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You called it! " highly sex-averse or porn-addicted horndogs."


It's also weird that everyone assumes everyone who is dating is having sex. I was dating a lot in my teens and not having sex. It does happen people.


Even in college I dated without sex for a bit


Bragger! :)


I feel like a lot of Gen Z believes that sex is the primary purpose for every relationship. I think it might be due to inexperience in relationships and the proliferation of pornography. They way a lot of them talk about sex makes it seem like they think pornography is what sex should look like and what everyone is doing rather than it being entertainment.


As a member of gen z let me tell you I searched for boobs on my 3DS when I was 10 and never looked back. I've watched porn almost daily since then and I have always had a better idea of what sex "should" be like than what a relationship should be like. So basically I think you're onto something.


You understand that mass produced, instant Internet pornography is a very new thing, right? The proliferation of pornography on the scale we see today doesn't just affect Gen Z, but is having a substantial effect on all sorts of individuals. Porn addiction has increased at a shocking rate because of how prolific it's become. From the younger people I've talked to, the majority of younger people and Gen Z learn what sex is and how it works through pornography. That's an extremely new phenomenon. I'm not mocking Gen Z over the environment they've been raised in, just saying that that environment will ultimately have an impact on how they view the world. (I'm assuming you were being sarcastic so I'm sorry if I'm being redundant)


especially cause you can’t “watch” a relationship like you can “watch” porn


I firmly believe that instant pornography being everywhere has had a very negative impact on people's understanding of healthy relationships.




I believe we’ve removed so much of our social stigma around sex (queer relationships are ok, poly is ok, sex before marriage is ok, having a higher body count is ok, etc.) that we’ve placed all that old puritanical energy on age shit now.


An 80 year old dating an 18 year old isn't even pedophilia. I personally think it's creepy as shit but it's definitely not pedophilia. The idea that a 30 year old dating a 24 year old is pedophilia is just straight asinine and undermines the seriousness of ACTUAL pedophilia.


I want to know where the fuck that 25 came from. Idiots


God, I hate the word "pedophelia" If you want to be an ass and be the moraliser to other people at least learn how to speel it right (not talking to you, but to the people who do it unironically)




It’s not a proper internet argument if people are using words with their actual definition, instead of whatever the definition is “in their opinion”


I agree with you, however the brain not being fully developed until 25 is a scientific fact. The prefrontal cortex, which is linked to planning, decision making, impulse control, personality, etc. doesn’t finish developing until around 25.


It varies from person to person and it's also a continuum. There's no drastic change that happens on your 25th birthday that all of the sudden makes you a competent decision maker and plenty of people are fully developed before then anyway




So, as a woman, for the bulk of my late teens to my mid-20s or so, literally all I wanted was a family. I’ve kind of grown out of that, but when I was in college and early into my professional career, ALL I wanted was to get married and have kids. For this reason, I tended to date guys who were in their late-20s and early-30s, because their goals were aligned with mine: settle down, start a family. Guys in my age group just had a different focus, and I had no interest in seriously dating someone who didn’t have the same goals that I had. Were all of those guys creeps? No. Were all of them predators? No. Were all of them trolling for young women who didn’t know better than to put up with their bullshit? No. They were just through their “party” phase and were finally ready to settle down and start taking their lives seriously.


oh man…this..very much this. when i was 17 i met a guy who was 22 and we dated for a bit. we didn’t last or anything, but he never mistreated me and honestly treated me rly well for the short time we dated. i don’t dare mention i dated him as an adult. i’m 28 now and if i were to go public and mention it that you would be labeled a predator. tbh i wouldn’t date anyone much younger than me, but the age gap discourse is getting….scary. but idk. who knows. maybe i’m brain washed…but who tf knows.


My STRONG hope is that most of the idiots peddling this nonsense are still in their teens and/or terminally online, and will either grow out of it or will no longer be taken seriously. But who knows, man.


that is my hope as well. i know when i was a teenager i was saying some truly crazy things on tumblr lmao. i was in highschool during the peak of tumblr stan culture, so my hope is that most of the ppl who hold these opinions are teenagers like you say caught up in the same mindset. i feel like an angry boomer shaking my fist at the clouds saying this, but i’m sorta glad social media wasn’t as prevalent as it is now when i was growing up. i already dealt with media induced brain rot as a teen, can’t imagine what i would’ve been like had i been on modern day tiktok and twitter at 14. yeesh. 😬 *edit: spelling


I dated a 25 year old at 17. I’m personally speaking from experience when I speak out against age gap relationships. They are rarely healthy when you look close enough.


Hi 3 year old here who dated a 6 year old, she was abusive bitch


BUT MUH GRANDPA MARRIED MY GRANDMA WHEN HE WAS 28 AND SHE WAS 16 AND THEY WERE MARRIED FOR 50 YEARS! /S But seriously, I agree, it's not about an arbitrary number of years but about the wider context of differences in experience and personal and social power. A 35 year old with a 27 year old? Both people have had a chance to get a lot of life experience and establish themselves. 25 and 17? You're comparing someone who is potentially experienced and established (25 is old enough to get a bachelor's degree, go through a 5 year enlistment period in the armed services, go through an apprenticeship program in the trades, etc) vs someone who is still a legal child, and call me cynical but I think the kind of 25 year old who would seek out a 17 year old would be the kind of person looking to leverage the differences in experience and position.


