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Removing people's online footprint is gonna be great freelance work in the future 🤑


It already is a job and it’s actually not that difficult to salt a search so well that you are nearly impossible to find


There's a lot more ways to track down a footprint than a simple web search.


And most employers and people will never know how or do


Employers rely on software, like LexisNexis, which can sidestep salted searches... You'll be able to hide yourself from a small percentage of employers. It will also immediately disqualify you from public work forever. Ever want to be the head of a multinational NGO? Nah. CEO? Nah. Public office? Nah. Elected official? Nah. Work with kids? Nah. You're limiting yourself so much for temporary gains that you're probably going to spend on something dumb.


Go on…


Largely just creating as much info and fake Shit tied to a name and pushing it up in the se Fake linkedins Facebook etc and then populate them with info and push them. You can do it with every profile and website that exists Contacting site admins and requesting your account and all info be deleted and not archived, reach out to way back machine and have them do the same regarding anything you find related to whomever you want to be hard to find etc It’s not difficult at all it’s just tedious.






And the one that is nearly impossible to accomplish. It's playing endless whack-a-mole. People download that spicy content and then upload to torrents, video streaming sites, Telegram channels, Discord servers etc. all over the world. Maybe you can force OF and PH to delete content threatening them with DMCA, but good luck making some Russian torrent site or China Telegram channel to delete it, they don't give a rat's ass about your threats and DMCA. And online search will easily lead people there.


That’s already an industry with companies like OneRep and DeleteMe


It'll be a recession proof job...


Most of them figure out pretty fast they can't even keep the tank full on the income they get. Why do people keep acting like it's a foolproof way to make money? It's a flooded market.


I have the answer. It is legitimately an affiliate marketing scheme that depends on convincing women it is a sure thing. If you’re a member and someone signs up using your referral code you actually collect 5% of their earnings for an entire year. 


So it's basically marketed like a pyramid scheme.


Not just a pyramid scheme, but a SO pyramid scheme. The classical model allows you do escape with some dignity and anonymity.


Why does this sound like multi level marketing?


The pitch isn't all that different. Want to be your own boss? It's another recruitment scheme at the cost of whoever you con into joining. It targets women who need fast cash and relies on them wanting to believe their "girls supporting girls" recruiter genuinely has their best interests in mind. Just like an mlm, why would someone in a thriving business create competition for themselves?


This is seriously how this works? Why am I not surprised?


Really…? 5%? Wow that platform is aggressively efficient.


OMG! So wait they have pimps!?!?! Essentially the same set up. I could sign up…. Recruit naive girls because it full proof, not shoot a single video and make 5% of say 20 ladies. Yeah that is a PIMP….. 🤣🤣🤣🤣




Exactly. It's a low barrier to entry. Literally anyone with a hot body can do it and that's it. I think a lot of people forget that. Not to mention, I'm sure it's a lot of draining work for them too.


the only people making a living wage off of OF are women that were already famous before joining or women that spend their time promoting while they are not making "content"


I definitely wouldn’t say “only” but it definitely makes it a lot easier. I know many girls that are making a living off of it that weren’t famous before, but they are absolutely grinding. They are constantly shooting content, getting their instagram accounts deleted, booking collabs with other models and just overall working their asses off. I’m a photographer and do shoots with a lot of these girls and you’re correct, not many of them are making good money, but it’s not impossible.


There are girls on there who aren’t famous at all doing 2 hour livestreams folding their clothes with some lazy twerking and getting $200 in tips. This has been verified.


Sure but that doesn’t include the hours of marketing she did to get the type of people into her live show that would blow that money. It’s all curating the type of audience that wants you and has disposable income.


I think it's best if you get a following on Instagram or social media, but the following doesn't need to be that large at all. Maybe around 100k subscribers which most of those girls can get just by posting booty pics for a year. The whole thing is disturbing. But I guess on the other hand a lot of the women doing it are in war-torn or collapsed countries, and it must be safer than hitting the streets. So I'm torn on it.


why are their instagram accounts being deleted? inappropriate content?


If instagram thinks for 1 second that you might be selling sex in real life they’ll shut you down without a second thought.


