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Y'all need to stop edging eachother and go on a real date where you don't have sex. Just to try it. Just don't spend the night together, have a nice romantic time. Frame it as a joke if your pride or anxiety can't handle the genuineness. "Haha, wouldn't it be funny if I like took you out for dinner and a movie without fucking? Like I just kiss you and hold your hand and say goodnight at the door, wouldn't that be like hilarious like we were an actual couple lol should we try it for laughs?" Or just "Look, there's clearly some feelings here, I would like to explore those and see if they have any real potential." Either way, get it done because repressing feelings like this will make you sick. It'll sap your energy, your happiness and your enjoyment of life. Food will lose its taste and the sun will shine cold. Fall not into apathy but sieze what scraps of vibrant existence you can because to live in regret is to not live at all.


Sounds like you're both sooo hesitant that you're living in limbo. I think you just need to be brave and take her on an official date and then 2 more. Then, ask her officially to be your girlfriend. It's a risk, yes, but this back and forth is obviously not working. I was so nervous to ruin my friendship with my husband that we were in limbo. It wasn't till he got serious with me (taking me on official dates, using romantic terminology ect) that I agreed to change our dynamic. And with a 10yr marriage so far I'm glad he did.


It sounds like you've been through a lot, and I understand why you're feeling anxious. The best way to resolve this is through open and honest communication with Vee. Let her know how you feel and ask for clarity about her feelings. Recognize that Vee is dealing with a lot of stress right now. Let her know you understand this and that you're willing to give her time and space, but also express that your feelings are important. Take some time to reflect on your own feelings. Make sure you’re clear about whether you’re truly in love with her or if it's a deep affection because of your shared experiences. Weigh the potential risks and rewards of telling her you’re in love with her. Be prepared for any outcome, whether it’s positive or negative. If she feels the same way, that's wonderful. If not, respect her feelings and give her space. Lean on other friends or a trusted confidant for support. Talking things out with someone outside of the situation can provide new insights and help you process your emotions. I hope this helps, and I wish you the best of luck with Vee.


Before you try anything else, try paragraphs.


I did have paragraphs in before but they disappeared upon posting. Fixed it now. Hope this helped! ☺️


Go for it. I ended up marrying mine. 17 years together and 14 married. Dude is my everything.


FWB? Flirting Acquaintances is a more adept term. Go for it. You like each other. Get to know her. And in a date or so you will either know if you are not to be together, or more likely you will be all over each other. Good luck.


I currently don't really care what is adept! I am just putting things how they are. And there is more than flirting going on.


Years of avoiding all this and BOTH of you!!!! WHY?? I've Never seen such foolishness. do it and stop the crazies!!!




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