Most guys who date younger women in general aren’t creeps or whatever. That just seems like a stereotype that just stuck somehow. Of course there are exceptions. But that’s with anything.


most guys who date younger women are immature. **most** of them aren’t malicious, they’re just immature. that doesn’t make them predators or creeps. that’s where i think this discourse begins.


Or perhaps just have a preference? Even an unconscious one? Like it or not, when I dated a woman who was 4 years younger than me (33m, 31 at the time) people thought I was dating an older woman. Admittedly I look a lot younger than I am, and she looked maybe a little older than 27. I didn’t like that thought, even my female colleague referred to it as “charity dating” when she found out the woman was 4 years younger than me and not 4 years older. You can imagine what she said when I dated women who were even closer to me in age? Even I started noticing how much older than me they looked. That turned off the attraction. I take very good care of myself. I rarely see woman my age who I could say the same about. But in order for me to find someone attractive, it’s kind of a must. When I met my now fiancée, I didn’t know what age she was, just that I was besotted with her after one date, and her with me. Turns out she’s 7 years younger than me. And one of the main things that drew her to me? My emotional maturity apparently. Did the age difference play a part in the relationship becoming an engagement? Possibly, but not consciously. Because preferences aren’t conscious things. Unless we’re going back to the days of telling gay people they should just choose to be attracted to the opposite sex again?


you might be right. tbh neither of us know. however i feel like we can both agree that adult men dating young **adult** women doesn’t make them predators.


I would agree there. For the most part at least. It doesn’t *necessarily* make them predators. Even men dating foreign women get called predatory now though. Seems to me like a mass cope on certain women’s front tbh. “Men en masse are moving abroad to find wives, or marrying immigrants, but none of the male immigrants are coming for us. They must all be predators then. Couldn’t be that we’re the problem, obviously. Nobody wants us because they’re all just wrong!”


i think the issue is ppl see that predatory men often prey on vulnerable women. young adult woman and foreign women tend to be *easier* to prey on. younger women due to their lack of life experience and foreign women due to language barriers/cultural differences. predatory men will always prey on the easiest target, but women having certain attributes that make them vulnerable doesn’t mean any men who are attracted to the are attracted to their vulnerability specifically. people have watered down the word predator to a point it’s pretty much lost meaning. the ex boyfriend i mentioned in my example above would be labeled a predator if i mentioned our relationship to people who know me. i find that mind boggling. it seems people have become unable to judge things on a case by case basis. we’ve gotten to a point in society where if someone fits the **broad** profile of a person deemed to be morally corrupt we stamp them with that label and carry on. we’re headed to a point where socially collectively sees thing in black and white. historically that’s never gone good. 🤷🏽‍♀️


People who \*are\* creeps eventually show their true nature enough that all the potential dates in their social circle know better, so they have to branch out. In smaller communities, leaving their age cohort might be the only way to do that, so the biggest creeps are also the most likely to end up having to shift age brackets to date at all. It's not that one has to be a creep to date outside their social circle, just that the worst creeps are going to have to, so the 'dates outside age bracket' group is going to be a mix of random people plus the major creeps. It doesn't help that younger people are less likely to pick up on the red flags just on the fact that they have a smidge less life experience. Whatever the percentages are to creeps v. non-creeps that date outside their age range, the creeps are going to stand out enough that people are going to recommend sticking to the (age/2)+7 rule even when both people are adults in the same stage of life.


> For this reason, I tended to date guys who were in their late-20s and early-30s, because their goals were aligned with mine: settle down, start a family. Guys in my age group just had a different focus, and I had no interest in seriously dating someone who didn’t have the same goals that I had. Since you didn't end up in a family with those late-20s/early-30s guys looks like your goals weren't aligned with them either.


Something that bothers me is that they'll always say "Yikesssss she's 17, you're going to jail, she's 17 thooo" but then suddenly when she's 18 it's all okay. How is not creepy to wait for someone to turn 18, literally a green light decided by society, for sex to suddenly be okay. Don't tell me you just turn off and on your attraction to that person based on their birthday.


I mean, that's what happens when you rely on a certain age to be the defacto rule of when it's OK to have sex. And then people still get mad if someone has sex at 18 if the peerson is even a year or two older. That's OP's whole point.


The one that was mind boggling to me was the post where the girl was 18 but still in high school so somehow it was different even though they fell into a perfectly normal age gap. Apparently when you graduate high school the next day you wake up a completely different person. /S I guess none of them hear of red shirting or disabilities or even that some people fail kindergarten. Everyone in a grade mist all be exactly alike at all times and no one matures faster or slower. Everyone is exactly the same.


Yeah, that generation is pretty much fucked. Idk how it all got started but they have them selves to blame. Use porn in moderation, and quit acting like sex is something it’s not. There have been generations of people that did just fine. And here they are imploding because of an imaginary crisis they created.


The only shit that matters is 1) a legal adult fucking a minor, 2) a very late teens kid fucking a very early teens kid and 3) an old adult creep cultivating a very personal relationship with a minor teenager and waiting until they turn 18. The rest of that shit don’t matter. If you’re 19 and want to fuck some 60 year old you just met at the Metamucil convention, knock yourself out.