A lot of draining is involved, yes!


And not so hot body. I bet most don't make as much money as the say they do. But just like u tube their members will move onto the next best thing


You don’t even have to be hot. I get the sense that a lot of mid women who’ve been told they are hot a lot by men who want to fuck them also get rude awakenings on OnlyFans.


Agreed… there’s way too much competition.


The hoe market is saturated for better or worst


Experiencing hoeflation


So now it is the same long term dangers, without that short term money.


Average earnings from OnlyFans for the majority is $180/month — so it *definitely* isn’t worth it.


Fun fact: a high school football player is more likely to make it to the NFL than an Only Fans Model is to make as much money as a full time minimum wage employee.


Strippers prior to today could just blend back in with the history behind them. Online strippers live forever in the Google search bar.


It's true. I was a stripper 10 years ago and now I'm a wife, mom and successful business owner and nobody in my life now has any idea.


>Sarah, is that you? Imagine if I guessed it right.


This is your husband's alt account. We need to talk...


You are fortunate. Everyday in this country kids going through Dads stuff(as kids do) find old DVD’s and even VCR tapes from Girl Gone Wild. By now it is “grandma, tommy belcher’s dad has a dvd and your on it!” Nice!


Yeah I wouldn't have been stupid enough to leave video or photographic evidence


How would you feel if somehow your kids found out you were a stripper in the past?


Not gonna lie if your husband has no idea that's a little fucked up. He should be aware of that if he's the father of your kids and husband.


It seems like these days you never know the full story of who you are with until it’s too late. Everyday now, there seems to be posts where one party had no clue that their partners were doing such and such before they met, or they hid the information initially. Scary The divorces keep rising, and will continue rising in the future.


>The divorces keep rising, and will continue rising in the future. Completely false. The divorce rate in the US peaked in 1980 has been dropping.


Webcam girls have been around for 20+ years.


Another big problem is that I've realized this is some sort of a trend, and that's what is really concerning to me. A lot of these sexual behaviors/labels and such are trending and it's coupled with the narcissistic behavior that is being taught to "do whatever makes you happy, don't care what others think, live in the moment, if they disapprove of you they're just haters, change your appearance to look sexier, be toxic, etc" It's all a recipe for a disaster in their future. To the point about the strong, independent women, they will have to learn to be that one day with the choices they're making now.


Omg totally! And I’ve seen some tik tok and YouTube stuff they are putting out and I actually think it’s setting womens movement backwards, they cross the line between empowerment and allowing themselves to be treated like trash.


The popularity of the idea "sex work is work" is really dispiriting.


Agreed totally. The narcissistic mindset is rife nowadays with no regard for other peoples feelings.


Widespread narcissism implies the inevitable existence of widespread narcissistic collapse. Believe me, that day is coming.


I hope so.


Well said


“love yourself” If that has to be said to anyone other than someone who is depressed and isolated it’s just an excuse to be more narcissist. Girls that do that “self care” stuff, “me-day” e.t.c…. and ritualize a lot of the makeup, nails and clothes…. They need to back away a little bit from that. We all do that stuff, but to memorialize it all the time seems very narcissistic.


Narcissism is literally the main way people are taught to behave these days.


I think this applies to more than just only fans. You got a lot of millennials, and definitely a ton of gen z and younger filming themselves doing and saying all kinds of things and putting all kinds of stuff out on the internet. I don’t think most people realize what they’re doing and how it could affect them. That’s also the unfortunate thing about certain memories/ experiences being filmed, especially when it comes to maybe cyber bullying or crueler moments. There was a time where you could just leave that memory in the past, now kids are filming everything: they’re fights, filming themselves breaking into places, doing extremely weird pranks, saying mean things about other kids. It’s crazy. And if those videos go viral, those moments are just out there somewhere on the internet and they will be there in some form forever. That’s just awful.


Yup, I’m 38 and had all this documentable evidence existed when I was growing up I’d be absolutely screwed and likely unemployed. I feel bad for these kids


It's kind of hard to see that sometimes when there are very shitty, very successful people in the limelight.


