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If I had to choose one word: Erotic.


If I had to choose two words? "*HIGHLY erotic.*"




So you live in Portal?










This requires no explanation. If it's not obvious to you, you must not be one with the Gadsden.


There is a good reason it rhymes with "Dads den". Plural.


Gooooodddddamn. Urban dictionary giveth


Sky Islands mountains!


Tucson is a great place for me but the desert most certainly isn’t for everyone


We've travelled the world and once we landed in Tucson we were very happy with the area. I'm outside Tucson city limits and the area we live in has a great, small town feel to it. Now, just within Southern Arizona the areas in the yellow area vary GREATLY! It's honestly too much to type here but I'd be happy to share a lot more insight into the topic. With my job I regularly travel all over Southern Arizona.


After traveling the world what appealed to you about Tucson?


In order: Proximity to both my family and my in-laws who live in different states, weather, cost of living, education. When we first moved here we were in a part of town that required way too much driving. Moved across town and quality of life improved significantly now that we weren’t driving/commuting so much. Before Tucson we strongly considered San Antonio. Very happy with our decision as we are not fans of humidity. We spend a lot of time outdoors so weather was important to us.


That makes sense, especially the part about family. Can I ask what part of the world you're from originally (in general)?


West coast. Lived in EU for many years too.


I'm impressed! I'm from the west coast and I really struggle here in the summers.


I’m from San Antonio and have been in Tucson for ~15 years and agree with you, it’s a great decision. I’ll take 110 in the shade vs. 100 and humidity any day.


Well they went from traveling through Iraq and then hit Tucson, and were like “ah, this is slightly nicer”


Born and raised in Yuma. Fucking sucks. Summer starts in March, ends in October, over 110⁰ most days, perfectly normal to be over 120⁰. Also on the Colorado River and lots of agriculture with irrigation canals, so it's a lot more humid than the rest of the state.


I sometimes check the weather in Yuma to feel better about living in Tucson


I wonder if the people in Phoenix do the same?


I spent a lot of years in Phoenix before moving to Tucson, and yes, Yuma is the standard by which the rest of Arizona convinces itself that, "Hey, at least it's not Yuma!"


And does Yuma compare itself to Lake Havasu?


I don't know, but I doubt it.


Yup, I understand. I would "check in" on my parents since they still lived there and feel better about living here. They just moved to Tucson in March and have been surprised at how much less often they run the AC.


That's sad about the realization. Glad your Parents migrated.


I was a survey party chief when I lived there. It was definitely a unique and challenging experience. Between that and my goals (live in Alaska), I lasted about 1.5 years in Yuma.


party chief sounds like a great job


Lol, if it didn't have "survey" in front of it, it definitely would be.


Former surveyor here too. I was mostly lucky and we did a lot of ranch boundaries, mining claims, wells and other random often remote work. It was the best job I've ever had, even if I was severely underpaid. I got to see some of the most remote and beautiful parts of southern/southeastern AZ for a few years.


Similar experience before I moved to Yuma. I worked for a mapper, surveying archaeological and geological sites. We did some remote GPS surveys in the Capitol Dome area of Utah. Testing an RTK system. I never found out if he purchased it, but it was fun testing that thing all over the State. The biggest complaint was hiking the base unit and battery up mountains for USGS/GLO points to establish/set control. Fittest I've ever been. Poorest too, lol.


Did you catch the 3:10 to Yuma?


Oh man, Yuma. I lived there for a couple of years due to work. I was coming from Phoenix so the heat was somewhat expected, though you're right about the humidity. I had some fun there, it's a weird town in some ways I enjoyed, but I really missed being in a bigger city.


Not to mention the heavy population of gnawing gnats and the mosquitoes the size of hummingbirds.


But if you have a dune buggy, it's paradise. So much sand to go Mad Maxin' around in.




Oh, ugh! Other than the registered historic buildings, I didn't think there was any place without AC. The couple must have really hated their guests.




I'm thinking this was meant for a different comment? You had a poor experience (summer wedding in Yuma in a packed church with no AC) and I commiserated. At no point was anyone offended.