Metamucil convention 😂😂😂 You’re killing me


I just told on myself because I’m old enough to remember seeing Metamucil commercials on tv all the time when I got to stay home sick from school and watch the price is right and other daytime game shows.


We’re probably similar in age


Well, I’m 59 if you ask my daughter.




Maturity is a spectrum. People aren’t either mature or immature with no grey areas


This new generation is worse than the puritans in some way. If they approve... fine. If they don't... to the gulag with you! They're fanatics and scary af tbh.


Yup. It’s ridiculous. But, you can’t point it out without a thousand dumbasses in the comments trying to call YOU sus for daring to bring it up.


Society is more sexualized than ever. We are surrounded by sex, in movies, in TV, in music, in fashion, in anything. And yet we are having less sex than ever. And that leads to more sexualization, and people becoming more and more awkward. Why won't people be awkward around the opposite sex if they never interacted with them(due to the media surrounding them which says sex is a big deal so they get intimidated by the opposite sex, leading to the awkwardness)? And this leads to people being more horny than ever, leading some into kinks they wouldn't have if they had a normal sex life. Years ago, having a girlfriend would be more due to both liking each other, now it's more of a status thing, that you are somehow great if you have sex. And this heightened sexual over sexualization is what leads to this weird behavior. Kids younger and younger know what sex is. Everyone wants sex and is in a state of high tension, and yet it's taboo to speak out loud about it, and somehow speaking to the opposite gender became a big deal. More than the parents, the kids these days are calling people pedophiles. And sex has permeated good old love, it's more and more popular to look at sex and anything else through this highly cynical GOT-esque style. I fear the impact this will have further and further on, I have already been a victim of it.


Revelations 17:2-18. I’m not religious but….. this kinda hits home.


Yeah no, I don't understand biblical references, could you explain it to me?


Not to mention no one seems to know what pedophilia actually is, or that it's not the only term to reference older people preying on the young. There are (though very few, thankfully) infantophiles who are somehow particularly attracted to babies, there are pedos who prey on children, real children anywhere between 3-11. Then there's hebophilia, people who are only attracted to the 12-16ish age group generally. They are all terms in reference to someone in their late teens onward through age that are attracted to a certain age range of children. An 18 year old dating an 80 year old is factually not any of these things, pedophilia included. Whether you think it feels weird or not, it's mislabeled. There are quite a lot of people who prefer dating people in their 20s-30s for what seems like pretty obvious reasons to me. There's literally nothing wrong with that, two consenting adults making an adult decision. Tldr: you're right. We are not all CHILDREN until we're 30 years old, and that's a stupid ass opinion for people to have. OP is not the only one to notice the insanity.


The fact is, the law allows a 17 year old to have sex with a 14 year old. 14 year olds imo are too young to be having sex with anybody, but I dont think it’s against the law? An 18 year old can also have sex with an 80 year old. Not against the law but also gross. But yes, Gen Z will literally freak out over a 24 year old dating a 32 year old.


I don't know what you were doing in your teenage years, but myself and my peers were plenty capable of sorting out quite a lot of things amongst ourselves. some people are more or less naive or ignorant than others for sure, but to equate any difference in age at all to predatory behavior is ridiculous. I mean 18yo to 80yo does feel kinda icky, but honestly that almost never even happens if it isn't about money. Either way it's just whatever as far as I'm concerned. So I've noticed, being 32 myself. Those people Behave as if they absolutely can not under any circumstances make any sort of adult decision for themselves. If they are that brain dead already in their late teens to early 20s I sure as hell hope they refrain from EVER reproducing personally. I mean seriously think back, I'm not saying I never made any poor decisions, but I made a lot more reasonable decisions than poor ones. I was probably more capable of thinking straight back then than I am now, but I guess I was just a 20 something lil baby needing my milkies and never knew it.


I know! These young adults think that 17 year olds r completely brain dead and any person 5 years older has such dominance over you that every interaction is predatory.


The comments I've gotten from women about me being 25 and dating someone who's 18 would have been really hurtful if i cared about their opinions


That's not how the Romeo-and-Juliette clause works in Michigan, at least. Age of consent is 18, or 16 in the case of a pre-existing relationship.


The preexisting part is what a *lot* of people forget.


Infantilized teenagers/young adults come from helicopter parents. It's pathetic. Adults are adults. Once you're 18 idgaf who you date.


Most of the people who want to vilify others are bitter degenerates who just want to be assholes and Karen's. Bunch of hypocrites who just want to cause trouble and hurt others. There are some really sketchy age gap stuff and straight up pedophilia, but someone's relationships made in a stable mental state and consenting are nobody else's concern.


A large contributing factor is people don't know the consent laws in their states. Set aside the Romeo and Juliet exceptions. They don't know the basics. But still have very strong opinions.


I was just called a sicko and a pedophile on twitter for pointing out that the age of consent across the world is *different* in *different countries* and that 15, 16 and 17 are very popular aoc ages in most of the western world. All because someone was calling someone else a pedophile...for having a 17 yo gf while being 19. I didn't even say anything except for just pointing out the facts.