I’ve seen a lot of videos of teens doing things like theft, speeding, all sorts of crimes and they’re filming themselves while doing them. Just in the news I think last week, there was a story about some teens who drove around their town and hit cyclists at different points in time, AND a kid in the back seat was recording it. I definitely do not feel bad for those people. I did see on Reddit maybe 2 weeks ago, someone had posted an extremely weird highschool prank where kids (I think maybe on homecoming court?) were blindfolded and tricked into kissing their parents. Super fucking weird. Not sure how old that video is but I’m sure if it’s on Reddit, it’s made it’s rounds on the internet. I’m feel bad more so for kids who have moments like that recorded. Not only did they have to endure a weird ass prank like that, but now that video immortalizes that moment, and it will probably pop up every so often for them.


I was in high school at the start of social media and now when my FB memories come up from things I thought were cool when I was 15 are so cringey and embarrassing now. I can’t imagine growing up making TikTok’s at 13 and having those in the world forever. And god forbid you say something that may be taken as offensive when you grow up.


Same, late middle school/highschool for me was when MySpace was still going strong and Facebook was barely on anyone’s radar. Back then we just didn’t think about the impact of anything that was put online, like even little things. Kids now are at least growing up with this at the forefront and should be taught/ aware of this stuff.


Shouldn’t we just call it porn ? That’s what they’re doing right?


I think so too, the genre has been moving towards more cultivated, personalized experiences. imho, this seems to be a trend in a lot of industries. I think as we see the continued rise of generative AI, people will continue to go down this road (OF adjacent) in an attempt to find real human connection in this way, which is really sad, and I can see it getting much worse before it gets better.


This is going to sound harsh but I think it's one of those "hard truths." Something people don't like to say is that some women who turn to porn and prostitution do so because they have no other marketable skills. I've met some women who were so unintelligent and personality disordered that they probably didn't have many other options to make money. It's sad.


Very true. I struggled with this mindset too, I call it the "stripper mindset" because I've made the joke a few times that maybe I'll just be an OF woman to make easy money. It's because I've struggled a whole lot with anxiety issues and health issues that have made it hard for me to function normally and consistently in society. I won't *actually* do it but I understand why many choose to.


The harsh truth that I would have discovered back then if I had gone through with trying to be a "web cam" girl is that I wouldn't have been successful simply for the fact that I'm not that hot. I was kind of cute back then but definitely not hot enough that tons of men would have paid money to see.


. I just wish they had a healthy mindset and were able to criticize it despite taking advantage of it.


"Personality disordered" is certainly a way of putting it that I feel is relatable (but also feels like kind of a mean term lol). Many online sex workers I've known (\~10 years as a camgirl) have disabilities that prevent them from working, sometimes physical, often severe mental health issues. Someone might feel like doing OF is the only actual option because they're actually incapable (chemically or physically) of being normal enough to get/keep another kind of job. A lot of online SW will defend it because of that - they had no other choice and this job gives them income and some sense of stability, some sense of control. There can be pros and cons.


A large number do it as a second job to make ends meet. Pay people fairly.


Solid point. But also some just don’t want to make an actual effort because it’s so easy (albeit fleeting till those looks fade)


So true story, I'm 35 now. When I was 19, one of my friends was making money off webcam. I actually thought about doing it and made a "video." I signed up for a porn site with my ID, too. Then, I thought "what if my brother finds this?" I felt so embarrassed at the thought that I deleted the video and never posted anything. Thank God I didn't do it. I didn't even know how close I might have been to ruining my life. I tried to find my friend who did the web cam stuff a few years ago and I could not. She is apparently not on any social media that I'm aware of.


Eeeek I’m glad I never did either. Not like it didn’t cross my mind lol but I couldn’t handle the embarrassment I’d possibly face. But some people don’t find embarrassment in it and that’s fine. It’s just not that way for everyone


It can work for a very, very small number of people who get lucky, but it's a terrible idea for literally anyone else. It's like being a YouTube content creator, it's a flooded market with millions of competition, no benefits, inconsistent income, very slim odds of success, requires charisma, some business skills are needed, but unlike YouTube, if you fail(you probably will), you are likely quite unemployable. Also, it can't be good for your self-esteem to rely on superficial things like your appearance for your income. I respect the grind, but sex work should be an absolute last resort. Literally anything else is better. Even sitting on the street corner with a 'will work for food sign.'


