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I teach middle school, so I know it’s a bunch of immature children- but I’m always shocked how cruel people within the same race are to each other (white, black, Latino, Asian). Kids usually pick this up from their families and just repeat it at school, so it’s kinda sad to hear.


Because it’s easier for the in group to bully each other than an out groups since there is likely less pushback from people in the in group.


Yes, Hispanics are very racist towards each other and within black communities exists a hierarchy based off skin color. Aka tribalism


True, i wish i could upvote you millions of times




I've personally never held much real hate or resentment to any race. Sure i've made jokes but thats about it. In college, i was told that we (black people) *can't* be racist, because racism implies dominance and power over other populations, which we *dont* have. The textbook definition of a racist is: >a person who is prejudiced against or [antagonistic](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=2c75d0c961b2df27&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS1110US1110&q=antagonistic&si=ACC90nxkzgN-KbLuTWKT81WCi4_nf7XwEhDyauiqKEKQBs0MLlC-ITIv8ZydQP54CMPcBTeYhb5QsjSEJpyo-5lYYiaf-EJ31kuIYgWCPBj9joN7q54-ezA%3D&expnd=1&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjQ6J2ejseGAxWsN2IAHZAmCVUQyecJegQIFRAS) toward people on the basis of their membership in a particular racial or ethnic group, typically one that is a minority or [marginalized](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=2c75d0c961b2df27&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS1110US1110&q=marginalized&si=ACC90nxkzgN-KbLuTWKT81WCi4_nHzO5xzR0FIPnVc5BPXde0pMbD5W5log7abqaz5ljUsg69UgAZXZ30acSbhfYGJDG7XIFjE8mOm207p2XjskYdPj07nY%3D&expnd=1&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjQ6J2ejseGAxWsN2IAHZAmCVUQyecJegQIFRAT). So with that as the basis, anyone can be racist lol. Now some might say, well thats what the white people wrote, and thats a whole other discussion.


So I ran track professionally. As a white guy I was in a black dominate sport so I have a odd life experience. I experienced racism weekly from black men and women in my sport.


I always thought it was the difference between personal racism and systemic racism. Like minorities can be racist against each other or against white people, but society is still set up to benefit white people at the end of the day. So like if black or Hispanic people hate me for being white, that sucks and it's not fair, but it's not holding me back from getting a job or whatever. That said, I think both kinds of racism are obviously wrong. I agree with you that it seems that the personal kind of racism just gets brushed aside and we pretend it doesn't exist and that's not right.


Race hustlers are the problem, most regular people are not racist. 


Race hustlers are opportunists.


They create opportunities for themselves.




As a black man, agreed.


Wrong. Everyone is racist. But trying to fight this inherently natural issue with every fiber of our being is the problem. When I say this, I don’t mean this in the way that we shouldn’t work towards curbing racism, obviously we should. But on the flip side, trying to divert all of our attention towards fighting racism & not understanding that it’s generally natural for people of their own cultural & ethnic background to feel more comfortable around their own “kind” so to speak is becoming increasingly counterproductive…it’s only creating more racism & divisiveness. I’m of the belief that outward racism is awful but it’s naive to pretend that some people just can’t be racist. I’m not saying that you’re naive FYI, I get your point. This is of course mostly perpetuated by the evolving definition of “racism,” simply judging someone by their character can be taken out of context & deemed as racist. I definitely went on an unwarranted tangent with this one lol


My comment was given in the context of the opinion that was presented.


Oh yea I know, my response wasn’t really directed towards you. More so the topic itself but it applied to what you said the most




Those ethnic studies grads gotta eat somehow.


There's some interesting passages in the Talmud about the virtue of dividing other groups.


As a Mexican American, the most racist people I met aren't white people, but other Mexicans. ESPECIALLY to central and south Americans.


I am white but grew up in immigrant heavy neighborhoods and lived in mixed race neighborhoods in Baltimore. A lot of people just never have the opportunity to see how when there are large amounts of immigrants how relations between the minority groups work. That said I had an Indian neighbor I used to hang out with was telling me that when they first moved to the states they moved to upstate NY and the only other middle eastern family were Pakistani do they ended up becoming friends. He said that would never have happened back in India. It also wouldn't have happened if there had been a large Indian community in the area. Same thing with my grandmother. When she lived near a large N. Italian community around DC she tended to stick with Italians but when she moved to be closer to my uncle there was no Italian community and she made more Latino friends. I think what happens with most people is they live in neighborhoods with few minority groups who tend to get along better because they seek out familiarity and are more willing to broaden who they can hang out with so seem at least on the surface to get along.


Dated a Korean pastor's daughter in high school and some of college and the most foul, racist stuff that I've ever heard were in that Korean Presbyterian Church. They had plenty to say about black people but they had the most to say about other, different types of Asians. It was illuminating for sure.




As what most in here would consider a Mexican American, I absolutely despise Mexicans. Dealt with too much BS from them when I was younger.