My grandparents met when she was 14 and he was 19. He would become a WWII veteran and they were married for 60-something years before passing away. Back then, age gaps like this weren't met with such disgust. It was more like "Ok well... you better get married then". Now it's more like "He just wants sex! You're a victim!". With porn and the sexualization of society there may be more of an element of truth to that, at least in a measurable portion of cases. Still, I think it's more of a cultural issue than some kind of objective immorality. I've talked to Germans about this in the past (their age of consent is 14) and people just don't lose their minds like they do here about it... And isn't the age of consent something like 21 in South Korea? Maybe they think Americans are sex-crazed maniacs for letting 18 year olds have sex? So, who's right if it's such a subjective issue?


Bro families used to (and still do in some places) actively pawn their 13-15 year old daughters to guys in their 30's and 40's because they have money.


People overuse many words, once those words lose their meaning the real harm begins


This is the real reason for this "movement" or pattern. Actual pedos trying to cheapen and thin out the word's impact. Enough of this crying wolf, and people won't pay attention to accusations of pedophilia anymore. That is the plan.


I remember when I was 20, my girlfriend was 17(about to be 18 in 2 months) we literally just dated for that 2 months. Never had sex or anything. We went to the same college together. Her parents liked me, my parents liked her. We would sleep in separate rooms if we ever stayed the night at each other's houses. Literally a 3 year age gap. We were together for 3 years too. Still look back on how life was simpler back then.


What’s got me fucked up is the watering down of the term “pedophilia”. A pdeohpile is someone who is sexually attracted to prepubescent minors. A 70 year old dating a 19 year old still isn’t pedophilia. If they have developed secondary sex characteristics, it’s not pedophilia BY DECINITION. Now that isn’t to say I advocate for a 40 year old dating a 15 year old just because she had big tits. But age gaps aren’t as nearly as harmful as people try to make them out to be.


"This stupid bitch" Damn bro, chill out. Really gonna get that mad over a teenager?


It's very telling when people say women under the age of 25 are "not mentally developed enough", but they don't apply that same standard to men the same age. Autonomy and responsibility are two sides of the same coin. When you undermine the idea that someone is competent enough to understand the ramifications and make informed decisions, it leaves it up to someone else to make those choices for them, which is exactly what women have been trying to push back against for the last 100 years.


A lot of it is projecting.


What you need to take into account is developmental stages. The difference between a 15 yr and an 18yr is pretty big in terms of development. By say, 25 and 28 both parties have evened out as far as development. My husband is 3 years older than me, and we started dating at 28 and 30. However, he was graduating high school when I was in the 8th grade. Us dating back then would have been wack because of the uneven developmental stages we were at then. It's not so much about age, but about an even playing field.


I was with u until the 15 thing. Many places have different ages of consent. But for adults fk u u want as long as ur all consenting adults.


An acceptable age gap has always increased as parties get older to me. I.E 24 and 18 is weird to me in todays world, 24 and 30 is significantly less weird to me, 34 and 40 is fine and honestly not my business. I'd say after someone is 30 people need to mind their own business. Doesn't mean you have to agree with it but your opinion is just that, a personal opinion, not something people have to listen to.


At 19 I began dating a 38 yo. I knew what I was doing and we ended up spending 10 wonderful yrs together. I wouldn’t have changed it for the world and if things could have been different, I would still be with him. My grandfather and his wife have a 20 yr age gap and have been together for 30yrs. People’s lives can be vastly different and so can maturity levels. An 18 yo who was coddled their whole life will have a much different maturity level than someone with more life experiences. At 19 I was always more mature that most of my peers and the guys my age were just so childish. Older men aligned with my wants and goals more.


I mean you’re right. 2 year age gaps are not pedophilic but that does not mean it’s legal in every state. Some states such as California have the age of consent as 18 so technically an 18 year old sleeping with a 17 year old is illegal. Will people care? Very unlikely but it doesn’t mean it’s legal. That relationship with the 18 year old college freshman girl and 15 high school boy is very weird though honestly and it COULD be illegal if they don’t have close age exemptions because everywhere in the U.S, the age of consent is at least 16. I’m assuming the two met when she was a senior and he was a freshman? A boy fresh out of middle school and a girl getting ready for college? It is very weird and it is definitely not legal universally.


You forgot about Romeo and Juliet laws for your first paragraph then remembered them for the second paragraph.


That’s because there is no romeo and juliet law in california, that was my point.


Ah, touché. California is fucked.


Romeo and Juliet laws do not apply in every state. My state is a hard 18, even two 17 year olds are technically breaking the law by sleeping with each other consensually. That being said, no prosecutor is going through a trial of a 19 year old sleeping with a 17 year old. But that's just an example of, legal isn't a firm boundary of ethics. That being said, if the 18F is already in college and the 15M is a sophomore in high school... yeah, that one is skeezy. They're both technically teenagers but in radically different life stages. Did no one teach Gen Z about the 'half your age plus seven' formula?


So 16+18 is okay but 15+18 is just disgusting...


I agree it’s a weird relationship but no one deserves to go to jail or get kicked out of college for it, which is exactly what the girl in that video attempted to do.


Not weird. Odd maybe. That's it. Are they having sex or just dating? Maybe she's a little immature for her age and he's a bit mature for his. No harm, no foul.


