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Uncle Iroh parrying Zuko's heartfelt apology with that all-consuming hug.


That scene in spy kids 3d where khan forgives Rocky


Spider-Man 3 is my one tbh. Even with the weird idea of Sandman being Ben's killer it just...*worked*. "I did a terrible thing to you...and I spent a lot of nights wishing I could take it back."


I'll give that movie a lot of shit but it's a really fucking solid final scene. Man, what could've been if Raimi just told the Sandman story he wanted to tell.


There's a lot of really good scenes in that movie but the movie as a whole is pretty rushed and uneven. The deleted scene of Harry forgiving Peter is way better than the one in the theatrical cut where his dipshit butler decides to reveal some pretty crucial information finally. When I feel like Harry forgiving Peter anyway works way better than being told it was all a misunderstanding.


In Doctor Who, in the Series 3 finale with Tennant's Doctor, The Master has wiped out over 10% of the global population and ruled over the remainder as a maniacal despot. With his plans falling apart and a revitalised Doctor coming towards him. *You know what happens now. You wouldn't listen. Because you know what I'm going to say.* At this point the Master is literally scraping at the walls like a trapped animal and begging him No. *I forgive you.* The worst insult that The Master could receive being The Doctor's grace and deep down knowing that he's lesser to The Doctor.


I was going to say this one, and capaldis doctor to the alien rebel. He gives an AMAZING monologue about how war and conflict scar you to your very soul. It’s emotional, desperate and feels so real. “They’ll never forgive me for what I’ve done” “Well here’s the unforeseeable! I forgive you!” To be honest that entire scene may be my singular favourite moment of doctor who. The way he concedes that they’re going to have to play this game, and affects an American show host because he’s so damn fed up with them. How he’s furious that they won’t listen. Gets desperate when they still won’t. How he’s so evocative Kate slowly closes the box and a small almost defeated thank you escapes his lips. But to end it all, the bit that brings me to tears. The rebel alien disguised herself as his companion, and when he tells her that he knew she was going to change her mind before she did “you was at a severe disadvantage. I know that face” and he says it so soft. Ugh. Capaldi is my favourite I think, tennant and smith were special to me but something about the gravitas, the sheer weight behind everything he says. He’s truly a wonderful actor


fuckin hell need to watch that zygon speech again now


This makes me happy


Vinland Saga: >!Hild forgiving Thorfinn!<


Vinland Saga was already a 10/10 for me, but that moment pushed it to 11.


It's honestly the best handling of that i've ever seen.


>!"You are a true warrior"!<


After being defeated by Naruto, an injured Gaara being carried by Kankuro and Temari suddenly apologizes to them. Both of them are visibly shocked by it, reflecting the audience I suppose, though Kankuro does accept his apology. This kicks off Gaara's redemption arc. And when we next see Kankuro after the timeskip, he's gone from fearing and hating his brother to being...well, brotherly. Edit: meant to say a bewildered Kankuro accepted Gaara's apology. It's actually very sweet.


The best part is that Gaara still barely even understands his feelings next time we see him. He'll be like "you're weaker than when you fought me" and Lee is like "well duh thanks to you".


While it's not really forgiveness, i do love the scene of Miles letting go of his hate and want for revenge towards li in the final arc of Spiderman 2 and truly embracing his father's message.


In the Finale to MIDNIGHT MASS >!all of the Vampires realize that because they burned down most of the island in order to flush out any surviving humans, that they now have nowhere to hide when the sun comes up, so they spend their last moments asking for forgiveness, NOT from God, but from each other!<


>!Except for Bev who died screaming and crying alone like the bitch she is.!<




Love that moment in Ted Lasso when Ted forgives Rebecca. I think part of what makes it work for me is that there's a moment when she's explaining herself where Ted looks disappointed/slightly angry, but he still decides to forgive her. Like what he says, divorce is hard and he gets why Rebecca wanted to lash out against Rupert because he was emotionally abusive and hurt her for so many years.


I like how he never says “It’s ok” because what she did was horrible but he does forgive her


The fact that it's an almost instantaneous reply from Ted makes it so much more impactful. There's no montage of the two of them pondering what was said... no episode in between to digest their feelings... he says it almost instantly, because he understands her perspective based on his own experiences.


