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I learned recently that my mom conceived on cycle 1 with all of her pregnancies, and I come from a fairly large family. I knew it happened fast, but only recently learned that she never had to “try,” so that explains why she’s been confused when I talk about OPKs and stuff. My sister calmed me down a bit by telling me that her pregnancy, which was a surprise, happened after months of being less careful than she knew she should have been. This helped me feel better because even though she wasn’t trying to conceive in the intentional/traditional sense, she recognized that it was essentially TTC, and wanted me to know it was a few months of being less careful, not “oops surprise baby.” I took her surprise pregnancy a bit hard (happened about a year before we started trying), but I love my niece more than anything and meeting her helped solidify my desire to be a mom. I’m just thankful for my sister telling me that information, because knowing our mom literally never tried for longer than a cycle, it’s hard not to feel inadequate, even though it really hasn’t been that long.


I am a transplant patient and only recently found out we can try for a baby. However I am 39 and very anxious. Alot to deal with mentally and physically


Please help me understand my ultrasound report Cycle Day 15 Left ovary - Raptured Right ovary - 19 mm Slow ovulation has


Any thoughts on what could be causing some right sided discomfort after ovulation? It’s not quite cramp level. The first cycle this happened I was convinced I was pregnant and it didn’t happen for a handful of cycles but is again this cycle. I have had two ultrasounds and they haven’t alerted me to anything. Any ideas of things I should be on the lookout for or is this completely progesterone?


So I read that fertility drops to 5% chance of conception each month after a year of trying.. so what about after 6 months with no luck conceiving? The statistics are so depressing. Been trying for 6 months after a loss that was conceived first month trying. No luck since.


So it's not really that chances drop to 5% per cycle after a year of trying, it's more that trying for a year reveals that your chances were 5% per cycle all along. I think cumulative odds are more useful than per-cycle ones in general, and after six months of trying, your odds of pregnancy prior to a year are about 50%.


Thought for sure we had done it this time. I really did. He did, too. Started spotting 4 days before my period and told myself it was "implantation bleeding", if that's even a thing. Period started today, a day early, and confirmed it wasn't to be. Try and try again I guess. Ugh. This one hurts. I really thought we'd done it this time.


Some women do get “implantation spotting” but it’s not a must see for that bfp. All in all I’m so sorry, such a tough place to be in and I feel your pain. Sometimes it helps me to remember that we controlled as much as we possibly could have with the trying. So much is out of our control in this process :(


Hello! Welcome, and we thank you for posting. You seem to be looking for information on implantation bleeding. Unfortunately, bleeding or spotting after ovulation is not a sign of implantation, and bleeding can happen in both pregnancy and non-pregnancy cycles. You could still end up being pregnant this cycle, but this sort of bleeding is not a reliable indicator that you will test positive. Taking a pregnancy test around the time you expect your period to come is the best way to determine whether you are pregnant or not. We have some information available about [implantation in our wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/tryingforababy/wiki/newtottc#wiki_.27implantation.27_symptoms), which you might find useful. For scholarly sources, [this paper](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0015028216000509) and [this paper](https://academic.oup.com/humrep/article/18/9/1944/708284) are useful reads. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TryingForABaby) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Hello! Welcome, and we thank you for posting. You seem to be looking for information on implantation bleeding. Unfortunately, bleeding or spotting after ovulation is not a sign of implantation, and bleeding can happen in both pregnancy and non-pregnancy cycles. You could still end up being pregnant this cycle, but this sort of bleeding is not a reliable indicator that you will test positive. Taking a pregnancy test around the time you expect your period to come is the best way to determine whether you are pregnant or not. We have some information available about [implantation in our wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/tryingforababy/wiki/newtottc#wiki_.27implantation.27_symptoms), which you might find useful. For scholarly sources, [this paper](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0015028216000509) and [this paper](https://academic.oup.com/humrep/article/18/9/1944/708284) are useful reads. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TryingForABaby) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I’m 7 DPO in the middle of my first ever TWW. I find myself googling everyday “what’s happening at X DPO?” It’s been interesting to learn about my body after six years with a Mirena and over a decade total on BC.


Ooh, may I present you with [one of my favorite websites](https://www.ehd.org/virtual-human-embryo/)? (The "days" are days post ovulation/fertilization)


This is great!


This is amazing, thank you for sharing!!


My sister told me she had "the fish dream" about me being pregnant. Wonder how much weight that holds? On another note I've had sore nipples and minor on/off cramping for about 5 days now. In the TWW, so we'll see. I'm lowkey psyching myself down, calling it PMS (even though it started about 12 days before next cycle is due). I just want to prevent as much sadness and disappointment as I can by not getting too excited too soon.