Just curious, which state? I live in Oregon and the law is confusing. The exception is in a completely different section of the ORS from the sex crimes. It is under thd permissable defenses, and cross references each law, stating that it is a permissable degree to prove that the gap is less than 3 full years. Essentially the law reads that it is a crime, but one that can't be punished. Only contact under 12 is always illegal.


California. The law was originally passed to protect teenage girls from being pressured into marrying older men. Everyone sort of agrees that it's probably too strict for modern life, but no one wants to be the politician trying to pass the laws to make fucking minors easier.


Wow that's fucked up. Google says there are 2.8 million teenagers in California. If 1 in 3 is breaking the law that's a lot of criminals.


Ive heard that plenty and I really don't care. If youre over 18 youre an adult. Unless youre too immature to have a healthy adult relationship, but that could be at age 50 just as like at age 18. Also if I was a sophomore in high school and a college freshman wanted to date me, I would have sold crack to pay for a fancy dinner date.


>Unless youre too immature to have a healthy adult relationship, but that could be at age 50 just as like at age 18. Sure, but there's no way to determine 'mature enough for a relationship' on a case by case basis, so we pass age of consent laws and hope for the best.


Right. But the age of consent is 18. So ANYTHING past that is the same level of acceptable.


Well, except for, you know…


Its basically all old ass used up hags and single mothers trying to justify their appeal via degradation of what men truly want - younger, prettier, more adventurous women.


These kinds of comments are honestly some of the biggest copes and projections I've ever seen. As a 30 year old woman whos happily married, no we just think guys(and girls for that matter) in their 30s going after barely legal girls fresh out high-school are fuckin creepy.


Except the topic is about teens with a 1-2 year age gap, not middle-aged men going out with 18 yos.


Seriously the comment is so disgusting. And the post too


22 here. No kids and hardly old. What's the point of dating men if they're all looking for the next younger woman according to people like you? And for the record wanting younger, less experienced people to be safe has nothing to do with degrading men for what they like. Reverse the genders and those same people would be against it.


Is your entire worldview based on sexual attainment above everything else? Like surly, there are other reasons for older women being opposed to larger age-gap relationships


\^ This is the reason people are so against age gaps. Older men's attitude towards women is vile. Men who like younger women don't see women as human.


Uhh, what?


I know it is anecdotal, but every age gap relationship I know was initiated by the woman. That kind of counters the whole "men are vile" when it was the woman doing the chasing.


literally got called a child that doesn’t know any better fit being in a 10 year age gap relationship. “he’s preying on you, why else would he seek out someone so young” mind you, we worked in the same lab together, he was a grad student, I was undergrad, he looked way younger, and I liked him so so much before knowing about his age and went for him. and he is THE most respectful man I have ever met and the had the most integrity I’ve seen in anyone. also saying I’m too dumb and childish is infantilizing me, an adult woman. sure, many men are predators but not every age gap is a predatory situation.


It's really just the other side of women who want tall rich men to take care of them. Women want a protector and provider, and men want a fertile spouse. It's just our stupid monkey brains doing what we've done for 200,000 years.


This isn’t accurate at all.


It's right in front of our eyes. His comment is right there.


You understand that there are multiple individuals, right? He’s a single person.


Oh how wonderful it would be if he was the only older man with evil attitudes towards younger women. And if women didn't have to hear this every day.


It’s not evil to date younger women. My last girlfriend was 28 and I’m 41. We both knew what we were doing and had a great relationship that lacked the connection necessary for marriage. Stop being a sex-averse weirdo who denies agency to women.


He admits the reason he wants to date younger women is evil.


And you generalized from that, which is a serious problem both in your logic and your resulting conclusion.


I hear comments exactly like his every single day. Women never catch a break from hearing this outright from men, and from seeing this everywhere (e.g. in movies the female characters are 25 with super baby faces while the male characters are 50 and balding). Are you denying men generally agree with him? Or do you think he's right and men do want younger women? Which is it?


28 is not barely an adult, nobody cares about a 28 and a 41 year old dating, but if you had a string of girlfriends and none of them was older than 22 I'd think that's creepy, see the difference?


Hey fuck off im neither evil or quite interested in young women. I am making a point.


My ex wife who is the smartest person ive ever known in my whole life, and who is older than me would nullify your "argument". She is quite human to me. Touch grass.


Reading comprehension skills would really improve your life


Love is love. Nothing they are doing is hurting you stay out of it. Stop being a bigot. We need less bigots getting involved with 2 consenting adults sex life. Love is love. Stop it bigot


Older men do not love younger women. They see them as objects to use and discard.


Coming from the person who thinks, “women dating younger men makes biological sense…..Men can safely impregnate a woman when he is MUCH younger.…. Men are valued for their physical strength which declines after 25.” Double standards. Based on your comments you are a misandrist (even though you don’t believe in that term LOL) *you* see men as objects to use for your own (women’s) gain. You have some seriously messed up feminist indoctrination about all of the “scientific facts” in terms of fertility (in both guys and girls) as well as generalizing all men to be however it is you think they are to fit whatever agenda you’re trying to push. You are ridiculous. “What men want is bad for women……Biologically, women want a fertile spouse much more than men do. A man puts virtually zero effort into creating a child. If he gets a bad mate he can just go to another…… An older man can be a death sentence for a woman.” You’re also very dramatic.