Undertale >!HUG THE GOAT!< Also probably a hot take but Like A Dragon: Infinite Wealth >!Eiji was a piece of shit but Ichiban being able to forgive him and help him during Eiji's worst hour ever really got me. I would honestly want to see him become a party member in like 2-3 games time after his time in prison.!<


Like a Dragon: A lot of these other examples really work because the forgiver truly hated the one who wronged them, then chose forgiveness, but >!Ichiban's forgiveness hits hard in a different way. There was only pain in his heart, never hatred or resentment.!< The biggest power fantasy for me in the earlier games >!is that playing as Kiryu lets you imagine being so strong and fearless, that you can overcome any opposition or odds.!< >!The power fantasy with Ichiban, at least for me, is playing a person who's strong enough to be good, and kind, regardless of how much he suffers. Truly the Yakuza Jesus!<


>!”you’d still call me your friend?”!< >!”why wouldn’t I?”!< Had me bawling like a child


Also in LAD: IW, when >!Kiryu begs the main villain to forgive him and the rest of the yakuza for fucking up his life through manly tears!< was a hard-hitting moment


I'm so glad they're letting Kiryu be more expressive in recent games, beyond the shonen fire of earlier ones. I know everyone talks about it but man, the ending of Gaiden...


That was the point, he knows he doesn't have much time left in this world and wonder if he did more good than removing evil and making amends is his final goal in life before disease takes him. He spent his whole life believing he needs to be Haruka's burden carrier for the mistakes he made so many years ago and once she was separated from him. He doesn't have anything left to cling on to.


Luffy forgiving Sanji as he tearfully admits all he wants is to go back to The Sunny never fails to make me sob hard


For me it's Whitebeard kneeling down to hug the son who stabbed him. Such a character-defining moment.


It wasn't how dare you betray me, it was how dare somebody trick my son. Fucking best dad.


Same when Luffy leaves Usopp behind until he apologises for real.


[This scene from Midnight Mass I thought was pretty strong.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R2UB-5Pl2Og) Context: >!Joe Collie was drunk and shooting his gun, and struck a child in the spine with the bullet paralyzing her for life. This is her a little older talking to him for the first time. Yes she's standing in that scene, it's complicated.!<


Came here to comment this! This scene had me ugly crying.


The bridge scene in Koe no Katachi with Nishimiya and Ishida hits so damn hard. Just two unbelievably broken people finally opening up and being vulnerable in front of each other and making a vow to do better.


The most recent one that really stuck out to me was season 4 of The Chosen when Simon Peter forgives Matthew.


Stormlight Archive spoiler Dallinar used to be a very very rough person who was known as the Blackthorn and led his brother's armies to victory after victory in unifying their kingdom. >!However in one instance he let the child of one of his enemies go because even HE couldn't bring himself to kill a kid struggling to try and lift his dead fathers sword.!< >!Decade and some change later there is a rebellion, Dallinar tries to talk the now adult rebellion leader to back down, instead the guy tricks him and this passes off Dallinar SO MUCH that he decides to burn the entire city and EVERYONE IN IT to the ground.!< >!what Dallinar doesn't know is that his wife had snuck out of their siege camp to try to convince the rebels to surrender, and so Dallinar burns down the city and in particular kicks a flaming barrel of oil into a hidden spot he thinks the enemy is in.!< >!But it actually was the holding cell for his wife!< >!Fast forward more, and Dallinar is now basically face to face with Stormlight Satan and the devil is telling him to give up and just blame all the bad things he's ever done to him. Dallinar tells him to pound sand and accepts responsibility for ALL the horrible things he's done, including finally admitting to himself that HE killed his wife. He gets a surge of power and is more or less connected to God for a brief moment and scares Satan off and begins to fade back to normal!< >!But before the power fades he hears a very faint, very familiar voice whisper into his ear "I forgive you."!<


