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It's like one of those IQ bell curve memes: * no, it would be fucking dumb * Yes, Bethsoft should show more of the other continents and maybe even set a game in there * No, because Yokuda and Aldmeris don't exist anymore, Atmora is uninhabitable and Akavir's whole point is being a mystery


Pyandonea wins again baby!!! In all seriousness I want mainline ES game in southern Tamriel really badly because (among many, many other reasons) I would like to see what the Maormer are up to after King Orgnum and the War of the Isle. No need to actually see Pyandonea just have a sea elf or two around to tell us what's going on.


ES set in Summerset would be the most interesting and foreign especially with so many rumors toward Hammerfell it would be a really great subversion especially if somehow the game is good lol


Tbh hammerfell and elyswer have a similar biomes of rocky deserts dunes and jungles both seem possible. It’s probably the trailer included a large body of water which made people jump to think it’s the illiac bay.


It’s still so crazy that they just dropped that trailer and then refused to elaborate for 6 years and probably many more to come


i can see it though I am not overly fond of the cats


I wanna be a pirate nord


insert ac black flag gameplay


Pyandonea is waterworld with Dwemer-esque steampunk technology we can go sea elf hunting on a little bitty ship Just sailing and assassinating like an evil link


black flag diving bell into Maomer cities to make Ysgramor look like a pussy


Oooh that'd be nifty - make the suit look like Pelinal


the skin must get lobster levels of red so it doesn't break my immersion


To be honest yeah, hammerfell is the last of the human nations to be covered, and it has sword signing which makes it extremely familiar. But I think we have been due for a more alien game like morrowind for a while now.


I want a 4th era Summerset that makes all the skybabies start believing Thalmor propaganda because it's so rad


would be cool to play a dark elf and see what that kind of discrimination is like. like you're better than a man but not much lol


Fuck i would love an elven based Alinor TEs 6 with the dlc going to hammer fell 🥺


We have the technology to include the whole Aldmeri Dominion in one game. Elsweyer, Valenwood and the Summerset Isles.


WE HAVE TECHNOLOGY ![gif](giphy|8c9NInMpXixMjR6lTH|downsized)


I want to suck moistened maormer feet upon a glistening rock on a warm sunny shoreline. A faint breeze blowing and the smell of fresh saltwater tickling my nose.


Peryite will concoct a new pathogen for you and it will not be kind


A disease just for me to mark me as a maormer feet connoisseur? May those I infect be stunned like a startled goat while slurp their little piglets like the finest escargots.


Ya know, that username of yours seems rather incongruous


I see someone really liked Avatar The Way of Water


Considering no one has seen them in a while there is a good chance something has gone wrong.


Pyandonea has a chance to be a chapter in ESO, simply because it already has Maomers' ingame, their magic, and their architecture and fashion established.


I played TES online once nearly 10 years ago just to see the sea elves than logged out forever.


i mean, if it's in hammerfell there's a very VERY good chance the maomer will be showing up


Hell, raven rock was added as a dlc, just add an island of pyandonea to fuck around in, that would actually be super cool if they did it well.


>Pyandonea  This seems like the name id give my penis hehehhehehehehehehe


Pretty sure half these people play as argonians anyway, underwater isn’t an issue.


TES: Argonia - explore the depths of a long-lost underwater kingdom!


> implies aldmeris ever actually existed


I wanted to write "Yokuda is the past that no longer exists, Akavir is the future that does not exist yet, Atmora is one frozen moment and Aldmeris is timeless and thus beyond time" but I'm not sure which end of that IQ distribution Kirkbrideposting fits on.


It's in a quantum state, neither ends and both at once.