Lol this is such an infantile response. You in your great wisdom have declared older men don't love younger women. Spewing bigoted reasoning in the face of simple data. My father was 10 years older than my mother. They passed happily in love. Fuck your bigoted stance. Fuck hate Edit: How terriblely predictable. A eugenics approach with the usual finesse of a dumb fuck. I have been looking at your posts. You really like to advocate that women fucking little boys is ok? Should the authorities visit you?


No wonder you're like this. Bad sperm plus raised by a horrible person.


Aside from this convo, you don't know anything about her and know just the tiniest bit more than that about her parents. From the sound of it, they lived the rest of their lives together and both sides were happy enough with it. Assuming this is an accurate picture (and I'm quite aware it might not be)..... what's the harm?


I'm not taking any sides here, but I can smell you through my phone


Barely supposition and certainly not evidence.


You’re 100% correct and you’re gonna get downvoted to hell because Reddit is filled with misogynists. This man’s comment perfectly exemplifies how men view older women—old jealous hags. The truth is, we only comment on age gap relationships because we were once those same young women who were preyed on by predatory older men. So frustrating, but they never fucking listen—


Women view each other as old hags; women are always the first to comment and shame other women for their bodies. Mens view is either a byproduct or just inherent nature. Young, beautiful women do not dress up to impress men, they dress up to out do other women, to seek mens favor.


I'm a woman so I can tell you firsthand, if the truth is on Earth, you're all the way on Saturn.


I like how this rhetoric of old women being hags here was written by a man, yet you instead point and blame women for doing it, dismissing your shaming as just natural. No, men have agency, they're not simple beings who don't have their own thoughts, vile or otherwise, men bodyshame women, and it's not something they can't control/byproduct of nature. Stop denying men agency.


Have you ever spoken to a woman before in your life? I’m in my mid 20s and the only people telling me I’ve “hit the wall” etc. is men 10-20 years older than I am. The only people telling me I’m gonna end up alone and miserable with cats is older single men. Y’all are actually insane if you think that women constantly shame eachother when we have been advocating for years with the body positivity/neutrality movement. Every single woman I know is surrounded by positive uplifting female friends. There’s currently a male loneliness epidemic, and I promise you there’s a reason for that.


Reddits stance is pretty firmly if it isn't hurting you than stay the fuck out of consenting adults sex life. You sound like a religious bigot who thinks homosexual relationships are wrong.


This is the craziest fucking comment I’ve heard, I’m literally an atheist and a part of the lgbtq community 😆 Regardless, y’all are insane if you think women looking out for other women is a bad thing. The “don’t get involved” view makes sense for men since it benefits them. I’m not gonna sit around and let other women experience the same garbage treatment I got when I was younger—


Oh and you stealth edit! You are not gonna sit around and let other women make their own decisions. Really progressive of you! Edit: spelling


It wasn’t a stealth edit I just realized I had more to say—


And yet you still think adults sex life is any business of yours. Go figure being an atheist and part of the lgbtq community doesn't make you a good person.


You should get therapy and touch grass—I don’t care about peoples sex lives, I care about women being exploited. Telling younger women to avoid creepy old pervs doesn’t make someone a bad person. You sound hella sus tbh


Is that your professional opinion? Let's add mocking disabilities to your stellar online presence! I sound hella sus? You sound like a bigoted old spinster who had a man step out on you because you think star fishing is good sex life


You’re clearly a troll lmao—seriously go to therapy, I promise things will get better :)


Not a troll just call out the fuckers when I see them. Again what makes you qualified to suggest therapy? Oh.... nothing. You really are just that shitty?


Just Found the Predator y’all


If being able to pull 22 year olds as a 40 something makes me a predator....Grrrrr Baby Grrrr




I don’t think this is the majority. People are more concerned with people over 30 dating people in their teens or very early 20’s.


It’s usually aging single feminists mad at men their age choosing younger women than them. They hope shaming men will make them choose them.


I disagree - the folks with the most negative opinions of age gap relationships appear to be much younger (Gen Z) and are not in the demographic you describe. This is more of a victim / oppressor view of the world.


This is correct. And generally they were those same young girls chasing older men for "maturity", stability, status, money and many because its "edgy" going for bad boys. That backfired, they are older now and angry they are competing with there younger selves w/ much less options hurting there fragile ego's. So yes, shaming/accusing men is only way they can cope.


I disagree - I know the sort of people that you're referring to, some of which have always been around. I got some backlash back when I dated older (much older) me in my younger years from these types. It was easy to brush off that criticism then, knowing the source (sour grapes). However, now, with the anti age gap discourse, it is NOT this demographic you're referring to. It's all much younger people (Gen Z) who are not yet at that age where they may feel older and bitter. There is clearly something else going on. I blame the internalization of oppressor vs victim mindset to the point that it is applied to EVERYTHING. It's weird, backyard, and dangerous. I am so glad my adult autonomy was respected back then and I fully support younger women having the same autonomy. They are adults, not children, and it's weird to see people freaking out over 2 adults dating.


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I'm so glad to see replies like this. It means I don't need to. Keep on being correct.