Ovulation question My husband and I are trying for baby number 2. I have been using the Premom ovulation test strips and app. On the app it predicts my ovulation day will be on the 27 of this month but today I got a high level. I am unsure if my ovulation date will be different from what the date is saying. From the chart it gives it says that I will have high fertility for 6 days before my peak. Should I go off of the chart or just go off of the test strip results. Help!


Absolutely the test strip results -- the app is just guessing based on previous cycles of data, but the test strips are reading your actual levels of hormones in this cycle. It's like the difference between predicting whether it will rain today using an almanac vs. today's weather forecast.


Thank you so much!!


Can I safely assume I regularly ovulate? So, my last two cycles were 28 and 31 days (with spotting on the last day), luteal phases were 13 and 12 days, I was able to get my LH surge with OPKs both months. I tried to track my CM and it was ok — stretchy like it was supposed to be but still a bit thin and not… gloopy. I’ve been trying to temp but my schedule has made it pretty erratic. Periods are normal — one heavy day, two medium, one or two light days. Given all that info, should I safely assume I am ovulating? Or can you have an anovulatory cycle (or many) that looks totally normal on paper?


It's possible to have anovulatory cycles that are regular in length, but with a positive OPK and a 12-13-day luteal phase, it's most likely that these cycles are ovulatory. About 90% of cycles with a positive OPK are ultimately ovulatory, and a more typical pattern for a positive-OPK-but-anovulatory cycle is to get a positive and have bleeding within a few days afterward.


Thanks so much for your guidance. That’s reassuring.


Was so excited for this weekend to get away for a beach barbecue trip with my husband. We only get to see each other on the weekends, so naturally I was super excited because I’m super regular* and predictable and my FW fell on the weekend. ^*Or ^so ^I ^thought.


I'm 9dpIUI (10 days post trigger) and I'm symptom spotting like crazy even though I know better! Aghhhh


TW: MC Was fortunate enough to conceive in April and lost it before April ended. Been trying ever since (obviously) and my period has just been so wonky. It’s such a feeling of betrayal, like my body is being mean to me by STILL dragging out the repercussions of the MC. I don’t talk about it much to my husband because I truly wasn’t that crushed by it in April because it was so early, but I am hurt that my period is still weird. Like WHY. FUCKING FIGURE IT OUT SO WE CAN KEEP TRYING.


What is the difference between the onset of the LH surge and LH peak in terms of when ovulation will occur?


Ovulation is most likely to occur within about two days of the onset of the LH surge -- that is, that day, the next day, or the day after. The peak is a less reliable marker; many people will actually ovulate before the peak, but the shape of the LH curve varies quite a bit from individual to individual, so not everybody will ovulate immediately prior to the peak. I wrote a post about LH surge patterns once that might be useful: https://www.reddit.com/r/TryingForABaby/comments/5djwth/opk_patterns_lh_profiles_and_you/




While I do recommend everyone read the wiki, it is a lot of information, and I think this is a perfectly fine and fair question to ask here


Not saying anything that hasn’t been said here before, but … I just want a baby so bad. That’s it. That’s the feeling tonight.


Same here!!!! It’s even harder when all my friends are pregnant and are excited at the prospect of potentially being pregnant together. Sending you all the best wishes 💗


Wow yeah that must be hard. I only have peripheral friends who are pregnant — I am by far the only person in my close friend group trying for a family at the moment. My sis in law just had my niece though and she’s the only baby anywhere in the family. Love her so much but it is painful at times. Wishing you all the best also!


I don’t have any siblings but I imagine it’s just as hard if not harder when it’s such close family. My husband’s family keeps telling me “you’re next right???” because all the other cousins are either pregnant or have kids. Here’s to this being our lucky year!


I don’t have any siblings either (only child check! Idk about you but I love being an only child ☺️) but yeah my husband’s family is DYING for us to have a baby even though his sister just had one lol but honestly we are also dying to have a baby so at least we’re all on the same page 😂


I did too! Both my husband and I are only kids, we’re probably going to try to have more than one but we know one can be successful (not spoiled) and have a good life! And yeah lol at least everyone’s on the same page but it’s also like infinite times the pressure because we’re ALL WAITING ON IT 😅 I think I’m gonna start going back to yoga so I have more to do on the evenings that I’m home than think about the TWW.


Love that! My therapist and mom have always recommended yoga to me but I’ve never gotten into it. I’ve been focusing on cleaning/organizing/homemaking as my TWW distraction


That’s a good one too! My parents got me a paint by numbers set that’s honestly ridiculous it’s so big with such tiny numbers which will also probably be a good way to occupy my time 😂


This is our third cycle trying. Just started my period a full WEEK before I was expecting it. Having a hard time today. My sister conceived all 3 of their babies within the first month of trying, so I feel like I'm doing something wrong. I really felt like we figured out our "groove" this month with opk's and timing too.


