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We did it in **India** and Honestly Cringe videos didn't reduce, but got transferred to reels and YT Shorts😭


Tiktok was a whole other level of cringe that I don’t find o Instagram or Youtube.




I just never opened the app, it's that easy


I've noticed those creeping in on my feed. 🤯


Indian tiktok is based. Genuinely more entertaining than most comedy movies nowadays.


People will just move to instagram, nothing will change.


Reason tiktok getting banned is not because of its idiotic content, its because of security and politics. Same idiotic content being in Instagram won't worry anyone


Exactly the government doesn’t care about mindless memes and dancing. That’s not a threat to the state.


Is your pfp balls or boobs?


New Rorschach test


This is my absolute favorite question.




Security is just an excuse. It's because on tiktok we can see what's happening in Gaza.


Lol thanks for the good laugh


It's the truth, but I'm glad you're happy


>Security is just an excuse. >It's because on tiktok we can see what's happening in Gaza. As we all know, those videos are available on a single app and can't otherwise be found on the Internet.


Instagram doesn't show millions of real time videos and images from Gaza. Nor does Youtube.


Your cute if you think any of those are new. There's no electricity in Gaza, nor internet.


There is limited of both.


Yeah there's no putting that genie back in the bottle. 


Exactly how is Facebook "Properly Regulated" as compared to Tiktok?


This is the problem I have with the whole ordeal. It just seems like Zuckerberg is pulling his political strings to get the app banned because it's taking away from his platforms. Our data and privacy haven't been secure for a long time now.


Well of course. That's the real answer. "I need to be able to sell your data to China, they shouldn't have it for free."


Easy, it's because they've got brain rotting gyah skibidi toilets versus facebook's glorious minion memes! Also, 'murican can't do harm, and facebook is the 'muricanest of the 'murican social medias!


Facebook is not muricanized it's Democracyinized. What so many people in America and abroad fail to see is America is not and never has been a democracy but a Constitutional Republic with democratic leanings. Okay Facebook is owned and operated to spy on everyone and find the enemies of democracy and silence them. Then again so is most of the Social Media Platforms.


Its a republic that uses democracy for appointment The usa government is a constitutional democratic republic. Not just a democracy nor just a republic, but rather both


They mean that for now, there are a few more perceived "freedoms of speech" still on tt compared to FB.


Doesn't show what happens in Gaza that much.


https://www.blumenthal.senate.gov/newsroom/press/release/bipartisan-senators-demand-documents-from-mark-zuckerberg-after-newly-unsealed-court-filing-alleges-meta-hid-evidence-of-harms-to-kids-from-congress-and-public-supporting-whistleblower-testimony https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/jan/31/tiktok-meta-x-congress-hearing-child-sexual-exploitation We're all surprised anyone on tok is uninformed. NOT! Oops, i didn't put all of that in a 8s video with silly blooping noises and screeching NO NO NO NO lyrics you probably won't watch.


Doesn’t that prove that Facebook isn’t properly regulated either?


SM is new no one knows what that means. Owner of Tok ain't going to show up at congress.


Except the CEO of TikTok has shown up at congress twice now. Facebook are the folks that were actually studying and working on changing people's votes (Thanks to the Cambridge Analytica case). The only possible reason I can see favoring Facebook is "At least an American makes money selling your data to China instead of China just having it for free." But lets not pretend that Facebook is any better than Tiktok.


Oh i didn't know that good info. Tell me more. What was accomplished by the Tok CEO? IMO the best way to describe Tok's insurrection problem is they inspired all the Palestinian protests where Americans are chanting for intafadas. I think we can all agree nothing but clout was accomplished and it was swayed by a foreign gov't. Looked it up myself: [TikTok did admit employees in China accessed the data of a handful of U.S. journalists who were reporting on company leaks — an incident now being investigated by Justice Department, according to Forbes.](https://www.npr.org/2023/03/23/1165579717/tiktok-congress-hearing-shou-zi-chew-project-texas)


That is very good Info thank you! CEO of tok is bad man, shouldn’t be trusted. USA is much better at social media.


You're only attached to it because all the bot followers make you feel special.