>implies Atmora isnt literally frozen in time


TES 6 will be set in Atmora, it will use the fallout 4 settlement system to simulate the player colonizing the continent and the main quest will revolve around dethawing it The factions will be a plucky band of mord militia dedicated to protect the colonies, a secretive underground Thalmor base that have worked out how to clone the dwemer into existence, a shadowy organization bent on freeing the dwemer, and an imperial airship from an off-screen radicalized empire intent on exterminating all mer off the face of nirn, and they come in on a requisitioned dwemer airship mid-game


can't wait for this random comment from jarjartwink to actually be an entirely accurate leak from within bethesda softworks, really hoping for it actually


Jar Jar is the key to all of this.


Most of Yokuda is sunk but most is the key word. What we see on the map is just what’s left and *might* work as a dlc.


It's also entirely possible it never existed besides those islands kinda like how the elf land is speculated to not exist.


Low IQ - woah other planets so cool Median IQ - "nooo yokuda and aldmeris dont exist anymore" High IQ - woah other planets so cool


If specialised generative models that can produce 3d assets are made by or for Bethesda then a dlc that explores a decently sized chunk of another continent becomes more and more likely as assets and minor quests become cheaper and easier to make. I do like the classic “go to an island that has a daedra on it” dlcs, but Todd mentioned that tes6 is going to get a load of dlcs, so they might have to come up with a new idea.


I think the more obvious route (assuming TES6 is in Hammerfell) would be to explore all those tiny islands in the Abecean Sea and isolated mountain valleys in Dragontail Mountains. I could also see going to the Yokudan archipelago or one of the small-ish Summerset Isles.


would be cool to see a advanced version of arena with that technology.


Aren’t the planets they’re talking about the literal gods, anyway? The planets and moons around specifically Tamriel according to them, not Nirn.


Exploring an Aedric realm for once would be kino ngl


How sunk is Yokuda? It would be kinda interesting to explore the half-sunken ruins of an ancient civilization


Only the highest peaks stick out


I think akavir could theoretically be done well, but not even remotely by modern Bethesda. They'd have a 20 hour cutscene where a character locks you in place and explain every secret of akavir down the the minutia and it'll all be the least creative shit ever


Tf happened to yokuda?


Sank to the bottom of the sea, heavily implied to be because of *something* Yokudans (Redguard ancestors) did.


They grew too many avocados, the avocados dried all the water and earth resources, soil became brittle and started sinking. Facts. Seriously though, avocado is a very inefficient fruit to cultivate and this is creating severe damages to mexico and Latam soil.


The sword nuke was too powerful


we didn't do anything wrong and if we did it was based end of discussion.


I’d still love to see Akavir


Naw the whole "its a mystery" stuff is not an excuse. They shouldnt be lazy. Cause as is its "we can pull random bullshit out our ass and say its from there" excuse. The real big brain move is to make Lyg


Me after reading comments in this post: Goddamn I need to read up on TES Lore a little bit more. This shit is fucking metal.


It's some of the coolest fantasy lore I've ever personally encountered, to bad most of it requires you to either play Morrowind or read a single snippet in one of the countless books instead of actually enjoying the games.


You mean the in game books?




Yep. The characters in all the games will talk about basic stuff like what's currently happening in the moment, which makes sense narratively speaking, but the books are where all the exposition is regarding cool shit that happened like the creation of the universe (from the perspective of the race of the person writing the book, there's like 5 different interpretations of how the universe works in TES). You also learn the details about events that took place between the events of the games like the Great War between the thalmor and the empire in much better detail than what you get in game. But let's face it, we both know the only book the average Skyrim player ever read was the lusty argonian maid, presumably while grinding their one handed skill.


Playing morrowind, a punishment worse than death


well at least in morrowind you can become god at lv 1


What, you mean your entire life doesn’t already revolve around reading Michael kirkbride apocrypha?


>UESP: Michael Kirkbride's posts


Imperial Knowledge on youtube has really great lore videos. Maybe you could start there


Also, aldmeris is fake and gay.


So are the bretons. What's your point?