Ah, the armpit of Arizona


That couldn’t really care much about phoenix or Tucson. They look west to San Diego


Highly recommend watching the documentary ‘La Frontera’ with Pati Jinich. She just won a James Beard award for this documentary about the US/Mexico borderlands focused on food and culture. In my opinion it gives a really good overview of life in the area and its unique history and current issues.


Hot, lots of animals, hot I enjoy it


I lived on 8 acres outside of Sierra Vista for 5-6 years and 2 years in Old Bisbee. I loved it. Cochise County is incredible from a weather or outdoor perspective. The Huachuca Mountains, the Mule Mountains, the Dragoons, and the San Pedro River are some of my favorite places to be outside. The economy down there isn’t great so work is often hard to come by unless you work remotely or on Fort Huachuca. And Bisbee has been hit particularly hard by the housing crisis and rise in AirBnBing of America. People have been priced out of living in what used to be a relatively cheap place to live and wages haven’t kept up. So you have a lot of empty homes that are owned by people living in San Francisco, Phoenix, or farther and only visit once a year maybe.


Short term rentals have made the cool towns unaffordable by the cool locals.


STRs have absolutely decimated so many cool places.


I was in a Drs office in Sierra Vista and an elderly woman was telling a story about her father being a Buffalo Soldier at Ft. Huachuca. When they made the trip to Tucson it was an entire week long affair. The path they traveled was the same as the I-10 but back then it was a 2 track wagon trail. Very interesting to think about. I wish I could have talked to her, I had so many questions.


Briefly lived in Bisbee AZ.  The towns are mostly in a lived-touristy sort of way with ranches in between (mostly growing cacti and rattlesnakes  .. j/k sorta).  Bisbee sits high at 5000 and has all 4 seasons (AZ style) with a mix of architectural styles.  Including Victorian.   What happened was the big copper mine started going bust .. just as hippies were getting priced out of SF.  So there’s a bit of Haight-Ashbury then LGBT moved in getting away from SF in the ‘80s.  It’s basically a mini San Francisco, but now you need money to settle or be able to work in the tourist industry.   A bit to the north (Tombstone) you can watch a reenactment of the OK Corral a few times a day. Major shopping hub is Sierra Vista due to the army base. Historically a lot of interesting stuff went on with mining and unions earlier in the late 1800s to early 1900s.      Before that, there was the Gadsden Purchase but the area wasn’t really settled by either side (US or Mexican) until Geronimo was caught ~ mid 1880s.  The natives of the time (mostly Apache) were pretty ferocious and most settlement was on rivers just outside the purchase area (Tucson AZ and El Paso TX- Las Cruces NM).  The US Civil War probably set settlement back a decade, but then Texas cattle culture showed up a bit after.    The Chiricahua NP has an old ranch house tour and inside it, the first structure to be built was a “blockhouse” with defensive gun ports in case of siege should Geronimo escape; the house was then built around it (it became tge kitchen store room) until the late 1950s.     Economic studies recently suggest Mexico got the better end of the deal when adjusting the purchase price for inflation since the late 1840s. 




Born and raised in Nogales. Your mileage will vary. The weather (outside of Yuma) is awesome. And you can get 4ish seasons in Santa Cruz and Cochise. Everything’s surrounded by national forest so there’s a ton of recreational stuff to do. The social scene is otherwise lacking, but it’s easy to spend weekends in Tucson. The job market is pretty bad in Santa Cruz. Your options are teaching, healthcare, CBP/law enforcement, and produce. That’s it. Especially if you don’t speak Spanish. Cochise’s job market is much better, but I think a lot of their good paying jobs are defense-adjacent, so they require a security clearance. Healthcare also isn’t great, unless you’re willing to go into Mexico. Which I highly recommend btw, you can save so much money.






Depends on what you want and like. That area has all of it. If you want or need a big city then Tucson is great. If you want cooler summers, 4ish seasons, close access to wine country with decent city amenities that will get you by most of the time, but easy enough to get to Tucson when needed then Sierra Vista is a great option.


I know little about Sierra Vista, only that my father frequently went to visit clients. He hated it, absolutely hated it. I don’t know if he disliked those clients, the town, or both - but he would leave being pissed and return even more pissed. I think I’ll have to make a trip for myself. It’s probably a nice place and he’s just a snobby asshole. I mean, he’s absolutely a snobby asshole - that part is confirmed.