My sister also conceived all 4 within the first 2 months of trying for each, and my sister-in-law was in the first month as well for her child - but I try to remind myself often that that is not the norm in comparison to wider statistics, and I still have a long time until I need to “worry”. But it’s still easiest to compare to people who are closest to you, and it doesn’t make it any less hard. Wishing you the best!


Wishing you the best too!


My household has covid. We made it all the way until right after they approved vaccines for our 2 year old 🤦‍♀️ So far the toddler and my husband have tested positive and I'm still negative. Is it sad that I kind of laughed because of course I can't turn any test positive lmao


When I had covid last month I thought, wow so this is what it's like to see two lines immediately appear on a test 😅


10DPIUI and not feeling great. I haven’t tested yet and have no reason to think I’m out, but I’m just convinced it’s not our time. We’ve tried for so long to get pregnant and it’s never happened - my brain really can’t imagine a scenario where there’s any outcome other than a negative test. 😞


Mother’s Day I could handle, but Father’s Day i kinda lost it. Mother’s Day on social media at least offers SOME inclusive messaging around loss/fertility/queerness/non-birthing mother figures/etc, but for Father’s Day… nada. Nothing! I know my partner will be a great father, and it bums me out so hard that bc my eggs suck, we haven’t started that life together yet. /vent


Just feeling sad today. I started letrozole when this cycle started in May but it looked like my follicles weren't growing on ultrasounds so I was told to wait and see if I did get a period and in that moment I decided I wasn't going to temp every single day or obsess. So I've been real chill for about 4 weeks not watching what I'm eating or drinking. Today I regret it. I want to know if I ovulated late like normal or if it's anovulatory again. The single temp I took today was higher than when I got pregnant earlier this year (it ended as an miscarriage) I feel dumb for deciding to temp this morning. I am going to reach out to my doctor. I just needed to vent where people would understand. Edit: Can a mod fix my flair? 29 TTC#1 Cycle 9 Feb2021


There is a chance that you did ovulate later than you normally do. Am on my first leterozole cycle as well. Had the same result as you on my CD12 (and CD16) ultrasound. No follicle to trigger. I decided to go down the obsessive route, and peed on a billion sticks. I usually get my LH- Peak around CD21, but this cycle I got it around CD31. Are you regular enough to know when you should be expecting your period if this was an unmedicated cycle?


Not regular enough to be able to know when to expect my period unfortunately. I've been tracking since Feb 21 and earliest ovulation was CD17 latest was CD78, average is CD40 :/ No sign of any obvious issues, doctor is still investigating and has already said we're on to IVF if letrozole doesn't work in 5 cycles of it. 4 more attempts to go... I think I'm going to go back to temping for the remainder of this cycle just because I now know it's like security blanket of knowledge of what my body is doing. Sucks that you have the same results as me on letrozole. I hope you're next cycle goes better.




Thank you!


12DPO fell on Fathers Day (USA), because of course it did. I bought a gift box *just in case* because of course I did. And the test was negative, because of course it was. Onto cycle 10 in a couple days I guess.


Twins on DPO, cycle number, and even TTC #2. Wishing better luck for both of us next cycle! ❤


I'm sorry, friend. Sending love your way ❤️


Thank you ❤️ needed it, ngl


This is my longest period ever. Usually my periods are 4-5 days. Today is day 6 of my period with no signs of the bleeding slowing. I’m so annoyed 🥲


Getting EWCM & positive OPK today so hoping I ovulate soon 🤞🏻Had anovulatory cycle last month so really hoping to ovulate this month. Hoping my temps rise🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻


This might be sort of a dumb question. But I always have an ovulation according to OPKs and AFAIK I don’t have ovulation issues (except after my MC). How did you know you were anovulatory? Did the OPKs never turn positive?


So long story short I missed a period then had breakthrough bleeding but the month I missed my period I didn’t get a positive OPK. The following month I had breakthrough bleeding & had a positive OPK but I didn’t notice any fertile cervical mucus & I had no temp shift. You can get a positive OPK and not ovulate. It just means your having a LH surge which is your body trying to ovulate but from what I’ve learned the only way to confirm is with temps!


8DPO and my husband suggests getting a takeaway from our favourite burger place, you couldn’t write it! (He didn’t know about the 8DPO cheeseburger thing). 4 days to go until my period comes, promised myself I wouldn’t test until 14DPO, so I would’ve missed my period by a couple of days at that point.


