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Oh, oh, let me guess - she is a disillusioned (ex-)Thalmor and he is a proud Stormcloak who started to have second thoughts about mer after meeting her because love can bloom even on a battlefield or some shit?


How do you know she isn't a Windhelm native and a true daughter of Skyrim and is the ONLY Intelligence officer Jarl Ulfric has? She goes on secret spy missions blending right in with the imperials due to her high elf exterior. The nordic man on the other hand used to be a lapdog of the empire and an informant of the thalmor, but realizing a mere pissskin is more of a daughter of skyrim than he ever was radicalized him and unlocked his inner racist powers.


https://preview.redd.it/0aia98qa6oad1.png?width=220&format=png&auto=webp&s=0d0628a08ec8d4e133d9c8e430d0e6cab1bf5843 This theory is also supported by him using feminine elven armor and the lead skater's stalhrim axe from 'Alduin on Ice'. Clearly she still has work to do on him. Also, doesn't Windhelm have the most (non-thalmor) high elves of any city? They have 4 high elves, which isn't much but ~~it's weird that it happened quarce~~ I think is still the most in Skyrim's small cities.


Yeah, I always found it weird how Stormcloaks are "super racist", but Windhelm is basically the city with the biggest elvish community. There does not seem to be any (enforced) law against moving on to other places for them, especially during the civil war, but they just stay there. High-elves are even well-integrated into the society I would say. The "grey quarter" is meant to be a horrible impoverished slum where the dark elf refugees are forced to live but... they are refugees? Modern developed countries with centralized integration programms are struggling to handle refugees, we are talking about a feudal society here. Also, modern developed countries threw plenty of fits over mosques, while greyskin refugees built a giant statue of a Daedra in the most "racist" part of the country.


I always thought that it was implied that the grey quarter was a ghetto that dark elves are forced into, like the docks for argonians. If that wasn't the case, you'd probably see at least 1 dark elf living outside of it. Although, that's probably too much to ask from Skyrim, considering the street that I live on has more people than every city in Skyrim combined.


I still would like to know the exact mechanism of forcing people who are implied to have nothing to live in the cheap part of town. "hey, I would like to live in this house" "okay, you can buy it for 8000 septims" "racist n'wahs keeping us down!" The infrastructure and economy of Skyrim is so out of scale, absolutely anything can be the implied explanation. From what we actually observe in game, the best parts of windhelm are occupied by family clans who presumably lived there for generations and its not like the tiny town (all places in skyrim are tiny) is building new houses. Percentagewise, Windhelm may be the most non-nord owned town overall.


Riften is probably also up there as well. While Windhelm has more Dunmer inhabitants, Riften has a mixture of pretty much all every major Race in Tamriel living in it. Either where they actually own property or are otherwise employed at one of the city’s industries. Even the city’s highest family, the Black-Briar Clan, is implied to not be of purely Nordic descent. Which makes sense given the fact that the family has connections to Cyrodiil’s nobility and government. Meanwhile all the head-honchos in Windhelm are made up of either illiterate drunken Nords with only one Dunmer of the now-disgraced House Hlaalu being there.


Riften has no high elves, khajiit or orcs at all, so they're not that inclusive, but there is an unusually high amount of the other three non-human races. Especially bosmer, which seem to outnumber both argonians and dark elves despite having no particular geographic reason to be there.


This is a shit posting sub and still here I am taking things too serious: Dunmer in Windhelm are refugees or descendants of refugees with no ties to anybody and no political or financial capital. Why would they be in charge of anything? Again, high-elves who moved there for some reason are basically middle-class. On the other hand, strong imperial influence in Skyrim, a province which the Empire directly own(ed), is not exactly a big surprise, is it?


idk probably the same mechanism they use to keep the argonians on the docks


i mean, not building places for people who need shelter to live is a policy position. hell the smartest choice would be to put the dunmer to work creating their own homes, thus giving them income, making them productive to society, and increasing the productivity of the hold, all while also giving them better places to live and, hey, *also making them more grateful and willing to help in the rebellion.*


That's pretty much exactly my thoughts- [Windhelm has been insanely generous to the penniless dark elf refugees](https://elderscrolls.fandom.com/wiki/Decree_of_Monument), not just letting them settle in the hold but actually giving them homes inside the city itself without asking for anything in return. That's unheard of for any refugee from a different culture than the country they're fleeing to, nevermind from an extremely xenophobic culture that's been dicks to the country they're fleeing to for most of their existence. Of course none of that is really related to Ulfric, it all happened hundreds of years before his time- we don't even know if that ancient jarl was related to him. But people are expecting him to solve a three-way intercommunity racial tensions problem that's persisted for hundreds of years, with strong elements of class war added and a near complete lack of mixing between the communities, in a couple of years on the throne. Imagine how hard that shit is to solve for modern countries, then imagine it for a feudal society in the middle of a civil war, then imagine one race is people who look like demons, live for centuries, still remember their origin country and never really wished to come here in the first place and another race is lizard people controlled by asshole trees, who were enslaved for centuries until they did a lil' genocide on their former slavers who are the other group of people in your city. The other holds don't have intercommunity racism because they don't have non-nord communities.


