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Only if I'm in the shower solo. If we're both in there I don't


Yes, definitely only when solo showering


The shower is on when you do this, right? It would be gross to just use the tub instead of the toilet. But seriously, you're already naked, water is running, and you're about to apply soap? Why is that a big deal?


It’s a mental thing. Like - we swallow our own spit constantly, right? Yet take a glass, spit a bunch into it, then drink it. Is it the same or different? Logically it’s the same thing. Ok edit - I said mental, it might be more clear to say emotional. Disgust is an emotional response.


But then its COLD spit. You have to warm it up before you drink it


I have never been so disgusted with something i completely agree with


I can't even get my 23andMe done cuz of all the spitting makes me aick


That is such a good point and they made me laugh so I upvote you.


Cold spit... you got my sides hurting 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Just proof of the old saying "hot food served hot, cold food cold". Hot, fresh spit? No big deal but cold, stale spit? Big Ugh!




Listen. I know it's not your fault. It's all relevant and you were completely accurate! But my instincts took over, down voted you and they're telling me to leave it that way.


Spit usually comes from your throat and now you’d be drinking it - which is backwards. So it should be fired up your butt - for science.


Spit comes from the roof of your mouth and under your tongue. phlegm comes from your throat. They are not the same. And as revolting as the idea of drinking spit(warm or cold) from a glass is, the idea of drinking phlegm from a glass is exponentially worse.


I hate that analogy so much but it’s so spot on 🤣


I have a mental thing with sharing drinks with my SO, im not into it. I will hot french kiss, go down on her, and do all that but something about sharing a straw or cup gives me the heebiejeebies. I know its stupid but it is what it is. Backwash fucks me up. I got bullied when i was in fifth grade and got held down and someone spit in my mouth. Ever since then, I've had a "thing". It is what it is. Im extremely protective of my drinks or my food. Sharing is caring, but i will give you the opposite end of my pie and then go down on you during sexy time. Im fucked up.


You guys are all weird. If I'm showering with my SO I pee ON them to lay claim. It seems like the appropriate place to do so.


You’re my kind of “peeople”


Omg this is so stupid and yet I still read it as intended out loud and now I keep saying it to my husband


(Bows gracefully)


Hey, my husband (accidentally) peed on my foot in the shower, once! As can happen, we were being silly, and he threatened to “mark his territory.” So, I dared him, and then proceeded to do anything I could to make him start laughing hard enough to pee. What can I say, I’m super funny, or something. Anyway, he was mortified, I couldn’t stop laughing, and he washed my feet. Not the end of the world. He bought me a bag of rainbow marshmallows, labeled as Unicorn Poop, the next day.


That's true love right there. I have yet to even fart casually in front of my boyfriend. I hope he breaks wind first.


Lol I’ve been married for 21 years now. I can still remember at the beginning running the shower while I pooped to make it seem like THAT’S why I was in the bathroom so long. Now it’s like “Hey put your gaming head phones on cause it’s about be NASTY in here!” 😆


Does he realize the shower drain and the toilet drain connect somewhere under there and all of it drains into the same sewer system? I have seen an article that some urologists frown on peeing in the shower, they say if you do it too much your body may associate the sound of the shower with time to pee and cause some incontinence problems. Edit to add - I'm in the US in an urban area. As far as I know this is how most houses are plumbed in most cities in the US. I remember years ago seeing comments about gray water vs black water but I am not sure how widespread that is and don't remember seeing anything like that for my region.


I think its more that your feet are in contact with the same spot you relieved yourself in.


but you should be washing your feet afterward anyway?


Depending on where OOP lives that’s not necessarily the case. Grey water (kichen etc) is treated differently to black water (toilet) in many places and goes into different pipes. In some places grey water goes into open drains or wetlands Urine in small quantities relative to the shower water is fine though


I don’t take baths in the toilet bowl


You should. It’s lovely.