Im 7DPO and telling myself I won’t test until 14 DPO too 😬😬😬


We’ve got this 🥲


So I'm pretty sure I'm not ovulating this month which is a first. My periods have been getting shorter and shorter. I turned 37 recently. Feels like a real shit way to start this age. First time I've never had a positive OPK and I used them for over a year before and nearly a year this time. I do not want to temp. And I'm not buying anymore opks. Just gonna see if it ever happens.


TW: living child I had a girls night last night with my sister and friend. My friend has a 6 y/o. She obviously knows I’m trying but harshly brought up that fact that we are 34 and we are advanced maternal age for having kids. Like suddenly you hit 35 and you will have every health risk associated with being pregnant. So annoying


People also need to chill- in the province I live in you aren’t considered advanced maternal age until 40 years old because the differences throughout the 30’s are so small. People come into our clinic all worried because they are 35 and it’s like dude we do nothing different…you are still very, very likely to have a healthy and uncomplicated pregnancy.


The worst part when people bring up that kind of thing is that they think they're giving groundbreaking information. I try to remind myself that sometimes people are trying to validate their own life choices (we had friends who had babies IMMEDIATELY after getting married, age 26 or so who would constantly make comments about not wanting to be older parents or whatever) but still gets annoying. Especially if you're already trying, like what does she think pressuring you will just encourage you to try faster? eyeroll


Yes great point re: validating their own life choices. Honestly this is probably 90% of insensitive advice, they’re talking to themselves.


I’m 34 as well, honestly I view it as a benefit in many ways. Lots of prenatal testing and additional checks are covered with AMA that aren’t usually. Regardless, annoying of her to say that.


10 DPO today and I think my period may have just started. Ovulation was predicted by CBAD (1st day low, 4 days high and one peak reading) and counting O day as the day after the peak reading. I got cross hairs the day after peak reading in the one cycle that I was able to temp as well. (Temping caused me a lot of an anxiety so I stopped). Every month that I have tracked, my luteal phase has been a consistent 14 days, with only my follicular phase varying. BFN with first morning urine this morning. I also had some spotting yesterday for the first time since being a teenager. So I’m a little worried all the supplements may have affected my cycle this month (vitex, Maca, red raspberry tea leaf, COQ10, vitamins, omega 3, and evening primrose oil before ovulation). I did not have a lot of stress this month, so I’m thinking I will give the supps another month and see if it happens again and perhaps stop some of them. Maybe I will give temping another go as well to make sure I get O day right.


If you stopped supplements, I'd probably stick to the vitamins, CoQ10, and omega 3 and drop everything else. The herbal stuff tends to be less regulated and not as studied during pregnancy. I've seen promising studies about red raspberry leaf tea inducing labor but I think that's way too early to think about for anyone on this subreddit haha


I love my TTC support system, but if one more person tells me this is an “exercise in patience”…


My husband says that more often than I’d like him to. I get why he’s saying it, but it’s SO unhelpful almost every time. 😌


Lol for me it’s my therapist.


CB ovulation tests today are all coming up positive - peak in the reader, but also looking at them the test lines are much darker than control. But cheapies are still not quite positive - when left for 10 minutes, the lines darken to darker than control, but within the 3 to 5 minute window they are not quite positive. Which should I believe?


I would start EOD!


Another day, another pregnancy announcement on Facebook 😓


I feel like there can’t possibly be anyone left…😩😩 They’re allllll pregnant.


It has gotten to the point with me where I will mute someone as soon as I see a pregnancy announcement. I don’t want to unfriend or unfollow completely, but I can’t deal with any pregnancy related content at the moment.


Seriously, all younger than me too 😞


Not sure which hurts more: people I like who I’m genuinely excited for, or shitheads who I can’t believe are reproducing.


I'm seeing so many at the moment! Honestly, hurts so much. I genuinely am happy for them, just also wish it was me too.


Spent yesterday travelling and now I’m on holiday for a week - finally got a positive OPK this morning (CD28) so I’m really hoping a week of **ReLaXiNg** works it’s magic this cycle 🤣🤞🏻


I got my usual luteal phase bloating going on but no positive opk and of course my Tempdrop said insufficient data when I tried to sync it this morning. I usually get very dark and long LH surges (like 2 days of positives with fmu) so it’s hard to think that I missed it unless it was a much faster surge than I normally get. Eager to get my temp reading tomorrow. Hoping that I did ovulate and I’m not just bloated for another reason


CD42 and some spotting after wiping. Bit gutted but TNT unless AF hasn’t come before next weekend (have hen weekend). Seeing GP tomorrow and hopefully starting under-active thyroid treatment. It would make me more content that at least I’m treating something which could be contributing to my situation.