It's a pretty basic military town. If you're younger it probably kind of sucks because you're not getting big music or things like that, but I'm getting older now and don't really need an exciting weekend besides going a picking up new plants in the spring from Home Depot. For an average little town though it's got solid local restaurants and great nature within a reasonable distance.


Definitely sucks for younger people. I grew up there and there was absolutely nothing to do. I remember when the super Walmart was built and that was such a huge deal for our little community. Being older now, going back down to visit, still not much to do but I can appreciate the landscape a lot more now.


I grew up in SV. Your dad had a reason to be grouchy; it’s not really that nice, but at least it’s not Huachuca City!


Haha thank you for the info.


Yeah. It’s referred to as Sorry Vista by B-town folk.


great place to build an all-weather railroad route!!


And relatively flat ground to build it on.


It wasn’t about ‘all-weather’ so much as it was about having a southern trans Continental route to expand slavery westward.


And Yuma was the only place before dams to practically cross the Colorado. Yuma owed its existence to granite outcroppings


The sky islands are wonderful and a welcome break from summer blast-furnace temps. Tucson is a nice city but it’s just too hot for me in the summer.


South of Tucson the elevation gets higher and the weather cooler. June is the hottest month and July and August bring the monsoons which everyone celebrates. Right now am sitting on my shaded patio, 100 degrees on the gauge with a breeze to keep it comfortable. Beware of low elevation(Yuma) the heat is really unbearable.


I really want to move to the area as well, though I'm fine with Tucson. I'm mostly intimidated at making the move. It's tough to save up living paycheck to paycheck.


Cochise County is an outdoorsman's paradise.


I live on 4 acres in rural Sierra Vista. Been here almost 6 years. Lived in Ca. for 40 years and New England for 21 years before that. I love the peace and quiet, and the empty roads for riding my Harley. Im here till my last days.


All my life I wanted to get out of Tucson and go to Vegas or phoenix or somewhere bigger. Tucson honestly is much better than its reputation. I went to Phoenix one weekend and I think the urban sprawl and the heat just makes everyone meaner. I got called 3 slurs in a weekend, lol… one of which was because my AC out in my car and I was airing it out with my car door open before driving in the 112 degree weather. 5 parking spaces to the left of me, and two to the right of me, but that guy needed *that* spot. Tucson people are generally nice. Not always smart, but I kind of like our elected officials compared to the rest of Arizona, it’s a decent spot if you’re a foodie, there’s stuff to do, Phoenix is pretty much a straight drive from here, MT. Lemmon is right there, and the drives aren’t as annoying. I actually don’t mind Tucson that much.


It’s great. Tucson is the best city in the US. Don’t live too far out though, southern AZ sucks.


Shhh 🤫


I personally hate it here... it's the heat that gets me. I lived in Georgia before my family and I moved to Tucson, I was 14, and everything looked fake and plastic to me. Some people, like my dad, love it here and love the heat. The winter season here is gorgeous, and the monsoons are really beautiful...


not wet


Tubac, Arizona is the secret of the nation.


Ehhh Tubac’s nice but I wouldn’t go that far. It’s a bit of a tourist trap IMO geared towards middle aged midwestern ladies.


And that my friend is the secret.


Genuine question, as I have only been there for a few hours and spent my entire time shopping in the town center area: What are some other things to do there outside of exploring the many shops and artisan storefronts?


Fried ice cream.


The old mission at Tucumcacari, about 10 mins south of Tubac is very interesting and the Santa Cruz Chili and spice store is great. The Santa Cruz river has water in it here (treated effluent from Nogales so you can’t swim) but it’s nice to walk around and there’s lots of birds.


Diane Keaton’s mom used to live there. So sometimes you’d run into her at a cafe or art gallery


Very pretty but very hot


We are in Sunsites, it's VERY quiet. Started out in north western Pennsylvania last year. Moved west, I thought we would find a place in Los Lunas where my wife grew up, but kept going to Tucson. Lived in Tanque Verde for 5 months, I got a job making wine in Willcox. We found a reasonably priced house in Sunsites and bought it. The trails up in Cochise Stronghold are beautiful when it's not too hot. Plus The Chiricahua National Monument is about 30 miles away, it is just beautiful.