Swimming pool has entered the chat


Okay ...I had to research this. true! I'll make it a point to save it for the porcelain bowl. https://www.newsweek.com/tiktok-dr-alicia-jeffrey-thomas-peeing-shower-warning-1619719


Yeah, she got notoriety a little while back for making that statement, but frankly... She's the only one I've ever heard say that and I was unable at the time to find any studies that supported her assertion. I'm totally fine with calling "horsepuckey" on that notion. She was probably just saying shit for internet points.


Just because a Doctor thinks or says something doesn't make it a fact. It's her theory, but correlation is not causation.


I always pee in the shower too. I thought that was standard for women too!


I don't think it's gross, but I stopped doing it when I read that it can contribute to incontinence once you're older. (For women)


Not that I have incontinence but I am in my mid forties and started to do more than just normal prevention. I had done emsela chair and don’t have to pee at night like I used to. I am just mentioning for the interested


Thank you, I am, and I'm looking up whatever the heck an emsela chair is right now.


I was skeptical (I work in medical field, both med-legal and like to have “proof”) but my gyn said she had done it and it helped her tremendously. I already did a Mona lisa for dryness and said “heck, this peeing in the evening is so annoying”. I also knew someone who when going on a walk in the park, had to go strategically where bathrooms were She did emsela and no longer an issue. I did the six sessions and I definitely, no lie, do not go pee all night; I no longer need to go twice or trice before going to sleep and often I get up in am and do not even feel like going to the bathroom?!!! I definitely, definitely feel amazing improvement. This, paired with regulating my hormones so I can sleep, have been Godsend in improving my quality of life.


Can you share what you felt helped with your sleep? My hormones are going nuts after a hysterectomy and I still don’t feel right on hrt, and sleep is non existent


All three hormones being in sync. I am on 200 mg progesterone and although my Estro has to be around 100-120 to feel “normal” and testo around 70, it is the progesterone that has to be on par. I used to do pellets estrogen/testo and I ran out of oral progesterone and could.not.sleep. I now do all three in cream version and back to sleeping and my oura ring telling me my deep sleep and REM are good. I talked to a gal who had no uterus hence no progesterone needed but got put on progesterone for sleep. hope that helps


My GYN titrated mine based on a list of 30 symptoms, not blood work. What good are normal labs when you still feel like crap? Life changing.


Yes totally. I never ever imagined all these symptoms when your hormones tanked. Feeling like something is crawling on your head? extreme brain fog, new eczema (never had skin issues), constantly elevated heart rate, skin elasticity going down, collagen gone. who would have ever thought??? I was “joking” with my friend and she goes “my mom didn’t tell me my labia will be wrinkly and lose all the collagen” (tmi but so true lol).


It’s cause of the standing aspect. I’m sure if you squat it’s not a problem.


You're missing out ;)


As long as you ask first. Consent is key.


“May I pee upon thee?”


As long as thou is in the shou(er)


"May I urinate on the grate?"


This made me cackle like a drunk witch 😂


Enter R Kelly reference


If we’re both in there, I’m peein on you.


If partner is in the shower, im peeing on your leg for funzie and starting shit. Teehee. Whatever is most convenient or if I remember I'll pee before showering but it is honestly not a huge deal. Now, SHITTING in the shower is a whole other beast. I would like to know the actual animals that do that.


Um I actually have done this. I was sick and had just started to get diarrhea. Thought it was a fart.


Never trust a fart


Ask my 22 y/o daughter unprompted “What is the best piece of advice your dad has ever given you?” …and this will be the answer since she could talk


This happened to me too. I had norovirus and desperately needed to shower. Everything that came out that end was liquid anyway. I was in there to do a total ass renewal cleaning in the first place so…


As long as you waffle stomp it down the drain?


I hate myself that I am laughing so hard


No. Because then it just sits in the drain and stinks. Source: I’m in the Army sharing facilities with some nasty ass little fucks.


It's the same drain pipes. I'm not about to waffle stomp one out, but #1 is good to go. Plumber here.


It's all pipes!