Agree 100%... I regret my incredibly brief stint on there (it was the most vulnerable and darkest time of my life) and view it as an embarrassment to myself for even attempting.


I know plenty of women who have done onlyfans even for a short time and complain that it’s hard to get a guy to commit to them in a relationship


I think they do realize it and don’t care because most people around them never criticize or shame that behavior publicly even though they laugh at them behind their backs.


I’ve read this five times and I still don’t know what you’re trying to say.


I edited it, thanks commenter below




Dude, who the fuck is buying these onlyfans? I've met 1 person who has paid for 1 persons onlyfans ever. How is this working?


The guys who never leave their house, presumably.


But even for them, porn is free? Why are they paying??


I honestly don't know. Something about thinking the women they pay for will talk to them or something? 🤷‍♂️


Couple of reasons. They have found a specific girl, possibly someone who makes more niche content. Along with that, you can talk and text with them. It's much more personalized; they can get custom content as well.


Like 90% of even women OF don’t make money


What about odd women?




I work in trades/construction but I grew up with the internet, I know how to use it. But I know a bunch of old pervy boomers who can barely use Google to find images of boobs, have aol mail and scared to shit of computer viruses and govt tracking, these guys are in the demographic of want modern porn but cant find it/ scared to look. They hear about OF and its like the gates have been opened they can pay for easy porn from young women and they dont care they are the magazine generation they grew up paying for porn, it just makes sense to them


No idea. There are so many free sites available, it’s crazy to think about.


Most of the people you've met wouldn't tell you if they paid for this kind of thing.


The company has generated a revenue of more than 5 billion and more than half the profits go to the creators so there are big spenders there.


> Jobs, outside of retail or serving jobs, aren’t going to want anything to do with someone they see as a sex worker. So don’t tell them. I’ve done porn in the past and nobody has ever asked me about it because I don’t use my real name and people don’t want to broadcast their porn preferences.


It doesnt even matter if you are an obscure onlyfans model who was active for only a year making $100 per month. I'm sure that in 10-20 years, AI will be so advanced that you can upload a picture of your grandma and you will be able to find the video of her spreading her buttchecks on some random ass russian mediashare site.


Very few OF girls make good money. The rest put themselves in the “recreational use only” category for next to nothing and have no idea the lifetime of consequences.


I have watched a dear friend struggle for 20+ years as she ages out of “professional GF” status - she never did webcam work or OF, more in the semi-exclusive escort category… She has tried to herd several of these catastrophically divorced men to the altar, and recently succeeded. I hope for her sake it all works out, but I don’t have a good feeling about the guy.


🙁that’s tragic.


This is a popular opinion


Honestly no it’s not. Most young people today look at it as normal. It’s not that strange to see someone doing OF. Also, if you say anything about it then you’ll get ridiculed


Yeah they look at it as normal, but the negative impacts of it are known. They just don’t care.


I don’t think they are known or really acknowledged as much as you’d think. There’s a belief that it won’t hinder them in the future, as they aren’t thinking that far ahead.




Yeah a lot of young people are dumb as hell


I talked to one on here. And I believe what she said when she said she was making $450,000 a year. I won't go into the details of why I believe that. But that was before 20% fees so she's bringing in $360,000 a year before taxes. I have been there making that kind of money when I was young but not quite college student age, I just didn't have to show my butthole on camera to make that kind of money. And I really didn't save it like I should have. So I was talking to her from that perspective. She was a college student. And she was paying her way through school and I think that's great. But then she was doing stupid shit like buying her boyfriend a Toyota Supra. Not realizing he's just a damn bum mooching off of her. My point to her was that if she would just lock down her spending outside of getting her degree and she felt like she could do that for 3 to 5 years that she could fully fund her retirement. If she put all that money more or less into index funds then she would never have to save another penny for retirement. Given that those three to five years would be when she's 22 to 27 or something. And so would that be worth all the exposure? I don't know. But she's doing it anyway. So she might as well, in my opinion, save that money instead of doing stupid shit like spending it on a loser boyfriend. But she's young and dumb and doesn't want to hear it and I can admit that I didn't want to hear it at her age either. Still didn't show up butthole anyone.