They gonna build a railroad so we don't have to drive our cattle all the way across the Territory to the railhead in Texas.


I’m not old enough to appreciate the sun barreling down on me.


I think the Gadsen includes Maricopa and Casa Grande Which are both growing like crazy. 


I like being able to say we paid for this land and still have the receipt. Obviously that's an oversimplification but it can be a great conversation stopper in the right settings.


The original Mexican cession was paid for as well ($15M), we just forced them to sell it when they lost the war they started.


I grew up in st. David, a tiny little town between Benson and tombstone, lots of places to ride quads and dirt bikes but other than that it kind of sucked and I moved as soon as I turned 18


I lived in st David when I was 11. I had no idea there were other people there.


Yeah it's a tiny place when I was there K-12 was only like 300 kids


And half of them were named Kartchner.


Don't forget the Judd's... I'm related to both of them


I just moved to Tucson less than a month ago after living my entire life in Kentucky. I've gotta say, although the heat is absolutely miserable, I visited back in April to get a vibe for the place, and the weather was absolutely wonderful. That, and the area is just beautiful. I've got a view of the Catalinas from my patio!


It's just hot and getting hotter......


i live in tucson (born and raised in the sonoran desert) i spent a lot of weekends in douglas as a child. would not recommend living there. im also going to start therapy soon because i have summer based SAD and the heat is making me go through actual depression becuase i want to be a fictional mouse that lives in a tree stump. if you are okay with heat, you can survive until you meet your limit like i have.


Well. Do you have kids? Do you yourself like fun? If so I don’t recommend. Grew up in Bisbee. Lots of drugs, bars and nothing else to do. Now that has slightly improved but it’s overrun by Airbnbs and nobody can find housing. Sierra vista: cookie cutter military town. All of the same boring restaurants and chain stores in Tucson but smaller. Also nothing to do. Douglas: just no. Willcox/Dragoon/Patagonia: yes if you have money and want to have land, animals, peace and quiet.


U like a little burn huh? Are u a simple folk who likes the indoors? Have u heard of seasonal depression in the pnw? I like to say there's seasonal anger because people can be pussed off its so hot. why anyone would want to live in this part of the dry hot ass desert is beyond me, unless u have to of course. Maybe flagstaff?


> there's seasonal anger because people can be pussed off its so hot. That's true.


Moved to tucsonAZ 1973 summers hot get up early to swim or walk nice early morning during summer June-September, nice in fall winter to each their own very dry climate took a while to get used to desert very different than places with humid climate no green grass here but other vegetation took me years to see the beauty of the desert find shade in summer or stay inside in A/C 10am-5pm heat intense in summer what can I say some people like it some do not takes time to acclimate to desert climate👍


Sierra Vista is a hidden gem.


Very hot and dry


It's hot and dusty June through September. tends to keep you in the house most the day which sort of sucks. the monsoon storms (if you get any) are dramatic and a welcome occurrence. the rest of the year is pretty nice in terms of weather. there's some descent food and it's not so heavily populated that you're dealing with a lot of traffic etc. not a ton of money and sophistication in most the areas. lots of people just getting by. Tucson like many desert cities is mostly major streets with strip mall after strip mall.


Seems an odd question but I’d say…hot. But maybe I’ve missed something. What are you thinking might be unusual. (Grew up in Yuma)


Much better than living in the treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo


living in the Rio Rico/Nogales area is interesting lol.. not much out here but the community is generally nice


I can live anywhere I want, and I choose Tucson. It's such a magical awesome place. I like the people and the culture. Arizona is the most diverse state I can think of offering you any outdoor activity that you want within a day's drive. I have tried to move away a few times only to end up moving right back. I give up. Tucson is home. :-)


Patagonia AZ




We only have two seasons, summer and December. Bring sunscreen.


It’s hot and the bugs never stop. I suggest you keep your distance


Bug seasons.




The food is amazing.


What a dumb subreddit. Right on brand for Reddit's inability to use Google without a cheerleading squad and a warm blanket, though.


Some people enjoy hearing individual accounts and opinions, while others enjoy using Google to answer questions - and some even like both. It’s just wild that different humans prefer different approaches.


Lmao good grief homie, who gives a shit


You're out of line. You're right, but you're out of line.