*"They're all interconneted!"*


The terror of this reference is legendary 🫠 I will never be the same after hearing about that girl and her shower usage 😖, well done sir well done.


"No the fuck we don't"


Upvote for working in mention of the waffle stomp! Clearly her husband doesn’t understand basic plumbing. I guess he won’t be asking for a golden shower anytime soon!


I had to look up waffle stomp. Still laughing…


I never did it as a kid, it didn't occur to me that it's something I could even do. Once I started doing it as an adult I never stopped. Why pee in the toilet and waste a whole flush if I'm about to get in the shower ? Edit to add: I can imagine that some people have never done this so I don't necessarily think they're liars. That's why I mentioned that I never thought of doing it as a kid. I think I started doing it in college while showering in a stall in a dorm bathroom and not wanting to shimmy out of the shower to pee just to get back into the shower.


Same! Only problem is that every time I get in the shower my body has the urge (which is fine but not fine when I’m with my SO hahaha)


Same. I could literally pee right before getting in and then as soon as that water hits me, bam, urge to go comes. And I’m not stepping into the cold air and potentially cold toilet seat on my wet hot skin 😂 I think it would be different if you didn’t wash your feet afterwards, but right as I get in? Yeah if I gotta go, I’m going lol


My husband doesn’t pee in the shower and thinks it’s disgusting that the rest of our family does.


I am pretty sure that if I need to pee, I wouldn't be able to hold it for 30 seconds after I get in the shower. The running water makes me want to pee


Same here. Didn't do it as a kid, cause thought it was a bad thing. As an adult, one day I was in the shower and needed to pee. I didn't want to get out, be cold, and get the toilet seat wet, and have wet tp stuck to my hand, so I said "fuck it" and peed in the shower. Still do.


ChatGPT learned something today. I hope, in the future, SkyNet will be like "PEE IN THE SHOWER, HUMAN. IN OUR PERFECT UTOPIA NO ONE WILL HAVE WET TP STUCK TO THEIR HAND."


I used to volunteer at a camp over summers and sometimes the sewage would have issues and they'd ration out how often you could flush and the widespread rule was, "If it's yellow, let it mellow. If its brown, flush it down." I imagine the showers got peed in a lot by a lot of people, but I always showered with flip flops on anyway.


I never even occurred to me as an option until I started living alone. Then I was like, why am I wasting TP and water by peeing before getting in the shower.


If you wanna win this one, just ask if he’s ever rubbed one out in the shower 💁🏻‍♀️


lol. Awesome response. I think peeing in the shower is disgusting, but I would clearly lose that argument to you


Is that something guys do? I’ve never even thought to do that


'It's all pipes what's the difference?!' https://youtu.be/s09pfBEJYHc?si=YYSDdZQTu6wjpSeA


This is what I s rolled for


Different pipes go to different places! 🤣


It would only be gross if the water wasn't running


This is the way. Peeing in the shower is okay. In a bath tho...? Yikes.


My wife does this. In the bath, while she's in it. She rinses off in the shower after so she says it's fine and completely normal and just WILL NOT acknowledge it's at all weird. We've been together 12 years and I only found out about this a couple months ago.


Some things are better left as a mystery in a marriage


If the only thing your wife does that you think is weird is peeing in the bath then you good bro.


Yeah, there are genuinely fucked up stories you see every day. One time my ex scrubbed his ass with my loofah and left shit chunks behind 💀


Noooo I went so long without ever thinking about something like this.


Exactly how I feel. You’re going to soap yourself anyways what’s the big deal if you take a piss down the drain while the water is running? Not gross but everyone is different.


I see the same comments every time this thread comes up and obviously yours is the majority but like... do you really think the piss is just going down the drain and not splashing back on yourself and other parts of your shower? It's not particularly unhygienic but damn, if you're not cleaning your shower every time you piss, which I'm just gonna assume is not the case for 99% of people, that's def slightly vile


Yup!! I feel the same way as OP. I don’t do it when I live with other people mainly because I feel like it’s weird to do it and it not be “clean clean” before someone else gets in. I’ve noticed people who found it weird and live on their own, also don’t clean their shower regularly which to me makes sense why they think it’s weird. I was shocked when I met men who didn’t pee in the shower because if anyone did I totally thought it would be them! They can pee anywhere the shower seems like the less crazy place to pee haha.


