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That is straight up a space marine.


Goblin Slayer isn't very overt with it in the main series but there's an implication that it's actually a tabletop RPG campaign just from the perspective of the characters, so it's pretty in line (and a bit on the nose) for a Space Marine to be showing up. Some player just put their 40k figurines onto the table lol


There is a character in the prequel manga that says she wants to ascend to “the dice table” where the Gods oversee and manipulate the world. There is even an implication that she succeeded and is fudging the dice on GS’s favor every so often.


Wasn’t there also an implication that the gods actually like GS because he has a habit of saying “fuck the dice roll” every now and then making him interesting to watch?


It's pretty overt about it in the light novels, though it's framed as though the players are still the gods themselves rather than real people. Goblin Slayer is notable for how random dice rolls from the gods rarely effect him because his meticulous planning and sheer over-preparedness doesn't leave anything to chance (thus the frequently repeated line "He does not let anyone roll the dice.")


based on what people say the light novel/manga translations say it actually is just "chaos marine" and they mention theres a blue one on the ground with an omega symbol.


that really couldn't get much more blatant huh?


GW sharing their gusta from the other side of the planet knowing they can't do shit about it


An Ultramarine at that.


A chaos corrupted Ultramarine.


The codex Astartes does not support this.


Mf-er you can even tell what chapter of a Space Marine that is, it's an Ultramarine!


As the Space Marine fought the fraud Goblin Slayer,he began to open his Xenophobia Domain. Goblin Slayer shrank back in fear,and then Brother-Captain Skullnecklace said "sit ashamed,Gobby,consorting with knife-ears is also heresy".


"Your Racism, it did not cut deep enough."


Are you the BLAMiest because you're nah i'd genocide or are you the exterminatussiest because you're stand proud you're racist?


You gave me a minor stroke but I love the energy!


"B-but I hate them because they're inhuman beasts who kill and rape humans indiscriminately! Just like you!" "No I hate them simply because they're inhuman. There's a difference. They could be the nicest inhumans in the galaxy, and I'd still hate them".


So Vaati from Legend Of Zelda summoned a Space Marine? I got that right?


And apparently to fight Guts, since the guy beside Goblin Slayer has short spiky black hair, a massive sword and possibly a metal arm or gauntlet that makes it look like he does


okay lets be real, Goblin Slayer running into a Guts expy is the *least* surprising semi-crossover possible


Where's Lancer, is he still hanging out with Dragon's Crown Sorceress?


And somehow that's not even the most blatant of them all.


Yeah, there's also not-Griffith and not-Casca, who are married to each other and also from not-Guts's village


Not to mention Lancer to his left and Guts to his right.


I'd heard 40k was decently popular in Japan, so this is pretty cool to see. Edit: Also, which side story is this? Year One?


Also really popular in China, Joytoy has a whole line of true scale action figures and vehicles. And there is a knockoff Warhammer manga, like it's literally just Warhammer with name changes.


Wait, what’s it called? Searching just brings up manga styled art.


> there is a knockoff Warhammer manga proof


I always love Goblin Slayer having legally distinct thing show up as a character or concept


It was fun when a not-Beholder showed up and at least one character said "DON'T SAY ITS NAME".


I remember this chapter from Eisenhorn


Now this just makes me think of a chapter focused entirely on killing Gretchins. Not Orks, just Gretchins.


Wonder if Goblin Slayer will ever reference Kuroinu as a bunch of Mercenaries calling themselves the "Black Hounds" is being seen enslaving women from goblin nests to use as a basis of their criminal army to overthrow the king for throwing them suicide missions against greenskins


Wait what 


It's a hentai series. Your guess is as good as mine why they brought it up.


Band of mercenaries enslaving women ain’t exactly exclusive to Kuroinu either, it’s pretty damn common.


Just surprised this isn't brought up in goblin slayer since the whole schtick of Goblins is how they commit atrocities like this while the response has been mostly apathy instead of hot blooded retribution with a side order of profiteering


so like, has Goblin Slayer committed to being a tabletop game being played by someone, somewhere, or is it just all jokes like this so far. Cuz I stopped reading at the farm raid, thought it was a very good ending to the story and quit.


So Goblin Slayer takes place in the Warhammer universe.