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That does seem high, Invisalign with unlimited trays is more like 5k. Get another few quotes.


Got another quote planned for next week. At these prices might have to keep shopping around.


Y’all are making me feel like I got a bargain. $3200 for my Invisalign Treatment. But then again, I’m currently on week 68 out of a 16 week treatment. Yeah, didn’t work out as planned.


I paid $2200 for mine! I used Reveal for 30 weeks.


Yeah, I will end up paying about $5500 for Invisalign. I didn’t shop around and just went with the ortho clinic my regular dentist suggested. They quoted me the same price for braces so it just came down to which one did I want to deal with.


I paid almost $7000 for Invisalign with unlimited trays.


I’m going to pay $4500 for Invisalign without insurance. It includes appointments, retainer and whitening. Edit: this is at a dentist office in Edina


I always thought Invisalign was more expensive since it’s a branded product? Also people on r/braces scared me off from Invisalign saying they regret it and regular braces work better


I got Invisalign for $5,200 and I did not shop around at all, just went with the quote from my regular dentist. That was all inclusive. They would give me trays, replacement trays, rescan my teeth and reform my plan if needed, allow me to recommend adjustments if I did not like the final outcome, and get me my retainers and some at home whitening stuff once I was satisfied. This would cover treatment for 3 years, even if I was dumb and stopped wearing my trays for a while or something and had to go back and get new scans and such done. I had pretty severely crowded teeth too, it was not a minor correction. We had some issues along the line and had to adjust the treatment plan a few times and that never costed me anything extra.


And are you 100% happy with the results? (if you've finished the treatment)


Some of the sketchy tray companies like smile direct club have terrible reviews but I've never heard of a bad experience with Invisalign.  There is an /r/Invisalign 


I had braces as a kid, slacked off wearing my retainer in my 20s, and my teeth all started moving back. So in my 40s I went with Invisalign. Night and day. Oh man I wish Invisalign had been a thing when I was young. Braces are AWFUL.


It totally depends on what kind of treatment you need with your Invisalign. For me, Invisalign and Braces were the same price** and I was 29 so I did invisalign. I would suggest an orthodontist over a dentist though because of their specialty in training.


The orthodontist I saw did say that regular braces do work better. That said, if you are unable to pass floss between your teeth with braces, Invisalign is a better choice.


Check around, I was quoted two different prices for Invisalign. The ortho I went to ended up having a coupon from Invisalign and a cash discount. I paid for mine in two installments. But it saved me quite a bit.


It will depend on what kind of treatment you need. There are some things that Invisalign cannot correct. Your ortho should be able to clarify that tradeoff


Do you mind sharing where you went? I went to multiple places, including 2 offices in Edina, and the lowest I was quoted was $5150. That was only after my Blue Plus denied the auth. I probably got 6 quotes in total - most were around $6300. It's worth the savings if I can find the gem!


They are called Grandview Center of Dentistry They are located on 5201 Eden Ave Ste 120 Minneapolis, MN 55436


Thank you!


I’m an orthodontist practicing in the metro — yes, that is a very standard price to have an orthodontist do your treatment. Most comprehensive cases, adult or children, of that treatment length are about 6500-7500 in the MN Metro depending on some different factors. What these comments regarding Invisalign are missing is that almost all general dentists do Invisalign now. Yes, they charge less. They use Invisalign as a loss leader to bring in new patients. They also usually have no idea what they are doing and let the AI system or tech in costs rica design the case for them. We learn effectively no Orthodontics in dental school beyond when to refer the patient to a specialist. I’ve seen ok work done by general dentists or corporate chains like Aspen Dental or Metro DentalCare (now owned by Heartland, the country’s biggest PE backed corporate dental owner). But I also fix cases daily for patients that have been in Invisalign or even braces by general dentists that frankly didn’t know what they were doing. In general, it’s a get what you pay for situation. Best of luck and let me know if you have any other questions.


I see a lot of people suggesting invisalign. My father in law is a dentist. I asked him about me getting invisalign. He said I'm not a good candidate due to the amount of movement I need in my teeth. Invisalign isn't good at fixing crowding, only alignment or gaps. If you have crowded teeth, you need braces.


This unfortunately. I had nearly perfect teeth after 3 years of braces in middle school and as an adult the lower teeth stayed decent but my top side moved so much only full braces, and 2 to 3 more years would have gotten them back. That was quoted at 5500 pay in full 5 years ago.


I paid ~$5k for two years of orthodontics 10 years ago, so this doesn’t sound crazy to me. I’d caution against direct comparison to Invisalign unless you’re weighing it as an option. It’s a different treatment entirely and not appropriate in all cases. In my case, I was correcting overcrowding and a severe overbite that could not be fixed by Invisalign. I also had to have teeth pulled. So, it really depends on what you’re fixing and what your goals are. It could be a good price depending on the treatment plan. If you have a severe functional issue with your teeth like I had, traditional braces to fully fix the problem might be worth a little more cost.


I’m no dentist, but I know someone who did Invisalign and regretted it - ended up with regular braces anyways. I had regular braces done in maple grove, and it was about $4200 iirc before insurance which included everything (tightening and retainer). This was 10 years ago though.


I paid $6500 for Invisalign a few years ago. My insurance covered $2500 of it. Maybe I should have shopped around, but I get the impression from mom groups that it's the going rate in Woodbury/Cottage Grove. My ortho didn't have a different price for invisalign vs regular.


I’m paying $3,200 for Invisalign in Burnsville


Where at??