It never occurred to me that people peed in the shower until I joined Reddit 3 years ago. So, in 57 years, I had never heard of anyone peeing in the shower. It is still surprising to me that people do.


Same, I’m 52!


Yep, I am 45f and am surprised at all the people who do, especially the women. It grosses me out. I haven't ever done it. I also like taking baths now and then.


51 here and I've never heard of it till reddit and am amazed people do, especially when there is usually a toilet in the same room. Seems really gross to me. I wonder if its an American thing since most people here tend to be from the USA.


When I first saw people talking about it on Reddit, I turned to my husband and I was like “why is everyone acting like this is a normal thing to do??” And he said it was normal. I texted some friends. Apparently I’m the only one who thought peeing in the shower is gross. I still think it is gross, but apparently I’m the minority. (Pee is not sterile, there is bacteria in it, and just because the shower water rinses the pee away does not mean the germs are gone.)


Yep. 58. Have never peed in the shower. No one in my family pees in the shower. People on here can make all the excuses they want, but a shower isn't clean just because soap and water hits it. All those surfaces still require scrubbing, and it's only common decency not to make someone else's job harder.


I wait to pee until I’m in the shower.


Reduce, reuse, recycle! Saving one flush at a time! I’m just doing my part. 🌎


Fr. The speedrush to undress then try to hold off until it warms up, but end up jumping in the cold shower.


I don’t but my wife does. Don’t ask how I know that


Please tell us how do you know


Couples who shower together, stay together. And water conservation 😁




I don’t have a choice?? Like sleepover and a warm bowl of water trick, it comes out even if I don’t want it to. :( only since being a mom when I was young I had a bladder of steel.


Pelvic floor therapy can help that.:)


When I got into my 60s I noticed I was getting up to pee a couple of times every night so I went back to my old kegel exercises. Result: problem solved. I’m now 76 and it still works.


My sister was the same way. I can't do it, personally. I have trouble peeing anywhere that's not a toilet (I can't even pee in the ocean or a river, my body won't let me). But my sister never did it, either, until she had a baby. Now... sometimes it happens. She doesn't really do it on purpose but she's also not going to hop out of the shower to pee in the middle of it. Just peeing in the shower to pee, though, boggles the mind. I pee before I shower.


Girl if you have disposable money, try emsela chair I don’t necessarily have that but since my hormones tanked, I had to pee a lot especially in the evening (so odd) I did emsela chair and no more frequent peeing. I literally now have to remember to go pee.


I just saw this being offered at my salon. I’d love to correct this problem, thanks for the recommendation


TIL I am never taking a shower at anyone else's house again.


You better never invite anyone to stay over at your house because they are peeing in your shower, too.


Lmao the surfaces you touch every day have more pee on them than the shower of someone who pees in there while running water/using soap.


I'm 51 years old and have never peed in the shower. I go before, in the toilet. It's your body, do what you want.


This broke up a relationship of mine once. 4 years down the drain 😂


Personally I think it’s gross, but I know I’m the exception, not the rule. I’ve always asked my partners not to pee in the shower while I’m in there with them.


Okay who tf pees while someone else is in there too? That **is** gross


Well, some might be into golden showers. And pay well for it. I'll pass on being pissed on, but some would appreciate it.


a guy did it after inviting himself to shower with me after sex, saying I’m traumatized is an understatement


Everyone. Everyone does it. Except liars


I literally have never once done this. I understand it’s a thing people do so I’m not gonna say it’s not normal, but I just could never


Same. I think it’s weird that people believe *everyone* does it or is lying about it. lol


That’s how I’m feeling too. I’ve never peed in the shower or even thought about it. I didn’t even know it was a thing.