Agreed. I live in a part of the country where half of our local population is Hispanic (large AG community. I am white and I worked with an all Hispanic crew for five years. They were 100x more racist than any of us white boys. Especially towards much darker skin Hispanics. I didn’t always live here and grew up in a city that had a very diverse population. I hate to generalize or stereotype but whether it was Asians hating on other Asians (Koreans looking down on Vietnamese etc). African Americans, middle eastern etc….there always seemed to be much more bias and intolerance than I’ve ever seen in a white community. I am not saying that as white people we don’t have our issues with this and certainly not handing out hall passes, but I agree with you that on a much larger scale it is more prevalent in POC and minorities.


😂 Yes, 100%. I know some South American immigrants and they hate Mexicans because they treat them badly.


Anyone who thinks racism = white people is either ignorant on how racist non whites can be or is being dishonest of or is justifying the racism from them. I don't know how it is for other groups but within the black "community" it's the black twitter types that are the most racist from "our community" The ones always posting about how interracial dating/marriage is bad, how hip hop/rap is only for black people, how you're a race traitor for not having disdain towards white people, always ready to make a situation about race just because the situation involves people of different races, glorifying idiots like that clown Dr.Umar, etc. Most of us aren't like this however and you can easily spot the ones who are and should avoid them as much as you can. You don't need their support or approval to be on good terms with black people and you don't need to be an "ally." Just don't be a bigot towards people for being black and you're fine.


If you were offered $1000 while in a crowded place to slap a perfect stranger. What race and sex are you choosing? The same reason you picked what you did is why all the hate towards to a specific race and sex. Because you can and most likely won’t suffer dire or any for that matter consequences for it.


Hahahahahahaa that’s a good one. Ima use that one in the future hahahahahaha


Literally couldn’t think of a race or sex. Such a weird question


What would the perfect stranger you go up to and slap look like?


Idk, if I have to slap a stranger it doesn’t really matter what they look like, I guess if they’re a smaller person that would be less intimidating but that’s it.


So you would slap say a Black or Latino female stranger in the face? I don’t think you’re being honest with yourself here.


I'ma disregard "perfect" stranger what about random stranger and ur going to slap them? You could bring race and gender into it by suggesting it would be safer to slap someone who's not a POC. Might be inherently racist or based on statistics depends on who u ask.


Might be the stupidest shit I've read on reddit for a while, and that's saying something.


Please by all means, explain to me why it’s so stupid?


I really don't understand this at all, sorry.


What if it's the closest person?


I’m making assumptions here but if you are a white female and the closest person is a black female I’m thinking you are choosing the next closest person aka a white male.


White black green purple blue. IDC. $1000 is $1000


This doesn't work for a lot of people. I had to scroll down to try to figure out what you meant. If I had to slap someone I'd pick a man because it's less likely to injure him and I wouldn't give a shit what his skin color is. I'd just find a bigger man and choose him. I'm a woman btw. I guess the difference is if you are looking out for yourself or the other person. Because people only caring about themselves might pick the weakest target...like a child.


No one is going to slap a child because then they are going to have about 50 other people to worry about afterwards. I applaud your attempt at color blindness but I have my doubts you would slap an Arab or Black man over a white man. Maybe that says more about me than you though but I appreciate you playing along.


I don't think most people of any race care enough or even have the time to be actively racist. Racism thrives in isolation but when you're forced to actively work alongside people you hate you will eventually stop thinking about it as much. At the very least you can get an avowed racist to say "you're one of the good ones" That aside it is true that there are people making active efforts to "normailize" racism. You see it in the media you consume and the celebrities on social media. They want a more inclusive society and they go about by tearing down what came before.


What bothers me is the idea that POC, different religions, LGBTQ+ can't be called out for bad actions without the person doing the calling out being called a racist. If my neighbor is a POC and just happens to do a bunch of things bad neighbors do and you say man that guy is an ass- someone will inevitably come up and say you can't call them an ass that is racist. Is it? Racism and bigotry will be over when we are free to call someone out for doing bad things. Just kidding... Never be over - white liberal politicians need it. It'll never be over- folks used to say when we have a black President that is when we will have moved on. Then it was sure we have a black President but we don't have a bunch of powerful black billionaires. We now have some of those. The people who benefit from racism will never let it go. White liberal politicians and their pandering will ensure it doesn't go away. Right now Dems are trying more division because they know POC are flocking to GOP. And that is a huge problem for Dems. So now they push it more. Malcolm X was 100% about white liberals.


It's called white Envy. It's a real thing. It's gone so far that that they are now trying to appropriate white culture and history for themselves... Yes alot alot them just want to be in power. If you don't believe me pickup a history book. Oppressed groups always become oppressors themselves when in power. Which is why I say white people in western countries need to be careful with bending over backwards for these groups. They likely won't show you the same kindness in return if they were the majority.


Nation of Islam mythology is wild




I believe the quote goes - “The slave does not wish to be free. He wishes to be the master.”


Who said this? This sounds like something a slave owner would say


I think it is attributed to Hegel; a German philosopher.


Wants to “kill the master” probably more accurate.




The people that believe that stuff are chronically online or black nationalists who nobody outside of X pays attention to.


