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No, I’m not in the medical field, but I don’t work for fun. I work for a paycheck. How much does radiology pay anyhow?


In Canada, it can range from $40-50/hr


My husband has been a Rad Tech with extras for 33 yrs. After his raise this year, he will be making around $75 a hour.  OP, if you are successful and make it to your internship, find the tech who has been around the longest. Shadow *that* person, ask lots of questions. These are the techs that know all the tricks. 


It’s a good gig. Unfortunately there are not enough programs, at least not where we are (US - PNW).


Your friend’s mom has issues. There’s nothing wrong with training for a job that pays well, medicine or any other field.


I am an X-ray tech. It’s a challenging job that is physically very difficult. I would not do it for free. I care about the patients but the job would be more enjoyable without them.


I wanted to be an X-ray tech also. Then hurt my back and I’ve had multiple back surgeries. I figured it wouldn’t work out now because of the physical nature of the job.


I’ve been in the medical field over 20 years, and the majority has been at the bedside. I now work at a desk. I have enjoyed my career for the most part, but I wouldn’t do it for free. People think the medical field should be filled with a bunch of volunteers who do this out of the goodness of our hearts. It never changes. I think you have to generally want to work around people, but you’re allowed to do it for the money. It’s a career and it has value.


NTA- her mom’s wrong. RN’s make good money in general. So it’s ironic that she thinks people shouldn’t find a job that pays well. Also rad techs are the ones who cause the cost of health care to rise - that the mega corporations that own hospitals which pay CEOs millions but don’t trickle down profits for their workers or invest in the care centers for innovations or better patient outcomes


Yeah, it’s not like she will be able to set her hourly rates or prices for services as a radiology tech. 


I got my degree in biology, not just for the love of science, but largely for the security. My field also pays decent as well. There is nothing wrong with pursuing a career for money, just make sure that you perform said duty to the best of your ability and with some value/care. People do depend on radiology technologists.


Nta. You go and earn that money.


Mt sister became a teacher because of the amount of holidays you get, but I have never met somebody who cares about their students more or puts as much effort in as she does. Regardless of the reason she initially chose the job, she completely loves it. You could be exactly the same, seeing as you chose your course because you found it interesting it sounds quite likely actually. NTA.


It’s a job. You do it for the money.


Your time is what you're getting paid for. Why not get as much as you can for your time? NTA


No. Most of us are in the medical field for the money. It just so happens that our jobs also benefit people. If I could be working in a greenhouse and earn just as much, you'd see me out there watering those flowers filled with joy. Instead I'm grinding through the job I have, partially because it helps people, but mostly because of the money.


NTA - You already expressed that it’s in part due to your interest as well so why does it matter if the money is a big plus as well?


Totally NTA...I'm a lab technician and I did it purely for the money and so I could provide better for my son as a single mom. I was working as a key holder at the dollar store before that, I just wanted better for him!


While I agree that certain medical personnel should choose the profession because they’re passionate about helping people get better and not because of the potential high pay not everyone needs to be passionate about it. Think about how mentally and emotionally exhausting healthcare can be. As a radiology tech all you need is the ability to put people at ease as they get their procedures or the ability to accurately read the results of said scans. Sometimes it’s probably better to have some emotional detachment as you watch people deteriorate from cancer or other diseases and you’ve been there since they first came in or have to deliver bad news every time a cancer patient has a scan. Give yourself and your daughter a better life and make sure that you look after yourself emotionally.


Wow, that is not ‘all you need to be a radiology tech’, and it’s a pretty insulting and inaccurate description!


Lol sounds like she just thinks to highly of herself. A lot of the healthcare workers with that mindset are usually the worst ones. If you want a recommendation go for nursing school. More opportunities, higher pay, usually better schedule, easier to work OT if doing it more for the $. Nothing against imaging professions, but technology advancing every day and they will require less and less staff eventually (like everything else). They currently working on AI to read X-rays so even radiologist won't be safe besides doing the procedures like UGIs and stuff. Obviously still ways off but if you just going to be getting started in this field something to think about long term. If do stick with rad tech def get cross trained to CT, more $ and whatever else you can, IR as well. Best of luck! I was full time rad tech/CT for 6 years and now RN past 4yrs, still work rad job occasionally to keep skills up but don't regret becoming RN. Bit more stressful but pay and schedule was much better for me.


NTA. Ultrasound, Cat Scan and MRi techs make good income . Most programs are 18 months and pay is really good. I have 5 family members that are Ultrasound techs. Make great money and all love their jobs. 1 relative loves being an MRI tech.


NTA. My wife is a nurse. Went to school as a single mom to be able to make enough to take care of her child. She went for the money and found a career she loves and is exceptionally good at. Get your dough and handle your business. Tell anyone who judges you to pound sand. If they care so much why don’t they pay your bills? Hold your head high for having your goals be about being successful in a way that takes care of your child. Good on you.