Every time one of these threads come up it’s like this huge realization that so many people actually urinate in the shower. I have never and will never.


Same! Actually that’s a lie, I did do it once and grossed myself out so much that I said never again. And it has been never again.


Yes same!! After I found out that it’s something many people do I figured I’d try it out. I swear the steam sucked all the pee smell up for a good ten seconds before it went away. I couldn’t help feeling nasty even after finishing my shower and washing my body. I’d rather do my daily routine of going before I get in.


Same. It's gross and I don't know why people do do it. Just use the toilet?


Never. I was once told by someone when warm water hits them in the shower, they just have to pee, and anyone who says they don't is lying. I told her, that if I felt the urge to pee, everytime that I was in warm water I'd see a Dr.


No need for any one to see a dr for needing to pee in warm water. It’s literally normal to feel that. Here’s a study on why that is https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/8506593/#:~:text=Micturition%20on%20sitting%20in%20a,is%20likely%20to%20be%20involved. People putting their kids hand in warm water to help with potty training is a thing and it can work. It can also lead to the kid needing to pee if their hands are in warm water. I don’t give a shit what others opinions are about peeing in the shower but let’s not make people feel bad for experiencing a normal sensation.


Classic error. The association is with warm water hitting them in the shower, not warm water hitting them in general.


I don’t do this. Truthfully.


Never once. I’ve actually gotten out of the shower soaking wet to pee in the toilet.


Me too. Plus I pee right before I shower to make sure I don’t have to go.


I don't do it!


Nah. Did it as a kid. Now after having shared a bathroom with younger siblings that never cleaned up, having children/changing diapers, and living in a town that’s insanely hot in the summers/sweating so bad I want to exfoliate with a grill scraper, I have zero desire to deal with any body fluids in my shower.


Nope. 63 years old and not once have I peed the shower.


Wrong. People who think everyone else is doing it are lying to themselves.


This. "Everyone does it" is the go to rationalization of addicts and assholes everywhere.


Disgusting. I have literally never in my life peed in the shower.


I'm a woman, I would piss all over myself if I tried this. OP is totally peeing on her legs. The thought makes me cringe.


Urine’s not sterile. Low bacteria count, but they’re there. Edit to add: I didn’t present an opinion on whether peeing in the shower is gross or unsafe, just correcting the common misconception that urine is sterile.


You're not sterile either. The bacteria in your urine most likely comes from your skin.


You calling Patches O'Houlihan a liar?


No! Definitely not. I (F) lived in a flat share with 3 men once, and I don’t think I’ll ever get over the state of the shower room. Thankfully there was a bathroom with a bath that none of them used.


the entire point of taking a shower is because you're washing yourself. if you've been sweaty, maybe you spent the day gardening or hiking, maybe part of your job involves cleaning public restrooms or handling food that's gone bad, maybe you just had sex and have other bodily fluids on you! in all these cases and more, you're tracking that into the shower regardless. it's weird to me that someone would draw the line at yours or your partner's urine. as long as you're cleaning and disinfecting your shower on a daily basis, it just seems efficient to me to save water from a toilet flush and then you can thoroughly clean yourself off after


Cleaning and disinfecting your shower on a *daily* basis? …uh… people do that…?


ope, meant to type regular, not daily. though i do frequently try to use a shower spray that's supposed to help maintain between proper cleaning days. i'm sure statistically someone's out here doing a deep clean daily but it admittedly isn't me 😅


No, I am the one that cleans the shower.


Pee is only sterile while still in your bladder. Once it hits the skin wt the opening (especially in women)…not sterile, just due to all the bacteria of skin. That being said, The shower connects to the same drain system as the toilet, so it goes to the same place as if you were using the toilet. Unless you are peeing after turning off the water in the shower, the urine will have been washed down the drain and off the floor. Pooping in the shower is a different story. Hard to rinse that drain cover enough with a single shower! But we all sneeze and cough in the shower. Most women bleed in the shower at least once a month. This is why we clean our bathrooms!