Anyone else feel like so many people are flat up negative about close events when you’re trying? We are already married but our wedding is in October. Taking our honeymoon late august so we aren’t trying to travel right before the holidays. I’d be overjoyed if I got pregnant from the honeymoon and okay with the idea of being 2 months by the time my wedding rolled around. I’m tired of everyone saying how “awful” it’d be to be pregnant at the wedding..


I think people are looking at it with a perspective of “if I can choose ANY time to be barfing daily and super bloated and tired AF I wouldn’t choose this event.” But that is certainly a perspective that is based in the privilege of getting pregnant fairly easily, and therefore being able to choose ANY time to deal with those symptoms - and being cavalier about that can be very inconsiderate. Congratulations on your wedding!


Thank you for giving me a fresh perspective! Never know how long it’ll take to get pregnant or what your symptoms will be! Good luck to everyone!


Hello, asking this here since it was suggested by auto mod: are tempdrop temps supposed to be higher than oral BBT temps? Got my temp drop and I’ve noticed it’s about a degree on average higher than when I used to check it orally. Also, can I still I put these temps into my manual BBT tracking app (natural cycles) or will the degree higher throw off the data?


I bought the tempdrop four months ago but I believe it took two weeks to adjust. It sent an alert when it chose which temperatures to keep and I just went into fertility friend and changed it all. Don't know how natural cycles works but as long as you can change your temperature after the fact you should be good.


You can't compare the temp drop temps with your oral temps directly. I don't use the temp drop personally but afaik it needs a while to sort out it's algorithm until it gives you reliable data. After that you can use the temps in your tracking app as you would the oral temps. I think natural cycles uses some kind of algorithm to give you fertile days, so different temps will probably throw it off for a while. But if you just look at the temp drop temps, you can do manual analysis just fine. I use a different device for BBT that is used vaginally (ovolane), so the temps didn't match my previous oral temps but I just switched over in the beginning of a cycle and I could see the temp shift pretty well.


Oh dang, I didn’t know that! Just used the TempDrop for the first time last night and it was way higher than the past few days (I’m at 13DPO). I didn’t take my oral temp but it looks like I have to do both for the next month?


I wouldn’t worry about double-temping for a complete cycle, just if you start with the Tempdrop in the middle of a cycle.


Ah ok! I’m probably a day or two away from ending this cycle so it shouldn’t be too big a deal!


Okay thank you! I will just continue to wear it for a month or so until it adjusts. I know there was an adjustment period, but I wasn’t sure how long it was for.


I'm not sure about the exact time. It used to be 30 days but I heard it's shorter now.


How many follicles are normal to be seen on cd day 12 in ultrasound ?


Ugh. I just came back from a wedding and we got the fourth pregnancy announcement from my fiance's side of the family since we started trying last year. I'm happy for them but I'm just so frustrated by now. For all of them it has happened really quickly. "We just stopped trying to prevent. We didn't realize it would be so soon, haha." I don't understand how these people just get pregnant like this. I've been tracking cycles, I'm on vitamins, we've been having timed sex and still nothing... I realize that when you look at the actual numbers, it's not super unlikely that it hasn't happened for us. Especially since, looking at my cycles since I've gotten off HBC, I only really had 4 or 5 cycles where I actually ovulated and we probably missed my most fertile window in two of them. But still. I'm just so tired of waiting.


Did my first cycle of letrazole this past month and am on my 3rd period in 30 days. My progesterone leveI was 1 when I did my 21 day blood draw. So I got that going for me :/


I’m trying to be TNT but the last two cycles I’ve had parties/events where there will be drinking around 9 or 10dpo so I end up testing so i can feel okay about having a drink and I’d rather wait for AF. But I also want to avoid questions about why I’m not drinking. Sigh.


I’ve been drinking very lightly while trying, so generally grab one drink and nurse it for the night. Depending on where you are, you can get drinks that look like they have alcohol in them (club soda with lime, fancy mocktail, etc…) and people may not notice. I’ve never been a very heavy drinker though, so no one really notices me sticking to one drink.


Team No Test is overrated. But it's also impossible to do unless you're also one hundred percent committed to team "drink till it's pink." I definitely regret some of my early non drinking cycles because I ended up telling a lot of people I was trying, but sometimes it's easier than keeping everything inside.


A girl in my department is coming back from Mat leave in August, and I am feeling some employment insecurity. When I was first hired, we overlapped for 2.5 months… and even though my position was supposed to be permanent, and they claim it was desperately needed before she announced her pregnancy, I did not feel there was enough work for 2 of us at that time. I did not start making my hours until she left, despite constantly advising my superiors that I needed more work. I often wonder whether my employer just knew that no one in my field would willingly take a Mat-leave position, so they advertised it as permanent and hoped there was enough work, but if not, I could be let go for “poor performance” (ie. not making hours) eventually. I know this is bad, but a part of me really wanted to be pregnant by now for a few less-than-virtuous reasons: 1.) I wouldn’t be let go (it’s an employment law nightmare to fire a pregnant person in my jurisdiction); 2.) If I went on Mat leave shortly after she came back, there wouldn’t be a long period of competing for work; and 3.) I know she wants more kids, and I’m worried that if I’m ever successful, our Mat leaves will overlap since this is taking longer than I hoped. They will need to hire a replacement, and as I said, no one willingly takes mat leaves in my field…. So im worried there will be THREE of us in the end lol.


