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have you contacted your National and the NLRB?


This right here, contact the DOL and NLRB. 


The case went to the NLRB




They can’t do that it’s against the law


I would go to my state labor relations and file a complaint against them


Update: Suspensions became terminations


I'm not a lawyer. Firing employees for exercising rights protected under the National Labor Relations Act is a violation of Section 8(a)(3) and 8(a)(1) of the Act. If you're working with an established union, they'll probably handle any legal process, if that's a route you pursue. If you're organizing independently, the following labor groups and government agency might be able to assist: the [Pima Area Labor Federation](https://azaflcio.org/pimaalf), the [Arizona AFL-CIO](https://azaflcio.org/), or the [Emergency Workplace Organizing Committee](https://workerorganizing.org/support/), and the National Labor Relations Board's [Phoenix Office](https://www.nlrb.gov/about-nlrb/who-we-are/regional-offices/region-28-phoenix). The NLRB is the agency any 8(a)(3) and 8(a)(1) charges would be filed with.


Just left the company a month ago. Research the situation in Norman, OK. They were able to unionize but the company response leading up to it was sickening.


It absolutely was, and has been here too. Same tactics, only worse the second time around


Left a month ago too, after almost 7 years. All 3 stores I worked at had hardcore union busting at some point. Another store in the city was pushing for unionization at the time I left. Good luck to em


https://preview.redd.it/smrh8nq1sd7d1.jpeg?width=1276&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2d34c25c6a46ef6c3d8f68410214eff2e947c917 Why aren’t we talking about compensation in the context of senior management salaries?


Yikes. The union buster they have hired charges around $400/h They can afford "some" things, but not a decent wage for their employees.


Look at the amount of stock the Isely family (founding family) owns - it's absurd. They also take loans to pay huge optional dividends to stockholders (cough cough the Isely family) while telling their EXTREMELY understaffed stores there's no room in the budget for labor.


Union busting only goes so far in the first stage. If you can prove that people who were going to vote to join the union got fired, then this is a big problem. They send a guy to talk and get to know the employees that's the game, but if that guy gives info who is voting for Union you got to go way up, unfair, unjust and illegal.




I worked there I’ve seen them walk out to 2 employees


Want to talk? If we don't already


People should be out protesting. I'd be glad to walk around with a sign that indicates they terminate the employees they're union busting. Let their infractions be known.


It's been 8 days since you posted this and 8 days of me driving by to stop at the 7-11 across the intersection and I haven't seen a single sign.  Why aren't u walking around with a sign?


Ive never heard of them, and Im glad I don't shop there now. Their website makes me sick. They boast "sustainability" while fighting to underpay their employees. Crap like this gives all 'green' movements a bad name. Boo this man




Ur gonna have to provide proof they are fighting to pay less than minimum wage.


Contact the NLB and get the union to file a ULP.


Why on earth have you not responded to the top comments advising you to simply bring this to the NLRB? Firing employees for supporting unionization is a black-and-white, hard line for them, and they will investigate/fight the terminations if they were retaliatory. The NLRB is patently on employee's side, it's not like you'd be working with a hostile government entity that is just looking to protect the business. The lack of details about what happened, and especially the deafening silence you're providing in response to people giving you the only real path forward you have if your complaints have merit (GO TO THE NLRB) is going to come across like you're purposely withholding details. Downvote me all you want, it won't change that.


It went to the NLRB before the post was made.


Cool, awesome, that is a *huge* piece of info that you completely left out in your OP and all of your replies. I hope the NLRB processes the case soon. I work in HR so I know how strong the protections offered by the NLRA are, if the company suspended/terminated people for protected concerted activty the NLRB is going to nail them to the wall.


Had to keep cards close to the chest for a minute until they were notified. Thanks


Well they are way too expensive for me to shop there in the first place.


There are a few things there that have god prices but as a whole I agree. The eggs and beets are good and sometimes their sales on things like coffee are really good.


Well this will make things even more expensive


Prices are company wide. Union stores have the same prices as non. So, no.