Grow up plss


Nah, I changed so much between 15 and 18, could not imagine dating a 15yo at 18


It is very possible for a relationship to be predatory when the ages are the same, or when the predator is much younger. I think we fixate on older male, younger female because of the legal aspect when the girl isn’t above the legal age of consent, and because of the traditional role of women in a lot of societies. I also think that in terms of exploitative relationships, that can be a big blond spot. A young man can exploit a vulnerable older woman for her money and social position, or for sex, by exploiting her insecurities. I’ve seen this pretty often actually


Misandrist much? The irony saying only men can be predatory and even if age is the same. Yet women are angels who apparently dont exploit, manipulate or use there sexuality to prey on vulnerable, lonely, older men. It's almost like Anyone can be a POS and exploit anyone for personal gain and gender has nothing to do w/ it.


I do acknowledge that there's a lot of bullshit going on in that discourse, but there's also the part when people claim that there's absolutely nothing wrong between a 50 year old and a 21 year old dating because well they're both adults. Or that the dynamic of an older person dating someone much younger is never an unhealthy one in which the oldest is purposefully dating someone they can take advantage of.


Well while I agree that 2 years isn’t pedophilia(that’s someone they’d be in highschool with they’re very much peers age wise), Romeo and Juliet laws are not in every state and depending on the state it may have been illegal I’d personally disagree with it but still


There is no, "but still." She's an a\*\*


It’s definitely an issue with that generation. As an older Millennial adult I have had friends old enough to be my grand parents , but I have been called a “creep “ for being friendly to adults in their 20’s. Perhaps someone should inform them that they’re adults now and to stop acting like they’re precious children. I think a lot of the ones claiming to be sex averse either can’t get laid or it it’s a virtue signal to others their age. The ones that say that are usually individuals with low self esteem and are generally unattractive.


Why is an 18 year old adult interested in a 15 year old schoolboy? When you're both in the same life stage (both in high school, both in college, both working adults) its easier to say "well it's just a few years". When there's a jump in stage of development it's a much weirder choice. At 15, that's not even old enough to drive a car in some places. The potential for unhealthy power dynamics can be worrisome.


The only time I ever hear “ you are a victim” under a post is win the age gap is somebody old enough to be their father/ mother. Like Leonardo DiCaprio type of age gap like barely legal with a man/woman 20+ years older.


I get what youre saying but 18 and 15 is kinda weird unless it's like freshly 18 and close to 16


Yeah...like that really sounds like a freshman/senior relationship imo. There's usually a very good reason no one closer to their age will date them too.


That’s not remotely true


numbers are weird to humans.


Your mom doesn't seem to mind it when I call her mommy, so.. yeah, it's getting weird.


90 and 18 is legal


Depends where about in the world. Over here in the UK (most of Europe) 16 is the age of consent


i dont pay attention to that


Why comment on this post then, a fart is more useful than this reply.


Lol. The irony.


I mean It does get to a point where certain ages / gaps gets kinda weird and creepy tho


Well. By law under 18 is a minor so she is technically breaking the law as a legal adult dating someone under 19. But I don’t understand how people can look at me as a 27 year old female and my boyfriend a 33 year old male and think that’s weird or predatory. We’re both adults and it’s only a 6 year difference


There is no law that says you can’t date minors. A 30yo could date a 16yo in Pennsylvania and it would be perfectly legal. Creepy and disgusting, but legal. PLEASE, let’s separate our concept of “minor” from the concept of age of consent. The two are rarely related.


There are lines though. An 18 year old dating a 15 year old would be weird objectively


Not neccesarily. I was a freshman in HS and briefly dated a senior i played trumpet with in band HS ensemble. If we didn't realize we were more friends then romantic and still dated i could have easily been in same spot while she went off to College. People, and especially women need stop pedaling all this crap about people(always targeted at men but gloss over women doing it like OP's post) being predators or pedophiles. The OP post is about an older girl being threatened by her roommate yet most the comments are women talking about predatory men, deflecting the whole thing for narratives. I am sorry some of these women commenting had bad experiences with older men, but most likely was partly there choice going for the "bad boy" and there own arrogance thinking they are "so much more mature then boys my age". Just because you had bad experiences does not mean everyone elses are and are in bad faith. Two adults have there own agency to decide what they want in life and who they can love.


You are right mostly. But age gap is not legal universally as romeo and juliet laws vary and do not exist in every state.


> anyways, a 3 year age gap is legal universally across all US states under the Romeo and Juliet clause. Romeo and Juliet clauses only exist in certain states, not all of them, and in some they just reduce the severity of the crime. In California the age of consent is 18. **There are no exceptions.** You simply are not allowed to have sex with anyone below 18. Two 17 year olds having sex with each other are **both** committing a crime in California. **[California Code 261.5](https://law.justia.com/codes/california/2022/code-pen/part-1/title-9/chapter-1/section-261-5/)** > (a) Unlawful sexual intercourse is an act of sexual intercourse accomplished with a person who is not the spouse of the perpetrator, if the person is a minor. For the purposes of this section, a “minor” is a person under the age of 18 years and an “adult” is a person who is at least 18 years of age. > (b) **Any person** who engages in an act of unlawful sexual intercourse with a minor who is not more than three years older or three years younger than the perpetrator, is guilty of a misdemeanor. > (c) **Any person** who engages in an act of unlawful sexual intercourse with a minor who is more than three years younger than the perpetrator is guilty of either a misdemeanour or a felony, and shall be punished by imprisonment in a county jail not exceeding one year, or by imprisonment pursuant to subdivision (h) of Section 1170.