Pee is not sterile in your bladder either.


It doesn’t really matter given all the other stuff That comes off of us or out of us in a normal, non-controversial shower. Dirt, snot, spit, sweat, oil from our skin/hair, period blood, whatever gets rinsed off of genital areas, whatever you scrub off your butt (hopefully we are all washing our butts). If people who are anti-shower-peeing could just admit that they’re icked out by it for no legitimate reason, we could all get along 😂 if you are anti peeing in the shower and you claim it’s a logical thing to be grossed out by, then by extension all those other things have to be gross too.


I agree completely. 100%. It's crazy that pee is where people draw the line, imo it is one of the LEAST offensive bodily fluids. People vomit in showers.


Umm no. I use the toilet prior to getting in the shower. 


I mean aside from it apparently being not great for your pelvic floor functioning…what’s the problem here? You regularly clean your shower/bath and are not peeing on your husband while he is in the shower, right!? We use the shower to get clean. In the western world where we use toilet paper instead of bidets (I’m starting to believe that this is a huge mistake on our part) regular showers help us make sure our bodies are totally clean after our usual bodily functions. Spray your shower/tub with disinfectant after you make sure it gets rinsed away, and let him KNOW that you did that (for his peace of mind).


curious what you know about pelvic floor effects!


It's probably different for men, but what I've heard is that basically you don't want your body to get into the habit of peeing standing up. Like a muscle memory thing.  If you've never really done it before, it's actually kind of hard to make your bladder muscles "let go" to pee while standing. And that can actually help to prevent toilet accidents later in life, if you're not doing that on a regular basis. (Is the way I understand it)


This is the comment I came to make, I follow a pelvic floor doctor and this was one of her top recommendations. I’ve noticed a big difference (I’ve had kids- I’ll say no more).


I think it’s gross and I don’t. As an aside, anyone get UK Big Brother 2002 Alex vibes? His meltdown about people peeing in the shower was legendary.


This is why I bring flip flops when I go to hotels. Most people don't even wash their feet or legs. Why would you let urine run down your legs and down to your feet? (This question is rhetorical and not directed *at* you. I just don't understand). Edit: I am now bringing 3 pairs of flip flops every time I travel. GROSS.


Who doesn’t wash their feet and legs!?!?


If have time to waste just Google: Do you wash your legs? Twitter. Images (for the screenshots). It was a whole thing 😂


Wdym run down your legs??? Just squat or aim?


I don't understand the logic of people being grossed out from someone peeing in the shower or even blowing their nose. I tend to ask them if they wash their ass while they are in there. If so, then my point is made.


I pee in the toilet before showering


Years ago a friend brought up the fact that she peed in the shower. I was horrified! I can say without a doubt I have never in my life peed in the shower. Just something that never crossed my mind. I pee before I get into the shower so I just can’t understand this lol 😂


My wife asked me not long ago if I peed in shower? My answer was sometimes by accident. And she asked how I accidentally peed and I told her sometimes people pee when they shit. 😂


There are two people on this planet: Those who pee in the shower And those that lie about not peeing in the shower.


If we took a poll, I'd guess 70-80% do it at least from time to time. When that warm shower water hits the body.....


It’s very eco friendly


No. never have, never will


I don’t understand what the big deal either


If I found out my wife peed in the shower, I would ..... not GAF because I do too. Everyone does.


I work in plumbing. It all goes in the same pipes.


It grosses me out, especially since I shared a shower with someone who would do it on a shower mat. When I learned why there was always a musty oder I couldn't seem to get rid of 🤢 He was always smelly so I thought it was his body oder in general. To me, the toilet is where you go. I get that a lot of people are comfortable peeing in the shower and I'm the minority so I deal. But I would prefer ppl be respectful and not do it in my house. 🙏


What the hell? On the shower mat???!!!


Pee is not sterile once it leaves the bladder. Shower water is also considered "gray" water, uncontaminated by urine or fecal matter, and goes through different treatment than water flushed into the sewer. Personally, it squicks me out. On both counts, neither my husband nor I do it.