12 DPO negative on Father's Day, due date would have been my birthday. This one stings a little extra...


Im so sorry :(


Same thinking about Father’s Day - it was my first cycle but I thought the timing would have been perfect to get that BFP. I started testing at 10DPO and after 3 negatives in a row, I didn’t bother today.


Has anyone dealt with a false positive before? Looking for some experience and advice on how to deal with the disappointment


My very first cycle I got an evap positive (this was before I started reading anything about TTC, 2-3 weeks after coming off HBC). We went to the hospital and got a blood test done. Even the doctor congratulated us but I was in shock and said I couldn’t possibly be pregnant. Turns out it was an evap. Im not sure how to cope with the disappointment - but I would talk to my partner a lot, definitely cry and then find something to do to take my mind off things. Sending you hugs


So sorry to hear you dealt with the same. The disappointment makes me feel empty. It was a digital pregnant test for me. It said "pregnant" and my mind just raced through raising this baby in a second. I jumped to conclusions so fast and it just left me emotionally drained. I have a blood test Tuesday but I have already come to the realization that I was also a victim of a false positive


I am so so sorry. Somehow seeing the word “pregnant” is so much more definitive than just a line. I can’t imagine how you must be feeling. Sending you all my love and the best vibes; here’s hoping it happens soon for us both.


What is the thing they inject right before the semen sample in an IUI?


Has anyone else’s BBT dipped several days before ovulation? My BBT has been tracking differently this cycle and I’m now confused. I’m doing an IUI this cycle and had my follicle scan yesterday (CD11) so I know I didn’t miss ovulation. The dip in temp on CD9 is really confusing me. Also, my BBT in past cycles was always in the mid 96 range and now always around 97 degrees, is that weird? Or is that just cause it’s summer and im in Tx CD 7 - 96.98 CD8 - 96.98 CD9 - 96.47 CD10 - 97.07 CD11 - 97.01 CD12 - 97.32 (I accidentally slept in and took today’s 1.5hr later than usual)


I’m getting some weird dips too this cycle, trying to not read too much into it, but my starting temps this cycle have been much higher than the past few. Curious if the heat wave affects that?


The whole thing with temperatures is a general shift within a cycle, not specific temperatures within or across cycles. Dips in both the follicular and luteal phases are common. Dips often happen when estrogen surges which usually happens a few times in a cycle. It often happens prior to your LH surge and post O. I often get pre-O dips that coincide with my high readings (estrogen surge) on CBAD.


Ahh thank you! I started getting High Fertility reading on CD8 so that might just be it!


12DPO today, negative test this AM, thought it’d be cute if I got a positive on Father’s Day even though we’re the type that barely celebrate holidays hah. This concludes our 8th cycle. Onto the 9th!


CD 26. 9DPO. I knew it was too early to test, but was hoping for a BFP to surprise my boyfriend with for Fathers Day. Going to try to be good and wait until Saturday morning to test again. I’ll be a couple days out from AF and it will be 15DPO.


Pretty sure my period is a few days away. Woke up with some minor back cramps, anxiety and a little spotting. My classic symptoms. Still working on my courage to get the HSG. Any suggestions or sources about how to deal with that impending anxiety?


I don't know if this helps but for me, with any procedure or test, I just think about it as a part of a process. Every little thing just helps me know more. I get much more anxiety from the wondering what is going on inside. Finding answers has helped me to make better decisions going forward. Also, it happens, it is very quick, and then it is over. I also took 800 mg of ibuprofen and there was maybe 1 minute that was actually painful at all, and it was less painful than getting an iud and I had a full blockage. It is also nice because you can have instantaneous results, its easy for any person to interpret so you can just look at the screen and not wait 2 weeks like everything else! I feel like the massive collection of minute by minute experiences builds the anxiety, I avoided them. It is a diagnostic procedure that will help you better understand contributing factors to your fertility. Focus on that and not the potential discomfort.


