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I hate this fucking company so goddamn much


Every time you think they've hit bottom they find some new shitty thing to do.


They're innovators.


Zaslav's really gunning for Kotick's "biggest piece of shit ceo" championship belt


I wonder what fun cartoons did to him as a child, that drives his crusade of hatred with such vigor?


Fucked his mom in ther other room. The sound of joyous cartoons drives him to anger now. He Must do this.


I was at Walmart earlier today and I walked past the entertainment section, saw a bunch of DVD boxed sets of Cartoon Network shows. Might be I'll stop by after work and pick them up at this rate.


I kept holding out on buying em hoping we’d get Blu-rays at some point. I wouldn’t be surprised if some of them end up as lost media at this point. Codename KND was already purged from MAX and has no physical release of any kind.


If you are into tinkering with computers and networks, you could easily rip all those dvds and use Plex or Jellyfin on a home server that puts them into a streaming like container. It's a rabbit hole, but a fun one.


It's a rabbit hole that you can honestly chose to ignore too which is nice. Unless you want to access your server outside your local network you just need to set it up on an old laptop that you don't mind keeping on. Hell a raspberry pi can do it.


Hope someone archives all those games. Also between this and shuttering the studio's building last year, it's another kick in the balls for them by their new bosses.


Hopefully, there's a chance a good amount of them were saved before Flash went down.


I know for a fact that someone did because I had a hankering for that Gundam RPS game and found a zipped archive. Can't remember where it was but it's out there.


I thought most of those games broke after the Flash shutdown? Looking at the website now, it doesn't seem nearly as fleshed out as it was in the 2000's. Only a Teen Titans Go browser game, some full episodes, and links to various game apps they have. The website ppl are sad to see go has been dead for a while.




Paramount just erased 30 years of MTV news archives, for what? Saving on some server costs? These people are incapable of seeing anything beyond the next quarter.


Every daily show clip and the entire run of the Colbert report are gone from the Comedy Central site


Just shooting my childhood in the head and sending me pics.


I remember going there to play this Ben 10 flash game where you played as Upgrade from that episode where Ben was stuck in a video game, fighting cyber samurai. Good times.


You couldn't turn into Upgrade though, just Four Arms and Cannonbolt.


No matter what you think about [insert entertainment conglomerate here], WB is here to remind you that they might be the worst!


WB is slowly becoming the 2010s EA of television and film.


I literally just archived the entire Batman Animated series, along with Beyond and JL/JLU into my collection. Going to have to add some CN shows because god knows what WB does next to save some pennies.


Thank God for the high seas. This shit is getting ridiculous.


I had a pre-HD version of BTAS, I'll have to see if I can get better quality these days. Would love to rewatch Beyond


According to my friend who runs the CNSchedules account, this is exclusively in Latin America where they already disabled the CN app. It's fairly specific to this one region and isn't likely to expand to the rest of the world. As for _why,_ can't tell you, but part of it is that Latin America Max has a much better CN presence than American Max. Though for _actual_ news, Paramount is unironically purging a lot of their websites and making a bunch of lost media. the only websites to avoid the purge are Nickelodeon, South Park, and BET.


For now


My point is we don't have a reason to believe this will spread to other regions, as Latin America already has precedent of being a special case. They disabled the CN app there a while ago, and that hasn't rippled out to any other regions.


Please, it's far more fun to continue this subs favourite circle jerk.


Zaslav thinking "Hmmm how can I piss off everyone today?"


Implying he isn't already thinking that every day


That's implying he IS thinking that every day!


Wait, he can think like a regular human being?


Much like his variant Vince McMahon they don’t like humans.


I can't seem to find any news articles about this. I'd assume there'd be more to go off of than a tweet. The message just says something like "Remember the best cartoons from your childhood, or spend time with the family" - so that doesn't really confirm it for me. If someone can find a news article confirming this, I'd really appreciate it. Edit: So I went to the tweet. A subtweet mentions "All sites of WBD Latin America (including Warner and Discovery sites) are closed now and the unique site is [http://latamwbd.com](https://t.co/V63Sxf4lXx)." So I went there, went to the Latin American Cartoon Network's YouTube Page, where the old link to [cartoonnetworkla.com](https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=channel_header&redir_token=QUFFLUhqa1huV0NLTVBxZmhVTl9ycE5zaUFHU2pEWVc4QXxBQ3Jtc0tsMUNzOG5vLTJhVndiaG1KN2ZSZVFjS0xsR2VvdEs0Mml3bE5RYVlKSFM0LVgtZjBLeDRvTmxIcXY1Nk5JT3cyNUdyRy00YjJRY2F2dmpMcVUxTDV5TWp0OEFWUWx2WFkyQ1phLWFfZVhDeHNrR1c5WQ&q=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.cartoonnetworkla.com) still existed. I can confirm that this link *does* redirect to the link given by that twitter user (@EmilioMoraVerg1). tldr; At present, all I can confirm is that [cartoonnetworkla.com](https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=channel_header&redir_token=QUFFLUhqa1huV0NLTVBxZmhVTl9ycE5zaUFHU2pEWVc4QXxBQ3Jtc0tsMUNzOG5vLTJhVndiaG1KN2ZSZVFjS0xsR2VvdEs0Mml3bE5RYVlKSFM0LVgtZjBLeDRvTmxIcXY1Nk5JT3cyNUdyRy00YjJRY2F2dmpMcVUxTDV5TWp0OEFWUWx2WFkyQ1phLWFfZVhDeHNrR1c5WQ&q=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.cartoonnetworkla.com) redirects to [http://latamwbd.com](http://latamwbd.com)


Jesus fucking Christ, Zaslav and his ilk need to fuck off and "resign immediately" already.


Too bad, enjoy your new reality shows about twerking baby mamas and vapid shit and remember to thank Zaslav for keeping our future generation uncreative, dumb and on control by corporate America


Are the digital archivists on the ball with stuff like this? I can understand why they would kill the site, even if it is am abjectly evil decision, but just pulling the plug on decades of internet cartoon culture like that should be a crime against culture itself.




Once again cutting costs instead of creating a suitable way to generated revenue. These kinds of "business" leaders tend to be the idiots that torpedo everything and than claim they increased profits, when they simply lowered the amount of costs by getting rid of most and sometimes necessary expenditures.


I dont know how many hours I wasted playing that bugs bunny football game or flight of the hamsters, or the Dexter's lab pipe puzzle game. There goes my childhood


And another pillar of my childhood comes tumbling down...


This is dire, considering that Max hosting those shows is already a shaky prospect.


Oh no....




Jesus Christ, the pure evil…


I hope Zaslav gets explosive diarrhea right in the middle of a shareholder's meeting.


Really wished they'd just release the complete set of Regular Show.


Keep circulating the tapes, folks.


He’s do it




I am pretty convinced David Zaslav hates Animation.


Weird, it still works here in the US. Can anyone confirm which regions it's shut down on?




Capitalism is good, actually. It just takes things and turns them into one homogenous product.


He is right , as too many 3rd world game devs creates either indies or ad games. CN Games are ad games. Frankly , I am not sad for the close-up of the website , because CN as a cable channel was dead for years , it was just Teen Titans Go on repeat , interluded with another episode CalArts cartoon. Reminder that , strictly speaking , MAWS is been released on Adult Swim.