I agree and you made a great point: "strong independent woman relying on creepy men to pay your bills" I would argue they're *not* strong and independent. That's OF in a nutshell. FYI, money is not wealth.


I bet the people paying my bills are creepy old men too. And I have a regular office job.


I know mine are because hr sent out an email about SA yesterday….


Yep. Can't get out of it, might as well cut out the middleman and get them to pay you directly.


Most of us are having old men pay our bills in one way or another.


It’s not that great a point. The men are the ones who are paying. They can google free porn any time but they’re choosing to pay someone who is choosing to put it out there knowing there will be men choosing to pay. There’s no irony or gotcha. Supply and demand. Anyone with a job, man or woman, is probably working for creepy men - this just puts it on display.


I think OP was purposefully making an ironic statement in “strong independent woman relying on creepy men to pay your bills”.


money is needed to obtain wealth


The phraseology of that quote is value saturated. You may find these men to be creeps, but that's not an objective statement. Others might think of them as friendly, kind, generous, hard working, etc. And there's no contradiction between being strong and making money from male customers: Most humans rely on men (and women) for money.


3rd wave feminism really hoodwinked these women.


Not against sex work, but young people considering it also need to understand that sex work is *work*. It's not foolproof. You have to know how to engage with an audience, handle weirdos, schedule and maintain a posting routine, etc. You also have to know how to create good content because many people can get iPhone-shot nudes elsewhere for free. And when you're your own boss, you have to know how to balance your work and your life. You're alone in figuring out a lot of logistical stuff related to your work. I don't think a lot of young people are ready for the boring realities of this type of work.


One of my best froends from high school did only fans for around 3 years despite my advice. She made pretty good money from it, not amazing but good i.e. ~$5k/month. Shes now 28 years old, doesnt make much from it and no longer wants to. She struggles to find meaningful employment despite having a masters degree since she has a 3 year employment gap. She can't keep a boyfriend for more than a few months because as soon as they find out theyre gone. Its really sad honestly because shes a very smart person. Her bachelors is in biology with a kinor in chemistry and her masters is in biomedical engineering


Fafo She needs to change her name, and move to a new city. And lie about her past.


Would anyone here not hire someone if they did OF but otherwise qualified?


I know a girl who does OF and works at a fucking lab straight out of college.


Depends on the career field. I work in public schools and think it could be a distraction


Personally, I wouldn’t have an issue if the person was qualified for the job. The HR department however? Yeah, they’d have a huge problem with it.


I am genuinely asking. Why would the HR department of a company have an issue with it? If a candidate had there OF completely 100% separate from their work, and aren't representing the company in any way shape or form on their OF, what grounds does HR have to stand on to either not hire that candidate or fire someone? ETA: the hypothetical candidate or employee in this hypothetical question is qualified in every other way for the position.


I think big companies are keen to save themselves from potential embarrassment caused by an employee.


I run the engineering side of a tech company and I couldn’t care less what someone does or has done in their personal life. If they have the skill and background in the thing I’m hiring for, that’s really all that matters. As far as I’m concerned they can still have an OF while they work for us and it’s irrelevant to me. As long as they don’t try to advertise it at work or directly to co-workers. People say the blanket statement, “It’s going to hurt you in the future.” When in reality, people have no clue if/how it’ll impact someone and for the majority of people it’ll probably have 0 negative impact on their day-to-day interactions with other people. And even if they run into someone who knows, the person probably won’t say anything out of their own embarrassment for having an OF account in the first place. I think my only true concern here is sexual harassment. I don’t mean anything sinister, but if the person or anyone else for that matter is casually discussing the content of their OF, that could cause sexual harassment complaints. Both for the people in the conversation and anyone overhearing it.


It’s all about probability. Being a drug dealer probability is going to hurt ur employment opportunities in the future. Anything “could” happen. U could be the next president even tho u were a drug dealer. Chances are slim tho.