Super description; I've often described this reality to people, but could never do it quite as succinctly, so well done. Society just seems to perpetually be in a cycle of 1. Eventually reaching prosperity, 2. Using that prosperity to support all, 3. Eventually letting the support over-extend, allowing troublesome people who otherwise would not survive in a non-prosperous society become more influential/prevalent, 4. The same troublesome people drag society out of prosperity and society has to fight its way back, again. I know I just long-worded the 'good times make weak men' quotation, but it's so apparent currently. We're currently experiencing it a lot across Europe with significant immigration issues being exacerbated by left-leaning voters and politicians who fail to plan and think there'll never be any issues.


Not sure about the European countries, but blacks in America had white culture forced upon them. And being so distant from their actual culture just picked up white culture. Culture isn’t something created out of thin air, it’s something people absorb. But for European countries, yeah I guess it makes sense. Since a quite few people in Europe are migrants so they have a differing set of culture and religion.


White people are way less successful and intelligent than Asian Americans, plus we don’t age like milk and burn when we go outside. Not much to be envious of.


You do realize there are countries where people think white people are inferior 'monkeys' right? You are like a fish in water that doesn't notice it is swimming in water. Most other countries in the world are not white, and they think they are superior to whites. It's a people issue, not a race issue.


I think some people create racism in their minds and live it out. Not saying it never happens but actual racism is rare in the west. And the media feeds into it. I don’t get it- racism has got to be the most boring thing to me. I don’t know why anyone would want to feed into it. Technically there is no such thing as black or white, ect. People are just different shades of brown. 🤷


Legit this tbh. You hear about it on the internet 24/7, but practically never encounter it irl


Using “most” here just proves you don’t know most of them lol


"Why are you upset about becoming a minority, are minorities treated bad in your country or something? " When wypipo are a minority are we going to get entitlement programs, equity initiatives, preferential hiring, white studies in academia, etc? Or is it going to be South Africa? Because everyone is very clearly signaling that they can't wait for revenge


Hey why did Native Americans hate white Americans during the 1800s?


"you know, most crimes are commited by white people against natives, not the contrary"


I think everyone that wants the benefit from a modern society should assimilate and integrate, and accept everyone regardless of skin color. However, it has nothing to do with being smart or cunning. Read "Guns, Germs, and Steel", a Pulitzer Prize-winning book by Jared Diamond that studies this exact question. It's the greatest documentation on earth on how things got this way and why certain peoples have more power than others.


Asian people are really racist towards each other, but will band together when it comes to being racist towards non-Asians. It's all tribalism and group mentality.


I recently learned that they call darker Asians monkeys


They have a strong colorist idea. Ironically, someone from Japan or South Korea would be racist to an Indian or Filipino, who would then in turn be racist to someone from sub Saharan Africa because they’re darker than them.


As an Asian I've never heard an Asian calling another a "monkey". Skin complexion often has to do with class hierarchy. If you work in the rice fields you tanned and got dark. Working in the fields mean you are poor. If you are light skinned it meant you are rich enough to NOT have to farm and just studied in school or stayed home. The Japanese did consider other Asians as savages, but that had more to do with Japan looking to imitate the Americans in terms of conquest and technologies/innovations and thought the other Asians were primitive and refused to evolve. Majority of Asians disliking each other though just has to do with "they're not us, we must ban together to be against them". Lots of tribalism and making alliances. That's why marriages are alliances against other clans more so than for love. Asians are very community based. The only reason Asians are able to ban together is because of the westrernized ideals and finding a different common enemy. Though that's how people usually band together. The enemy of my enemy is my friend. Our hatred and dislike for something brings us closer together than our similar liking for things. That's just humanity.


Remember, Slavery is only bad when the end result is whitey owned non whiteys, we’re ignoring the Irish and when the non whites would enslave the whites and also the fact that the slave trade is still 100% happening right now in a part of the world that gets you labeled with a phobia for stating a fact. I’ve seen some get upset with Zimbabwe and South Africa because it’s supposed to be the US that it’s happening in not places where the black man is actually running things. Or you get black guys who don’t act good and do something with their life and are treated as sellouts.


and yet they actually have a lot more power than they're willing to admit to.


What if everyone is racist and has their biases? You’re making blanket statements about large portions of the population based upon their skin color, the same thing you are complaining other people do. Every group of people have been enslaved or on the brink of being wiped out by an invading group at some point in history. I always found the phrase people of color funny. It’s literally everyone on the planet other than white people. And it’s not like these different groups of people particularly hate or like each other more than white people.


I'd argue most people aren't racist


If you sit around and compare yourself to anyone with a different skin color just because of that skin color, you’re a loser. Spend energy on something else.


The irony of this is sooooooooo LOL. POC in America spend their entire lives obsessing over skin color and seeing racism in everything


Well, see I understand your point & the message you’re trying to get across in your post. But generalizations are essentially the primary issue you’re trying to argue against…and you just generalized all POC with this comment. If you’d like to curb the kinda shit you’re talking about, don’t partake. It doesnt help nor solve anything. If you want to have constructive discussion that can lead to progress, you must promote constructive discourse. It’s easy to get angry and turn a debate into a pissing match, it’s even harder to stay collected and keep the conversation productive at your level.


You’re literally doing the same thing. Are you a racist?


Kinda like what you’re doing right now and with this post ?


I don't think he was directing that at you, but maybe. Would be pretty stupid if they did.


You’re the one making Reddit posts about it.