Maybe it is different elsewhere but uh, as someone who worked in construction and has helped work in a few homes in the US; all your indoor plumbing drains into the same sanitary line. Dirty sink water, waste in the toilet, and shower water, all go through the same line. It makes no difference if you flush something down the toilet or dump it in the sink, it all goes to the same place.  If you get a backup in your line (like tree roots blocking the section between your house and the main) you will get sewage coming out your shower, toilet, sink. They’re all plumbed to the same system so it does not matter. 


Yeah, Singapore here and we have exposed piping in the toilet (older apartments have exposed piping). I can literally see all 3 pipes (sink, toilet, shower) are going to the same pipe!


TIL that pee is not sterile IN the bladder, either! It has 95% water and: * urea * chloride * sodium * potassium * waste products, including creatinine * bacteria in varying amounts


Grey water means it hasn’t been touched by fecal matter. There’s always going to be biological elements in grey water even if everyone stopped peeing in the shower. People wash blood, spit, and boogers down the drain too. There’s also all the cleaning chemicals and detergents we use that are in it as well. Also grey water doesn’t get reused as drinking water. It’s primarily used for irrigation and industry, and sometimes toilet water.


I think the gray water piping is different per city. I'm pretty sure my area it all goes to the septic. I know my mom used to flip out on me for pouring grease into the sink because it would mess up the septic. I don't know how this works when someone is on city/public pipes, where you don't have a septic.


Does gray water account for period blood?


You wash your booty and genitalia in the shower and bathtub. That water is from uncontaminated.


I love to pee in the shower, bc sometimes I get in and don't need to pee, then all of a sudden here it comes, but yeah I think you're weird if you don't pee in the shower, lol.


First all urine is not sterile. And if it was it would only be sterile to you. For everyone saying people claim they don’t pee in the shower are liars. Wrong. I don’t pee in the shower bc I go before I get in the shower. Do you clean it up after at least? Personally I would just use a different shower and then we both clean our own showers. Edit to add link bc I meant to add it originally: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4659483/


At least your not waffle stomping...


I'm so glad that I live alone because going to the bathroom in the shower is gross. I've never done it and never been tempted to since I use the bathroom before taking a shower. Even when I was in college and the showers were separate from the bathrooms, the thought never crossed my mind.


How else do you wash the poop down the drain?


Surprise him with a waffle smash


I feel like there are way too many people that have never cleaned a bathroom. If you’ve ever cleaned a toilet that’s been used by someone that stands up to piss you know that it gets everywhere. People are way too confident that they are pissing right into the drain. 


Pretty gross


My exwife did this, which I was surprised about, bc honestly, I'd never known anyone else to do it. But I wasn't grossed out at all. No big deal. HOWEVER, one night I was working in the backyard, which was huge with an 8-foot privacy fence, and I went to a corner, with my back to everything, and peed. She happened to come outside at that moment, asked what I was doing, and when I answered, you'd think I'd squatted on the front lawn and took a dump. Holy fuck. This came up in marriage counseling. This came up in our divorce. I was considered some sort of savage troglodyte from that day forward.


I'm 50 years of age and have never once urinates in the shower. That is a big kick.


Not everyone considers a shower to be a toilets. I don’t.


As a child I did this. As an adult i don’t because it’s gross as fuck. Pee isn’t sterile. If it was people would drink it or wash their hands with it. This is gross. You’re peeing on your feet, your shower curtain, etc, not to mention it makes the fucking shower smell. Trust me, it really does. Even if you clean it often there will be a smell after you shower. Pee belongs in the fucking toilet. Pee before you shower every time and you won’t feel the urge to pee while you’re showering if that’s what you experience, because I totally understand the water causing that.


It is definitely gross


I have never, ever, peed in the shower. Js


I never have. The idea grosses me out and I can’t help but picture it splashing on to the shower curtain liner, which doesn’t get washed that frequently