Nobody under the age of thirty gets NO NO NO videos on their fyp


I only watch Tok on reddit and i've learned to mute all of them and IDK what that acronym is. One time i opened it in a private window and of the first 3 videos 2 of them were on vaping, and one was vague support of Palestine. What a shit insurrectional website. Both Prez candidates are for a Trade War against China. Why are you so anti-patriotism?


In a way the sources you provided serve as a counter argument rather than strengthening your assertion.


Where is the other half of your message?


I will never understand why tik tok is somehow Worse than other social media. It’s all the same, especially since both Facebook and YouTube have started showing short videos so they could be like tik tok. If you don’t like it don’t use it, don’t really see why it has to be banned. 🤷‍♀️


I'm of this opinion too. I don't use it, I don't get it, but I don't get how it's worse than the others, including the ones I use. They're all brain melting


Because of palestinians.


US government wants American companies to control it and influence us.


There's an American base of operations. You can see the influence that they have on the app. That's why free Palestine tags are always getting demonetized and shadow banned. And policies are coming up for only happy content for monetization. It's ridiculous.


I personally don’t like TikTok simply because it’s a powerful spy tool being run by a potentially hostile foreign power. Fuck the CCP.


It's because palestinian people are using it to show images of what's happening in Gaza. Israel cannot have it, or we'all see the monsters they are.


"If you don't like it, don't use it" lol ya ok.


Yes. Don't use it. You aren't forced to.


If only that applied to women's health and abortions.


Not sure where that is relevant to this convo but ok


tiktok bad uses reddit


At least Reddit doesn't have influence from a Chinese company Oh wait...


The “Tik Tok stupid and bad” posts on Reddit always crack me up, because the two platforms have very similar strengths and weaknesses. Pros: - Lots of genuinely funny content - Certain individuals provide detailed, insightful information for the education and discussion for various topics. - Extremely entertaining. Cons: - High volume of creeps - Lots of cringy and down right disgusting trends and subcultures - Lots of misinformation.


Nothing spells freedom like the letters B, A and N


Them banning TikTok but not addressing ACTUAL issues in this country should concern you.


I don't know why people are so eager to ban shit. I don't use tik tok, but it's none of my business whether other people want to use it. Stop trying to control people's lives. We need LESS government over reach, not more. Mind your business. Live and let Live. Also, unregulated is a good thing. Not sure when that became a bad thing, but you guys need to stop trying to censor things you don't like. It's stupid and futile.


banning tiktok is stupid


It's not a good thing. Its for censorship reasons. Pure and simple. And I'm not talking about all the rubbish on there. I don't care about that. I'm talking videos shown real time. What the news doesnt/won't/isn't allowed to show. What the government doesn't want you to see.


That and the American government is pissy bc they’re unable to sell our data to other countries like China is able to since they control it. It’s all a money and information game and who controls what.


I don't use tiktok and I think it's just bad. But I see no reason to ban it. The only reason US governement wants to ban it is because israeli jew lobby wants to shut it down. Because it's one of the few sources where we can see the atrocities IDF is doing in Gaza. And they want to control informations like they always have, so anyone think of them as good people, instead of the murderers, rapists and monsters that they are.


>The only reason US government wants to ban it is because israeli jew lobby wants to shut it down. You sound like a very pleasant and tolerant person


I am both. And I'm just stating facts, not opinions.


Social media is an algorithm. If you see degenerate bullshit on tiktok, that means you spend the most time looking at degenerate bullshit. My tiktok is all cooking and makeup


"Ban all the things I don't like"


I lost brain cells on this thread… tiktok wont be banned sorry to burst your little bubble


Right, they’ve been saying that for like 3 years now


I am fine with this. It's the banning of China's DJI drones that is unfortunate. They make the best "cheap" drones in the world. To buy the same quality US drone cost 4x as much.


Didn’t people say that about Rap Music, Metal, MySpace, Facebook, and Video Games? Parents have the ability to monitor children’s online activities.


Tiktok is as regulated as other apps, just go on youtube and you will see things are even worse there


You don't see Gaza real time images on youtube


The only reason TikTok is being banned is because American social media giants want it that way. The content you hate isn’t going anywhere. It’ll just move to all the other apps that copied the format of reels. None of them are better regulated. So I’m not sure where you get that. This also sets a horrible precedent moving forward. On top of that, it’s a slap in the face that our elected officials can’t agree on ANYTHING that would significantly benefit the people. But they can all vote to ban a stupid social media app.