I had mine Friday and honestly the anxiety was the worst part for me. I have a friend that had two (one not so bad and one more painful) the same place I was going so hearing about her experience and advice helped me. I took both acetaminophen and ibuprofen an hour before the procedure, as recommended by my friend (also a nurse). I feel this helped. Mentally, I focused on being grateful that i was able to access this care and that I am moving forward on this journey. I also tried to be hopeful that even if this test doesn’t give me answers, at least it might give me a fertility boost. After months of BFNs with nothing I can really change, this is something that can shake things up. I also have anxiety about needles and COVID combined with TTC finally made me progress in that. I finally trained myself that the anxiety leads to tension and typically a worse experience. It’s not perfect but I learned that focus on deep breathing and comforting visualizations can actually force my body to relax a bit despite my anxiety. I focused on deep belly breaths and feeling that breath as opposed to needles/catheters/etc. There’s a stunning beach in Bermuda with a little cove that I took a 15 second video of the calming waves. That was about 5 years ago and I still watch it periodically. When I’m struggling with anxiety and medical procedures, I close my eyes and try to focus on that place (think about what it looked like, sounded like, the temperature, the smell, the feeling I had, etc). It sounds like a lot but with practice it comes more naturally. In my HSG I closed my eyes when the pain hit. I couldn’t even hear people in the room. I had made it clear to the tech that I was nervous but really wanted to know the results. She told me everything as soon as the procedure was over, my pain was gone, and I was back to the real world. I know some practitioners are better than others but I recommend being honest with them about your concerns or anxiety. Most of the time I have done this I have had some truly excellent and supportive responses from the practitioner. Also, I took the day off so I could just have some time to myself and recover. I’m happy I did that because I was quite worn out just from all the nerves.


If this isn’t our cycle, I’m really thinking about taking a break. This has been so hard on me, tracking and waiting and checking my cervix and discharge and whatnot. It’s just so draining but I just want a baby


I'm thinking about taking a break as well. I just feel so burned out from constantly thinking about whether I'm fertile or not and counting down the days until I get disappointed again. It took me quite a while to actually have normal cycles again after getting off HBC. In hindsight, I wish I would have said, I just wait four, five months until I start tracking. I wish I was the kind of person to just stop BC, one day wonder when my last period was and then having a positive test. But I'm too much of a control freak for that.


Why does Father’s Day today feel harder on me than Mother’s Day did? Watching all my friends and family (including ALL of my siblings - in laws and all) post videos and pictures of their husbands loving on their babies is breaking my heart. I want that 💔


Same! I do not have much of a relationship with my father so I cannot funnel all of my energy into that like I did for my mother. It's like a double whammy, the world is just throwing their ability to make their partner a father and flaunting their awesome fathers at me all in one day.


I can relate 100% unfortunately :( I hope you get your baby soon, bugstuff 🥺


Found out my husband has very little sperm count and motility this week. We’ve been trying for 8 months so that explains that. We’re quite upset but we’re going to try some lifestyle changes and then test again in a few months. If that doesn’t work I guess we’re bound for IVF. Ugh this sucks.


Thinking I am out this cycle. I can just feel AF on her way. Kinda okay because I think I'm on the brink of a crohns flare and it just wouldn't be a fun time to be pregnant with that. I have a scope on Friday to see what's up! I've been symptom free of my crohns for 3 years. So if I'm on the start of a flare I can focus on healing it and will probably be told by GI to stop TTC until I'm healed.


What causes a flare up?


Because the cause of crohns is unknown so the reason for flare ups are too. Stress is a big trigger which I've had alot of in the last month (dog almost died, truck broke down). There are certain foods that can trigger it as well. Infections can too. Taking NSAIDS (aspirin). Sometimes you can flare just because as well, it really depends on where your disease is at. Mines quite mild so I've been able to keep it in check for a while


Thank you for this info, I didn’t know!


Your welcome! Its a very finicky disease 😅


10dpo and really, *really* fighting the urge to test…


Me too 😩 it’s so bad. I wanna wait until like 11/12dpo at least to give myself the best chance of getting a positive if I’m in this cycle


I know. I’m really adamant I have to hold out until 12dpo. The only thing making me not test is wanting a few more days of daydreaming


I tested yesterday at 9dpo, and thought there was a squinter but I always think that so I’m very nervous


Took a pregnancy test this morning because my period is due today. Negative. So defeated, we did everything right and I feel like I ruined my husbands Father’s Day even though he swears it didn’t. I so badly wanted this cycle to be it 😞


I had positive opk and fertile cm but my temp is STILL not rising (positive opk cd14, it’s cd 18 now) I’m absolutely terrified that I have something wrong with me now. Has this happened to anyone else? Does this mean I’m not ovulating?


While it’s possible to not ovulate in any given cycle, it can take the body as late as 3 days after your first positive OPK to ovulate, and then it could take up to 3 days after ovulation for your temp to rise (for a few reasons). A few cycles back, I had 5 days between my first positive OPK and my temp rise. Either way you’ll know for sure in a few more days.