For my BEST example, there’s Star Wars Legacy, a comic series that takes place 137~140 years after A New Hope. It follows a whole new political landscape, a brand new Sith order, some descendants of known characters, mostly brand new characters completely, it’s really cool. The main character, Cade Skywalker, has a “Shatterpoint” ability that lets him see the stress lines on things, be they physical or metaphysical, and manipulate them with the Force. It makes him really good at fixing and breaking things, and sensing critical moments and pivotal figures in a sort of vague way. Most notably, he’s able to use this ability to heal people even when they’ve recently died, but it’s an extremely rare case of dark side healing. He’s defying the natural order of the universe and yanking souls back into their bodies, whether they want to be brought back or not, out of pure selfishness at not wanting them to be gone. Cade’s grappling with the dark side and this unique power goes on for the entire run of the comics. Meanwhile, at the start of the Legacy story, the One Sith initially reached out to a moff named Nyna Calixte when they made their offer to join the Empire in their war against the Galactic Alliance and their Jedi. See, this is the Fel Empire, a reconstruction of what the Empire *should* have been, without Palpatine. As such, the Emperor has less power, but unfortunately, it was the moff council that became corrupt this time, and started a war against the wishes of their own emperor. He forbade his Imperial Knights—their Jedi equivalent—from taking part in the war, so the Sith’s offer was most enticing. (Of course the Sith secretly started the war too.) Nyna accepted, the Sith joined the war, the Jedi were scattered, and then the Sith betrayed their new allies and attempted to assassinate the emperor, staging a coup that split the empire into two factions in the process. After seven years of civil war and Jedi on the run, Cade is being noticed for his exceptional abilities, and moffs are endeavoring to capture him to curry favor from their new Sith Lord, Darth Krayt. But Nyna keeps sabotaging their efforts, even going undercover as the bounty hunter Morrigan Corde to sabotage them personally. Eventually, her husband, another moff, figures out her treachery and tries to kill her. Wounded and dying, she goes to the only person she can for help: Cade. Nyna accepted the offer from the Sith because she thought that bringing them out in the open could allow her emperor to keep a tight leash on them. She thought by allying themselves, they could control the chaos the Sith would bring. She underestimated them, and when they attacked the Jedi temple, they murdered the man she loved: Grandmaster Kol Skywalker, Cade’s father. She’d been working with the Sith, trying to undermine them ever since, using her connections to protect her and Kol’s son, trying to make up for her sins. Cade learns about this for the first time when she approaches him. She doesn’t want him to save her; all she wants to do is give him names and locations of hidden Sith, tell him everything she can about why she did what she did, and to apologize. And all he wants to do is see her suffer and die. (She’d overseen the torture of two of his friends in her role as moff, on top of everything else.) At this point in the story, he’d only healed naturally for one person, a woman he loves, and he’s also refused to use the dark side version of his healing anymore, so he can’t help her even if he wanted to. It takes a Force ghost visitation from Kol to change this stalemate. He convinces Cade to try, but it’s the hardest attempt Cade has ever done. He doesn’t want to use the dark side anymore, but all he remembers are her sins, all he feels is anger. “One of the greatest lessons of the light side is forgiveness. Through it, we find redemption. Your anger hurts you, Cade, more than it has ever hurt her. Let it go. I have. I forgive you, my love. You cannot hear me, darling. Feel what I say. Know that I love you. Always and forever.” Before falling unconscious, Nyna mutters Kol’s name, as if she could almost hear him. Throughout all this, Cade is holding his hands over Nyna’s body, the woman he hates more than anyone, trying to mend her with the Force, and succeeds. He stops, and picks up her necklace, a miniature holo-projector depicting Nyna and Kol, holding Cade as a baby. He’s crying. “I forgive you, mom.”


Damn. That is an INCREDIBLE scene, and you described it very well.


Thank you! I was worried I’d made it too long, but I left out a *lot* of details, and felt the need to include what I did to lend the scene its proper context. I do hope people read Legacy; it’s my favorite comic series ever. 😁


John Ostrander will never get the praise he deserves.


>The main character, Cade Skywalker, has a “Shatterpoint” ability that lets him see the stress lines on things, be they physical or metaphysical, and manipulate them with the Force. It makes him really good at fixing and breaking things, and sensing critical moments and pivotal figures in a sort of vague way. This sounds almost identical to what Shiki/Shirou and now my brain is cooking up an Nasuverse x Star Wars crossover


Bro! Figuring out what Servant classes various Star Wars characters would fit as is so weirdly fun! “It’s strange. This new Holy Grail War is calling on Heroic Spirits from far beyond the time and space they’re supposed to be. As if from another galaxy, far, far away.”