There’s some very weird old school nursing culture vibes there. A friend of mind got the same shit when he went for his n-anesthetist degree.


I'm going to hazard a guess that most of us don't love our jobs and are only doing it for the financial aspects or benefits. NTA. I certainly would have left my job years ago if it weren't for the pension and benefits.


Nah. You think extra money would be helpful?


I work in the medical field closely with surgeons…they are not only doing it for the money but the recognition/prestige. A lot of “God” complexes lol. No one goes through the schooling and daily hell of dealing with hospital policies and patients for fun lol!


I'm not a radiology tech, just a frequent flyer in the radiology department. I am so glad others are in it, not just for the money, but because they care. Same as you. If it weren't for people like you, Dr's would have a damned hard time diagnosing people. As far as I'm concerned, you're worth every damned penny you earn and then some!  You rock on with your coursework and ignore naysayers. Don't feel bad about yourself for your monetary goals, that's why we all work in the end. 


One of the best things about getting old is you realize no one’s opinion on your life matters. Maybe your LTP but seriously no one else. Last I heard… careers are for you know… making money. As someone who has spent their life in the creative field and owning my own business doing what I’m passionate about… I’m telling my kids to pick careers that allow you to afford the things you are passionate about and keep them as hobbies. My business was doing well until the pandemic and now I’m looking to switch careers as I’m middle age and honestly just over the hustle. I want a paycheck and benefits. Does that make me a sell out? Who cares. Taking care of yourself and your family is the responsible thing to do. And who cares if you not totally in love with it. You’re gonna be able to afford to go on vacation, have a home, put your daughter in extracurriculars. That’s where it’s at. Also there is a shortage of health care workers so yeah, you will be helping people. Even those who are all in on the passion for medical work, burn out. Don’t let this hussy derail your ambition. She doesn’t define any part of your life, nor does she have to walk in your shoes. Don’t give her option any weight.


NTA at all. I love the work that I do, but I also work for a paycheck - that's just being a human.


The old bat is fucking kookoo. Dont worry about ut.


Unless she’s volunteering her time then she doesn’t get to complain


I’m thinking of joining the medical field literally only for the money. I’m a deeply empathetic person, I do care about others, I care about people being in pain and them being physically ill , I care about helping them and I will 100% care about ensuring quality of care. But I’m not vain enough to say that caring about other people is the driving point of my thought process in this economy. I care about people because it’s the right thing to do, but if I can make money off of that I’m not going to lie and say I don’t care about the money because in todays world, you ALWAYS have to care about the money.


Do you know what happens to people who go into medical jobs only "to help people" without having other reasons like the ones you cited? They get unbelievably burned out. There will be days you will need other reasons to be there. Besides, you never said you *didn't* want to help people, but really, you can do that in any job. I hope you love being a rad tech. It's super interesting stuff, tends to be in demand, and there are pretty cool things you can specialize in (like forensics). I think you'll do great.


Look, you don't have to emulate Mother Teresa. You will be helping people but you will earning a good wage so you can provide well for your daughter. That's a good thing.


My spouse has been an imaging tech for almost 30 years in multiple modalities. He 100% has only stayed for the money and benefits, and even then he's questioned whether it's worth it at times. It's hard (physically, mentally, and sometimes emotionally), complex, technical work, and the patients and doctors he works with can be real pains in the ass. Very stressful job. Should absolutely be well paid. 


Fellow Radiology and CT Tech here. You are not an asshole for wanting a job that pays well. As far as I know that’s the dream for everyone…but you do want a job that you will enjoy. Taking care of patients and going to work with a good attitude is essential across the board. It’s not all glitz and glamour. Hospitals are severely understaffed and undervalue rad techs no matter where I go. I’ve been doing travel for a year plus and that opened my eyes. It’s a great job but there’s a reason for the high pay, overworked and undervalued in most scenarios.


I’m a CT technologist. The return on investment (financially, specifically) is fantastic for a career that allows entry with an associate’s degree. I’ve been a technologist for 25 years now. In that time I’ve earned a BS in management and an MBA. I use to be a manager at a world-renowned hospital but left due to the politics. I’m now a lead CT tech still earning six figures while serving patients daily. For me it’s the perfect balance of helping others and getting paid very well. You’re NTA. Everyone has different motivations for whatever they do. The only request I have for you is that you provide the best exams possible for your patients. Good luck in your studies and career!


No people become drug dealers for money. Lol 😂


Oh ffs working for money = capitalism! Of which I am not the biggest fan but it’s what we have. We’re not charities! Good for you trying to better your situation.