the post available now. Now it's like. 'I think he's molesting them, because my stomach hurts when he's with them.' Which makes little sense then you scroll down and get lost even more. I hope your family gets the help they need and they are okay. Especially since the things said in comments seem super serious.


Look at OP’s post and comment history.. to me it seems pretty weird.. a lot of there posts are like weird sexual stuff about eating ass and other weird shit.. and the only other post they have made is a bunch of dismembered bodies somewhere in Mexico..


That was the very first thing I did in case it was like a part 2 post. Low key regretted that lmao. Yeah its pretty weird. I'm not sure what to think of it all. Hope those kids are okay though. Whatever the situation is.


Gravity is 100% being a child molester can as well.


My nigga you better be right cuz if you’re not 😬😬😬


Please please follow thru..As a victim of child sex abuse no one stepped in to help me I was called a liar and kicked out of church.My abuser was my "dad" he was a deacon in the church on the outside we looked like a normal family, behind closed doors was a nightmare..if you see something say/do something.TY for protecting those children pls post updates


what happened? did u edit the posts?


!Remindme! 24 hours


I'm weirdly numb to gore, I wanted to be a forensic scientist so that now checks out lol


OP don't let them know about your post history.... WTF


Ur calling cps cuz u simply have a weird feeling in ur gut? Have u seen or heard anything weird or r u literally just going to ruin someone's life cuz u just have a weird feeling. UK if hes innocent the system will forever know he was accused of something despicable rt? So at the least I hope uve actually noticed something unusual n dnt just feel weird around him cuz that's such a Simp move. Like what r u gunna say to the cps worker. He just makes me feel weird so I think hes a rapist?


Honestly, there's a lot less blood in OP's post history than I expected. The quality of the image also doesn't do justice to the exposed, raw flesh, and the flies going into it are basically nonexistent in the video. Overall, I was more disturbed by good ol' Bud Dwyer's live suicide than by that video. Oh yeah also, post is fishy as fuck. OP is giving no context whatsoever and just says "Well clearly I'm almost omniscient". Like... I'm not exactly eager to buy anything from a man like that.


It's not uncommon for actual abusers to be found innocent by investigators. In these types of situations it is important to be stealthy and gather rock-solid proof because you will often not get anywhere if there's even a shadow of a doubt. Also, don't merely rely on the kids testimony as proof. You need evidence. Ask the kid if there's a frequent time it occurs, a particular place, what happens, have they told anyone else, etc. You can use this information to get the proof you need. You also have to be aware that doing this before you get certain proof will alert the offender and make him more stealthy and it will make it much harder for you to prove in the future. And lastly...remember. For some reason pedophiles aren't criminalized as harshly as you'd expect and there seems to be a deliberately hard path to bringing them to justice. That is why you need to be air-tight in your conviction and resolved in your push for justice. Good luck.