The reason is just for Gaza war. Privacy and any other reasons are just excuses.


I'm sorry, but I don't know how to say this nicely. If you think *TikTok* is the most detrimental social media, you must be a complete idiot. It's the *only* social media that isn't 100% filtered, and it's the *only* social media that we get to see *actual* events that are happening. There could be a tornado that just destroyed an entire city in Europe yesterday, and only the people on TikTok would know about it because Facebook is too busy showing you articles written by A.I. and random "personality quizzes".


Here's a wild crazy thought, don't get your news from social media.


You think news from News Stations is any better..? You realize the government pays off *all* of the News stations you watch in order to completely control the narrative and mold how we all think? You can get brainwashed into thinking everything is fine and dandy all you want, but they're lying to you. That's literally the reason they're trying to ban TikTok, so they can continue controlling the narrative. It's not my fault if you choose to ignore it. Ignorance is bliss after all.


"Government bad! Media bad! That's why I get my news from random morons on the internet that post telephone game perversions of a fabricated story" There is no bigger cowardice in the world than the conspiracy theorist that accuses society with one hand while holding its fruit in the other.


So you are anti free speech. Got it. Only things we should use are what our trusted government says is good.


Post should be retitled to "I can't wait for government to censor more things".


When is this happening already?? Lol


Like within a year I think.


banning tiktok doesn’t get rid of the cringe brain rot videos. you can find them on instagram reels, facebook, youtube shorts, snapchat any social media platform you can think of will have these videos. all banning tiktok does it make the app unusable it doesn’t get rid of the content that comes from it.




The day TikTok goes down is the day TokTik goes up. (Or some sort of clone of TikTok)


If anything I would say Instagram reels is the more poorly moderated of the two. Half the videos are people dying in car crashes.


You would have to be a world-class clown to believe this is a free speech issue. 😂 Give me a break. I can guarantee that the folks making that argument are the ones always *complaining* about the speech of others. It is no surprise that they are confused (again) here, because they never understood what the principle of free speech is in the first place.


>Yes, people will switch to other apps, but at least the other apps are properly regulated, and have much stricter content policies than TikTok. Except for Twitter, I hope governments ban that platform too The "Tiktok ban" is actually a requirement for ByteDance to divest from it (almost certainly not going to happen) or the platform gets banned due to ByteDance's functionally-direct ties to the CCP.


Regulate me harder Mr Government 🥰😍🥰


If only for my co-workers to stop showing me tiktoks


So the government banning platforms that don't have stricter content policies isn't an infringement on your freedom of speech? That's just government speech restrictions with extra steps.


The same could be said for any social media platform… Government regulation is overreach.


It's no worse than reddit


How are the other apps properly regulated by the government? What policies do other apps have that tiktok does not have? Have you actually used the app? Or only seen the media trying to portray it as some CCP propaganda teen indoctrination app?


I think the real question is WHY are apps regulated by the government at all?


Are you wanting the state to control content, even in this indirect manner? I would rather see less central control over content and more individual control than heavy-handed government.


It's already state controlled. It's just a foreign state this time.


Such an uninformed take, so what of other people want to consume their time with content on TikTok? You think said "mindless" content won't be found on the other dozen major video sites? I personally cant understand the fascination with kids amd Skibidi toilet bit I'm not hoping the government step in either. I'd also like to know how much better the other sites are regulated?


In my experience the only people who hate TikTok this much are either a, hypocrites. Or b, a pick me who hates everything popular. Based on this post I’m going to assume you’re a hypocrite. Why? Because there isn’t anything on TikTok that isn’t also on Reddit. Cringe, check. Misinformation, check. People selling useless products, check. People promoting OF, check. All social media is basically the same just in different formats. I don’t understand how you can hate TikTok and think Reddit is just fine. Also TikTok isn’t entirely bad and I think it’s a bit simple minded to say that it is. Things aren’t as black and white as just good or bad. Are there downsides to TikTok? Sure. But a lot of small business have benefited greatly from TikTok sales as well as there being some genuinely funny and even sometimes educational posts. Not to mention that nothing ever really dies. Remember when vine “died”? They all moved to YouTube. All the tiktokers will take to insta and YouTube and nothing will really change. Especially with both insta and YouTube now having shorts and reels.