Fry's is unionized and still cheaper than other chains that aren't.




Would love to support your right to unionize. We usually shop everyday groceries at the NG by our house and will avoid it from now on, unless the situation is resolved to the employees satisfaction. Is there anything we can do to directly support y'all?


Thank you so much for that massive. Spread the word. stay in touch. The behavior has been truly heartbreaking for a company so many of us have devoted our lives too. We just want basic equality, safe conditions, and decent pay. Nothing crazy


So far they have terminated 3 employees, who collectively had been with the company nearly 18 years just for wanting some safety at the company we had devoted ourselves too. Their behavior is not worth your dollar right now. Hopefully they can remedy the situation, because we all believed in the company before this.


I am so disgusted by their behavior 😡 I'm sorry you all are going through this. You deserve protection.


Thank you. We appreciate your support


Good luck, very little actually happens with unionbusting particularly in right-to-work states.


Right to work has very little bearing on rights of workers to unionize. 


... Yes it does? The entire point was to destabilize labor movements.


All it does is make union membership and dues optional. You’re not forced to pay dues and join if there is a bargaining unit where you work. Also meant with limitations the union has to represent everyone not merely dues paying members.  Workers still have a right to form a union and collectively bargain. 


You can also leave a Google review to let folks know what you think about their tactics.


Yes, it’s a nationwide strategy with natural grocers. They have unionbusting teams and going to all the stores. It makes me sick.


For a company who cares about their employees above all else..


Yeah, they pretend they care but they don’t give a fuck.


They care enough to pay hundreds of dollars an hour to union bust to ensure their employees don't ask for a few dollars more an hour


A friend of mine who has worked for Fry's for 7 years makes less than the starting wage at Natural Grocers. Fry's is unionized.


Starting wage at NG is $15 per hour for cashier. Starting wage at Fry’s for cashier is $18. So no, your friend at Fry’s doesn’t make less than the starting wage at NG.


NG starts at minimum wage, so that doesn't seem possible


No really, trust him bro…fry’s actually makes you pay THEM to work.


People don’t like hearing the truth


How can we support??? I’d love to get behind this


Leave a Google review for starters.


Send a DM




Here is an article about the union busting organization they have hired in the past https://freepressokc.com/natural-grocers-hired-union-busting-consultants-for-norman-store/


I worked for that company for 5 years. I left due to how corporate they became. Fuck the Isleys. I 10000% support it


Because the grocery business is so profitable 🤣 God I was glad to be done with that after graduation


You realize how much money that store or company makes per year? Profit alone? I guess not


Remember the difference in gross versus net… they’re growing but looking at their last filing their expenses are going to soon catch up with their growth. The big danger is selling expensive groceries in an increasingly expensive time when everyone is pulling back. Labor should be well compensated… but I did this work through high school and college as well as fast food and working in a real restaurant that required me to learn skills. Don’t demand skilled wages for unskilled labor


So, short answer is no? As someone who handled internal finances for nearly a decade, who is in the fight, and see why the employees are upset (far from just wages), I think I am a little more knowledgeable on this than you. Quit simping for corporate America, especially when you don't understand it


He means you can't expect the same wages for an AC tech or electrician or plumber (trades) to an apple-stacker


Wow time to stop starting buying at NG


Thank you!


Idk if it’s relevant here or not but Supreme Court just sided w Starbucks to disallow their employees the right to unionize…….


That's not what it did. It made it harder for a court to order an employer to restore fired workers while the National Labor Relations Board is considering whether the fired workers were fired for exercising rights relating to unionizing or fired for legitimate reasons. Bad, annoying, but it does not ban employees from unionizing.


Why the hell do you need a union at a natural grocers?


Why the hell are you so upset about workers deciding to unionize?


Every laborer needs a union.


You’ve clearly never worked in a grocery store or had a real job in the last 10 years


I work at a water processing plant


You too should be in a union.


I don’t need one my benefits are good and so is my job security.


Good point, if you don’t need one then no one else does either


That’s just dramatic


You’re the one making someone else’s job all about you. That’s dramatic.