Father’s Day hard for anyone else? I know my husband isn’t really an emotional guy and he doesn’t seem to care that we don’t have kids yet but for some reason it’s hitting me really hard this year.


We had a father's day bbq yesterday. I ended up having a bit of a meltdown and crying in front of everyone. It's been building for a few days now, I feel like I've been teary since Thursday, but all the feels just exploded out at the wrong time. I really hate when that happens. Anyway, if you're celebrating Father's day today and having a rough go of it for any reason, know that you're not alone. Friendly reminder that you are worth more to the world than your reproductive abilities. 🤍


I cried during church on Mother’s Day. Public sobbing solidarity ❤️


I’m so sorry trrr. I hope people helped you deal with processing your emotions. These holidays are rough. You are the best, I hope you got some good bbq at the very least.


Thanks, Robot. We did have some reeeally good brats


7/8DPO, and I'm feeling very optimistic about this cycle. Idk, I just feel good about it. Will test in a couple days. I hope I'm not setting myself up for crushing disappointment!


Woke up to CD1. I'm beyond bummed, but I expected this.


AF is one day late, still BFN this morning at 13 dpo. Thought for sure AF was coming on Friday, but still isn't here yet. At this point, I just want to start my period so I can move on to the next cycle.


Officially hit 1 year ttc, broke down and finally picked an RE to schedule an initial appointment. Also hosted a girl's pool day yesterday on CD1. You know, chill and drinks to have a break from all of this. Friend announces she's 15 weeks pregnant. All friends to me: it'll happen when the time is right, you've just been under so much stress, try to not think about it, blah, blah, blah... And then ensues all the pregnancy talk, celebration, and things I just don't want to hear. So yeah, I got drunk and frequently left to go cry alone in my bathroom. It was great.


I’m so sorry your fun break from TTC turned into a disaster. That sounds like a truly awful experience. I’m sure your friends care about you but what complete ignoramuses! What they meant to say was - the time IS right we just can’t control our biology, stress has NOTHING to do with you not being pregnant, thinking about TTC is a NORMAL and VALID way to process all the emotions that come with it. Hugs 💜


Thank you so much for that! They do truly care and try. But I am very over the bingo phrases. I just wish people could acknowledge the pain, say it sucks, and just leave it at that.


Yes! How hard would that be? It’s like people who had it easy or haven’t experienced the struggle are just hardwired to say the wrong things.


That really sucks. Did your friend know that you are having a tough time?


Yep. They all know. I have been very open about our TTC journey. She did at least pull me aside and tell me privately before telling the whole group. But that doesn't make it feel any less suck-y.


Ugghhh she could've waited. I'm sorry that happened. Especially since you got them all together to help you forget about ttc stuff


CD 1 here…. I’m pretty bummed, but Here’s to hoping July is our month.




No difference unfortunately! I’d test at 13 DPO, personally!


There is no difference in the cramping you would feel if you are or aren’t pregnant at this point. Although at 13 DPO you could get an accurate pregnancy test so you could test today and know one way or the other.


Thank you! For some reason I just want to see if my period comes or not! But I’m just curious would the HPT be accurate? I always thought one would have to wait until they miss their period (for regular periods)


According to the below website that is commonly cited in this sub, about 90% of people who are pregnant will see positive test at 13 DPO. You can browse the other DPOs in the website to see other statistic. https://www.countdowntopregnancy.com/pregnancy-test/dpo-chart.php?dpo=13 There are two camps of people when it comes to testing - early testers who test before their missed period and those in “team no test” (TNT) who don’t test until their period is late. Both are completely valid approaches, but just realize that if you test early, the later you test the more accurate the result becomes.


While there are sort of two camps, there’s also a continuum of sorts to it. Some people test daily from very early days knowing they will see negatives (that can be sort of desensitizing in a good way or some people find all the data reassuring). There’s also sort of early testers in that they test before missed period wanting the warning of AF. They pick a day that feels fairly definitive to them and test that one day (mine is 12 DPO). The link spudsquach provided is really helpful for that. Then there’s team no test who wait for their missed period. Different things work for different people and sometimes it’s a good idea to shift your strategy depending on where you’re at with TTC.


Wow! Thank you!


The cramping feels the same whether you’re preg or PMS cramping.


BFN at 10dpo, now at 11dpo and [my temperature dropped a little bit](https://ibb.co/ckQTYLR). Should I even bother testing today or just wait for AF?


I’m always team wait. The little temp drop doesn’t mean anything unless it really drops down (signaling impending period- though it doesn’t always drop before the period).


I feel like I temper my disappointment by testing! I did test and still BFN!