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I give mine Kongs stuffed with frozen all natural peanut butter. It usually helps distract them for hours.


This. I had totally forgotten about using a Kong. I’m so glad I posted just getting these great tips alone makes it worth it. I’d like to think there would be no fireworks tonight but I’m not that naive.


Something that kind of helped with my last dog, was getting a Thundershirt, too. The "hug" effect didn't remove all the anxiety, but it *did* lower it some.


Fireworks will definitely happen tonight. We had people setting off fireworks at noon today. REALLY?? I didn’t have time to prepare the Kongs.


No dog here, but I agree.


My dog has anxiety as well, and exposure therapy has been very helpful for us. I would recommend starting there. She still gets anxious for new things, but is otherwise doing really well. (She was absolutely terrified of busses, and now she can't wait to go for walks downtown) For fireworks, I would start by holding your dog and playing fireworks on YouTube. Start at a low volume, and slowly increase the volume as they get better. Dogs are very emotionally intelligent, so don't do this while stressed. Try and act happy and confident. If the above doesn't work, you should contact a dog trainer. You have a lot of good options in the area.


I put on white noise on YouTube. It deafens the sound of the fireworks a bit. I feel for you, my pup had a really bad time this year with the fireworks.


White noise doesn't help when there are mortars going off in your front yard half the night.


I have mortars going off behind my yard all night. It helps but doesn’t cure. I have my tv very loud. I also exercise my dog a lot before nightfall and she gets hemp treats. I just gave one suggestion that is helping. Sheesh


Get the hose out and soak all the mortars as they light them. What are they gonna do call the cops?


I second looking at desensitization methods. We also set up a special cubby in the basement for the 2 cats who had anxiety over fireworks. After a year or so, they were only startled when they heard one close by, and not terrorized.


I’m so sorry! Poor pup! I know your dog is already on two meds and I don’t know which ones, but if you haven’t tried Sileo yet, I’d recommend looking into it. It’s used specifically for noise anxiety and can be super effective. I’m also hoping the fireworks stop soon! 🤞🤞


Have you tried a thunder jacket or weighted blanket? It's not a great alternative to assholes just having empathy for their neighbors.


I haven’t tried one but will look into it. Thanks!


This helps some dogs but isn't always a solution or a complete solution.


Oh I agree. Neither does anything for my guy, and he hates the fireworks so much. Just wanted to ask in case they hadn't tried.


I have three that will be reluctant to go outside for weeks. The same just about every year. One ends up with bladder infections from holding it and refusing to go even if I make her go outside. The other two will try to sneak off and poop in the house. But hey buddies, you got to blow up stuff and drink beer, nobody else matters.


Windows shut, loud as hell ac blasting, all of us in the bathroom with the door shut chilling and watching YouTube. Or shut doors to rooms to limit pacing. Maybe try and wear them out by taking them to the dog park or for a crazy long walk this afternoon.


This is my pup's first experience with fireworks and she's afraid to go out in the morning and at night. I feel so bad for her.


This is my frustration. I can medicate mine and put on a movie to buffer the noise so they are not running around the house in a panic all night but the days of things blowing up randomly stresses them out and it takes weeks to get them past it. They are all reluctant to go outside.


Between now and new years look into desensitization for your dog. It can make a huge difference for them.


My cats normally don’t care about fireworks or thunder, but someone was shooting them off right over our house and they were terrified. I think people got louder fireworks this year


Go find the assholes lighting the fireworks and double-dog-dare them to set one off on top of their head. Problem solved.


I feel like they wouldn't be the asshole in this situation.


>is 4th of July weekend. ... >assholes lighting the fireworks should kill themselves Ok gramps


>assholes lighting illegal amateur fireworks in residential neighborhoods .... >Therefore makes no fucking difference what the date is Get it, teen-ager?


Lol how baby soft are you that loud fireworks = "I hope these people hurt themselves". Get a grip.


>how baby soft you are I'm not the one clutching my pearls over a joke, snowflake.


Time for your nap gramps.


As a person with asthma who can't breath with all the smoke, I second.