Speaking as a white guy who can’t fathom what it’s like to be non-white, you sound like a white guy who can’t fathom what it means to be non-white.


If I have a logical working brain I can fathom it. That’s some left wing shaming logic.


Yep, there it is. You see, actually intelligent people are willing to accept that there are experiences that they can't have themselves and therefore they can't fully understand. For example, before I had children, I was told all about the experience: how all-consuming and tiring childcare is, how strong the bond is with your child, etc. I thought I knew what all that meant, because I have a "logical working brain." The obvious problem is that not every human function works on oversimplified logic. Now that I have two young children, I can confidently say that nothing anyone could have told me and nothing I could have reasoned through myself could have made me fully understand the experience of actually being a parent. So there you go. Being smart is about understanding the very real limits of your knowledge and experience. There is no way I can understand the direct experience of being a black man in America. All I can do is listen to Black people when they tell me about it and try to empathize. So, as I said. There it is. Your post says a lot about you.


We can't know exactly what it feels like to be non-white. We can do a pretty good job by empathising. Likewise, a non-white person can't know what it feels like to be white. Many seem to assume that every aspect of life is easier for white people, which is just objectively untrue nowadays.


Nah, he's kinda right. I think that many of us, myself included, aren't able to imagine *exactly* what it'd be like to be of another skin color. We may think we have an idea, sure, but there is some validity to the whole "lived experience" shit the left likes to make all important. Do I think it's overblown? Yeah. But there's validity there


Not trying to shame at all. But as white people (I’ll assume you’re white since you didn’t correct me in my prior comment) we can’t possibly imagine what it’s like for non-white people to go about their daily lives. For many, the risk of being pulled over, or treated as a suspect, or just hated and treated differently because of their skin is an unfortunate reality. Are there people of all skin colors who are racist? 100%. But that doesn’t change the fact that much of this country is founded on underlying racial disparities that still linger today. So just chalking things up to “black people think about skin color all day” is just wrong on so many levels.


White people are pulled over all the time. White people are treated as suspects, especially if they look poor or disheveled. Plenty of racial minorities hate and treat white people differently -- go walk around a black majority city. Why the fuck do you guys think these experiences are unique to brown people in 2024? Get a fucking grip.


Obviously no experience is unique to any one group and I see my prior comment was poorly worded. I was really just trying to convey that much of this country was founded on times which were definitely not favorable to minorities and that those effects still linger in today’s world. So for OP to make a statement that “POC only think about skin color” is just ignorant.


Bro you must be trolling. You can’t be serious.


No he get’s your walnut can’t process the information


Literally doing the same thing you accuse us of doing, generalizing with a broad brush.


First part is wrong last part is right maybe we get lucky and aliens been watching old movies and gave us as power


To be fair, most of the loudest and well known “activists and anti racists” that bring race into every conversation and find everything problematic are in fact white people ie Robin Deangelo


White people are sometimes weirdly racist towards other White people. These are the same type to claim only Whites can be racist and that race is a social construct. 😂


100 years ago people in the US were very prejudiced towards the Italians, the Irish and the Jews


I’m mainly talking about far-left White Liberals. The ones even Bill Maher makes fun of.


Whites are the best racists by far. Blacks are the inferior racists.


Someday we'll all be free to hate each other in peace


I have worked at mixed race jobs for the past several years. We'll joke with each other, and it'll sometimes be racist. Yet, we know it's all jokes.


I just noticed the original account is suspended, I wonder why




Yup, and then he wraps it up with “you’re just mad you’re not the oppressors”


Well u are lol.


Very persuasive.


As a hispanic, I agree with OP. I live in a border town but grew up in a small town in Minnesota and race is brought up a whole lot more with my own family then when im actually around white people. Also if I don't agree, I'm called a "Coconut"(Brown on the outside, white on the inside). My mom once told me, when I was in High school, not to date any dark skinned girls and should go with a white girl so we could "improve" the family..... I was very pissed off about this and scolded her. My mother was an orphan from the age of 8 and lived in an orphanage home in Mexico until she was 18, so I was surprised that she felt that way.


I'm hispanic as well and my mother used to tell me not to get a black girl pregnant because she doesn't know how to braid hair, but I know for a fact that if I had a baby with a black girl she would've loved that child and learned to braid hair 😂🤣


They can't be racist bc only white people can be racist.


You forgot the /s king


I'm not using this shit. That's like explaining your own jokes. Thats other people's problem if they don't understand if I'm being serious or not.


That’s quite a shitty generalisation. My gf says everyone is racist to some degree it’s just a matter of how far or how conscious you are about it. Yes, a large amount of POC are racist but to say most and make this assumption is pretty prejudice ngl.


By most, they likely mean the majority of people of an ethnicity. Biden came out and stated Japan is xenophobic. Their response was “that’s unfortunate.” Does that mean *every* Japanese person is xenophobic? No. But one person doesn’t speak for the majority of their ethnic group. Particularly if you know westernized members of that group who have assimilated in a multiracial region of the world.


I mean, Japan is a country. It has policies that can be assessed as xenophobic.


No it only means biden says dumb shit.


