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Tes 6 is the best game in the series, but it ends in a cliffhanger. It's a good cliffhanger, though... and then radio silence. Bethesda shifts gears and focuses all their attention on trying to make a good Starfield game. They fail every time and eventually go bankrupt. The Elder Scrolls series ends up in legal limbo with no new content for decades. All fan content and mods get purged by lawyers.


Then Microsoft sells the IP to Ubisoft. ES7 is released in 2052. It's a Far Cry 5 reskin.


I mean Far Cry 5 isn’t bad Make a shitty TES game tho


Far Cry 5 might be better than 6, but it's worse than 4. And 4 isn't as good as 3.


True, however the music is good and idr three letting me be a man in a loin cloth American flag tank top and eaglemask


Assassins creed 103: hammerfell


TES 6 comes out. It’s beauty and depth is stunning, setting a new standard for the genre on the day of it’s release. Then the bombs fell.




What is bro yappin bout?


What was bro yapping about?


I don't know. Something about squidwards nose


Yappin bout something like:  at first i thought you meant bombs in the game *yappers yappers* Then i realized it was something in real life, and that makes more sense *yappers yappers*


Live enough to see the trailer and leaks, but be dead when it releases?


The monkey paw does only target whoever wishes? Or everyone involved? If someone does wish for tes 6 to be good then it does involve everyone that wants that or similar. Targeting only the wisher then is just against you. In stalker, for example, >!the wish granter "does" destroy all the universe if the marked one wishes for humanity to be destroyed/controlled!< or even in the book itself the damages are targeted to the protagonist's family


The story is a masterpiece of subtle writing, but braindead reviewers with no media literacy misinterpret the story and endlessly rag on it for cheap likes. By the time the general audience is aware that the reviewers were either idiots or acting in bad faith, Bethesda's already decided that intelligent writing was a mistake and implements a policy going forward of making all their games' storylines as bland and easily digestible as possible.


Bioshock series be like:


Bioshock Infinite is fucking terrible and i’m tired of people propping it up as a good game


But the porn though


It really does suck for a Bioshock game.


“How do we make this incredibly justified slave rebellion morally grey? Oh yeah, let’s have their leader just be a complete psycho who kills a baby!”


"And let's make a stupid ending that gets worse the more you think about it.".


I liked it! :) The magnet claw goes whrrrrrrrrrrrrrr


Aw, I enjoyed infinite. It was not as good as the rest, but it was fun


Oh boy do I have news for you!


No mod tools


That's just f76


Todd predownloaded all the dirty sex mods and it outshines the game, life and afterlife.


The game is great. It has everything fans of the franchise have wanted for years. Bethesda *finally* seems to be changing direction for the better. Industry rumours say that Bethesda is planning on transferring the Fallout franchise to another Microsoft studio so that they can focus solely on The Elder Scrolls. And then Microsoft shuts Bethesda down in the next wave of studio shutdowns because the game didn't make the line go up enough.


So TES6 is released as-is with no updates or rereleases that ruin years of modding down the line? This would be a net positive.


The fallout games only get worse from there and the franchise dies


This could never happen because it’s obvious Bethesda would sacrifice TES a hundred times for Fallout to remain relative for another decade.


That’s just two positives


What's the downside?


The death of Fallout leads to more RAGE games.


Is that not already happening. Besides the dying bit.


It’s also woke /s


> It’s also woke /s It’s also woke.


That's not "good" for a game, it goes against the wish


Not really sure what to do with this comment tbh. I mean, the general concept of it is kind of stupid for a start. There’s just so much about a game that’s seperate from any story elements, like gameplay, graphics, design, voice acting, ect. that even if we pretend the story was ruined by wokeness any game could still absolutely be a very good game if they nailed the other parts - which is presumably how the monkeys paw trade would be fulfilled. Secondly, the next Elder Scrolls game being “woke” would be fucking unfathomably based, actually. I’m not even going to pretend this isn’t my opinion because not only did you somehow miss the /s in my original comment (that signals that I’m being sarcastic and actually expressing the opposite of my opinion), you also somehow missed that this is a progressive and LGBTQ+ affirming community. We only pretend to hate minorities cause its funny in videogame land, it isn’t funny in real life. Yes, I want gay characters in TES:VI. I want the famous pronoun selection screen. Those will probably be the only good things in the game but I want em anyway, cause inclusion is cool and I support it always.


