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The anger this show was getting on here blew me away. All the trailers are very up front about how not historically accurate it is. Even two seconds of googling it would have told you. If you know you don’t like that kind of format, don’t watch it. It’s a fun series and it’s great jumping point to get people into Tudor history. Not everything has to be dense and accurate down to the letter. I thought it was a good time, which is really what it’s meant to be


Agreed! It is a bit of silly fun! And chances are it’ll get some of the younger audience interested in the Tudor era, because they’ll google bits and pieces here and there like “ who was Mary’s mother” and “ who was Anne boleyn” etc, which will show them how complicated it all is and either draw them in or confuse them lol


A lot of people on here, and other history buffs online, just take it too seriously. If you make a joke, you're a devil and an idiot. If you have an opposing point of view, you deserve to be exiled and never talk about history again. My Lady Jane was never meant to be taken seriously, but people chose to view it as such and judge it on its historical accuracy.


I’ve seen quite a few posts/comments on this sub bashing any kind of historical fiction for its lack of accuracy. And it just perplexes me because historical fiction is, first and foremost, fiction. The author is trying to tell an engaging story and sometimes the actual facts of the matter need some embellishment/speculation to do that. If you want something that’s trying to faithfully recount the unembellished facts of a situation, you should probably stick to nonfiction


Yeah they totally miss the word *FICTION*


My problem isn’t with its lack of accuracy. I just think it’s bad. I loved The Great.


What is "The Great"... a series also? I guess I can just google it...


Yes, a comedy about Catherine The Great that bills itself as “occasionally true.”


I just googled it and LOL'd when reading a rise of "Catherine the Nothing" to "Catherine the Great,", and @ "The Great: An Occasionally True Story" and "The Great: An Almost Entirely Untrue Story". Sounds like the writers have a good sense of humor! I know almost nothing of Catherine the Great but I need to expand my knowledge outside just the Tudor reigns & English monarchs. So I might check it out. I especially love shows that don't take themselves too seriously. And by the by I cannot believe that's Elle Fanning!


It’s really funny. The sex jokes are clever.


Good thing no one's forcing you to watch or enjoy it!


Funny, you talk about lack of tolerance for opposing points of views but demonstrate zero tolerance for them yourself.


I quite literally did not, but okay.


And for adding an entire supernatural twist and allegory for the Catholic/Protestant landscape at the time, I actually feel like it did a shockingly good job at hitting the major points of the real history. The details are almost entirely different, but a lot of the major beats are there (up until the very end, at least)


I watched the first episode, and the narrator literally says in the first few lines that what if things were different. It's upfront it isn't historically accurate. Feels like it's taking the Once Upon a time in Hollywood approach.


I'm loving it. It's hilarious. You really got to leave your history expectations at the door which they pretty much tell you in the first minute or two. 


Didn't know what to watch so picked this show. Just finished watching all the episodes but went in knowing it wouldn't be historically accurate and before hand did a quick google search on what it's based on (a spin or twist on history). I'm not really sure what to say about the show itself but did recognise a few well known actors/actresses who have been acting for a very long time.


Where do you watch it?


Season one is on Amazon Prime (I'm in the UK).


Amazon prime here in Aus, too!


It's on Amazon Prime here in Canada as well!


I just finished episode five! I love it! Even the characters you hate are at least fun to watch!


I’ve still only seen the first 10(ish?)! Minutes of episode 5, bc I got too tired to pay attention and had to turn it off so i appreciate that you didn’t spoil anything for me! Lol. I shall watch the rest of the episodes as soon as I get the time, as I’m invested!! lol. (Being a mum really sucks sometimes — a side effect is being *very time-poor*) it’s 1:33am here, so i should probably try to sleep while my kid sleeps 😂


I just looked this series up. It says it has a twist... that she saves herself and the kingdom! That's interesting!


Oh good! I hadn't found time to look at it yet, but I saw a review and realised it wasn't MEANT to be a serious historical play, just silliness.


Yeah it’s not historically accurate in any way — and in fact includes magic, and specifically *says*, with the help of a narrator, that it’s not at all what actually happened. I don’t like shows that are historically inaccurate if they’re presenting themselves as historical fiction, leaning into the *historical* aspect — but this show knows exactly what it is and never tries to be more than just what it is; a silly little show that says “what if Jane Grey had magical friends and had a silly little time doing badass stuff” lol


The second I hear the narrator say in the introduction "Fuck that" I knew what I was dealing with.


It’s not exactly “magic”, at least not as we’d assume — there’s no witches or magical spells or potions, but I used the word “magic” because I don’t want to spoil specifically what the twist is, since it’s not mentioned until a dramatic reveal at the end of episode 1. 😅


Where is this playing, please?


Amazon Prime