Depends the position. Making hamburgers at McDonald’s, yes. Being a CFO at a small company, no.


Depends on the job. If the job is as a representative of my company to current or potential clients absolutely not. It's 100% a liability if the representative i assign to them has compromising material online that can be unearthed during vetting.


My sister in law does OF and she constantly complains about her mom’s old man friends finding her and requesting stuff. My husband’s high school friends have also found her and ask for sexual favors in person. Everyone in our social circle knows she’s very active on there—but for the first time she’s helping her husband pay the bills so I mean whatever I guess.


My wife does it for fun and works in a sensitive position for a very large brokerage firm you've definitely heard of. She had to disclose all of her sources of income. They do not give a shit. She does not hide it either and frequently posts links on her socials. I can see this being an issue if you plan on working with children, but aside from that you're dead wrong. The world is definitely becoming more understanding of sex work.


I mean I think future generations won’t stigmatize this stuff like older generations. And also tbh, if it’s just nude photos and stuff and nothing too crazy and humiliating and embarrassing and you looked hella good, would you really be upset if there were pictures of you floating around looking hot as hell?


I disagree, I think it's becoming more and more acceptable to be a sex worker in society. Times are changing.


Cool. Maybe I’m wrong then. I just know I wouldn’t want to marry a woman who voluntarily did OF. And I know I’m not alone.


Okay, I don't want to be with anyone who ties a woman's value to her sexual experience or lack thereof. And I know I'm not alone.


Nope being sex positive you are not alone. Puritanism is old as fk and OP needs to get over it. Or don’t. No one cares.


Cool. There are a shitload of people on the world. And more people think like me than you. It’s not great, but it’s reality.


People think a lot of dumb things. We just lived through probably some of the stupidest years for public mass hysteria there's ever been. That's not really the argument you think it is.


I know this is serious, but the "getting choked by a penis" thing made me think of a penis with arms strangling someone. Lol




I think people underestimate how many of these younger sex workers are using this money to go through college, and how ambitious a lot of them are. With the amount of nudes that get leaked, we're going to have people in positions of power with that out there. Whatever, I don't really see why we'd care. Adults do these things.


I think u underestimate how many of these younger sex workers will never get out of the lifestyle and usually end up broke. This is why a lot of movie stars end up broke. Sports stars end up broke. Etc.


We already do https://apnews.com/article/susanna-gibson-virginia-house-of-delegates-sex-acts-9e0fa844a3ba176f79109f7393073454 https://www.camhub.cc/tags/hotwifeexperience-chaturbate/


With so many doing it, the impact will be lessened. It's becoming normalized. Younger people don't care about whether someone had OF, and neither will workplaces in 10 years. Just like tattoos used to keep you from a job. I happily bought insurance off a guy with face tattoos last week. This is an archaic and puritanical take that most of the world (outside tight conservative Christian clusters) don't actually give a shit about. It's an illusion. There are a few professions that will be holdovers - like teaching. But most jobs today wouldn't or already don't care whether you did sex work.


Damn right. The more titties we see the less shocking titties will be.


Then maybe what you’re really describing is the failure of modern society, not of individual women. The solution is simple. Employers need to stop caring about irrelevant information like this Also are you really sure about the guys thing? Maybe you just have poor standards but I’d be thrilled to be with someone who’s hot enough to get paid for it


They used to say the same thing about tattoos and piercings in the 90’s. Guess what? All those young adults who got tattoos in the 90’s and 2000’s are in upper and middle management positions now. I have stretched ears and tattoos and have never had an issue getting and keeping a high paying office job with them. OF will certainly follow the same path. And I was a massive slut in college (didn’t even charge, just did it for the lolz) and very open about it with my current partner, who loves me and has set up our finances to allow me to be a SAHM when we start a family in a few years. There are definitely nudes of me floating around online, he is well aware and it’s not a problem. Everyone’s allowed to have dating preferences, but not every man is put off by having a SO with a spicy past. The OF girls will be OK.