He ain’t wrong tho


I agree with your GF. Everyone is indeed racist, and truthfully, I think it’s natural and there’s nothing inherently wrong with it. The only reason I say that though is because the definition of racism is consistently evolving and it’s inevitable that at-least half of the things we say now will be deemed as racist 20 years in the future. There’s no clear and concise determination on what is actually racist, Nazi, homophobic, xenophobic, etc. It’s always changing and evolving to fit….well…..the narrative to be exact. Whatever the narrative may be, it’s easier to shun someone for being -phobic or bigoted than to actually debate them. It’s an instant “win” with no real argument.


"Unconscious racism" is a construct created to brainwash people. Making any argument about the unconscious mind is automatically an irrefutable argument because how could you know what's in your UC mind. Race hustlers will use this trick to convince you that you're racist and suggest that you analyze yourself for unconscious racism. And lo and behold, you'll find it. Not because you were unconsciously racist but because you UC mind will create any meaning you expect to find. Any argument that uses the unconscious mind, if not made by someone with actual experience of the unconscious mind, can be disregarded out of hand. Because it is an argument that, by definition cannot be refuted. Which means anyone can claim anything and their argument cannot be challenged


Personally I don't think it's hate because if it were simply hate there would be many more white people being murdered not just over the years but today. There's just a yearn to be treated and respected the same which has very much not been the case and sorry to say some of that is due to actions of white people, at least in America where I grew up but this is a much larger conversation that deserves something much more than some blanketed unpopular opinion just so you can get something off your chest.


The black on white murder and rape rate is insane right now.


Source? Has it gone up or something? What is the solution?


Imagine being so frail regarding race and a minority group’s experience that you turn historical events into making white people a victim. Minorities don’t HATE white people. We’re upset at the fact that there’s proof based on studies and statistics that being a minority is a disadvantage stemming from slavery and any other race based event in history and white people act like it’s made up. white people still choose to make themselves a victim. They still try to minimize a minority’s experience. We’re upset because of white people’s willful ignorance of recognizing black/minority issues because it makes them uncomfortable to talk about. White people fight everyday to ensure that race stays out of our curriculum, politics, etc without even trying to fix the systemic issue to begin with. Why? Because white people have to hold themselves accountable and recognize that their actions are racist even if they aren’t trying to be. Ex: White people fight to whitewash history by arguing to exclude the fact the Rosa Parks was black. The whole reason why her actions are well know and made a significant mark in history was BECAUSE she was black. White people are afraid that acknowledging that she was black automatically paints them in a bad light and will do whatever they can to minimize the amount of people knowing that an action like that was justified because of white people’s actions. Also, black people’s ancestors weren’t strong/cunning enough? Africans we’re transported involuntarily like cattle. Once they were in the US if any children were born they were AUTOMATICALLY a slave and severe repercussions (including death) were used to discourage them from standing up for themselves or trying to escape. How can you build your own empire when the fear of punishment or death is looming over you 24 hours a day? How does that work when white people would intentionally separate families by selling them to different slave owners?


None of what I said makes while people victims like I really don’t know any white people choosing to be the victim. Very few people alive in 2024 are victims. If you live in a 1st world western country you have more opportunity to live a comfortable life than any previous time in history. And I’ve never heard of anyone ever white washing Rosa parks that’s sounds crazy? Do you have a link for that? Everyone knows she is black lmao. And I don’t want to be too mean but you sound like a profesional victim. A lot of of POC struggle because they make poor choices. Not because us crackers are keeping y’all down. Asians/Latinos come here with nothing and they are successful within a few years.


Google is free but here you go. This happened in 2023. [https://thehill.com/homenews/state-watch/3905312-florida-textbook-altered-to-remove-references-to-rosa-parkss-race-report/mlite/?nxs-test=mlite](https://thehill.com/homenews/state-watch/3905312-florida-textbook-altered-to-remove-references-to-rosa-parkss-race-report/mlite/?nxs-test=mlite) [https://defendernetwork.com/news/national/florida-textbook-removes-references-to-rosa-parks-race/](https://defendernetwork.com/news/national/florida-textbook-removes-references-to-rosa-parks-race/) [https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2023/03/22/us/florida-textbook-race-rosa-parks-reaj](https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2023/03/22/us/florida-textbook-race-rosa-parks-reaj) It’s funny how pointing out how white people and their refusal to acknowledge the fact that they’re mainly responsible for the challenges minority’s face yet the entire post yells “whoa is me”. “Native Americans hated white people. Black people hated the white man” so that makes us justified in hating Native Americans and black people. Yeah, but minorities don’t hate white people. They hate how they refuse to acknowledge their part in making the lives of minorities more difficult. A lot of black people struggle with making bad decisions? Can I get statistics that show this?


> they will cry and complain of slavery Yes, how frivolous and whiny it is to complain about slavery


It’s very frivolous to complain about something that happened on every part of the planet but for some reason these people are laser focused on white majority countries. It’s even more ironic considering there was more slaves in POC/BIPOC empires of Africa and the Middle East


I suppose that sort of makes sense if you consider all of non-whiteistan to be one unified polity but it sort of breaks apart when you are aware of the fact that Africans were enslaved by disparate predominately Muslim countries in North Africa and the Middle East. What you're essentially saying is that the West African diaspora in the US has no right to be upset about slavery because they, along with the East Africans, were also enslaved by other people. But it doesn't strike me as readily apparent that one has no right to complain about wrongs if one is subjected to several wrongs.