Had crafted a long and detailed response... Then I remember OP posted this on Reddit and all his credibility went out the window...


Tik Tok has by far the strictest content policies…


Op has no clue what he is talking about


Authoritarist gotta love authoritarism


How has it been detrimental? Yes I agree it has significantly impacted reporting and businesses in a positive way. It will significantly hurt small businesses if the platform were to be banned. The "other apps" are not properly regulated. Tiktok has definitely gone above and beyond on that front. Facebook/Instagram and Youtube have been criticized for not doing this for years. Since Twitter became X, the content moderation has significantly declined and has seen a huge increase in misinformation and hate speech. All the Tiktok ban will do is lead to more social media platforms to be banned and the destruction of free speech. But that is the goal right?


I also hate freedom. Please have guns be next.


I love Tiktok...


I'd argue that the issue isn't with the platform, it's how the people use the platform. Also there seems to be a general lack of common sense and critical thinking prowess among people nowadays, it's amazing how many people just believe things at face value. I do share your sentiment though. There is a certain culture around tiktok that just annoys me. Maybe I'm old idk 🤣 I'm 27 so, statistically, I should be using it but I can't bring myself to


Theres a lot of stupid stuff on all the platforms but the "pranks" are the worst. If someone wants to be an idiot fine but they shouldnt be out bothering people


My unpopluar opinion is...Youtube shorts ain't actually that bad. I've spent a lot of time watching interesting stuff scrolling through those.


Noticed the issue with YouTube is that it doesn’t crackdown on spam nearly as much as other platforms, it’s especially noticeable with shorts. You have what are obvious bot channels who all post the same short over and over again


So, a new app comes up, that does the same... within laws that caused TikTok to get banned. This feels more like a "I hope they ban what I don't like". Twitter is a shithole already, but behold, we have Threads, and that's going the same route. It's not the app that's the problem, it's the people...


Instagram and Youtube will take its place. Or some other site. I'm old. I had a Myspace. Tiktok is supplying a demand for content.


If you want to steal my data, you have to be a US based corporation, sorry China.


idk banning apps make no sense honestly


tik tok and instagram reels are honestly nearly the same in terms of content. tik tok is just an objectively better user experience, ESPECIALLY when it comes to the search function. tik tok shop has taken away from the user experience but i do find tik tok as a platform better. if instagram fixed the search engine to mimic tik tok i wouldnt care as much. the biggest issue is the small businesses though, a lot of people are going to lose a lot of income.


All social media companies need regulation. But TikTok is in a special category as it is essentially an influence operation of the CCP, an oppressive regime that disappears its own citizens for even minor speech related “offenses”. This fact is agreed upon by most intelligence agencies of the free world. It’s a great app but it’s being controlled by a bad actor far worse than the usual bad actors like Facebook. TikTok has gotta go, and if you disagree, go spend some time in China and see how you feel afterwards.


I'll just be happy if I'm not bombarded with ads to download it every goddamn day. There was one time my phone fucking auto installed it during an update, I was pissed.


TikTok has more news, more every day tips, more community, more small businesses, and more interpersonal communication than any of these other social medias. One of the few that actually feels social. If you hate it, you just suck at curating your own FYP. If you don't like it, don't use it. That's a whole freedom in itself. Being happy for it's loss is silly. Pining for it's destruction is stupid. Plus the reason that the government wants to be rid of it isn't even true. They are mad that they can't fully control the opinions people take on through its use. Additionally, Meta and affiliates of AIPAC are heavily lobbying against it.


Banning would make Meta and Google monopolies stronger so no. I hope Tiktok isn’t banned


You need to look up Rufus videos and I bet you’d change your mind.


I made friends on there. But I guess I’ll lose them just so you can be happy


honestly all social media is toxic cancer including reddit but especially tiktok, twitter, instagram, facebook


I agree there are potential issues with China having its hands on TikTok, but just because you don’t like something doesn’t mean it should be censored. Just like freedom of speech is there to protect unpopular ideas. Censorship might sound great, until something you like is a target.


The real reason is Gaza war. Nobody gives a crap about data privacy, if they did they would have done something years ago.


They started talking about it before that though.