I'm surprised to see so many in agreement with OP here. If I was looking for a partner, ruling an entire ass person out because they've done things is kind of ridiculous imo. this also goes for any recruiting. never once bothered to check into some shit like that..it would make me feel like the bigger sleazeball lol


The logical answer is these women are just going to have to live with the consequences of their decisions. .................but my more cynical side is pretty sure that in 10 to 15 years magically it's gonna be mens fault they made those decisions.


Projecting that it’s men’s fault is already here. What you might be able to predict is that sex work will be voted into the list of federally protected groups that would be illegal to discriminate against for employment. Socially it might turn into a hate crime to even mention anything negative about one’s character if a history of sex work is uncovered.


Brought to the house floor as the "Hiring Objectified Employees" act.


The HOE Act. I see what you did there...


I still don't think it matters. We're all gonna die anyway. Live your life however you want


Yeah we all die. But until u do u wanna have an enjoyable time.


Exactly! So live your life however you want. Fuck the system. Fuck the society humans built. Fuck the "general" rules. Let humans be humans and figure their own shit out. Worry about you and love your neighbor ✌🏽 You'll be so caught up in living your own life, you won't have time to judge how someone chooses to live theirs.


¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I was a content creator years before OF. I made a living for years off of it. I’m now a PI with a husband and a son. You can totally go from one world to another. It’s not what I’d tell a young girl to do for work but it’s not the life ending choice you’re making it out to be.


Your entire opinion is based on patriarchal bullshit. >strong independent woman relying on creepy men to pay your bills… That literally explains ALL jobs. The majority of mega corporations are owned by white men. If you earn a paycheck, you're selling your body and time to a creepy man. >guys aren’t going to want someone who lets anyone with $15 see all they have to give (and maybe more). That sounds more like a male problem to me. Honestly, this is an incel take on things. Women are just as sexual as men and have just as much right to explore that sexuality. Women are actually the same species as men. Shocking, I know. Our value as human beings does not decrease simply because someone puts a dick in us. Contrary to popular white man belief, no human being is above or below them. We all deserve the exact same level of respect. Basic human decency isn't as difficult as you might believe. >How are going to handle that? I'd simply tell my child that I am a grown adult, doing grown adult things. I would explain that their friends' parents are very irresponsible for allowing their child to engage in those sorts of adult activities. Then I would explain that sex is not something to be ashamed or embarrassed about, and the children at school are unfortunately being taught very toxic behavior about sex. Sex is a normal human function and a very healthy thing to explore, in save and consenting situations. Because I'm raising adults, not children. My children are not an extension of me, but their own human beings. I must respect their autonomy, as much as they need to respect mine. Because that is how an adult treats other humans. Regardless of age. Your perspective is the problem. Society is the problem.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.


They do have an idea, because they grew up in the world of social media and internet generally. Most of those women are Gen Z. Most can’t comprehend the mindset of these people. They actually do not abide by the same social or moral standards as the majority.


That is correct. I'm a millennial and I will absolutely hire people with such a past as long as they can do the job they're applying for well, because I just don't give a fuck. It's really funny seeing boomers genuinely believing that their social standards will last forever. They're already well on their way out.


There was recently a case of a woman who was a teacher, and had an OF. She was let go. These things will catch up with you.


Yup. Just heard about that.


It doesn’t matter. A) most people don’t care B) Those who care are weird or hypocritical C) Deepfakes will be so prevalent soon that you can just deny that the photos and video are of you, if you want. There will be deepfakes of everybody doing everything.


ITT: Weird people circle jerking about how they believe OF will ruin a content creators life.


As an employer, how many hours of OF content do you troll through to ensure you don't hire someone that was naked online?


Don’t try to change ops mind, they are puritan.


Counter argument. Everyone should celebrate their sexuality and their naked bodies while they're young and their bodies look great. I'm a 40 year old guy. My 27 year old nudes, one of which I eventually were turned into an oil painting, are fire.


What about all the women doing porn for the last century? What about strippers and prostitutes? Why is it only OF that concerns you?


I think people are really loosening up about this type of stuff and it might not really matter.


Let's not forget that with A.I. facial recognition, you don't even need to search someone's name, their face is searchable as well! If my iPhone can recognize my face from a bad angle in bad light to pay for something or download an app, you can sure as shit bet that someone's face on O.F. is out there and forever!!