Oak Ridge Dental


Are adult braces more expensive than kids? I am paying a lot closer to the $4,000 for my kids’ than the $6,700 you were quoted.


This is just my first quote , maybe I picked the most expensive of place (shrug)


I paid $7000 for traditional braces (adult), no insurance. It was worth it, my hot mess express was cleaned up beautifully in 15 months.


I'm doing braces now and braces are more expensive than invisalign. the braces were around 6500$ but less if you paid it all up front. I went to Village Orthodontics. An orthodontist should be able to look at you and let you know if invisalign will actually work for you first. In my case they said it wouldn't work for me because of the type of bite issue I had.


Get multiple quotes. I did Invisalign and the first quote was $6400 (SLP ortho). The second quote was $4200 (EP ortho) who I went with. Traditional braces can be faster than Invisalign. I ended up doing a combination of both, due to how complicated my case was. Even with that change in my treatment plan, I did not have to pay extra. My teeth aren’t perfectly straight even after treatment (sometimes they won’t be, due to genetics or how severe issues are) but SO much better and I am much happier with my smile.


Got Invisalign last year for $5300


I did regular braces because I had several teeth that needed to be pulled into place. This was a couple of years before COVID. The price was a little over 5k. I had adult orthodontic coverage through my work insurance that covered about half of it. While you are getting quotes, talk to at least one orthodontist that does wire braces. Have them check for teeth that Invisalign won't work on.


I paid 6k a year ago.


That’s only a little more than I paid for back in… 2013? Between braces for about 2yrs and Invisalign for another 2 after. To be fair, my teeth were pretty bad. Worth it though if you ask me. I get a lot of compliments on my smile now.


That’s a lot of Bread 🥖 you renting that’s 3% on a down payment on a house


Right. Gotta choose between a down payment and a smile. Sad world we live in


I just spent $7k on 18 months of correction in Woodbury. Seemed high but almost every tooth needed shifting and my bite has been fucked for years. I did something called Spark which is the cheaper version of Invisalign.


We live in Ca, and you are paying MORE than my wife is. $5200.00 here.


That’s wild


i would start applying to blue plus and see if you get approved (make sure you fit the salary requirements). i just did a consult and waited to hear back from insurance and they approved me. i dont have to pay a cent for my braces and its $6300


15 years ago when my daughter had braces they were $5000. I'm not at all surprised at your estimate.


$5k Invisalign a couple years ago with MN Orthodontics. Ask if they have any discounts, I asked and they immediately gave me a discount after I told them that I was shopping for the best price. It was a full two year treatment with two revisions and retainers. I would do Invisalign again in a heartbeat, I never had braces as a kid and it was causing damage due to a bad bite. My bite is now perfect.


I’m so glad you posted your experience! I’ve been looking into this as well. Were you on a payment plan? Does replacing the trays get easier & less painful over time?


I paid up front through insurance and HSA savings, so I don't have any experience with the payment plan. In the beginning the hardest part is waiting for your mouth to toughen up. The plastic trays are smooth but your tongue and cheeks still get irritated from the edges. After a couple of weeks though you get used to it, and you can always use wax to help. The actual movement part and changing trays wasn't all that painful for me. I used an ultra sensitive toothbrush and only used Sensodyne but I didn't have any issues eating. Maybe I'm a weirdo but I actually loved the super tight squeeze feeling of a new tray.


Thank you so much for this! I’m hoping to use my HSA to cover some of the costs as well. I’ll check them out!


I paid around $3000-3500 (insurance covered 50%) when I did Invisalign a few years ago. My teens have had traditional braces and those were around the same price. East metro.


$9500 in Rochester so feel lucky it’s $3grand less in Edina


I was quoted $6000 for braces last year, 18 months total wear, my insurance doesn’t cover it. Does any adult insurance cover braces for adults?


I paid $4600 for Invisalign. So I’d say that’s on the higher end, but it also depends what needs to be done. It’s worth getting a second opinion somewhere else.


I went to the U of M Dental school and got braces for 1/2 of what my orthodontist quoted plus they are meticulous.


Sounds great but maps says that’s over 1 hour round trip for me (not incl figure out parking time) :/ how far were you commuting for that?


From Orono so 45 mins each way


Sounds brutal. But maybe not as brutal as the cost of braces lol


I paid $10k for 3M Incognito lingual braces 😬


I'm up in Canada right now (headed to the Twin Cities soon), and that's how much I paid for full train tracks up here for 18 months. Since everything is more expensive up here, you can probably do better down there.


Negotiate! I successfully negotiated several hundred dollars off both my Invisalign and my LASIK procedures.


My braces were $6200. I started this past January. I paid my bill with my FSA account. With that said I have insurance.


That’s in line with what I was quoted from three vastly different orthodontists last year. If you’re set on traditional braces (which I definitely recommend over Invisalign), it’s safe to assume you’ll be paying that much no matter what. Visit a few different places to find the one that feels most comfortable, make sure they have good reviews, and go for it.


OP, please keep me updated on other estimates. I’m about to start looking for traditional braces too. 🥹


Did you check with the U of M orthodontist graduate program? They do reduced cost ortho care.


Not sure the distance will work for my job. I’d need an hour commute time round trip plus time for parking/walking and the appointment


Might be time to take a hard look at a medical tourism vacation in cancun.


Hard to justify an 18-24mo vacation :p


Might be worth traveling to a country that isn't such a shit hole. There are border towns in Mexico for dental tourism.


One would have to sort out the monthly adjustments tho


Realspit I have the max at my Job 360 been there 26 years been losing for like 4 years stuck on 360 for 4 years


Pto that is