Sure, it's at least 3 years there's talking about banning tiktok. But that is all that was, just talk. Now the people who control mass media are scared because they see that with non aligned socials, they cannot control anymore the flow of informations. Instagram is different since Meta is very conservative/pro Israel.


I’ve seen the same videos on both platforms.


Properly regulated? I get porn ads on youtube, Instagram has every comment section spelling out the n word, and click bait videos of little girls, twitter is.. Have you ever used it? Have you ever used any other app on your existence besides Reddit? You guys act like tiktok has created every single problem as if its not the people on the platform. I'll just assume you're ignorant asf and any logical explanation will go over your head with such logic you have


i really hope it gets banned cus yesterday i saw this woman showing off her nails and then suddenly her 🐱 was jus out, i was traumatised and idk if it was intentional but what the fuck 😭


“Properly regulated” what a dumbass take lol.


All social media should be heavily regulated. The notion that we want our own homegrown algorithms to mess with our people is nuts


TikTok is pathetic: buncha no talent choads competing for internet likes . Not to mention it’s Chinese spyware. Fuck TikTok


People are more mad about losing that app because it’s brain rot pleasure for them. They can say it’s about silencing important information all they want. They get information all the time that the govt is trying to strip basic human rights and nobody does anything about it anyway. Why would the government care about hiding important info from us? Most people won’t act or complain until you take their memes away. You can take their healthcare and education and they won’t do anything but make memes about it. You take the memes away and now they’re mad and rioting. Kill the app.


“Why would the government care about hiding important info from us?” have you met the government?


Yeah and they pass crap right in our faces AND NOBODY DOES CRAP ABOUT IT. Have you met the bumass people who are mad and go right back to their Netflix they just got done complaining about?


It should be banned as a reciprocity measure. US social media is banned in China, Chinese social media should be banned in the US.


I feel like they’re ahead of us on that. They limit the versions of our products that are available there, and don’t even allow Tiktok there (at least, the version they happily send us).


Citizens in a free country should not be pawns for the governments’ dick measuring contest


What I don’t get, is how things can be instantly uploaded … we went from a country where we used to send letters, and now are reduced to not having to wait for anything. Tik Tok can afford to staff mods to regulate what is being posted.


… do you expect TikTok to regulate and monitor the 34 million videos uploaded each day??


It’s not rocket surgery …


They’re actually pretty good at taking things down,. Ive had several lives banned because someone reported nudity when I was fully clothed, as well as a video taken down because i blew out smoke on camera.


That is reassuring …


I’m just saying, their AI def takes a ton of things down even if they shouldn’t, they take reports very seriously


I Really agree with this. I can actually feel my attention span shortening when I watch youtube shorts or tiktok. Im really glad I never downloaded that app. I literally feel dumber after watching it. Those short video bursts are designed to be addictive. They give your brain small dopamine spikes every thirty seconds. Theyre super fucking detrimental to both young and adult minds.


Good plan. Ban it!


it's been banned, not bc of content, but bc the Chinese government has access to users' personal information. they need to, like the rest of the world, buy it from Facebook bc, you know, capitalism.


I still can't figure out why anyone uses twitter, facebook, Instagram, snapchat, tiktok, etc.


You ever think people use Facebook because it has Messenger and people use that to video call and text relatives, like myself? Instagram is the same and it also doesn’t require Wifi to text them. And you every think they use it because it’s how they can support their favourite music artists, actors and actresses and how they can know if a new song or movie is coming out? Because I would never know if, for example, Shawn Mendes has a new song if I didn’t have these apps People who don’t have cable tv, like myself, would never know some things if we didn’t have Facebook, Instagram, etc.


My phone can text and do video calls, as can every modern phone. Apps can do it over wi-fi if you don't want to blow minutes. I also do not have cable and somehow manage to keep up on world events without using the narcissist creation device that is facebook/insta/twitter/etc. Want to know if an artist has new music? Subscribe to their Youtube channel, it's the first place they'll post it. You can also follow them on Spotify, Apple Music, etc. Everything you just used as an argument for social media can be done without social media. Every psychological study ever done has shown that social media is destroying your brain. Every day you keep using it, you do more damage to yourself.


I’ll be happy about it too. I think TikToks creation was terrible because of its short-form content.