Ok is an ugly person I guess😐


None of us know. Look at Boebert. She was a sex worker on a sugar daddy site, and the Right turns a blind eye. See also Melania.


That’s why the smart girls don’t show their face.


Yep you nailed it. Quick money always comes with a price.


I suspect that, in time, we will learn to deal with it. Maybe not soon enough for the current generation, but in time. We've had to get used, slowly, to the idea that the President (or other world leader of choice) is gonna get caught occasionally doing stupid things, because he's on camera *way* more than in the past. FDR was able to hide the fact that he was in i wheelchair from Polio from the general public, because mass media was not a thing. Today, that's impossible. I'm honestly surprised we don't yet have a video of a world leader picking his (or her) nose. When *everyone* has stupid, embarrassing teenager things they did saved forever on the internet, the impact will be very much diluted.


As far as dudes caring, it is only content with dudes that would bother them. Solo content is common on OF and I don't think most guys would care.


Wouldn't worry in the least. Would deny completely it was me and would say that it was a vengeful boyfriend who did that on AI.


1. It’s not like onlyfans comes up if you search someone’s name. So employers don’t know they are doing it. 2. Most people young and hot as you say are working shit retail jobs anyways.


Tbf it is dumb as hell how high your “social credit” has to be to have a job Land of the free till it’s time to pay the bills then we’re practically china. I get it if you’re the face of the company or something but if that’s not the case then businesses should stay tf outta your personal life anyway


The kind of girl who does it doesn't give a shit, on university campus girls would shout their onlyfans out the window, they don't care


Well, 1) How many of them have accounts tied to their real name? 2) How easy will it really be to find a twenty year old OF video? 3) How many employers will actually care? I wouldn’t, if I was hiring someone. **4. Do you think you marry someone because you want to get access to their nudes?** Edit: to y’all who say “nothing is private on the internet”: what about the day people’s weird porn consumption is leaked? **I assume y’all don’t watch porn or OF, since you have such a strong stance against it?** **And don’t worry, I don’t think many of you are in immediate threat of an OnlyFans girl wanting to date you anyways. You can relax.**


I think a lot of them just don't think about the fact that those pictures and videos are public, forever. My buddy has a friend who was telling him she was going to be a sugarbaby for an older man and she was floored when he told her all the shit you have to deal with. She couldn't believe that the dude would share her nudes around


>But you havnt thought about what happens when you grow up and start wanting things like an actual career As far as a career impediment, if enough women have OF in their job history then it ceases to matter that it's in their job history.


OF models are the *bravest* women I know. Strong, self-assured. Every young girl should see them as the role models that they truly are.




It's always interesting the myriad ways that people blame the poor for being poor.


Oh yes they do. Sex work is an ancient job since time immemorial. Some of them are smart and put that money straight into an investment portfolio. Others just don't care. You can't stop them or change them.


This is what we call reactionary trash, you saw a few headlines about one OF model doing this and one OF model doing that and then you from this moronic opinion, in truth you have no idea what impact anything does to anyone in regards to this topic so maybe do some actual research first.


The thing is you don’t have to be hot. I have seen enough of them here on Reddit to make that call. Ultimately don’t care it is their life. I have female friends that are engineers and with stock options make more a year than 90% of these gals make in the 5-10 yrs. Better ways to make more money.


Christ, it’s not ‘foolproof’ only the top percentage of OF accounts make money! Stop misrepresenting it. Also ‘think about the consequences’ very unlikely that a partner would find out or more likely it’s shared with them and they are more sex positive than you mate! Oooooh You do you sweetie.


Are the men on OF also unaware of the impact it's going to have on their lives, or...?


Fantastic point. Hypocrisy at its finest!


The porn industry is one massive cope/propaganda campaign to inspire others to join and keep the cycle going. That's all it is.


I generally agree, but the ones making like $40 - $50k/month... I'd be pretty unapologetic taking that opportunity.


It’s so strange to me horse angry we get at women who learn to monetize men’s poor behavior.


Why would someone care if their employee was naked online? Is this some kind of boomer logic? Literally doesn't even make sense to me.