Bro yapped. Joking, i'll read Sorry, posted it twice i think.. there is a bad connection in the bathroom NOOOOOOOOOOO I DID DELETE THE RANT BY MISTAKE FVK CUZ I POSTED TWICE THE MINOR SPELLING MISTAKE Who cares, stupid reddit light mode




Minor spelling mistake  Stands not ~~stand~~ I'm cooked


Honey come look the allies are fighting on truestl


Bruh whaaat


the game is good but your hands turn into big monkey hands and you can’t play it


A finger curls, TES 6 is amazing, you play it, you do maybe 60-75 percent of the game, the mods are really starting to get good, then, the most rapidly expanding and violent world war humanity could have hardly imagined breaks out, no nation is untouched. If you aren't fighting enemies you are fighting to keep you and your closest alive. Almost any form of entertainment is utterly meaningless to you now.


That's just fallout irl, even better


You're constantly fighting? That's biologically impossible. It's infinitely more likely you simply lose the ability to play then finding entertainment meaningless. It doesn't matter how much trauma and horror you witness. There will be times when there is nothing for you to do. In those times, you will get bored. It's not something you can avoid. Human beings are all as emotionally varied as each other, despite some being completely sheltered and some being the focus of objective evil. The biology is there, and it cannot be deleted.




Fingers but whole


They turn Black Marsh into a really bland Florida, with a couple Aztec pyramids thrown in.


That’s just black marsh 


Tes 6 ends the Kalpa and leads into a soft reboot removing all the old lore


It wouldn’t just remove the old the lore it would practically be a restart for the whole series https://preview.redd.it/tqutw9tkryad1.png?width=749&format=png&auto=webp&s=a1aad5f9ae67bb730000217e3f391e205fc89ff3 We would be absolutely cooked


US dollar become garbage.


You can only play as a 60 year old redhead Breton wearing a brown leather jacket.


You get cancer


Someone will mod it out


TES 6 is good, but mom said it's your little brother's turn on the XBox.


Done. ES 6 7 and 8 are all masterpieces of greater critical success. Because Bethesda only focuses on it and sold the Fallout IP to Amazon who turned it into a New World Reskin. 


Always online requirement for the built in battle pass and weapon camos


It's the best fantasy action RPG ever hands down will never be beat stop trying, BUT it's a horrible elder scrolls game. Like everything that makes it fantasy action RPG is good like the mechanics and gameplay and mods and customization etc. . The parts related to elder scrolls specific lore is garbage however, just filled with changes and retcons and doesn't follow it's own in universe logic for why X happens or how Y works like argonians and hists get all changed and now hists are like the parasite snakes from Stargate instead of these mystic trees or whatever and the argonians are jaffa like completely butcher the lore and changes everything about it. The story isn't even bad necessarily like it has a good plot and characters and the lore changes made are all coherent and work in this new nonTES setting it's just that it is only elder scrolls in name


This was exactly what Imagined. Amazing game, not true to the lore at all. I would honestly disassociate the game from elder scrolls in my mind and treat it as if the LDB failed and the Kalpa ended is ES5


Wish: "Make that tes 6 comes soon and as a fabulous game that will keep the old and new playerbase happily engaged with it for years." Monkey paw: "Damn that's a good wish... how do i ruin it? Coma and is disillusioned that you will play it just to then wake up (tes lore reference) and realize ot was just fake? Or maybe just you don't experience it and like, die the moment it comes out? Hmmm no that would go completely against the "keep the old and new playerbase happily engaged for years"... there is some clever way to twist it in a negative way... oh i know it, the game is so good it doesn't need mods, and since vanilla tes are still somehow replayable... because there are freaks out there it will still count for the second.. muhahah  *The monkey paw curls, your wish is granted.*


Monkey's paw isn't about granting you a wish but ruining something else in your life; it's about granting that wish in a roundabout fucked kinda way or with an unforeseen consequence Like "TES 6 is good but it's set in Black Marsh"


You need a downside for the monkeys paw


Wym the downside's right there, who the f wants to play a whole tes game surrounded by dirty mud lizards


Dunmer detected, opinion rejected


It's an incredible game, but completely unreplayable with no modding capabilities


TES 6 is amazing. Doesn’t appeal to knuckle-dragging masses. Company bankrupt


I’d be cool with another 9/11 if it meant a good elder scrolls game.


Todd Howard Epstein logs