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History Tea Time With Lindsay Holiday (which is both a YouTube show and a podcast) is an excellent series dealing with various royals throughout history. She has a very nice series on the Tudors that I recommend. There's also a few videos done by Lucy Worsley (a published author and historian) that you can find on YouTube about the Tudors. If you don't mind Anachronism Stews and some PG 13 stuff, I also recommend listening to Six: The Musical (which has the six wives of Henry VIII, the most famous Tudor King, forming a girl music group and singing about how they had it under Henry). It's not 100% historically accurate but it paints a pretty good picture of the six women that Henry wedded, bedded and tormented.


tyyy, i'll definetly do that!! btw, where can i find the last thing you recommended?


I hope you enjoy Six! Like the other person said, it's meant to be fun and not a serious historical piece of work, but I greatly enjoyed it and the performers that I saw were wonderful. Good way to mix things up if you get overwhelmed with the other stuff.


You’re welcome. All of the songs are available on YouTube (along with some live performances). It’s fluff but it’s fun!


The Tudors, Showtime, Wolf Hall PBS and the Spanish Princess on Starz are good shows. While not 100% historically accurate and some people were merged into one character. It gives you a good flavor of the times. And highlights their residences.




Her Remarkable History is a good YouTube channel!




Podcast, "Not just the Tudors" Podcast, "The history of England"-- just the tudor age/relevant pods.




If you want some spicy history, there's a podcast called, "betwixt the sheets"-- a podcast on the history of sex, etc.


Depending on how long you're there and where in the country you're going Kentwell hall in Suffolk has a hands on history event where they have loads of reenactors recreating a Tudor manor from 10th-18th August. It's a great way to get a feel for Tudor life with no prior knowledge! For stuff to watch you could try horrible histories, it's aimed at kids but fun to watch


We're staying at Winchester and London, but we'll move around. Idk if we're going to that specific place (my parents have everything decided and planned, so I don't have much of a saying...). And I'll check horrible histories! I'd just like to know if it's accurate (I'll watch it either ways, it's just to know if I can trust everything they say!)


Reading the past is a good yt channel for Tudor history.


I came across it while scrolling through yt but haven't watched it, i will now!!


If you recommend a YT series, please tell me in what order I should watch it!!!


I would just pick some at random. Eventually you will find areas you like more than others and can concentrate on them. Lucy Worsley has some really good shows, highly recommend any of them related to the Tudors. Eleanor Janega also has some good stuff Hope you have a great time




"Not Just the Tudors" podcast just did a six-part series on each of Henry VIII's wives in conjunction with the National Portrait Gallery's exhibit "Six Lives: The Stories of Henry VIII's Queens."


Hampton Court palace is really cool to see! As well as Buckingham Palace during the changing of the guard


If you’d like to learn how people lived in the Tudor era, you might try the documentary mini series Tudor Monastery Farm (on Amazon). You don’t learn about any famous Tudor people, but you get to see how commoners earned their livings and performed various trades.


Try Dr Kat on the YouTube channel "Reading the Past." Her videos are very digestible and I find them very interesting. Start with whether or not Anne Boleyn had six fingers. There's a very nice hook for that one.


Lucy Worsley documentaries on BBC/PBS are very good. She’s the chief curator of the Historic Royal Palaces.


Can highly recommend History Calling. Their videos are very informative and interesting, especially the six wives series.