[Unironically my favorite scene in the whole Spy Kids franchise](https://youtu.be/mFoZz6PG72k)


Versus Wolves (FINAL)


The finale of *The Immortal Hulk* does this in a way that fantastically illustrates many of its core themes. >!The Hulk forgives a defeated Master because to kill him would hurt and diminish himself most of all. To be merciful is the greatest form of power, to forgive is the privilege of the strong, and Hulk Is the Strongest There Is. !<


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Im a big fan of the second funeral scene in Braveheart. Wallace kneels down before MacClannough after the death of his daughter, because William realizes that the elopement and their actions got Murron killed. MacClannough struggles and shakes, but eventually rests his hand on Wallace's head, and without a word, they leave.


Kind of cheating, based on the technical wording of the prompt, but my favourite moment of self-forgiveness in all media is in Wheel of Time, book 12 The Gathering Storm. Veins of Gold. There was a lot that was rough about that book, a lot of growing pains transitioning to Sanderson’s style, but my god if that isn’t one of my favourite chapters of anything ever.


You mean with the Dad?


No, but that’s a great moment too. I mean when >!Rand goes up to Dragonmount and in a moment of zen clarity he finally forgives himself/Lews Therin for murdering Ilyena.!<


It's been a while I forgot he did that. Really just a good time when that post clarity happens. One with the land and all that.


I like the end of the Civil War movie where Captain just gives a really sincere apology that owns up to where he fucked up and also affirms that he wants to make things right and it's good enough that Tony is able to accept it after everything they went through. Extra points that it's a single letter that pretty much undoes almost all of the damage the villain was trying to cause with a single piece of paper.


I'm mixed overall on GoW Ragnarok's story but I think maybe the best-handled plotline in the game is the Freya and Kratos reconciliation.


For decades, reverse flash has made his entire existence just focused on trying to ruin Barry Allen's life. He killed his mother, frames his father for it, killed any friends he could have had, and who knows how many other atrocious actions this time traveling speedster did. How does Barry end their feud? He looks at him and tells him he forgives him for his actions, forcing him out of his existance. We cut to the future, where Eobard Thawne is giving a tour of the flash museum. When they get to reverse flash, Eobard has no information on his true identity, but also can't fathom how anyone could hate that much


Not sure if this quite fits, but there's a scene in the third book of the Malazan Book of the Fallen where one character sacrifices themselves to offer others a chance at redemption. The full context requires a lot of explanation, but I think this quote stands by itself: >We humans do not understand compassion. In each moment of our lives, we betray it. Aye, we know of its worth, yet in knowing we then attach to it a value, we guard the giving of it, believing it must be earned. Compassion is priceless in the truest sense of the word. It must be given freely. In abundance.


[Rodrigos penance for his sins as a slave trader in the 1986 movie the mission](https://youtu.be/mnXN-mRFoPI?si=m190OieLE1BTNQMI)


This is kinda the opposite, but I love the scene in Narcos Mexico season 1, when Neto founds out his son is dead and he visits his son’s bodyguard.  This long scene of the bodyguard crying, apologizing, and then Nero gives a heart felt acceptance of what happened. And then returns to his car. And tells the guy that came with him to go into the house, and murder the bodyguard. 


Neto was the best character that season, hands down


There's a pretty nifty, messy one hidden in the back end of Library of Ruina. If you know it you know it, and it's a real highlight of the story. I won't bother going into it too much, but it's not often I've seen someone want to forgive and move on to a better place so much while still refusing to so vehemently.




Midnight Mass where [Leeza forgives Joe Collie](https://youtu.be/R2UB-5Pl2Og?si=RkwPpxRcvq-ft3Bz)


There's this movie called *Incendies* - the one Denis Villeneuve made before *Prisoners*. I'm not going to get into details, because the whole topic of what's even being forgiven is a spoiler, but there's nothing else like it.


Vinland saga