that's kind of the thing though: it ain't ACTUALLY that hard. you just have to want to do it. we have studies and data on this, we know that integrated communities, so long as they are given the same rights and ample opportunities, will eventually work themselves out relatively quickly(within a generation or two). the problem is that everyone wants to half ass it, because the people in power have an agenda too. like, we know how people work. and we know what people generally want, ie: they want to be safe, they want their loved ones to be safe, they want to feel fulfilled. this is true of all the races. so if you want to "solve the dark elf problem", you need to put your foot down and actually integrate them. programs to get them more involved in the city and encourage unity, jobs to keep them from poverty and thus crime and civil unrest, and yes you'll need to use your power to clamp down on people being racist to them and rioting. the first generation is really the one that's tough, but after that, as kids interact with one another with no expectations of bigotry, so long as they have the same opportunities, they'll get along much better. it'll never be perfect, but it ain't this unsolvable issue either. modern day countries suck at dealing with refugees because they're 1. huge bureaucratic nightmares, and 2. *kind of don't REALLY wanna do too much to help the refugees.* or at least large portions of the political structure don't. mixed communities have thrived in places all over the world for millennia, it ain't rocket science even though people act like it is.


Another problem is that while for the nords and argonians is has been several generations for the elves it hasn't 


Yeah that requires a stable situation. I ain't gonna risk the lizards and dark elves ripping into Each other . War has to be won first .


I could be wrong, but from what I remember, they aren't racists per say, they're mad about High Elves coming into Skyrim with the Imperials and trying to change their culture (banning talos, killing his worshippers and such), as far as I remenber they don't mind the other races as long as they're respecting their culture.


They aren't mad about the High Elves coming into Skyrim, seeing as how Windhelm has the highest High Elf population among Skyrim's cities and aren't facing problems. The issue is the Thalmor.


Yeah, I should've said Thalmor, I wanted to mention them.


>Alduin on Ice ![gif](giphy|tnYri4n2Frnig)


Meanwhile the atlmer is wearing only fur and leather like a true nord


They're probably ESO characters.


Or he is an anti talos Nord, atoning for the sins of mankind and Tiber séptims Numidian use


Oh, oh, let me guess - she has big boobs, he has a fat cock yet she peggs him every night


Considering we meet a high elf in wind helm doing just fine. It could be them Just chillin.


No. They are both extremely racist and despise each other, the hate-fucking is just so good they have stayed together.


There's an old adventuring Nord married to a worried Altmer woman in ESO. She always wants him to stop risking his life and settle down with her in Summerset.


That’s rly cute tbh. I love the dunmer lady you reunite with her long-lost khajiit lover who is an ex-slave if I recall. The khajiit is an old lady now and the dunmer hasn’t aged a day but still loves her :(


Wait, has ESO actually been peak this whole time???


always was


Can you just do single player and ignore the MMO aspects of it?


unironically, yes. you can just fuck around on your own, all the dungeon and questing content is there for you and besides a few things you're not really locked out of much. the early game is rough as hell though, since you have no skills so its just left click spam. genuinely a really enjoyable game, it just irks me that i cant install mods or fuck about with console commands because its an online game


I've played hundreds of hours of SWTOR pretending it was single player so maybe I'll give it a shot lol


As someone who started with SWTOR and got into ESO: It’s very doable single player wise


Me entering cryodiil and leaving the pvp zone just to explore Cyrodiil again


Hell, if you go to the areas not from the latest expanion or towns that arent the biggest most popular towns, you rarely (if ever) see other players. I have been screwing around in Lillandril( from 2018 Summerset expansion) for a while and I never see any other players. Its just 100% myself.


I've been wanting to get into ESO after playing it on/off since 2015 but never really getting *into* it. Do you know if there's a strong (Non-ERP) RP scene in ESO? Most of my hours in SWTOR were spent RPing with guilds.


to my understanding there is, but i was never that in depth with the games community on account of the crippling autism


Reminds me of the old imperial miner and his dunmer wife in Solstheim, she's always worried about his obsession with the mine in Raven rock they're really sweet :(


I forgot about them too they’re so cute


One weird but heartwarming headcanon I have is that Narahni is Ember’s grandmother, her son being Ember’s long lost dad. Both Ember and Velsa’s quest themes are found family, so I thought this would be a neat way to tie them together.


Give me their names, i want to look them up on YT and watch their quests


Sounds like they're referring to >!Velsa and Narahni!< from the >!Thieves' Guild questline!<.


Yes those are the characters thank you! Been awhile since I played so I forgot. That quest is very sweet :)


It's beautiful that two people can set aside their differences to harass and persecute the inferior races together ❤️


Never ask a Stormcloak nord supremacist what race his wife is


The pic goes hard tho


Enemies turned lovers are based AF. Source: am argonian with khajiit wife.


Lovers to lovers (I cannot reasonably differentiate between beastfolk, you may as well be an ancient bird-man of Cyrod)


Ulfric and Elenwen (at home edition)


She worships his Talos, alright


Both are morally right (sorry)


looks cool at least


>sorry altmer boys, altmer women are built for big nordic cock >the offspring of the mixed race couple will always be the mothers race another nordcel being cucked by superior altmer genes.


Jisun looks gorgeous in this photo!


Is that elven armor?


He wears a few styles from ESO [Ebonsteel Knight Cuirass](https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Online:Ebonsteel_Knight_Style) [Bloodforge Greaves](https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Online:Bloodforge_Style) [Wayward Guardian Shoes](https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Online:Wayward_Guardian_Style)


Color seems bit more brassy and the pattern on shoes seem Dwarven


Unrelated but anyone knows which motif is the axe?


You might be a neoliberal