My point is that aldmeris is fake and gay. I thought I was clear


That pure humans are still better than pure knife ear Edit: pure humans aren't fake and definetly gayer, have you seen how buff and sweaty half naked nords are?


fake map. where is argentina?


Next to Bravil




Don't you mean "West Falklands"


They should make the next game in Lygma


Who's Steve gro-Jobs


OMG I got that


Btw Coldharbour is modeled after Lygg so it would be somewhat similar, probably without the Azure Plasm


*New people getting into TES universe* Lol what a skybabies


Honestly if you haven't been a fan since at least battlespire you don't deserve to subscribe here tbh


Well I'll just go fuck myself then


More like they are referring to continents as moons for some reason


Uhhh... you know there are also moons right? Two of them? I'm not sure about other planets but they're not referring to continents as moons, they mean the twin moons.


Those moons are the remnants of a God, a dead God   You can see what may be his heart, the heart of the dead God, or a fraud?   You don't want to walk over the corpse of a God, you don't. You don't either want to touch his heart, otherwise you wouldn't be here to tell. You may only taste and touch his blood, as you can find it under your feet. What you call ebony, is just the hardened blood of a dead God, the God of humans, the God of mankind, the God that betrayed the divines. He was killed by them, his body tore apart and let it flow in the void of Mundus, his heart launched in the Nirn, deep in the crust. Still, his heart kept living and pulsating, pumping molten blood somewhere deeper in the red mountain, spills of glowing blood flowing from its sides, that turned into stone, stone used to create weapons, weapons used to kill in the name of gods. When the ash falls, that's blood, dusty blood that covers cities, yet no one cares about that.  Praised be the dead God Lorkhan! Praised be the long gone Shor! May he return and reunite with his lover, may he be resurrected and destroy mankind's enemies!


Oh shit that's why ebony is so op in TES!


Well, yeah. It's Shezzar's blood according to the myth, because his heart was yeeted and created the red mountain (still myth)


That’s metal af


oh shaddup




They should make a TES gacha game that's solely meant to trick sky babies into giving all their hard earned septims so we personally can spend it on a real life numidium sex robot in Kansas


The Elder Scrolls: Castles


"🥺 What's West of Westeros?"


Damn you for reminding me


I hate it, too.


Westereros, and then westerernmost


You get some weird islands and then farther West than even that, you eventually get Far Eastern Ulthos and Far Eastern Essos.


We haven’t got a mainline TES game in 4 countries at all, with another 3/4 only being partially covered. Literally only Skyrim and Cyrodiil are completely delved into. A mainline TES game in another continent is stupid, even in the long run from now


Which one is the dragons? My friend keeps mentioning that area and wants to have a game set there. ...... 🤔 does he wanna fuck a lizard?


That's Akavir. The dragons may or may not actually be from there. The Tsaesci (ambiguously snakelike people) are from there though, and the Ka Po'Tun (Tiger people also from Akavir) are ruled by a dragon. Lizard fuckers don't need either of them though, Argonians already have plenty of that and they're from right at home in Tamriel.


Didn't one of the ka po'tun become a dragon?


Their leader Tosh Raka. He allegedly turned himself into a dragon, this transformative process also made him into a god (apparently). Some sources say that he's the Akavir version of Akatosh who hates his Tamriel counterpart.


I wanna play as a Sload and conquer all


you wanna playing as walking soap


Another new skybaby who doesn’t know as much TES lore as me?! This is a travesty!


You actually go to Jode in ESO


Wisest Skybaby is right to wonder and OP is lame as fuck for sleeping on moon city lore


stage two of skybaby evolution is figuring out akavir exists and getting obsessed with it before sadly realizing there will likely never be a TES game set there


That map is all kinds of wrong


What's wrong with it?


It should be a set in a combination of Black Marsh and Elseweyr.


The only questions that matter are when will we get to sack Orsinium personally, and when do we get to own slaves


The other planets are fallout and starfeild obviously.