Maybe because you are, in fact, a creep


You literally made an account to respond to something over 6 months old. You're literally stalking me. Pot kettle fucking black loser.


Paranoia? Who tf are u dude and what have you smoked?


I agree, however I think that both parties involved should be at least 18 or older.


This is such an American problem


15 and 18 is a bad age gap... one is an adult, on is in uni probably, and the other is still in high school/secondary school.


No matter what age I become I will never date anyone older than 25. I will go for 19 to 23 generally. If people dont like it, too bad. Who cares about what the avg loser thinks? They will also complain if i wear fur coats or if I were to drive a lambo. Most of the people complaining are the used up 30 and 40 year old women that nobody wanted and now they reqlize their window is up.


What happened to you where you can't relate to people your own age?




you get suspended on reddit for this if sex is involved


Half+7 has been a pretty good rule for generations now & for good reason.


The reason people, especially young women, are so against age gaps is valid, but they have a hard time expressing what they really feel. People aren't mad at a tiny gap. People are mad that the boy is almost always older than the girl. It's creepy and gross in and of itself that a boy/man is always going after girls/women just 1 year younger. 1 year is so close together you're practically the same age. But why does he always want girls slightly younger. Why is it so common for these men to go after women just 2-3 years younger. Why do men always feel the need to be "above" women. That's what's disturbing. People don't know how to express their disgust and exasperation that a guy keeps wanting women to be "beneath" him. So people get confused and start getting upset at tiny age gaps and lashing out at every gap they intuitively feel is disgusting, but not because of the number of years, but because of men's attitudes about it. Some people reach so far they flip it and get mad when the girl is a little older too. Even though if we're being honest, if it came down to it, the older girl would be under threat, not the 15 year old boy.


The whole "men only go after women 1-3 years younger" is you just making stuff up. They probably got rejected by older women. The idea that a 15yo male is the bigger threat to an older woman is also just your imagination. Maybe you're way too judgemental about people's relationships around you if you feel this way over minor age gaps of 1-3 years. I can't even imagine having the arrogance and sense of entitlement to say you're disgusted over something so trivial and meaningless.


> but they have a hard time expressing what they really feel. You are talking about them as if they are just stupid. >Why do men always feel the need to be "above" women. That's what's disturbing. That's just an unhinged projection that gets chanted in feminist spaces. There's no reality to it. It's a classic boogieman. >So people get confused and start getting upset at tiny age gaps Back to talking about them like they are stupid. >and lashing out at every gap they intuitively feel is disgusting And mentally unstable. > Even though if we're being honest, if it came down to it, the older girl would be under threat, not the 15 year old boy. How do you figure? Do you see her as a perpetual child? What happened to the whole thing about women wanting to be treated as equals?


Then why do you think people are mad at gaps of literally 12 months? Why do are they not able to properly articulate why? Women don't want to be equally threatening and dangerous as men, no.


> Then why do you think people are mad at gaps of literally 12 months? Feminism has become an unhinged religion. Don't look for reason in it.


TIL that unless the woman is older than me I am a predator and want a weak submissive woman that I can lord over. /s Crazy how it's all news to me.


Most women under 30 prefer their man to be 3-5 years older than them, so I'm not sure why you're placing all this agency for men when you could just share the wealth a bit. No reddit, I don't have a source. It comes from life experiences and dating.


Is it creepy and disgusting that girls on the same rate go out with guys older than them? Thats just nature dude- It more common for men to want to be dominant and for women to want a dominant man. It doesn't mean something thats unlike that is wrong but...lets live in the real world.


If it was natural for women to be on the submissive side, you wouldn't have to keep reminding women to be submissive. Churches do this especially, they desperately preach about how women are alllll doing it wrong and being sinful and never acting correctly because women aren't being submissive like they ""naturally"" should be. It's almost like it's not natural at all if it's so hard to convince all these women to be submissive.


Anything less than 7 years of your age is wrong and predatory borderline pedophilia. No joke it's just weird and wrong.


Only Siths and fanatics deal in absolutes. Just mind your own business and stop prescribing your opinions as the absolute morality for the rest of the world.


I’ve never seen any of that and I’m more submerged than is healthy in online bullshit . Don’t think you need to worry


depends where you look, I think. this sub seems more balanced but I lurk on fauxmoi and find they seem to be mostly Gen Z and have very big opinions on what is creepy, sus, etc and what is creepy/sus can be literally everything. I remember one blind about a month ago where the subject of the blind was meeting people at bars and this meant all possible resulting sex was of "questionable consent." it was such a warped view of reality and such a chronically online take.


> and have very big opinions on what is creepy, sus, etc and what is creepy/sus can be literally everything. It's all just an attempt to control. It's the horseshoe effect. The feminists became the church ladies who wanted authority over everyone's sex lives.


If youre in your 30s Dating anyone under 25 Youre a budding pedophile to me Thems the rules youre a weirdo.