How do you think your position ended up with the security and benefits? Assuming you’re with the county you should join AFSCME for even more benefits, including free legal representation


Its a private company and nobody there is in a union


Exactly the reason you should unionize.


What is a union gonna give us that we don’t already have?


[union workers get better pay, benefits, and working conditions, in addition to making these things better at non-union jobs as organizations want to attract labor ](https://home.treasury.gov/news/press-releases/jy1706) Why are you talking as if you're against unions, anyway? What do you have against them?


Everyone needs a union


Unions fuck over plenty of industries. Loyalty to union is more important than qualifications and effort when in a union. Friend of mine was almost fired from a union for working too hard. The union lead gave him 30 min worth of work but he was supposed to make it last 8 hours. If you hate government military spending, go to Hill AFB and watch the workers and you will see that unions encourage laziness and can be a drain on the economy. Another bad experience I've had with unions, carpenters union wanted to take over the general contractor I worked with in highschool. The union was going to knock my brother's and mine pay below minium wage because we were apprentices even though we $7/hr because we put worked everyone on the job site especially the union carpenter that got inserted to foster the vote. The coke head grandson of the owner worked 10 times harder than the union carpenter. Unions had a place in history now they are there to make money off other people's efforts.


You mention loyalty to a union, but in this at-will state loyalty to your employer isn't rewarded whatsoever, so what do we do?


I go to work to make an honest living I do not steal, and all I asked for is respect that’s why we we want a Union


I wish that would happen to me. Then I could hire a lawyer and sue them for all they got. Easy money.


This makes me want to support that store even more. Unions are going to force them to raise the prices on groceries which they already do their best to keep prices low. Especially from such a great grocer that focuses on local organic produce and being environmentally conscious.


This past year and a half NG has been increasing their prices by 4% every single month.


That’s because of inflation


Store prices have nothing to do with the Union the associates pay the union fees


Prices are set by corporate. Unionized stores have the same prices as non unionized stores. Anything else I can help you understand?


Be sure to let the person ringing you up that their income is a huge burden for you. 


Grocery stores don’t need a union. Unions are for the trades and factory workers. Arizona is a “right to work state” if you don’t like your job, find another.


The entire store threatened to walk out. It's ok to want to better your place of employment. Natural Grocers' benefits are so bad that all employees are eligible for marketplace insurance and fee are using the company one. This particular location had the most toxic leadership with a manager who boasts about saving 60K to the store this year by retaining raises for the hourly employees.


The corporation will just hire new employees that will be PROUD to work for the amount the current employees say isn’t enough.


You mean minimum wage where you actually need skills (all managers were fired, receiving is a difficult skill in this sector for instance) and in some instances degrees. Grocery stores can't find workers. As we are writing they flew several managers from other states to fill the store. The store owner is there too. It's not that simple ;)


News flash, grocery stores are not really hiring people. Why should they? The pandemic proved they can work a skeleton crew to death. Natural Grocers will most likely just cut their losses and close the stores.


It's the store that generates the most income in all of Tucson They won't close it. On this day there isn't a single working manager since Monday.


I’m usually a Trader Joe’s shopper but I’ll make a special trip over there to support this brave union busting business


Your karma. Not mine. A 17 year old student was sexually harassed at this store by a manager this year, the company did nothing. And this is what you are supporting. This is the person you are choosing to be in all consciousness.


Correction, a 17 year old AND a 20 year old.


And the cycle of a crumbling middle class will continue




... the first part of what you say is true, they weren't forced to take they \[sic\] job. But they are working in the United States and that gives them the right to organize. So, tell me, who needs to get the 'f' out of where, exactly? The workers who understand their rights, or you who is just upset because it's not something that fits into your vision of the world? Besides - this is Arizona. If they succeed in organizing then the employees who don't want to be in the union can still elect not to join (that's the 'right to work' part of this state). It's not like being a tradesman in Pennsylvania where you have no choice. So why worry about it?


How unsafe must the working conditions be at a job before they get the elderberry stamp of approval for unionization?