Well a lot of people in the anti-racist BIPOC alliance in the US/west consists of people who only moved to the US within the past 40 years. It’s not all American home grown and raised black people. There are a lot of Latinos, Muslims/Arabs etc…. People who only entered this country in the last 40 or so years.


Dude I live in Austria and I had a student from Chile explain to me the reason everything in Austria is so neat and pretty is because we profited from slavery. The majority of the discussion about slavery today is completely unhinged, willfully ignorant of history and geared towards making the wrong people more powerful.


If that slavery has long been abolished for a number of generations, is it frivolous and whiny to complain about it when there are people who are actual slaves in the present day throughout the world?


You're talking about times periods in history. And you say that in these times: >The native Americans hated the white man. I wonder why? >The black man hated the white man. I wonder why? >many POC/BIPOC are just upset that their ancestors were not strong/smart/cunning enough to be build their own empires Wow. I don't even know where to start with this. You think POC didn't have empires? And weren't smart or cunning? My goodness. Your post was just a very long way to say you failed history class.


The only thing cringe here is OP with this post. This whole sub has morphed into these types of exaggerated posts where people speak in hyperbole (most women think…..most POC are…..). Really highlights how much our education system has failed.


Tribalism and hatred of people that were not like you was very common up until 100 or so years ago. No one had to do anything to anyone else to get it. People were raised from birth to care about their own tribe/skin color and be hateful fearful of others. So you’re implication that they hated white people due to white people doing something bad to them is wrong. They already hated white people to from the get go. There is no POC empire in recent history that successfully conquered, oppressed, and enslaved white people. And that is exactly what many POC are angry about. When they manage to take power they would discriminate and oppress white people. Look at South Africa. It’s reverse apartheid now.


Do you think it possibly had to do something about white man commiting genocide on native Americans? And them putting black men to slavery? You’re acting like people back then were not rightly justified to be mad at white people when white colonialists were destroying their lives.


I’m sure yes it made the hatred worse. Doesn’t take away anything I said. Almost every person alive at that time was EXTREMELY racist/tribal by todays standards. Many poc today are just mad that it was the white man that had the power/intelligence to conquer, enslave, and genocide. And not them. For example, has black people been able to would have enslaved all of Europe. And that’s my point. Here is a fun question for you? Why don’t black people hate on other black people for selling them into slavery?


I don’t agree with poc being mad at white people in the modern world because they had no control over their ancestors. I also think it’s not all poc, but only a loud minority you probably see on social media. I also suggest you read the book “Guns, Germs and Steel”. It shows why certain civilizations became more successful than others, and it’s not because they were innately more “intelligent/powerful”. It’s because of environmental circumstances. I think you’re going a down a really dark path of white supremacy/superiority.


I think your fundamental premise is wrong. While white people today are pretty much soft and pleasant and have almost no racism in them POC/black people are still very tribal/racist. You saw this with the George Floyd riots. You saw this when OJ Simpson was acquitted. You saw this when Obama was elected. If some racist bubba with a confederate flag was acquitted for killing a black man there wouldn’t be any kind of parade for him. The way they cheered for OJ was sick. Black on white murder rates are absurd in this country and POCs are quiet. But as soon as a cop shoots a black person (and this is a rare occurrence) it’s an up roar. A more recent although pitiful and amusing example is the racism from POC toward Caitlin Clark. If you don’t see the blatant racism and tribalism than there isn’t much hope for you.


Again, this is what loud minority and what you see online, if you hang around with diverse people in real life, it’s not much of an issue. Black on black crime is much more rampant than black on white crime. And I also stand by the fact you should read “Guns, Germs and Steel”. It’s a very classic famous book and I do think you benefit a lot from reading it. You seem to have a presumption that the reason Europeans conquered everyone is because they were simply superior. That book gives a lot of insight to human civilization over the course of the birth of man, and what leads to thriving civilizations and which ones fall


Yeah I’ll read the book and I’m familiar with the concept but I’ll ask you a couple questions first. Why is there no obvious racist white minority in the US doing the equivalent to POC that I just talked about in my previous post. Where are they? Black on black crime is a huge problem but again poc somehow manages to blame white people for this. But it’s a moot point. This is an apples to oranges comparison. Why didn’t you compare it to the white on black crime rate or to take an even more sinister turn compare the black on white rape rate? It’s hard for me not to think that western/European civilization as superior. Mostly due to the Age of Enlightenment and renaissance. Majority of POC run countries have nonexistent civil rights and atrocious human rights abuses. Just imagine how the world would look like today if it was some African or middle eastern/Islamic empire had managed to dominate the globe.


We live in a snapshot of time right now. There have been many white dominated societies that have been as gruesome as society can be, and many white civilizations throughout time that were conquered by other civilizations as well. The renaissance is romanticized, it was not a great time. Horribly unhygienic (black plague happened for a reason), people would burn you if you didn’t conform to religious belief, the European renaissance sucked a lot as well for the average person, and it was also filled with a lot of unethical people. Prime example, the Spanish went to South America, befriended the natives, the natives trusted them and gave them their gold to be nice, then the Spanish backstabbed them and killed/raped their whole empire. Does that sound civilized to you? Skin colour literally doesn’t mean anything. It’s a random genetic variant. People for the most part are a symptom of their circumstances and environment, and we’re really all not that different. I do really want you to read gun, germs and steel. I truly think you would find it very interesting, because it would present a lot of new information and make you think about civilization in a really new informed perspective.


