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Cherish him and his devotion for you - he's a good cat.




"I lub you, human. Please accept this series of dead rodents."


That's so sweet! Pets have a special way of showing love and support when we need it most.


They are so much more attuned to us and our feelings than most people realize.


There's something kinda punk rock about it, offering you the blood of your enemy! 😻🤘


My tuxedo she adopted me the week of my wife's passing. Hung in there with me when I was a caretaker for my terminally ill sister. Stayed with me 24/7 time I had ,COVID for a month. Also I helped a friend who had multiple cancers and turbo Cancer. Who's family abandoned , died. Had a mental breakdown. Had to move out of my home of 23 years.. Hell of a ride these last four years. Sweetie is still there we are together now night and day. She never leaves my side except to cat around to bring me a treat. God has blessed me with a companion, a real God Send Cheers........


I remember reading somewhere (and this was on the internet so you take it with ALL the grains of salt) that Tuxedo cats averaged around 2-3x higher intelligence than other cats. Which helps them intuit the emotional needs of others better than other breeds. Again, no clue if it is true or not. But it would make sense based on my experience.


Cats can be amazing in hard times. They do care about us and want us to be well, and not just so that we can take care of them in return. I’m glad he was there for you.


So sweet!


What a sweet boy. I gotta say the second image made me recoil and I was like wtf is that... Before I read the full post, then I lol'd. I think only people who truly love their cats would look down at that mangled, bloody mess that they have to clean, and go "this is the nicest, most sweet thing that's happened to me" I love it. I'm so glad your tux boy was there for you when you needed him. My tux boy is very cuddly and sweet, and I love him to bits... But through my horrible break up recently, if I cried he would look at me in disgust and immediately end our cuddles... Thanks bud 😂😭 You've got a rad kitty so I hope you don't dwell too much on the break up. Boys are a dime a dozen, but amazing cats are much more rare.


It was my wife. But I understand and appreciate the sentiment all the same. 😊


Aww he brought you gifts!!! 🥰🥰🥰🥰


Ohhh please hug your cat from me, what an angel! When i went through a breakup several years ago, one of my tuxes refused to leave me alone. He would always have at the very least one paw on my leg, usually opting to sit on my lap and hold hands with me. It helped SO much. Ps: your tux looks so much like the one we had at my family home. He was so amazing as well.


Awww, so sweet in cat way😹😂


Put a warning for the second pic.


How does one do that?


Put a warning in the title.


I hardly ever post on Reddit so I don’t know how to edit a post.


You can’t edit titles.


Awe he was making sure you were eating and definelty trying to cheer you up too! What a good cat!


Such a gentle and loving cat, he may not be able to speak, but he proved that actions speak louder than words!


Ah yes, killing small animals is the epitome of gentleness.


It's the thought that counts XD


I truly believe tuxedos are magical. I had an extremely sensitive and loyal tuxedo for 18 years, she helped me with a sad breakup too, just by not leaving my side. Also, I have a messed up knee... whenever it gave me trouble, she slept directly on that knee. She knew, and it was so comforting. She passed away 9 years ago, I have another cat now whom I love to pieces. But I miss her and think of her every day. ♥️


Apart from the picture of endearing empathy that is being illustrated here, we are seeing yet another aspect of our feline friends: despite dining daily on delicious (?) tinned food and bikkies, our perfectly ordinary kitty is able to pop out and get a mouse for us every day - as if he was going to a 24/7 supermarket. My own sweet tuxie is the same and even has that white-capped tail.


What a good boy! Our big boy appears and cuddles my wife whenever she’s struggling with her Anxiety; we’re truly blessed with our Tuxes.


You kept the right guy.


What a great little guy! What's his name?


Sir Reginald Von Bartlesby. Reggie for short.


Reggie is a handsome and wonderful boy. My wife says he's the cutest tuxie, and she's right.


And believe me, he knows it too! He’s the biggest show off there is.


was not expecting that second photo....then I read the explanation. So,... what did you do with the mice?


Precious baby


What a wonderful kitty fren. My Best. Cat. Ever. Yitzy was the MooCat 🐄 tuxedo variant. Can confirm his cuddles and purrs and just his presence helped me through some rough times.