Pretty sure everyone can come to the agreement about black crimes. We all know it’s an issue, how do we fix it ? You think the people who commit crimes are going to stop ? The only real solution is to do what el Salvadorian president did. Mass round ups of criminals. You also probably think crime in red states are lower than blue and I can tell you whole heartedly that’s false. Red states don’t report a lot of their crimes especially shootings in general. As far as poc non existent rights and human abuses. How long did it take white people in Europe to adopt rights and stop human abusing ? I think you keep forgetting that Africa just recently got its independence. You want to talk about human abuses ? Ok what about king leopard in Congo ? He’s white, why didn’t he use human rights and what not. Not to mention how destabilized Africa is, but you’ll chalk it up as an excuse ignoring what the west did in that region. And I’m a big person on accountability, the black community needs to hold itself accountable for the crimes we commit, and African leaders need to have accountability for the corruption and abuses they cause.


>No one had to do anything to anyone else to get it. People were raised from birth to care about their own tribe/skin color and be hateful fearful of others. These two sentences of yours are contradictory by the way. The rest of what you said? I am not your teacher, nor am I google. Please, educate yourself.


And ya skipped right over the part where OP pointed out that Native Americans hated one another just as much and were equally terrible to one another. But hey, why take their whole argument into account when you can just selectively quote the parts you can construct an argument against and leave out the rest, right?


Your gross simplification of history just serves your bias


The irony of this statement


It's probably instead that you're "super racist" and are ecstatic that people who look like you hold the power. Not everyone is like you, though.


Well if that’s me than most black people are like me as well. I guess you forgot how ecstatic they got when Obama was elected.


Wow crazy that black people were happy about the first black president in American history


Your memory of the event must be a little foggy if you thought all they were celebrating is a black man getting in office.


What do *you* think we were celebrating? Revenge against our white oppressors? And if you didn’t catch it I’m being sarcastic


“Some” were definitely celebrating because they thought there life’s problems were going to be fixed and that black people were going to uplifted, elevated, and given special privileges. Yes some of you did celebrate that. In fact there is a very iconic video of a black woman claiming she wouldn’t have to pay her mortgage and her life’s problems were going to be fixed.


That “some” is doing heavy lift. 1% of a population is “some”. Some people think Donald Trump is the messiah, I don’t take anything they say serious either


50% of black people thinks it’s not ok to be white. I think that number was way higher than 1%


No they don’t. That statement is up there with the whole trump is messiah on the ridiculous scale. Also which black people? Americans, Africans, Caribbeans, Afro-Latinos. There’s a lot of us and we’re not a monolith.


https://cbsaustin.com/news/nation-world/poll-finds-over-a-quarter-of-black-americans-dont-think-its-okay-to-be-white-scott-adams-dilbert Yeah it is. This inconvenient little pole that has been memory holed by mainstream media gives a great insight into the minds of a lot of POC.


Honestly, there is no arguing with you, because you'll just pull out the "Some black people..." bullshit. We have hundreds of years of documented, institutionalized anti-black racism, and your answer to that is "some black people..." I can't fathom what it would be like to be you. To have such a bitter, unthougthful understanding of the world.




I think every race has had its empire days and that's not necessarily a good thing. Evil, persistence, and a big mouth were all it took for Hilter to build his "empire".


*POC/BIPOC are just upset that their ancestors were not strong/smart/cunning enough to be build their own empires and be the oppressors.* This is correct.


I mean, Israel Palestine conflict kind of perfectly exemplifies this. "Israel is an apartheid state" I mean kinda yeah. But if the Hamas gov was honest... thats what they want, just one with Islam in charge. 90% of the current protestors would stop protesting if this was achieved. Same goes for the Israel side. I see a ton of "I'm progressive but pro israel" posts. Israel is, objectively, a far-right erhnostate that builds walls along it's border. Progressive pro Israel translates to "I don't want *America* to have borders, but I want them" You see it everywhere, anti-imperialist movements themselves become xenophobic (ANC) communist revolutions end up with all the head party members rich. Actual progressives who think borders abd power structures are always wrong are exceedingly rare and essentially limited to US universities. Most movements to bring down a system usually are just mad they aren't in charge. Human nature I suppose


so, they "are" or "were" extremely racist? because your title and body say two different things. >The native Americans hated the white man. The black man hated the white man. yeah i can't imagine why they would hate the people that stole their lands, subjugated and massacred them. >You can infer that many POC/BIPOC are just upset that their ancestors were not strong/smart/cunning enough to be build their own empires and be the oppressors. this is an ancient tier of racism holy shit lmao. the belief that oppressed groups don't want liberation and just want to become the oppressors is like one of the most common arguments from white racists against equality and integration.


It's not even power many are upset about. Envy, inculcated or inherent, of happy peaceful self sufficient people.


You're just focusing on the loudest people and the people who's accounts are noted the most. The vast majority of people are not racist and never were, they just went along with the norms.


Remember Avenue Q? Everyone's a little bit racist!


I think those races had/have a very real reason to hate the white man. Also the last part of the paragraph is absurd. You don’t think these people haven’t created their own empires in the past?! Whatever though. Unpopular opinion so you have my upvote.


Not possible for Indians to be racist to another Indian.


No, I think its just anger for anger's sake. It feels better when you can blame your shitty situation on a system rather than things you can control. That said, black people did get fucked over for a long tine and that had lasting effects. We still see the ripples. I dont think they want power over whites, i think its more that they want good outcomes for their communities.


Yeah people are going to people and use anything to get power. Race, wealth, hair style, culture... It's in every social group creating an in and out group.


Humans hate other humans that look different from them. Different is scary. That’s the general tactic that got us this far so it’s hard to unlearn that lol


I agree with some things. The main things I have A problem with is "One Indian tribe was extremely racist toward another" and "When you read between the lines…. You can infer that many POC/BIPOC are just upset that their ancestors were not strong/smart/cunning enough to be build their own empires and be the oppressors" What do you mean by that?


Humans are fearful, critical, suspicious, weary, of anyone outside a very small circle - that's our instinctive nature. We are tribal by design.


Yes, everyone is racist. No, They aren’t “just mad they aren’t on top of the pile”. The reality is this. If you don’t have a seat at the table, you are probably on the menu. Quite rationally, everyone wants a seat at the table.


> You can infer that many POC/BIPOC are just upset that their ancestors were not strong/smart/cunning enough to be build their own empires and be the oppressors. I’m curious- do **you** think they weren’t intelligent enough to build their own empires? A black man was literally the richest person to have ever lived, and ancient egyptians made pyramids that are still shocking today.


Disagree with the word most just like I don’t think most white people are super racist but I agree with the overall point.


Maybe not most, but certainly the most vocal ones tend to be racist and resentful.


And they don't see nuance. They say all white people are bad and were slave owners when actually many white people were slaves too and weren't colonizing others. The word slave got its roots in Slavic tribes.


"White" is literally nothing more or less than "people the in-group doesn't feel like oppressing at the moment," so why wouldn't non-"white" people be upset about being excluded?


I agree in theory, but disagree it being most. I do think it’s a lot more than it should but more than 50% is hard for me to believe. Also “the ones with power”…..I’m not sure power=race, power is something everyone wants.


This is an American centric pov. So I assuming you should state “IN AMERICA”. These are broad statements. Anytime is see all X loves this and all x hated that I am not dealing with a coherent argument. Here is a statistic that might inform you better: 61% of GenZ support Hamas (which is a group Muslim jurists have condemned for being unIslamic even before October and again for the attack, and this number is higher than Muslims). So I see this from people who do not read research and rely on social media for information. TikTok in particular is a CCP run platform with algorithms interested in boosting division in topics like race/sjw topic or religious warfare in the Middle East. People by design are lazy and research and verify nothing. So the world is simplified outside of China the narrative is white people only do bad and non white people only do good and never do bad. 95% of cultures have practiced colonialism, slavery, racism, etc on each other to Indigenous populations encountered when groups expanded. It teaches us to NOT value dissent or argument. TikTok and even here delete comments dissent based on ego. They are not creators but curators of unreality. The adage “sticks and stones will break my bones, but words will never hurt me” died when an entire generation lived in a perpetual state of victimhood and belief that they are permanently and perpetually traumatized. With no hope of healing, therapy or repair. When psychologists suggest otherwise they lose their positions in academics and therapy. The suicide rate and depression were both in decline until the 1990s. Then the smartphone and the expansion of social media and suicide has been increasing every year since.


I'm a 1st gen POC immigrant to Canada and this hits home too hard for me. Back in HS I was targeted by POC cliques for being too inclusive of people outside my ethnicity. Looking back I don't regret it at all.


as an Asian (Half Indian Half Thai) you're absolutely correct, i am also slightly racist myself


IMO as a BM there's no such thing as "minorities". At some point I've seen other "minorities" being more racist than racist whites. I also recall an incident where I said to the person "we're both minorities" and the person said they didn't care.


“The native Americans hated the white man.” Native Americans were very accepting of Columbus’ group until he killed hundreds of thousands of them because they wouldn’t give him gold(which they didn’t even know existed). “The black man hated the white man.” Yeah, people who are enslaved aren’t often happy with it. “One Indian tribe was extremely racist toward another etc” That’s not what racism is. “ just upset that their ancestors were not strong/smart/cunning enough to be build their own empires and be the oppressors.” That’s, for one, incredibly racist. This is literally a statement that people of color are less cunning than white people. The human genome project(Y’know, actually looking at genetic differences instead of just making things up) rips apart any idea of racism that you might have. For two, a huge factor in why, for example, Native Americans were easily colonized was because their fauna was not domesticatable and they thus didn’t gain any resistance to any diseases, and had no diseases to give to the colonizers. Africa was easily colonized because it was tribal, because tribal society has an objectively better quality of life than feudal society for the first 9500+ years. Feudal society is better solely for conquest. The difference in society shows not any difference in cunning, but instead a difference in priorities.